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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Coronavirus - Don't Be Afraid, Almighty God Cares, Have Faith in Almighty God! -

Coronavirus - Don't Be Afraid, Almighty God Cares, Have Faith in Almighty God! - David Pepe -
Dear friends, In light of our day's national and global fears and panic relating to the Coronavirus; do your part to be safe and relax, especially if you are a child of Almighty God (John 10:27-30; Rom. 8:26-39). Be the stability and light in Jesus that this fallen world needs to see and may Almighty God use us to share His ETERNAL LIFE and PEACE to a dying world who needs Him desperately (John 3:16-17). For we serve the ETERNAL KING of LIFE and NOT that fallen angelic thug Satan and his henchman; death, the king of fears (John 1:14; 8:44; 11:25, Heb. 1:2-3; 2:12-16, Rev. 1:17-18; 5; 19:11-21)! Have faith in Almighty God, who is our LIFE, be VICTORIOUS for His glory and the PEACE of Almighty God will guard your hearts and minds and pass all understanding in such times (Isa. 26:3, 1 Cor. 10:31; 15:54-58, 2 Cor. 2:14, Phil. 4-7, Col. 3:1-4)! As this world stops to quarantine for the Coronavirus, may it STOP and consider Almighty God!
It is in times like this that our faith in Almighty God will be tested to see how deep, rooted and secure we are as His blood brought children (Matt. 17:20, Mark 4:40, 11:22, Heb. 11:1;11:6). Such settings and times are indeed (in Christ) for our own good; to self evaluate ourselves in Christ and that we bring forth more fruit for Almighty God's glory (Matt. 26:31-35, Luke 22:31-34, John 15:1-17, Rom. 5:1-6, 2 Cor. 4:16-18, Gal. 5:22-23, James 1:2-8, 1 Peter 1:8-9, Rev. 2:8-11).
Lighthouses shine the brightest and are the most needed in the darkness of the storms of life to point to safety and preserve life. Thus are we to be Christ's lighthouse and a beacon of TRUTH, LIGHT and ETERNAL SAFTEY in such times to point all mankind to the Savior of their souls (Psalm 27:1, Matt. 5:16, John 8:12, Eph.5:22-23; Thess. 5:5, James 1:17, 1 Peter 2:9). Are we - as Almighty God's blood brought children - looking subjectively at our fallen world with all its innumerable crises and fears or are we seeing things objectively from Almighty God's ETERNAL and RIGHTEOUS perspective with the eyes of faith and the actions of believing (Prov. 3:5-6, Eph. 1-2; Col. 3:1-4)? That is the question each one of us as Almighty God's children should be asking ourselves in this hour. Are we believing or unbelieving in such times? Remember this world is not our home and that ETERNITY with our ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator and Savior Jesus Christ is our ETERNAL FUTURE (John 14:3, 1 Cor. 2:9, James 2:-8, 1 Peter 1:3-9, Rev. 21; 22:1-5). This world is just a "snap of our finger" in light of ETERNITY!
Have FAITH in Almighty God, who created the universe and Heavens and the earth with its innumerable host and scientific wonders and laws that reveal the vast ETERNAL genus of Almighty God (Gen. 1; Job. 9:8; 38:4, Psalm 104:24; 136:5, Isa. 37:16; 45:18; Prov. 3:19, Jer. 10:12; 27:5, John 1:1-4, Acts 17:23-32, Rom. 1:18-22, Heb. 1:1-3; 11:3, Rev. 4:11; 5:12-14; 14:6-7).
Have FAITH in Almighty God the ETERNAL Father that so loved this fallen world that He sent His ETERNAL Son to redeem your soul; the One Who holds ETERNITY in His hand as a grain of sand (Isa. 52:13-15; 53; Mic. 5:3, Luke 10:16, John 1:18; 3:16-17; 5:23; 5:37; 8:18; 12:45, Eph. 1:3; Heb. 1:1-3; 1 John 4:10-14; Rev. 4; 21:22-23; 22:3)!
Have FAITH in Almighty God the Son, who so loved you that He shed His RIGHTEOUS blood and died for our sins and transgressions against the RIGHTEOUS Person of the ETERNAL TRIUNE God, to be our PERFECT RIGHTEOUS LAMB and ETERNAL PROPITIATION (Gen. 3:15; 12:1-3, Isa. 53, Mic. 5:3 John 1:29; 3:16-17; 11:25; 2 Cor. 5:21; Heb. 1:1-3; 1 Peter 3:18, Rev. 1:5; 2:7; 2:11; 2:17;29; 3:16; 3:13; 3:22; 21:22-23; 22:3)! The One who is the Father of ETERNITY and holds ETERNITY as a grain of sand in His risen GLORIFIED nailed pierced hands (Gen. 1:1-3; Isa. 9:6-7, Mic. 5:3; John 1:1-3; 8:58; 10:30; 14:9; 17:3; Rev. 1:12-18; 21:22-23; 22:3; 12-13)!
Have FAITH in Almighty God the ETERNAL Holy Spirit, who called you to Himself and is the Spirit of ETERNAL TRUTH, our Advocate in prayer for Almighty God's PERFECT will for our lives, our Teacher, the Gift of God, the ETERNAL Power of God, Comforter and Leader and our Seal of ETERNAL salvation (Mark 13:11; John 14:16-17; 26; 15:26; 16:7-15, Acts 1:8; 2:38; 4:31; 5:32; 13:2; Rom. 5:5; 8:26-28; 15:13, 1 Cor. 2:11; Eph. 1:13-14; 4:30; 6:18, 2 Peter 1:21; Jude 1:20-21; Rev. 2:7; 2:11; 2:17;29; 3:16; 3:13; 3:22; Rev. 22:16)! The One who is the ETERNAL Spirit of TRUTH who fills and possesses ALL ETERNITY while He possesses all ETERNITY in His ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS hand!
Faith sees, trusts and is persuaded by the integrity of Almighty God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit! The eyes of faith set in motion the spiritual ABSOLUTES and TRUTHS of Almighty God that transform our hearts, souls and minds and move demonic strongholds and powers that dominate and control this lost world (Heb. 11).
Have faith in Almighty God in ALL things! For if we do, we will be changed from glory to glory and we will NEVER be the same! Fear (rightly reverence Almighty God) in ALL things and ALL things will not reign over you because of fear (Psalm 55:22, Matt. 6:25-34, John 14:27, Phil. 4:6-7, 1 Peter 5:7, Rev. 1:17-18). Be believing and seeing; NOT unbelieving and deceiving!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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