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Friday, November 1, 2019

Hal Lindsey : 11.2.19

October 30th, 2019

Bump in the Night

By Hal Lindsey

Imagine you and your family are in an Anaheim, California motel or Airbnb. Preparations for tomorrow's visit to Disneyland are complete. Excited kids have finally settled down to sleep. You're able to relax a minute before doing the same.

Then you feel it. The floor begins to rumble and roll. The room sways. A nearby lamp rattles. It takes about two seconds to realize you are experiencing a California earthquake. In the seconds that follow, you ask yourself, "Could this be the big one? What are the safety procedures? What do I do to protect my family?"

In a few more seconds, all goes quiet. The quake ends. It turns out to have been small - at least for you. But how far are you from the epicenter? How bad was it there? Has there been any damage? Are the freeways intact? Will the airport be operating when it's time for you to go home? Is Space Mountain okay? What about the rest of Disneyland?

You go on the internet in search of information. In a matter of minutes, an article appears giving preliminary information on the quake - where it was centered and how strong it was. You learn that it wasn't the big one, and it won't disrupt your plans.

Then, at the end of the brief article, you see that it was written entirely by machines. A computer at the US Geological survey received and evaluated data from seismic sensors across the region. It sent an alert to various news media containing basic information and preliminary statistics. A computer at the newspaper where you found the article then spit out the preliminary story. Such use of technology is useful and, in an emergency, could be crucial.

But where is it leading?

More than half of all internet traffic is now automated, mostly by what are referred to as "bots." That's short for "web robot." These are not manlike machines sitting at keyboards and reading computer monitors. They are software applications. They do automated tasks, following scripts written for them.

By some estimates, during the 2016 election cycle, one-fifth of online debates were between machines with no human beings involved at all. Bots can be programmed to generate political stories or get into political arguments. Why pay people to do this when you can automate the process with Artificial Intelligence? The next time you get into an online debate with a stranger, that stranger may not even be human.

Bots follow scripts given by their human masters. Those scripts reflect the beliefs, biases, prejudices, and purposes of those humans. By automating the process, bots turn the work of a single human into something that looks like the work of thousands, maybe millions. They invade social networks. They generate posts and lay out stories meant to persuade people of a certain point of view, or sometimes to paralyze the political opposition with confusion.

And then there are the real people. In 2016, a group of people in Veles, Macedonia - most of them teenagers - made their city famous as the "Fake News Capital of the World." They discovered that the American elections were a gold mine. All they had to do was make up stories that people wanted to believe. Every click on one of their stories meant money in their pockets. Whether or not the stories were true, made no difference. If people clicked on the story, it made money. So, they wrote outrageous things - the more outrageous the better, as long as it felt like something that could be true.

It's no accident that when His disciples asked Jesus about the end times, His first words were a warning. In Matthew 24:4, He said, "Take heed that no one deceives you."

We live in the era of deception. Today, there is little consensus on reality. They used to say that pictures don't lie. But they do now. Film of someone doing something or saying something once served as irrefutable evidence that the person did or said what was depicted. Not anymore.

So, what do we believe? Who do you trust in an era when liars have been given such powerful technological tools? Two thousand years ago, Pontius Pilate asked, "What is truth?"

In John 14:6, Jesus said, "I am... the truth."

In John 8:32, He said, "The truth shall make you free."

As the world struggles to understand what is true and what is real, those who know Jesus can rest in the most fundamental truth of all - Him.
October 27th, 2019

I hope you can join me for this week's Hal Lindsey Presents as our journey into Revelation continues.

I said last week that the opening of sixth seal in Revelation, unleashes the first global ICBM nuclear exchange. This week, I will explain that. John's description fits the nuclear scenario like the workings of a fine watch. Right now, tens of thousands of nuclear warheads are in storage on the earth. They're spread across much of the planet. And one day they will be launched in a terrible war.

This massive nuclear exchange will shake the ground. When a nuclear weapon explodes it compresses the air outwards and upwards. We will look at how perfectly the Bible describes that action when it says the sky is split like a scroll.

Revelation 6 ends with the leaders of earth hiding in underground bunkers crying out in fear and anguish. At this point they will recognize the hand of God and the Person of Christ at work. But instead of running to God, they will run away from Him. That's because by this point, they will have already sworn allegiance to Antichrist. They will have received the mark of the beast. They will be doomed, and they will know it.

These are grim thoughts, yet God admonishes us to read and study them. Revelation is the only book in the Bible where God gives a special promise of blessing to those who read it.

In all this terror and destruction, there is also happy news. Many people will have refused the mark of the beast. In fact, the Bible describes vast numbers who will instead turn to Christ. Most of them will be martyred. But after that, they will join those of us already in heaven.

Why will they refuse the mark knowing they will pay a terrible price? It will be much harder to turn to Christ then than it is now. But enormous numbers of them will. In many cases, they will do it because they will remember what you and I tell them now. They will see for themselves the truth of it. They will then spread that word to all the world. And there will be a turning to Christ - a great awakening like no other awakening in history!

Join me this week on Hal Lindsey Presents as we continue our study of Revelation. Look for it on Daystar, Sunday at 11PM Eastern Time. Or watch the program online anytime at or If you missed any episodes in this study, you can catch up by visiting

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey
November 1st, 2019

On Hal Lindsey Presents this week, we move into Revelation 7. This chapter is set up by chapter 6, but it is not a chronological chapter. It is one of the interlude chapters I spoke to you about several weeks ago. That means it is not the story of the next thing up in Revelation's timeline, but an interlude that gives us special information about important events or people.

At the end of chapter 6 after the sixth seal has been broken, people of earth cower in fear. The Bible says they know what is happening to them and why. Revelation 6:16-17 says that they cry out to the mountains and rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come; and who is able to stand?"

That's right. They recoil in fear of the Lamb's wrath. That's an amazing paradox. John the Baptist called Jesus "the Lamb of God." Revelation again and again calls Him "the Lamb." We're right to think of Jesus as gentle and loving. He is slow to wrath, but there will come a time when He reveals His wrath on a wicked world.

And the amazing thing is that the people of the world will know it. Those who received the mark of the beast will realize exactly Who's wrath they face. But they will not repent.

In chapter seven, we learn about four angels who control the earth's atmosphere and ecology. This is not poetic language. These are real beings with power assigned to them by God. Then another angel shows up. He tells the four angels not to harm the earth or the sea or the trees until a group of 144,000 Israelis have been sealed.

It's an amazing picture that begins a teaching on one of the most widely misunderstood sections of Revelation. I'll tell how this works and the context of when it happens on this week's Hal Lindsey Presents.

Look for it on Daystar, Sunday at 11PM Eastern Time. Or watch the program online anytime at or If you missed any episodes in this study, you can catch up by visiting

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey

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