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Friday, April 23, 2021


BIDEN HAS SET THE STAGE FOR THE UN-SUPPORTED TAKEOVER OF THE UNITED STATES BY SPARKING OUT OF CONTROL ANTIFA RACE RIOTS THIS SUMMER Submitted by Dave Hodges on Sunday, April 18, 2021 - 14:14. In Yesterday’s article, I painstakingly detailed one of the biggest betrayals of the American people with the unconstitutional signing of the Kigali Principles which allowed for the UN, based on their ownsay-so, could forcefully enter with foreign troops any country that the UN determined was in distress. The signing was initiated by John Kerry, on behalf of Obama in December of 2016. Hillary had already lost the election and Obama was seemingly unable topass on the torch of treason. However, the Kigali Principles were the failsafe to the lost election and subsequent coronation for Hillary. Obama was quite confident that Trump would not serve a second term and he set the stage to hand off the country to theUnited Nations in whomever would take Trump’s place. Not only will the United Nations be entering our country in the near future, but their CHICOM-blue-helmeted allies be entering the US as well. I always knew this day would come, I just hadn’t targeted the correct trigger event. I would have placed my bet on the sabotage of the Oroville Dam whose destruction would have set off the greatest catastrophein American history, and surely, UN intervention would have been excused. However, I now believe that there is a clearly emerging trigger event to the enforcement of the Kigali Principles and it is the coming massive race riots which have already started andwill rise to a crescendo event this summer. Federal LEO’s are secretly preparing for massive riots in primarily blue cities. Many of the agents believe that a murder conviction for Chauvin is unlikely. And anything short of a murder conviction willbe met with widespread, violent riots. Of course, any police-involved shooting will be met with George Soros-inspired violent riots. Soros and Biden have combined forces to ensure that the UN will deploy troops on American soil. The rioters are in place and Biden has invoked the services of a racist stooge. The racist stooge is Linda Thomas-Greenfield and she is undeniably fanning the flames of racism. Thomas-Greenfield is a stooge for the invocation of anti-American sentiment, particularly aimed at whiteAmericans. Thomas-Greenfield, the newly appointed ambassador to the United Nations made some of the most egregious, racist and anti-American statements ever made by an administration officials. Thomas-Greenfield statedthat embedded in America is white supremacy. The police murders of non-whites are inspired by white-supremacy. She then stated that the United States should not be admitted to UN Human Rights Commission because of the country’s white supremacy. These are commentsthat Thomas-Greenfield had previously made while in Alaska the month before. It is a moot point, but the FBI statistics don’t even support these highly suspect remarks. In fact, the White House Press Secretary said that she and Biden believe that she is correct and Biden has nointention of replacing her. Certainly, someone in the Biden administration must be aware of the term, anachronism which is where the historical events of one period are used to mischaracterize present time frame. However, being historically accurate is notthe goal. Setting the stage for UN military intervention on America soil is being put into play as I write these words. As I write these words, the case is being made at the United Nations to eventually invoke the Kigali Principals to save America from the preplanned race riots commence intotality this summer. And as I have detailed, many times, the CHICOMS will be coming to do the bidding of the Deep State. And as a final reminder, the last three CHICOM Defense Ministers have sworn genocide against America. And where are these CHICOM soldierstoday? There at least 2 million on both borders and inside of the United States. Steve Quayle and myself have warned about this for years. --------------------------------------------------------------- Sowing a deadly seed � Bill Wilson � The George Floyd murder trial has come to a close. The jury is deliberating the verdict on accused former Minneapolis policeman Derek Chauvin, who is on video holding hisknee on Floyd�s neck as he died. Our nation changed dramatically since that video became public. There are those who are deeply troubled by what they saw and want change; those who are angry, saying this is the very oppression they face on a daily basis; thereare those who seek to excuse the officer�s actions. The verdict�no matter what it is�will evoke tremendous emotion across the country. Notwithstanding, there are those who are already trying to stir violence. One of them is Congresswoman Maxine Waters, (D-CA). Waters addressed reporters about the verdict while she attended a protest in Brooklyn Center, near Minneapolis, of another police shooting of an unarmed black man. Watersencouraged violence in the streets if the Chauvin jury didn�t return a guilty verdict. She said, �We�re looking for a guilty verdict. And we�re looking to see if all of the talk that took place and has been taking place after they saw what happened to GeorgeFloyd, if nothing does not happen, then we know that we�ve got to not only stay in the street, but we�ve got to fight for justice.� In June 2018, she also encouraged people to harass members of the Trump administration by not allowing them to eat at restaurants,buy gasoline, or shop at department stores. Waters, while encouraging violence on Saturday, also condemned Republicans for the violence against the Capitol on January 6. Waters says that a manslaughter conviction against Chauvin is not enough, that it must be a murder conviction or people should take to the streets. Herein, is why our legalsystem takes steps to isolate jurors in deliberation. The political and personal pressures may sway an otherwise just verdict. As someone who has sat as a jury foreman on a murder trial, I know first-hand the gravity of verdicts. In the back of a juror�s mindis the lingering specter of personal danger irrespective of the verdict. And, often, because of specific state laws governing the degrees of murder and manslaughter, jurors may not have control over in which category a guilty verdict falls. Intent, premeditation,motive, negligence, all have a bearing, depending on the laws of the state. Waters, who accused President Trump of dog-whistling violence on Capitol Hill, is doing the very same thing in Minneapolis. She is signaling that nothing less than a guilty-of-murderverdict serves justice and people should take to the streets. Waters has often invoked God in her dog-whistling. She said in July 2018, while encouraging harassment, that God is on her side. She also said that she was sent by God to �get Trump.� Her wordsinflame problems, not solve them. Galatians 6:7 says, �Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.� Waters� statements mock God. While claiming God, she sows hate, deception, and division�all against the preceptsof God, which simply put are to love your neighbor as yourself and treat others as you would want to be treated. Waters is sowing a deadly seed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A time to heal and build up - Bill Wilson � The book of Ecclesiastes is attributed to King Solomon, who many believe to be the wisest man to ever live. He writes in Chapter 3:1-3, �To everything there is a season,and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build up.� In watching the response tothe jury�s Derek Chauvin guilty verdicts in the George Floyd murder trial, there was a curious theme. People in the streets, Black and White, Hispanic and Asian, were telling reporters that they felt justice was served, it was time to heal, and a time to buildup in moving forward. Then the politicians spoke. For the most part, the initial reactions of the local politicians in Minneapolis and Washington, DC, followed similar lines. They said people want to use these verdictsto heal and to build up. Many said that there is much work to be done with race relations, particularly in police-community relations and criminal justice reform and that it should be done within the confines of the law and in the spirit of collaboration andheartfelt communication. But the narrative seem to tear apart when the news media got to the more national politicians, delineating a contrast between, let�s say, the electorate, those elected who are close to the electorate and the elected national politicians,farther away from the electorate. For example, socialist Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said, �This is not resolution. It�s just a moment, but this isn�t resolution, and this doesn�t enduntil we address the massive systemic institutional racism in the United States that accepts black people�our black brothers and sisters, our brown brothers and sisters, our native brothers and sisters�as less than human. That�s literally what it is, thatwe�re willing to accept violence against some communities as a necessary cost for safety.� Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), who just days earlier exhorted protesters to �get more confrontational,� said she was not celebrating, but was relieved. MinnesotaAttorney General Keith Ellison said, �This has to end. We need true justice�I would not call today�s verdict justice, however, because justice implies restoration.� Citizens in the streets were stressing peace, healing, and working together to actually make a better America. Politicians, however, offered a more edgy narrative, pushingwords like the tip of a sword. These �leaders� are who many people listen to and they, along with the news media, shape opinion using certain words that foment confrontation and division. Herein, is the challenge for all of us: We as a people must come toour own conclusion to accept one another, respect one another, and as Christ called us, to love one another. That�s how real change takes place. The politicians are stuck on the �time to kill� and �a time to break down� part of Ecclesiastes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stupidocrisy: Chris Cuomo - Bill Wilson � New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo�s brother is carrying on the family stupidocrisy. Chris Cuomo, host of CNN�s Cuomo Prime Time, said April 16 that gun law and policereform will only happen when �white people�s kids start getting killed.� Cuomo said, �Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons. Oh, I know when they�ll change. Your kids start getting killed, white people�s kids start getting killed.� In today�s environment,a statement like that is both irresponsible and reprehensible. It implies that social change will not happen unless white kids die. Nobody wants their child to die, no matter the color of their skin. But Cuomo is suggesting to the crazies that white kids needto die for social justice. This is the same Chris Cuomo who CNN positioned as a selfless husband and father quarantining in his basement with COVID 19, but was actually found on last year�s EasterSunday breaking his own brother�s state-ordered quarantine and getting into a mask-less confrontation with a cyclist. This is the same Chris Cuomo who, in wrapping up CNN�s coverage of the GOP convention, defended CNN�s disproportionate fact checking of Republicans.Cuomo contended that CNN didn�t fact check the Democratic Convention so much because Democrats don�t lie. Cuomo said that Republicans lie, especially Donald Trump, so CNN had to fact check the GOP convention so people will know who to believe. Cuomo�s interested in facts? Here�s some: Statista Research puts 2020 total fatal shootings by police at 1,021�457 were White, 241 Black,169 Hispanic, and 154 either �other� or unknown. Fox News reports that so far in 2021, there have been 52 (3 unarmed) Blacks and 109 (5 unarmed) Whites killed by police. Police statistics indicate that in Chicago alone in 2020 that there were 4,033 shooting victims, 769 homicides and 79 policeofficers shot. This, in a state and city with some of the strictest gun laws in America. Statistically, gun control doesn�t work and police officers rarely exercise lethal force in comparison to the amount of crime, especially in big cities which are usuallyrun by Democrats�the party that gave America Jim Crow laws and wants to blame everybody else for the problem they institutionalized for well over a century. Psalm 127:4,5 says, �Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one�s youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them.� It is disgraceful thatCuomo would greenlight or even suggest harming children for any cause, let alone social or political. Chris Cuomo should be held accountable. CNN should remove him from their channel. Fact is, nobody�s kids should be killed. To even say something like thatis a stupid thing to say, and in Cuomo�s case, hypocritical. It�s stupid because it could trigger some psychos into actually doing it. It�s hypocritical because I�m sure Cuomo would not want his own kids, God forbid, to be the first in setting the example.Say it with me�Stupidocrisy. ---------------------------------------------------------------- VISIT: PROPHECY WATCHER WEEKLY NEWS: HTTP://PROPHECY-WATCHER-WEEKLY-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

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