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Sunday, April 4, 2021


The Day My Mom Went Crazy By: John UpChurch I don’t remember the day of the week—so, let’s say Wednesday. I’d just returned from work and was making the walk from the parking lot to my apartment. Before I could get to the door, the call came. My cell phone cracked and spluttered as my brother spoke on the other end. His words tumbled into the hundreds of miles between us. But I understood enough. My mother had stopped her meds again; she’d lied aboutit; and now she didn’t know her youngest son existed. My family wanted me to talk to her to prove I was, in fact, real. The idea sickened me, but I didn’t have time to object before the phone went to her. Really, it took that long for me to recover. They didn’t tell her who I was, just that someone wanted to talk to her. My mind whirled around a prayer—a very inadequate bottle rocket—as I waited through the rustling and murmurs and silence. Mostly, I just hoped she wouldn’t take the phone. She did. If you’ve never been told you don’t exist, it’s not something I recommend. You hurt for the person who doesn’t want to remember, and you hurt for the lost connection. But that’s what happened when I said hello and told her who I was. She screamed into thephone that I had died as a baby, that I didn’t really exist, that I was lying to her. The whole moment will never really fade away. When I visited my mom later in the hospital, a shell sat across the table from me. Her eyes dulled under the fluorescence. There was no recognition, no love in the hazel. She only resembled the woman who’d once wept when I moved out. Loving her then gave me the smallest glimpse of what it was like for God to love me—even when I ran away, even when I denied He existed. I couldn’t see back then. My eyes couldn’t recognize His goodness because I convinced myself that the lies of this worldare more satisfying. I denied Him and raged against Him in turn. I hated that He loved me. ------------------------------------------- Acquiring Great Faith Hebrews 11:17-19 I’ve had people tell me, “I wish that I had great faith.” While most of us would like God to just drop that kind of confidence into our laps, it’s not the way He operates. Faith increases as a result of our obedience in little things. We all marvel at Abraham’swillingness to offer up Isaac at the Lord’s command. But have you ever stopped to consider all of his smaller steps of submission that prepared the way for this enormous test? Throughout his lifetime, Abraham obeyed God. At the Lord’s command, he left his country (Gen 12:1-4),was circumcised (17:10, 26), conceived Isaac in his old age (21:1-3), and sent his son Ishmael away (21:9-14). By the time he was asked to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, he already knew that his God would always be faithful to His promises. His previous experienceshad taught Him to trust the Lord. In the same way, each small step of obedience solidifies our confidence in God. Then, when He challenges us with a more difficult assignment, a firm foundation of assurance enables us to trust and obey Him. Great acts of faith flow from our past interactionswith the Lord. By neglecting His simple commands, we miss priceless opportunities to witness His faithfulness. Having trouble trusting God for something big? Maybe it’s because you’ve ignored those “small” and “insignificant” promptings of the Holy Spirit. The Lord considers each of His commands important and promises to reward every act of obedience, regardless of size. Great faith begins with little steps. ---------------------------------------------- TheTransfiguration “And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountainapart, And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.” (Matthew17:1-2) This remarkable transfiguration of Christ was shown to the three disciples so that they could actually “see [Him] coming in his kingdom” (Matthew16:28), as He will do someday when He returns to Earth “in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory” (Matthew24:30). This would ever afterward be an unforgettable experience that would strengthen the disciples for their critical future ministry. James would become the first martyr, but his brother, John, would survive to bear the testimony far and wide for almost 70 more years. “And we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father” (John1:14). Peter also wrote of the amazing event: “For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And this voice which came from heavenwe heard, when we were with him in the holy mount” (2Peter 1:17-18). It is therefore very significant that the word “transfigured” (Greek metamorphoo) is also applied to Christian believers in 2 Corinthians 3:18: “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed [read ‘transfigured’] into the same image from glory to glory.” That is, as we behold the glory of Christ in the mirror of the Scriptures, we ourselves are spiritually being metamorphosed into His own image. The marvelous transformation will be completed when He does come againand “change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body” (Philippians3:21). HMM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Beauty of Waiting by Katherine Britton "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." - Psalm 27:14 Waiting seems to be a common theme in my circle of friends right now. For some, like my friend who was laid off twice in eight months, the long-awaited hope is a stable job in a tough economy. Others are biding their time, trying to find useful ways to serveand stay busy until God speaks. Some can see their heart's desire just across the room and yet must act as if it's a world away. Those finishing graduate school and starting new jobs find themselves waiting on new friends in new places. This weekend, two of my dear friends reached the end of their wait. Their story waited for three years while they grew ever so slowly together. They might have constructed a different narrative for their story back then if they had had a choice, but as Iwatched her walk down the aisle, I wondered if she still felt the hurry. This bride and groom's circumstances refused to follow the seemingly most desirable timetable, and the monumental effort they both invested sometimes seemed ineffective. But I witnesseda tender moment as my friend walked towards her groom - her eyes never left his face, and he couldn't stop smiling at her. Those three years slipped by in a moment to reveal two people refined and beautiful. I crave a destination, not the trip, so likening waiting to some over-spiritualized journey is lost on me. But I am a person who goes endures the racking climb to see the spectacular vantage point - I want to see the beauty of the Lord made known. Seeingmy friends walk down the aisle gave me a similar feeling. I saw the beauty that had come from waiting - and that made the wait beautiful too. Sitting at home tonight, my thoughts keep drifting back to Hannah, the prophet Samuel's mother. This dear woman endured years of childlessness, wanting a son so badly that the waiting made her sick. Her prayer was "remembered" after many tears and pleadings with God, and ultimately she gave the reward of her waiting. Yet her story concludes with a song, a beautiful meditation on the paradoxes of waiting on God to fulfillhis promises. As she delivered her son to a lifetime of service - away from her, no less - she proclaimed, "My heart rejoices in the Lord… for I delight in your deliverance." This was a woman whose night of sorrow lasted for years, but even she saw the beautyof the morning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What Does It Mean to Be Saved Psalms 25:12 What makes a person acceptable to God? The path to redemption begins not with the decision to live a better life or to stop doing something wrong, but with the realization that we cannot correct our sinful nature. To find favor with the Lord, we must graspthat it's impossible to make ourselves righteous; instead, we need to depend on the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. When we trust in Christ as our Savior, God the Father applies the benefit of Jesus' atoning sacrifice to our sin debt, thereby making us "saved," or acceptable in His eyes. Your good works and righteous acts are of absolutely no value in the mind of God. Compared to others' actions, your generosity and good works might seem like enough to bring favor with the Lord, but Jesus said, "Not as a result of works, so that no one mayboast" (Eph. 2:9). When you stand before God, the only way you can be forgiven of your sins is through Jesus Christ and His sacrificial,substitutionary atoning death at Calvary. Jesus came to give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). Jesus' public crucifixion was a demonstration of God's hatred for sin and immense love for mankind. He who was blameless bore the penalty for all in order that wicked, corrupt people could be made righteous. No matter what you've done, you can be cleansed of the stain left by sin. Confess any known transgressions and turn from them; then Jesus will forgive you and write your name in the Lamb's Book of Life (1 John 1:9; Rev. 21:27). By trusting in Him, you are assured of eternity in His presence. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RememberedThrough All Generations “I will make thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise thee for everand ever.” (Psalm45:17) The 45th Psalm is a beautiful Messianic psalm, speaking prophetically of the coming Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, the psalm is quoted by the writer of Hebrews, calling Him “God” and promising not only eternal remembrance but also everlasting dominion: “But unto the Son, he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom” (Hebrews1:8, citing Psalm 45:6). But the writer also said He would be remembered in all generations. That has proved true so far! As others have frequently noted, this man lived on Earth only 33 years, never traveled more than a few miles from His home, never wrote a book, never raised anarmy, never ruled over so much as a village let alone a kingdom, never married or had children, never enrolled for any formal education, and finally was executed as a criminal. Yet, He has indeed been remembered through all generations following His all-too-short career 2,000 years ago—and remembered with love and deep reverence and gratitude by millions of people in all nations ever since. Furthermore, though He never wrote a book,others have written innumerable books about Him, while another psalmist assured us that His words would also be preserved “from this generation for ever” (Psalm12:7). And all this has come to pass! Herein is a marvelous thing! Indeed, He was, and is, God, and this was demonstrated by His flawless character, His amazing teachings, His unique miracles, His volitional, sacrificial death, and His mighty defeat of death itselfby His bodily resurrection and ascent into heaven. HMM ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A Springtime Mystery by Katherine Britton "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."- Romans1:20 When was the last time you wondered if spring would ever come? Not in the ironic sense - really wondered if winter might last forever, something like the 100 years of winter in Narnia. My guess is never. Most of America lives in the reality of four seasons,and we expect the Earth to naturally cycle from winter to spring to summer to fall. We expect trees to unfurl new leaves this time of year because they're supposed to. But what if they didn't? What if the trees bloomed in winter when their new leaves would freeze, or what if their flowers matured into hornets' nests instead of apples? What if they didn't bloom at all? In his autobiographical work, Orthodoxy, G. K. Chesterton remembers his journey from agnosticism to faith including such nonsensical questions. Before he became the great 20th-century apologist, he was a man confined to the world of determinism, where the natural world was governed by impersonal laws or nothing. But observing spring outside his window,he was struck by the wonderful fact that for some reason, trees do indeed bloom into fruit. "They [materialists/determinists] talked as if the fact that trees bear fruit were just as necessary as the fact that two and one trees make three. But it is not… You cannot imagine two and one not making three. But you can easily imagine trees not growingfruit…" "I had always vaguely felt facts to be miracles in the sense that they were wonderful: now I began to think them miracles in the stricter sense that they were willful. I mean that they were, or might be, repeated exercises of some will. In short, I hadalways believed that the world involved magic: now I thought that perhaps it involved a magician." (Orthodoxy) I owe Chesterton a great debt, because he taught me to be amazed at everyday grace. After all, how often do we marvel that the sky is blue (or grey) instead of orange or electric pink? Yet again, familiarity breeds contempt, and we forget what incredibleworld this "magician" made and keeps in order. Like children who see the same magic trick one too many times, we stop wondering "how did he do that?" and are bored until we see something new. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filledwith Fruit “Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise ofGod.” (Philippians1:11) The unique phrase “fruits of righteousness” has many supporting teachings, the most famous of which is where the Lord Jesus compares Himself to a “vine” and we who are His adopted sons and daughters to “branches” (John15:1-6). Paul reminded the Philippian church that the fruits ultimately result from Jesus Christ, just as Jesus illustrated. We “cannot bear fruit” by ourselves (John15:4). Not only does our very life come from God, but the ability to produce godly fruit can only come through and by God. Isaiah noted that all of our self-produced righteous deeds are like “filthy rags” (Isaiah64:6). The fruit for which we are “ordained” (John15:16) has its source in the thrice-holy Godhead and its manifestation by the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives (Galatians5:22-23). Those Holy Spirit character traits are the innate property of the vine that becomes instilled in the branches, or us. This enables us to bring forth the fruit that represents the “DNA” of the vine in which we are abiding. Being connected to the vine makes itpossible for us to “walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians1:10). The “husbandman” (God the Father) is superintending the vineyard (John15:1). When branches wither and do not produce fruit (see also Matthew 13:18-23), they are taken away. The branches that do produce are purged (Greek kathairo, “cleaned up”). As Peter noted, “His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness” (2Peter 1:3). With God, “all things are possible” (Matthew19:26). Without Him, “[we] can do nothing” (John15:5). HMM III ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Show Me The Money by Ryan Duncan Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. - Malachi 3:10 Like many younger Christians, I have never been very good at tithing. Sure, I try to be generous, but I am never very consistent in my giving. Once in a while I’ll write a check for a good cause, support the occasional mission trip, but when it comes to the genuine, 10-percent of my labors tithes; I usually justgive whatever happens to be in my wallet. There are a lot of excuses for my miserly behavior, but in all honesty, I think the real reason I didn’t tithe was because I just didn’t believe it was that important. Then I learned about Todd Stiefel. Todd Stiefel is one of the major forces behind the modern atheist movement. His organization, the Stiefel Freethought Foundation, is behind the majority of atheist campaigns like flashy billboards, high-profile rallies, and other news-making efforts. Accordingto CNN, Stiefel has poured over 3.5 million dollars of his own fortune into these projects. When asked why he would give so much to help fund these endeavors, Stiefel responded, “I wanted to try to help the world. I wanted to give back and this seemed like the most productive way to help humanity.” I can remember feeling very cold when I read that. Here was a man who did not believe in God. Here was a man who believed, fervently, that best way to help humanity was through the erosion of my faith. Worst of all, here was a man better at freely giving to what he believed in than I had ever been in all my years as a Christian. God had commanded me to give cheerfully, and my generosity was being upstaged by an atheist. All dramatics aside, I think it’s important for us Christians to understand that tithing is a vital part of our faith. It teaches us not to put our faith in financial gain, it helps the Church support its leaders, and I think the act of giving helps us remainhumble before God. He did not instruct tithing to rob us of our wealth; he commanded it so that the Church could provide for one another in times of need. Remember the words of Proverbs 11:24, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Palm Sunday Luke 19:28-44 Hindsight is always 20/20. Yet while we are in a particular situation, we tend to make things out to be what theyaren’t and infer wrong meanings. We kick ourselves, thinking, If only I had known then what I know now! Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem must have been one of those moments for His disciples. It had appeared to be such a wonderful day for them—and it was, but for different reasons than they realized. They thought the Messiah had come to reestablish Israel’spower in the world. But God had something else in mind. The disciples weren’t the only ones who had misconceptions about the Messiah. Many Jews of the day expected Him to be an earthly king. When the crowds heard Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, they cheered, “Hosanna! ” which means, “Save now!” They saw Him astheir new King, come to bring salvation from political and societal oppression. He raised the dead—no doubt he could also restore the kingdom of David and free them from Roman rule. Seated upon a donkey, Jesus resembled a ruler returning to his city in peacetime, loyal subjects lining his path with coats and palm fronds. Even the Pharisees were there watching in indignation, saying, “Look, the world has gone after Him” (John12:19). This week, think back to those times when circumstances looked one way but turned out to be something else entirely. Remember when you realized God was different than you imagined and saw His will unfold in surprising ways. Look for an opportunity to shareyour insight with a friend or loved one. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Look Up by Sarah Phillips But he answered and said to his father, "Look! For so many years I have been serving you and I have never neglected a command of yours; and yet you have never given me a young goat, so that I might celebrate with my friends; but when this son of yourscame , who has devoured your wealth with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him.” ~ Luke 15:29 – 31 I recently ran across a forum discussion about being single that stuck with me, a fellow single. The original posting went something like this: "I really want to be married. I've waited years and years to be married. I've saved myself for my wedding night and lived a life pleasing to God. So it really pains me to see all these people who compromised their purity getting married and having childrenwhen I’ve lived chastely but remain single and dateless. They are being rewarded while I stay sad and alone. It's just not fair." Have you ever felt this way? It's natural to feel frustrated when we make good choices and get burned while those who made poor choices seem to have it easier. Yes, most of us have empathized with the older brother of the prodigal son at some point. Afterall, he is the son that did everything right. We understand his pain in the opening verse. But truthfully, the older brother wasn't much different from the younger. Both brothers believed a fallacy: If I do things my way, I'll win out. The consequences of a prodigal son's actions are often obvious – life often crumbles around them as they breakaway from God’s truth and embrace reckless living. But what exactly happens when we embrace the attitude of the older brother? We may still attend church, continue to make righteous decisions, and maintain the appearance of wellbeing, but we begin to rot on the inside as we internally pull away from the Father's life-giving love. As I observed this forum thread unfold and rereadthe scriptures above, I saw three subtle dangers to the soul who suffers with Older Brother Syndrome: Loss of spiritual clarity. When we embrace the stance of the older brother, our spiritual vision darkens because we turn our gaze away from Christ to fixate on someone else’s life. The older brother travels down anungodly path because he fails to see things from his merciful father's perspective. From his corner, he cannot see that the prodigal brother suffered for his transgressions and repented with sorrow, nor can he see his own blessings clearly. He festers withenvy over the celebration, and misinterprets his father’s forgiveness as a personal slight. While the older brother may justify his anger in light of the pain his younger brother inflicted on their father, the oldest son only increases his father's pain withhis bitter, ungrateful heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knowing the Heart of God 1 Corinthians 13:11-13 Most people long to be understood. We may have many acquaintances, but we all have a deep need to feel truly known by those we love most. This is because we were created in God's image--He also desires to be intimately understood and loved by us. Just as you don't want to be known for only the superficial details of who you appear to be, it's not enough to know about the Lord. He wants us to learn how He thinks and feels, what's important to Him, and what His purposes are. Of course, it's impossible for man to completely know the mind of the Creator of the universe.In Isaiah 55:9, He tells us, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." The depth and breadth of His mind is so great we will never be able to fully grasp it in this lifetime. However, we can better understand God's heart and character by seeking Him and learning day by day from His Word. If we genuinely desire to walk in His ways, we must first genuinely know Him. We come to know our friends better by sharing more experiencestogether. Similarly, we will also understand God better the longer we walk with Him and meditate on what He has revealed about Himself in the Bible. God wants you to seek Him with all your heart, and He promises that when you do, you will find Him (Jer. 29:13). So, the next timeyou're feeling a need to be better understood, turn to the One who understands you perfectly. Even more importantly, ask Him to help you know Him better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Subtle Pride of Achievement by Mike Pohlman What do you have that you did not receive? - 1 Corinthians 4:7 Pride is crafty. It has a way of bleeding out of us in ways we don't even recognize. This is unfortunate for if we recognized it sooner we just might avoid the fall (cf. Proverbs 16:18). Jerry Bridges is a great teacher. He uses Scripture like a surgeon uses a scalpel. And he just cut me again. In his book, Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins We Tolerate, Bridges takes up the subtle sin of pride by looking at the "sin of achievement." He warns us against slipping into a mindset thatsees our accomplishments as our own doing. And we do this is subtle ways. For example, it may be the simple telling of a story to a friend or family member that involves a promotion at work, or success on the hoop court, or an academic milestone--but withno mention of God. Subtly, we have projected ourselves as the ones who accomplished something when in fact all the credit should go to God. Why is this? Why should God get all the glory in our achievements? Bridges, with a little help from the Apostle Paul, explains: To the proud Corinthians, Paul wrote: "Who sees anything different in you? What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?" (1 Cor. 4:7). So what doyou have that you did not receive? Nothing. You have nothing that did not come to you as a gift from God. Our intellect, our natural skills and talents, our health, and our opportunities to succeed all come from God. We have nothing that will enable us toachieve success that we did not receive from God. Bridges continues to cut: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Man Worthy of Our Praise Matthew 8:23-27 The men traveling with Jesus on a stormy Galilean night said something that ought to make us sit up and take notice. “What kind of a man is this . . . ?” If we ask ourselves that same question, we will start to see the big picture of who Jesus is insteadof concentrating on the “slivers” of personality revealed by individual stories. When the wind, which has been funneled through a narrow gorge, pushes out over the Sea of Galilee, the water becomes turbulent. Jesus and His disciples were caught in just such a dangerous storm while making their way to Gadara. Waves crashed over the deckof the wooden boat. The experienced seamen onboard were certain that death was imminent. But Jesus was sleeping. He was resting quietly during a storm so frightening that the Greek word used to describe it is seismos—from the same root that gives us the phrase “seismic activity” for earthquakes. What kind of man is this who can sleep while the boat heaves and pitches? The answer is: the One who createdthe seas and knows how a storm brews and what energy causes a wave to stay in motion. That’s the kind of man: a divine Being cloaked in humanity, who rebuked the winds and sea so that they became perfectly calm. Scripture indicates that both the air and the water were instantly stilled. Such is the power of Jesus, the Creator and Lord over the universe. Taken together, all the Bible stories about Jesus reveal the “big picture” that He is the only man worthy of glory, honor, and praise (Dan.7:13-14). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forward Focus - by Greg Laurie � For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. �Hebrews 12:13 Listen In the ancient Olympic Games, they didn�t give out gold, silver, and bronze medals like they do with the winners today. Rather, they would crown their victors with laurelleaves. So if you were running a race and nearing the end, you could see the emperor standing there with a crown of laurel leaves that he was waiting to place on the winner�s head. I remember when I was in track and field in high school. I hated to go to practice, but if there was a pretty girl who happened to be watching, it always helped me run faster. In the race of life, however, we have a better motive. Jesus himself is watching us. The writer of Hebrews tells us, �Let us run with endurance the race that is set beforeus, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God� (Hebrews 12:1�2 NKJV). The literal meaning of �looking unto Jesus� is turning your eyes away from other things and fixing them on Him. In fact, if you�re really focused on something, then everythingelse becomes somewhat blurry in comparison. The same is true when you�re using a camera. You focus on your subject and get it dialed in, and that obscures other things. You blur out other elements so the subject standsout. That�s what looking to Jesus means. It�s putting Him first and filling your mind with the Word of God. That can help you get through whatever hardship or difficulty you�regoing through. We need to look to Jesus, because He�s always been looking out for us. We need to live for Him, because He died for us. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WhenMessiah Came �Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalemunto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.� (Daniel9:25) This remarkable prophecy, given through the angel Gabriel to Daniel the prophet, actually predicted the date of the coming of Christ nearly 500 years in advance. From the announcement to the coming of �Messiah the Prince,� there would be 69 �weeks� (literally �sevens,� meaning in this context �seven-year periods�). That is, Messiah would come as the Prince 483 years after the commandment was given to rebuild Jerusalem. There is some uncertainty about the exact date of the decree, as well as the exact length ofthese prophetic years, but in each calculation the termination date is at least near or, in some cases, exactly the time when Christ entered Jerusalem to be acknowledged as its promised King. However, Gabriel�s prophecy went on to say: �And after [the] threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off� (Daniel9:26). That is, although He would come as promised, instead of being gladly crowned as King, He would be slain. Since the 483-year period terminated long ago, it is clear that Messiah must already have come and then been put to death at that time. The terms of this remarkable prophecy have been precisely fulfilled in Jesus Christ alone, and no one coming later could have done so. It is no wonder that He wept over Jerusalem, pronouncing her coming judgment, �because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation� (Luke19:44). We, like He, should weep and pray for Israel. Yet, in God�s omniscient planning, �through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles� (Romans11:11), and in this we can rejoice. HMM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Gifts of Easter Ryan Duncan �While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.� � Luke24:51-52 My Grandfather has always been a generous man. Every Easter when I was young, he would go out to the local candy store and return with bags upon bags of candy for me and my cousins. Of course, we couldn�t just eat the candy then and there. To make thingsmore enjoyable, the children would all go into the basement to play while he and my Grandmother hid the candy in nooks and corners of the house for us to find throughout the day. The big prize in the game was always an enormous, solid chocolate bunny hiddensomewhere in the house, and my grandfather loved to walk about giving vague hints as to where it might be. To be honest though, what I loved most about my early Easters was actually what came afterward. You see, my Grandfather always bought so much candy that we kids couldn�t find it all. So when our family came to visit a few weeks later, you might find a caramelegg while rummaging through the bookshelf or stumble on a bar of chocolate while playing in the study. These unexpected blessings always reminded me how much my Grandfather loved his grandchildren, and how he always spoke of God loving us. Looking back onit now, I can�t help but see a resemblance between those unforeseen gifts and Christ�s work through the resurrection. Look at the verse below, �On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, �Peace be with you!� After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. Again Jesus said, �Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.� And with that he breathed on them and said, �Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.�" � John 20:19-23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Earth Is the Lord's �The earth is the LORD�s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath foundedit upon the seas, and established it upon the floods.� (Psalm 24:1-2) The psalms often draw our hearts to praise the Lord for His wondrous deeds and marvelous attributes. In today�s text, we are reminded of the Lord�s role as sovereign Creator of Earth and everything in it. The Lord Jesus Christ is Creator (Colossians 1:16; John 1:1-3), and as Creator He is the rightful owner of His creation. He created all things, and everything belongs to Him. While some search for life beyond our solar system, our finite minds still haven�t completely fathomed the intricate designs found on our own planet. From billowing clouds to the rolling waves of the Atlantic Ocean, from the peak of Mount Everest to the depthsof the Mariana Trench, the wonder and beauty of God�s creation are clearly seen (Romans 1:20). Life is unique to our planet. The Lord designed Earth to be the exclusive home for living things. Do you remember the old hymn �All Things Bright and Beautiful?� It said, �All creatures great and small...the Lord God made them all.� Think about the largestdinosaur and the tiniest bacterium. Living things are extremely complex. Scientists discover new creature features almost every day. Some credit nature with the power to select and direct. But God�s Word is clear: The Lord�not nature��founded� the earth, and He alone created �they that dwell therein.� Why does this matter? The Lord who created all things� humanity being His special creation, made in His image (Genesis 1:27)�is the same Lord who becameone of us and died in our place (Philippians 2:5-9). The Lord who created earthly life is the Savior who freely offers us eternal life (John3:16). MH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Easter: All That Matters vs. All I Live For By: Shawn McEvoy He has risen, just as He said. - Matthew28:6, NIV What would I ever do if someone I knew came back from the dead? Especially if he had said he would, and if he had spent a couple nights in a grave already? Seriously, what would I do? What would you do? Wouldn't I blab to everyone I know - and most people I don't - about this miraculous event? Heck, I tell everyone when I'm feeling under the weather or when I saw a good movie. Then factor in that the same guy was now telling us that because of what he had done, none of the rest of us would ever have to suffer death. What's more, simply by believing what we had seen, no matter our background, history, race, or education, we couldrestore our long-lost connection with the Almighty, and live forever. Man... unfortunately, I'm having a hard time conceiving what I would do. Or, even if I can conceive it, I can't quite believe it, because honestly, I have seen this, I do believe this, and yet my daily reaction to it doesn't exactly line up with The Actsof the Apostles. Has the news of a resurrected savior really become passe? Why don't I want to read Acts? What am I afraid of? That I'll be rejected? (He who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit (1Thess. 4:8)). That I won't be powerful enough? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Preachers �What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I thereindo rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.� (Philippians 1:18) This verse seems to conflict with warnings about false teachers (2 Peter 2:1) and another gospel (Galatians1:6-9). The key is identifying what Paul is allowing on the one hand and condemning on the other. Some teachers of his day (probably both in Philippi and in Rome) appeared to be taking advantage of Paul�s imprisonment to enhance their own reputations. Indeed, some were trying through their public preaching to �add affliction to [his] bonds� (Philippians1:16). Even though some with ungodly motives stood out among those preaching of �good will,� Paul was able to rejoice that �Christ is preached� (today�s text) by both categories, and therein is the source of the �power of God unto salvation� (Romans1:16). The stern denunciation of �another gospel� (Galatians 1:6) exposes the untruth of all hybrid messages, whether human or angelic, that would attempt to preachanything other than �Christ, and him crucified� (1 Corinthians 2:2). Here is the message for us. When the full gospel of Christ�s death, burial, and resurrection�according to the Scriptures� is preached (1 Corinthians 15:1-4)by whatever means and even under sometimes questionable motives, the �good news� is cause for rejoicing. It is the gospel that has power, not the messenger. However, when some people attempt to change that gospel to make it seem more attractive to those who wish to continue in sin, or change its message to allow for human works, we are to see such preachers as dangerous and under condemnation. May God keep us fromboth mistakes. HMM III ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discouraged and Disappointed - by Greg Laurie � They said to each other, �Didn�t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?� �Luke 24:32 Listen Have you ever been disappointed with God? Have you ever felt as though God let you down, that He failed you? That�s how two first-century disciples felt as they were leaving Jerusalem. They were devastated because Jesus had been crucified. In their minds, that was the end of thestory. And then, none other than the resurrected Jesus joined them. However, they didn�t know it was the Lord. He did something to conceal His identity, although we don�t knowwhat it was. As the three walked along together, Jesus turned to them and said, in effect, �Hey, guys, why the long faces? What�s going on?� One of them replied, �You must be the only person in Jerusalem who hasn�t heard about all the things that have happened there the last few days� (Luke 24:18 NLT). Jesus said, �What things?� (verse 19 NLT). So they proceeded to tell Jesus about Jesus. But then the Bible says that Jesus stopped and rebuked them, saying, �You foolish people! You find it so hard to believe all that the prophets wrote in the Scriptures. Wasn�tit clearly predicted that the Messiah would have to suffer all these things before entering his glory?� (verses 25�26 NLT). Jesus went on to explain all the Old Testament passages that pointed to His death. I would love to have been a fly on the wall for that conversation. As they came to the end of their journey, Jesus acted as though He would keep going, so they invited Him to join them for a meal. And when He took the bread, blessed it,and broke it, they suddenly recognized Him. Then He disappeared. This story reminds us that God can use His Word to bring us back to spiritual life again. Disappointment is His appointment. God wants to restore your faith today. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Consistently Inconsistent By Shawn McEvoy But if you're not sure, if you notice that you are acting in ways inconsistent with what you believe - some days trying to impose your opinions on others, other days just trying to please them - then you know that you're out of line. If the way you liveisn't consistent with what you believe, then it's wrong. - Romans 14:23,The Message Never brag on a four-and-a-half year-old. This past Saturday, my wife and I could not have been more proud of our son, Jordan. He had been invited to a good friend's birthday party at a local YMCA, where they have a rock climbing wall, and the party was going to be Jordan's first chance to try itout. He'd been gearing up for it all week, even telling the stylists at the hair salon that he was going to get to climb a wall - just like Spider-Man. He also opted out of a post-haircut lollipop, completely on his own, rationalizing that because he'd beeating cake and ice cream later that day, he didn't want to have too many sweets. Anyway, his mom had in her mind that the party was from 3:00 to 5:00 on Saturday afternoon. But as Valerie drove into the parking lot, she saw people leaving. Uh-oh. Yep... the cake was mostly eaten, the presents were being packed, and Nathan's birthdayparty had actually been from 1:00 to 3:00. How would you expect the typical four-year-old boy to react to the news that he had just missed the whole party? Well, when Val got down on her knees and looked him in the eyes and told him what had happened, he threw his arms around her neck and hugged her. He said, "I love you even when you mess up, Mommy." Nathan's mom invted Jordan over to their home to watch Nathanopen his presents (they hadn't done this at the party) and play. Jordan eagerly accepted. To my knowledge, he didn't even have any cake. But when he came home, he told me this had been, "the best day ever," as it had also included going to the gym and to geta haircut with daddy that morning, and now he was going to get to watch some football. It was his mom who was beating herself up, but the boy was as calm and pleasant and forgiving and full of joy as ever. That night, at a fellowship for our Adult Bible class from church, some friends asked about the kids, and we told the story of Jordan's day. Jaws dropped. I went to bed feeling like the world's most blessed dad. Then came Sunday morning. First, Jordan decided he wanted neither a shower nor a bath, though he needed one. This may sound normal to you, but this boy generally loves getting clean. After we got him dressed he was fine. In the car, he informed me he didn't want to go to church.This wasn't unusual, as it was just a statement, one he has made before. But when we got to the church parking lot... he WOULD NOT get out of the car. When we finally got into the education building... he WOULD NOT go into his class. He was in between cryingand screaming. Where did this come from?! We pulled out every prayer and parenting trick we know. Ultimately, we presented our son a choice, and made it clear: go into the class, which would be fun (it always is! He always has loved it and participated and knows the Bible stories), or - go homewith Daddy and face not only a spanking but an entire day in his room, without watching football with Dad, without his toys, without his games. He said he couldn't choose. We told him he had to. He chose option B, one that would literally be, for a boy ofhis age (and for his parents to carry out as well), Hell on earth for a day. My son, the same one who had mused to me the day before, "I think Heaven is going to be just great," the same one who had wowed us with a positive attitude and forgiveness beyondhis years, was choosing, essentially, Hell, the worst possible day we could give him. But we did give him one more chance. And another. Valerie went into class with him. He screamed. The teacher tried to soothe him with "Mommy's coming back" talk, but this was no separation anxiety issue. This was, for whatever reason, the day my boy decidedto exert his will at any or all costs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Necessity of the Cross Colossians 2:13-15 What does the cross mean to you? Many people in the world today view it as a symbol of Christianity, but stop and think about what it represented in Christ's day. Nobody wore a miniature cross around the neck or displayed one in a place of worship. The crosswas a torturous means of execution, and the mere thought of it was repulsive. Yet believers throughout the ages have chosen this as the sign of their faith. In fact, to remove the cross from our teaching and theology would leave nothing but an empty, powerless religion. The subjects of death, blood, and sacrifice have become unpopular in many churches because they're unpleasant and uncomfortable topics.We'd prefer to hear about the love of God, not the suffering of Jesus. But let me ask you this: How could anyone be saved if Christ had not been crucified? Some people think all you have to do to receive God's forgiveness is ask Him for it. But a sinner's request can never be the basis for His forgiveness. He would cease tobe holy and just if no penalty was imposed for sin. According to Scripture, there can be no forgiveness without the shedding of blood (Heb.9:22). Christ had to bear the punishment for our sin in order for God to grant us forgiveness. Every time you see a cross, remember what it really was--an instrument of execution. Then thank Jesus that He was willing to be crucified so the Father could forgive you of sin. Though the scene of your redemption was horrendous, Christ turned the cross into a place of great triumph. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Day a Doubter Believed - by Greg Laurie � Then Jesus told him, �You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.� �John 20:29 Listen If you have a hard time believing there�s a God in Heaven who loves you, if it�s difficult to wrap your mind around the fact that God has a plan for your life, then Easteris for you. Everyone struggles with doubts now and then. Oswald Chambers, author of the well-known Christian devotional My Utmost for His Highest, said, �Doubt is not always a signthat a man is wrong; it may be a sign that he is thinking.� One of the disciples of Jesus was super skeptical. In fact, we call him doubting Thomas. After the resurrected Jesus appeared to the disciples, they told Thomas about it.But Thomas said, �I won�t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in his side� (John 20:25 NLT). Yet the next time they met together, Thomas was there. And sure enough, Jesus appeared and said to Thomas, �Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand intothe wound in my side. Don�t be faithless any longer. Believe!� (verse 20 NLT). Thomas simply said, �My Lord and my God!� (verse 28 NLT). He didn�t want to know anything more than what the others knew, but he just needed to know for himself. So you can come to Jesus with your skepticism. You can come to Jesus with your doubt. You can even come to Jesus if you�re an outright atheist. However, you can�t live off the faith of someone else. You need to come to the Lord and say, �I have these questions,� and then put your faith in Him. Someone might say, �Show me, and I�ll believe.� But God effectively says, �Believe, and I�ll show you.� You can turn your skepticism into faith, and you can turn your doubt into belief. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VISIT: PROPHECY WATCHER WEEKLY NEWS: HTTP://PROPHECY-WATCHER-WEEKLY-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

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