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Friday, October 27, 2023

BIDEN WATCH: 10.28.23 - A president of Contradictions

 A president of Contradictions - Bill Wilson – Joe Biden’s Thursday night speech on Israel and Ukraine was hard to watch. Biden, hardly looking presidential, squinted into the teleprompter, struggled to form his words,often slurred his speech, and didn’t appear confident about what he was trying to sell not only the American public, but also the rest of the world. There is not an evil genius in the world—Russian Dictator Vladimir Putin to Iran’s Ayatollah to Turkey’s Erdoganto China’s communist leaders—who could miss the weak state of the American presidency. Biden’s speech was full of contradictions and flawed logic, an unfortunate state of affairs sending mixed signals to both allies and enemies. Biden’s foreign and domesticpolicy are disastrous. Biden spent 25 words on the devastation by Hamas on innocent Israeli citizens, saying, “More than 1,300 people slaughtered in Israel, including at least 32 American citizens.Scores of innocents–from infants to elderly grandparents, Israelis, Americans–taken hostage.” He then spent 92 words on how bad the terrorist attack by Hamas must have affected the innocent “Palestinians,” saying, “I also spoke with President Abbas of thePalestinian Authority and reiterated that the United States remains committed to the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and to self-determination. The actions of Hamas terrorists don’t take that right away. Like so many others, I am heartbroken by the tragicloss of Palestinian life, including the explosion at a hospital in Gaza–which was not done by the Israelis. We mourn every innocent life lost. We can’t ignore the humanity of innocent Palestinians who only want to live in peace and have an opportunity.” Biden said, “Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people. Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields, and innocent Palestinian families are suffering greatly becauseof them.” But Hamas does represent the “Palestinian” people—they elected Hamas to rule Gaza. Biden said, “We cannot give up on a two-state solution” because Israel and Palestinians deserve to live in safety, dignity and peace. Biden apparently is ignoringthe very fact that Gaza was the template for a two-state solution and it has been attacking Israel and raining missiles on Israeli civilians since it was given to the “Palestinians.” Biden went on a diatribe about how American Jews feel threatened by antisemitism, and Muslims by Islamophobia. But let’s be clear, Islam is the aggressor. Islam attacks inthe name of allah. We rarely see representatives of Islam denouncing attacks on Israel or on Jews. Then Biden wants to send billions of your and my money to Ukraine to fund its war with Russia. And we have to wonder: how much of that money will go into theBiden family coffers? We have a mess on our hands with this Administration. As is written in Proverbs 29:2, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” Ashes and sackcloth—we clearly have apresident of contradictions. --------------------------------- Joe�s foolish Middle East policy - Bill Wilson � Joe Biden and his rare October 19 television speech is a poster child for apocalyptic prophecy. It is this type of leadership that accelerates the world into the end times.Oh, the poor Palestinian people. Biden says they are used by the terrorists (that they elected) as human shields and those nasty Israelis that defend themselves are obviously going to take it out on the Palestinian citizens. That�s why we need to send thePalestinians billions of dollars more in humanitarian aid. Problem is, that humanitarian aid allows extra funding for the terrorists the Palestinian people elected to run Gaza as an Islamic caliphate. Biden says he wants to end this terrorism, but it was hisactions in a large part that funded the terrorism. Biden points the finger at Iran. Iran, he says, is backing Hamas and Hezbollah with funding and weapons. This is not new. Iran has been doing this for decades. But Joe Bidenand Barack Obama have a great solution�give Iran billions of dollars hoping that Iran will all of a sudden have a change of mind about eliminating Israel from the face of the earth. Joe and his band of delusional Democrats may think that if they speak wordsof peace and harmony to the barbarians of Islam that they will change their ways and sing Kumbaya with their Jewish cousins. Ain�t gonna happen, Joe. Iran will continue to fund terrorism worldwide and especially against Israel. Then Joe gives us all a lecture on Islamophobia. We, as Americans, are to be receptive of the followers of Islam. Hate has no place in America, Joe says. Somebody ought tobe telling the leaders of Islam about all that. American Jews don�t seek out Muslims to maim or kill them. In fact, the majority of Americans�Christian or Jew�are not perpetrating violence on Muslims. But Muslims, on the other hand�check the crime figures.Follow the news. How often do you hear of an Islamic organization denouncing attacks on Jews or Christians? It�s a rare mention. But we often hear about Muslims supporting terrorist activities against Jews because �they are Jews and they are pigs.� It�s nota phobia if it�s truth. Which brings me to the entire concept of Middle East peace hinging on a two-state solution�Palestinians (represented by Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, etc.) living sideby side in peace if only they had their own country. Gaza worked out real well, Joe. Who are you fooling? Those who study end time prophecy know that there will be no peace until after the return of Christ. Jeremiah 6:13-14 hits the nail on the head: �Forfrom the least of them to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; from prophet to priest, all practice deceit. They have also healed the hurt of My people slightly, Saying, �Peace, peace!� When there is no peace.� This describes Joe�greed and deceit. His foolishMiddle East policy of soothing Israel while appeasing terrorists is, say it with me�Stupidocrisy. ----------------------------------------

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