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Friday, September 19, 2014

OBAMA WATCH: 9.19.14 - Congress complicit in arming terrorists

Congress complicit in arming terrorists - Bill Wilson - 
Make no doubt about it: The US Congress, which has been absent for the past several years on both domestic and foreign policy, is complicit in using taxpayer money to expand the reach of terrorism. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives Wednesday voted 273-156 to approve the occupant of the Oval Office's plan to train and equip "moderate" Syrian rebels to counter the threat of the Islamic State and to overthrow the government of Bashar Assad. The trouble is, it is proven repeatedly that there are no moderates to arm. These Islamists will take our training and our money, as they have in the past, and go off on their own radical mission, likely joining the Islamic State.
The Washington Post reports, "Every ideological corner of the House found reason to doubt the mission, portending a lengthy debate in November and December over an expansive use-of-force resolution...Duncan D. Hunter (R-Calif.), a Marine who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, said the authority "does nothing" to destroy the Islamic State. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a captain in the Hawaii National Guard who served in Iraq, called Obama's strategy "unrealistic" and worried "it will take way too long" to work. Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va), a controversial Democrat and shyster, said "It's the best choice of worse options. It's because there are no better alternatives and I don't think it's responsible to do nothing."
Congress and this "president" are doing the same thing over again that they did with what enjoined a fledgling Islamic State--train Islamists on US tactics, give them US weapons, and point them in the direction of what the West perceives as the bad guys--Only to have them join the bad guys because they are bad guys to begin with. They voted with serious misgivings to give this "president" authority to arm more Islamists in the Middle East. The long term impact of this plan is to bolster the ranks of the IS caliphate and consolidate its presence in Syria, Iraq and the Levant (which includes Israel). There is no way to defeat IS by training and equipping Islamists to do it. They are bound by their religion.
We have a "president" who is now using a Congress to continue Arab Spring and ultimately arm and fund Islamists that will most likely join the IS caliphate rather than destroy it. It is widely reported that the moderate groups the "president" wishes to train and arm already have a non-aggression agreement in place with IS. The "president" says this is not true. It has been reported, however, by several credible outlets that are independent of one another. Bottom line: Congress and the White House are complicit in arming the enemies of America and they are using your tax money to do it. As the Lord said in Joshua 7:13, "There is an accursed thing in the midst of thee." And we cannot stand until it is gone and we are sanctified.

One if by land, two if by deceit - Bill Wilson - 

While the occupant of the Oval Office is trying to convince the American people that the Islamic State (IS) is not Islamic, that Muslims are peace loving, and that we should spend our tax dollars arming moderates in Syria that have a non-aggression treaty with the IS to fight the IS, he is leaving the US Southern border open to IS infiltrators. Has there ever been a US "president" who is so transparent on the destruction of America's way of life, yet the citizenry and media are so blind to his obvious intent? In addition, WorldNetDaily reports that a new wave of Syrian Islamist "refugees" will be resettled in America, in addition to over 200,000 from Somalia and Iraq since the early 1990s.
There is a triple threat to America in all this. First, our tax money will arm Islamists to fight the Islamists with which they already signed a non-aggression treaty. Second, Islamists are crossing our borders while the "president" turns a blind eye. Third, the UN and the US State Department are planning to resettle more Islamists in an America already being colonized by Islam. As WorldNetDaily points out: "Once the refugees are relocated to an American city, they are quickly connected to an array of taxpayer-funded social services, including Medicaid, food stamps and subsidized housing. Interpreters and tutors are often provided to help bridge the language gap that refugee children will find in local public schools."
Moreover, Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a conservative government watchdog, told the NY Times, that the White House has a history of looking the other way on national security threats, especially those involving the border. Fitton said the "president" "or his administration should acknowledge this dire threat on the border, whatever its political ramifications are for the debate on immigration," but that the idea of the IS coming across the border "goes against the narrative that the border is secure" and that Americans "don't need to worry about illegal immigration." Fitton's group published a report in late August stating that a bulletin warning of an imminent terrorist attack on the border was issued by the government.
Just as the Muslim Brotherhood's (MB) dream come true of the US funding its caliphate-building plan in the Middle East, so it is with the MB's plan to colonize the US with the aid of a Muslim-born "president." The MB plan for America: "The process of settlement is a 'Civilization-Jihadist Process' with all the word means. The Ikhwan (MB) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions." Is this "president" sabotaging our country?  Ephesians 5:6 says, "Let no one deceive you with vain words, for because of these things come the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience."
 Moderate Republicans complicit in death culture - Bill Wilson -

Social conservatives and conservative Christians often look to the Republican Party for relief of immoral representation on issues such as abortion, traditional marriage, religious freedom, and taking God out of the public square. But Christians and social conservatives need to beware. Song of Solomon 2:15 says, "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines." So-called "moderates" in the Republican Party are like the little foxes in this verse. They spoil the Party because they live to compromise social values. While they give lip service to being a Christian, to opposing abortion and standing for fiscal responsibility, for example, they are among the most deceptive politicians as they often vote the opposite.
Case in point, is how the Republican-led House of Representatives recently voted for a "continuing resolution" that funds socialist healthcare, Planned Parenthood, and Syrian Islamists. The one thing each of these budget items has in common is death. Despite promises from the occupant of the Oval Office, socialist healthcare provides for abortion funding. Planned Parenthood is the biggest provider of abortions in America and it would not be able to exist if it didn't receive money from taxpayers. And it takes no imagination whatsoever to understand what your tax money will be used for when it's given to Syrian Islamists. If not for the moderate Republicans and their Democratic buddies...see what I'm saying? reports that Planned Parenthood's 2012-2013 annual report indicates its affiliates performed 327,166 abortions in fiscal year 2012 (Oct. 1, 2011 to Sept. 30, 2012). In the year that ended on June 30, 2013, according to the annual report, Planned Parenthood affiliates received $540.6 million in government funds, accounting for 45 percent of their funding. These Title X funds flow into Planned Parenthood from various sources such as directly from HHS or indirectly through state or local health departments. The law says that Title X money cannot be used for abortion. Planned Parenthood circumvents the law by using Title X funds for other purposes that allows them to conduct abortions.
I know of a pastor's son who was running with the wrong crowd. His buddies asked him to drive them to the gas station as they wanted to buy some things in the convenience store. While he was waiting in the car, they murdered the attendant and walked out as if nothing happened. The pastor's son drove them away. He was convicted as an accessory to murder, life in prison. I submit that this young man is far more innocent than those moderate Republicans who tell you to your face they are pro-life with some exceptions and then vote to fund Planned Parenthood and socialist healthcare--both of which support abortion funding. These little foxes are quite deceptive and are complicit in advancing a death culture.
 White House purposely arming, training Islamists - Bill Wilson -

As the occupant of the Oval Office tried Sept 10 to convince Americans, and the rest of the world, that the Islamic State (IS) is not Islamic and that his government would arm "moderates" in Syria to fight both the Bashar Assad regime in Syria as well as the IS, his strategy already was being undermined. The "president" said, "Tonight, I call on Congress again to give us additional authorities and resources to train and equip these fighters...we must strengthen the opposition as the best counterweight to extremists like ISIL, while pursuing the political solution necessary to solve Syria's crisis once and for all." But as the "president" spoke, those he intended to arm already signed non-aggression agreements with IS.
Agence France-Press reported on September 12, "Syrian rebels and jihadists from the Islamic State have agreed a non-aggression pact for the first time in a suburb of the capital Damascus, a monitoring group said on Friday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the ceasefire deal was agreed between IS and moderate and Islamist rebels in Hajar al-Aswad, south of the capital. Under the deal, "the two parties will respect a truce until a final solution is found and they promise not to attack each other because they consider the principal enemy to be the Nussayri regime." Nussayri is a pejorative term for the Alawite sect, and offshoot of Shiite Islam to which President Bashar al-Assad belongs."
The Middle East Eye, Orient Net, and the Huffington Post report various versions of the agreement. For example, Orient Net published a list of the 11 clauses to the ceasefire agreement. The site reported that al-Nusra Front - the militant group that on Thursday released 42 UN peacekeepers captured in the Golan Heights, had mediated between the two sides. Huffington Post and Middle East Eye reported that Charles Lister, an analyst at the Brookings Institute, says the alliance on the rebel side was made up of four distinct groups, among them the US-backed Syria Revolutionary Front. Aaron Klein of WorldNet Daily reports that Jordan is concerned that the US "president's" plan will arm mostly "extremists."
In other words, these "moderates" are actually extremists who will be obliged to receive US training, weapons and money, but will not lift a trigger finger toward eradicating the IS. The "president" appears to be out-flanked by a more intelligent and cunning enemy. This, however, is not likely. It is more likely that the US "president" is continuing his Arab Spring strategy repackaged so the American people and an ineffectual Congress can swallow the sugar-coated poison that a Muslim-born and raised "president" is spoon feeding the infidels. When reading Ezekiel 38-39, many may wonder how those nations received their earthly power to attack Israel--to me, it is becoming quite obvious. Matthew 24:4: "Take heed that no man deceive you." The words of Jesus are good enough for me.
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