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Friday, April 16, 2021

COVID19 UPDATE: 4.17.21 - Slowly But Surely, The Truth Is Coming Out

Slowly But Surely, The Truth Is Coming Out - by Michael Snyder - Don�t you hate it when what you get turns out to be far different from what you were promised? In this article, I am only going to share facts that have been documentedby corporate media sources. These facts are going to upset a lot of people, because they prove that much of what we had been promised didn�t turn out to be true. So many people that I know were convinced that if they just got their two shots they would be100 percent protected for the rest of their lives and they would never have to be concerned about getting COVID ever again. In addition, most Americans still seem to believe that if a high enough percentage of the population gets their shots COVID will bedefeated and the pandemic will be brought to an end. Unfortunately, all of those assumptions have turned out to be dead wrong. If you don�t want to believe me, perhaps you will believe the CEO of Pfizer. This week, he admitted that �fully vaccinated� people will need a third shot of the vaccinewithin 12 months� Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said people will �likely� need a third dose of a Covid-19 vaccine within 12 months of getting fully vaccinated. His comments were made public Thursdaybut were taped April 1. Bourla said it�s possible people will need to get vaccinated against the coronavirus annually. From the very beginning of this crisis, I have been warning my readers that any immunity would be very temporary. Natural COVID immunity is very temporary, and immunityconferred by the vaccines is very temporary too. The CEO of Pfizer is comparing the COVID vaccines to flu shots. Every year millions of Americans rush out to get their flu shots, and the CEO of Pfizer is admitting thatit looks like the COVID vaccines will be on a similar schedule� �There are vaccines that�s like polio that one dose is enough, there are vaccines like pneumococcal vaccine that one dose is enough for adults and there are vaccines likeflu that you need every year,� Bourla said. �The Covid virus looks more like the influenza virus than the polio virus.� If people are going to need a new shot every year, that means that COVID will be with us for a very long time to come. This is essentially an admission that the COVID pandemic will not be ending any time soon. Needless to say, Pfizer stands to make giant mountains of money if COVID vaccines become a yearly thing, and we need to keep that in mind. A lot of people that I know are going to be extremely upset when they finally realize that the two shots that they got only provide temporary immunity. And of course lots of people are still getting sick after being fully vaccinated. According to the CDC, so far there have been almost 6,000 documented cases of people beinginfected after getting two shots, and dozens of them have died� The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has reported that roughly 5,800 people who received a coronavirus vaccine still ultimately came down with the disease anyway, accordingto CNN. Of those 5,800, 396 of them (roughly 7 percent) were hospitalized; 74 of the vaccinated people ultimately died. The report proves that the vaccines, though frequently toutedby the government and the media, are not guaranteed to prevent everyone from contracting the virus. That wasn�t supposed to happen. But it is happening. Meanwhile, there is a lot of uncertainty about how the current vaccines will fare against variants that have already developed and variants that will develop in the future. At this point we just don�t know how effective the vaccines will be, but the New York Times is assuring us that we don�t have anything to be concerned about� �I use the term �scariants,�� said Dr. Eric Topol, professor of molecular medicine at Scripps Research in La Jolla, Calif., referring to much of the media coverage of thevariants. �Even my wife was saying, �What about this double mutant?� It drives me nuts. People are scared unnecessarily. If you�re fully vaccinated, two weeks post dose, you shouldn�t have to worry about variants at all.� Really? I have a feeling that Dr. Eric Topol will end up eating those words. The reason why a new flu vaccine comes out every year is because the flu is constantly changing and mutating. The same thing is happening to COVID, and there are already dozens of mutant variations spreading around the globe. To me, Dr. Eric Topol�s statement was exceedingly irresponsible, especially considering some of the studies that have come out lately. Here is just one example� Two doses of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine were found to have only a 10.4% efficacy against mild-to-moderate infections caused by the B.1.351 South Africa variant, accordingto a phase 1b-2 clinical trial published on Tuesday in the New England Journal of Medicine. This is a cause for grave concern as the South African variants share similar mutations to the other variants leaving those vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccinepotentially exposed to multiple variants. In this article, I haven�t even discussed all of the side effects that we have been witnessing. A few days ago, the FDA issued an unprecedented order regarding the Johnsonand Johnson vaccine because it was causing blood clots in a number of cases� This week, the Food and Drug Administration called for a halt in the administration of the single dose vaccine for COVID-19 manufactured by Johnson and Johnson. The haltwas ascribed to the rare incidence of blood clots that could potentially be related to the vaccine. I am glad that the FDA decided to step in, but the order came too late for this guy� When the news broke about the pause of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine Tuesday, one Coast family was already living with a tragedy they believe was caused by the vaccine. It started out as a normal day for 43-year-old Brad Malagarie of St. Martin. This busy father of seven spent the morning at his D�Iberville office before heading to geta Johnson & Johnson vaccine a little after noon. He returned to work, and within three hours coworkers noticed he was unresponsive at his desk. It shouldn�t be controversial to say that rushing experimental vaccines through the testing process was a really bad idea. We should be putting the safety of the American people first, and nobody knows for sure what the long-term effects of these experimental treatments will be. In this day and age, we all need to do our own research and we all need to think for ourselves, because the big pharmaceutical companies are more concerned with profitsthan anything else. If you are harmed by their experimental therapies, the big pharmaceutical companies won�t be there to pick up the pieces for you if something goes horribly wrong. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Covid Detection Microchips Beneath The Skin - From Science Fiction To Reality.... As the debate over Vaccination passports continues to heat up - the Pentagon has just added a whole new level of concern over privacy and government control with revelations that is has created a microchip to be inserted under the skin, which can detectCOVID-19 infections. Retired Colonel Matt Hepburn revealed the device on 60 minutes Sunday night. 'You put it underneath your skin and what that tells you is that there are chemical reactions going on inside the body, and that signal means you are going to have symptoms tomorrow,'he explained. 'It's like a "check engine" light,' said Hepburn. 'Sailors would get the signal, then self-administer a blood draw and test themselves on site. 'We can have that information in three to five minutes. 'As you truncate that time, as you diagnose and treat, what you do is you stop the infection in its tracks.' He said they were inspired by the struggle to stem the virus' spread onboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, where 1,271 crew members tested positive for the coronavirus. If current vaccination rates in the military are any indication however, many troops may not be too eager to jump on the microchip bandwagon. Research shows that so far a third of troops have refused to take the vaccine. Many indicated they were concerned over long term health affects but also, ironically, that it might contain a microchip devised to monitor them or be used for some type ofof government control. This is not the first time researchers have come up with a method to help manage and detect covid or show proof of vaccinations. Researchers had previously found a way to leave a "mark" under the skin that will enable medical authorities to know whether someone has been vaccinated or not. This "mark" is created using a specialized dye that is not visible to the naked eye, and thedye is delivered under the skin as part of the vaccination process. If that sounds quite creepy to you, that is because it is very creepy. Scientists at MIT wanted to create an easy method for keeping track of vaccinations in parts of the world where electronic databases are not commonly used, and what they came up withis extremely alarming... MIT researchers have now developed a novel way to record a patient's vaccination history: storing the data in a pattern of dye, invisible to the naked eye, that is delivered under the skin at the same time as the vaccine. "In areas where paper vaccination cards are often lost or do not exist at all, and electronic databases are unheard of, this technology could enable the rapid and anonymous detection of patient vaccination history to ensure that every child is vaccinated,"says Kevin McHugh, a former MIT postdoc who is now an assistant professor of bioengineering at Rice University. Unsurprisingly, the MIT article announcing this discovery stated that this research had been funded "by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Koch Institute Support (core) Grant from the National Cancer Institute". In order to see the "mark" that has been left behind by the specialized dye, authorities will need a "specially equipped smartphone", and we are being told that the "mark" can be read for at least five years after the initial injection... The researchers showed that their dye, which consists of nanocrystals called quantum dots, can remain for at least five years under the skin, where it emits near-IR light that can be detected by a specially equipped smartphone. To many, this invention may sound like a much less painful method to deliver vaccines and a great way to keep track of who has been vaccinated. But for many others, this sort of technology is a giant move in the wrong direction. In addition to being a gross violation of our privacy rights, many are concerned that we could eventually be approaching the days warned about in Revelation chapter 13... 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Sixhundred threescore and six. According to the Bible, someday people will not be able to perform basic day to day activities without a mark, often called the Mark of the Beast. And even now, we are being warned that those that do not take a COVID vaccine may not be able to live normal lives. Just consider what Ontario's Chief Medical Officer Dr. David Williams just said... "What we can do is to say sometimes for access or ease of getting into certain settings, if you don't have vaccination then you're not allowed into that setting without other protection materials," said Williams. "What may be mandatory is proof of...vaccination in order to have latitude and freedom to move around...without wearing other types of personal protective equipment," he added. We are going to need proof that we have been vaccinated "in order to have latitude and freedom to move around"? The news is full of stories each week that contrast vaccination issues with restrictions of freedoms. This week New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has said border workers who refuse to take the C0VID-19 vaccine will lose their jobs. Another story that caught a lot of people off guard was how only vaccinated people were being allowed to evacuate the island of St Vincent (due to volcanic activity) via cruise ship. Those not vaccinated had to find alternative means. Even such issues as shared parental custody has become a hot topic when one parent refuses to vaccinate. Look for lots more controversy in the days ahead. Will we eventually get to a point where we are not allowed to go to work and our kids are not allowed to go to school without a COVID vaccine? Or perhaps you will not be allowed into a public place to conduct business without proof? And could such restrictions foreshadow a day when an even more sinister scheme appears on the global stage? These are such unusual times, and while vaccinations and microchip technology by themselves may not be the Mark of the Beast, this may be a preview of what is to come. --------------------------------------------------------- Vaccine gaslighting Part 1 - Bill Wilson � Corporate media and the government are using fear and intimidation to gaslight the world about COVID 19. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation designed tomake people question their own perception or judgment and they are unable to come to sensible conclusions. Yes, I understand that many have lost friends or loved ones to COVID 19. One death is too many. My sincere sympathies. Notwithstanding, People are beingcoerced into taking a vaccination for a virus that there is less than a 1% chance of contracting and less than a .02% chance of dying from, according to CDC statistics. Moreover, there is a .0017% chance of dying from the vaccination. But there is a wholelot more to this. Over the weekend, alarming reports surfaced of side effects of the vaccine. The Epoch Times reported on a CDC study that concluded, �Of those who received one dose of themessenger RNA vaccine, 74 percent of Moderna recipients reported injection site reactions of pain, swelling, redness, and itching, as opposed to 65.4 percent of the Pfizer/BioNTech recipients. Furthermore, 52 percent of those who received the Moderna vaccinesaid they had a generalized reaction like fatigue, headache, and body pain, compared to 48 percent of recipients who had the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.� In addition, four Johnson and Johnson vaccination sites have been closed so far due to adverse reactions.There are also reports of post-vaccination blood clots and many other complications. But according to the CDC, there is nothing to see here. A CDC spokesman said, �CDC has performed vaccine lot analyses and has not found any reason for concern. Currently,CDC and FDA are not recommending health departments stop administering any lots of COVID-19 vaccine.� Huh? They shut down four vaccination facilities to date. In a March 13 interview, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and InfectiousDiseases, dismissed long-term effects of the vaccines, saying most adverse reactions occur between 15 to 45 days following vaccination. He said, �The reason we say that is that we have decades of experience in the field of vaccinology and virtually all ofthe effects if they even occur, and they�re very rare, occur within 15 to 45 days following the dose.� In other words, Fauci, the CDC, the pharma companies, and other health officials are saying �yes, there are adverse reactions to the vaccines, some of them very severe,but there is nothing to worry about.� At the same time, they are closing down vaccination sites because of the obvious adverse reactions. Whether you decide to get the vaccination or not, make an informed decision about what is right for you. And understand,too, that something is terribly wrong when the government and media acknowledge issues, but then say those very issues are nothing with which to be concerned�all over a virus that you have less than a 1% chance of contracting. Ephesians 5:6 says, �Let no mandeceive you with vain words.� Part II will take a deeper dive into how your life can be controlled by this vaccine-mania. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Covid Detection Microchips Beneath the Skin - From ScienceFiction to Reality - As the debate over Vaccination passports continues to heat up - the Pentagon has just added a whole new level of concern over privacy and government control with revelationsthat is has created a microchip to be inserted under the skin, which can detect COVID-19 infections. Retired Colonel Matt Hepburn revealed the device on 60 minutes Sunday night. 'You put it underneath your skin and what that tells you is that there are chemical reactionsgoing on inside the body, and that signal means you are going to have symptoms tomorrow,' he explained. 'It's like a "check engine" light,' said Hepburn. 'Sailors would get the signal, then self-administer a blood draw and test themselves on site. 'We can have that information in three to five minutes. 'As you truncate that time, as you diagnose and treat, what you do is you stop the infection in its tracks.' He said they were inspired by the struggle to stem the virus' spread onboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, where 1,271 crew members tested positive for the coronavirus. If current vaccination rates in the military are any indication however, many troops may not be too eager to jump on the microchip bandwagon. Research shows that so far a third of troops have refused to take the vaccine. Many indicated they were concerned over long term health affects but also, ironically, thatit might contain a microchip devised to monitor them or be used for some type of of government control. This is not the first time researchers have come up with a method to help manage and detect covid or show proof of vaccinations. Researchers had previously found a way to leave a "mark" under the skin that will enable medical authorities to know whether someone has been vaccinated or not. This "mark"is created using a specialized dye that is not visible to the naked eye, and the dye is delivered under the skin as part of the vaccination process. If that sounds quite creepy to you, that is because it is very creepy. Scientists at MIT wanted to create an easy method for keeping track of vaccinations in parts of theworld where electronic databases are not commonly used, and what they came up with is extremely alarming... MIT researchers have now developed a novel way to record a patient's vaccination history: storing the data in a pattern of dye, invisible to the naked eye, that is deliveredunder the skin at the same time as the vaccine. "In areas where paper vaccination cards are often lost or do not exist at all, and electronic databases are unheard of, this technology could enable the rapid and anonymousdetection of patient vaccination history to ensure that every child is vaccinated," says Kevin McHugh, a former MIT postdoc who is now an assistant professor of bioengineering at Rice University. Unsurprisingly, the MIT article announcing this discovery stated that this research had been funded "by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Koch Institute Support(core) Grant from the National Cancer Institute". In order to see the "mark" that has been left behind by the specialized dye, authorities will need a "specially equipped smartphone", and we are being told that the "mark"can be read for at least five years after the initial injection... The researchers showed that their dye, which consists of nanocrystals called quantum dots, can remain for at least five years under the skin, where it emits near-IR lightthat can be detected by a specially equipped smartphone. To many, this invention may sound like a much less painful method to deliver vaccines and a great way to keep track of who has been vaccinated. But for many others, this sort of technology is a giant move in the wrong direction. In addition to being a gross violation of our privacy rights, many are concerned thatwe could eventually be approaching the days warned about in Revelation chapter 13... 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. According to the Bible, someday people will not be able to perform basic day to day activities without a mark, often called the Mark of the Beast. And even now, we are being warned that those that do not take a COVID vaccine may not be able to live normal lives. Just consider what Ontario's Chief Medical Officer Dr.David Williams just said... "What we can do is to say sometimes for access or ease of getting into certain settings, if you don't have vaccination then you're not allowed into that setting withoutother protection materials," said Williams. "What may be mandatory is proof of...vaccination in order to have latitude and freedom to move around...without wearing other types of personal protective equipment," headded. We are going to need proof that we have been vaccinated "in order to have latitude and freedom to move around"? The news is full of stories each week that contrast vaccination issues with restrictions of freedoms. This week New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has said borderworkers who refuse to take the C0VID-19 vaccine will lose their jobs. Another story that caught a lot of people off guard was how only vaccinated people were being allowed to evacuate the island of St Vincent (due to volcanic activity) viacruise ship. Those not vaccinated had to find alternative means. Even such issues as shared parental custody has become a hot topic when one parent refuses to vaccinate. Look for lots more controversy in the days ahead. Will we eventually get to a point where we are not allowed to go to work and our kids are not allowed to go to school without a COVID vaccine? Or perhaps you will not beallowed into a public place to conduct business without proof? And could such restrictions foreshadow a day when an even more sinister scheme appears on the global stage? These are such unusual times, and while vaccinations and microchip technology by themselves may not be the Mark of the Beast, this may be a preview of what is to come. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vaccine gaslighting Part II - Bill Wilson � The government and corporate media are employing tactics to force you into complying with the COVID 19 vaccine. The federal government says there will be no vaccine passport.But the caveat is that the private sector will do the government�s dirty work for it. The government cannot easily trample your Constitutional rights to privacy, which is what a vaccine passport does, but the private sector has a lot more leeway in removingyour civil rights. It is what Alexis de Tocqueville defined in 1840 in his book Democracy in America: soft tyranny covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated rules where the will of man is constantly restrained, stupefying a people. Case in point was the April 9 news conference by Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St Vincent, a Caribbean island evacuating because of a volcanic eruption. Gonsalves toldreporters that only COVID vaccinated people would be evacuated. He told reporters, �The chief medical officer would be identifying the persons already vaccinated so that we can get them on the ship�Those that are vaccinated, [the chief medical officer] canget them going on the vessel. Those who are not yet vaccinated but who would be vaccinated, you wouldn�t send them immediately after vaccination,� due to possible side effects like �wooziness in the head, you know how that is.� Yes, we know how it is, andwe see how it can be. Another example is an acquaintance from Ghana living in America who went to visit Ghana last week. He was asked if there was a vaccination passport. He said, �no nothinglike that at all.� Then he went on to describe that all he had to do was just show proof of vaccination and a negative test, and upon arrival in Ghana have another negative test to enter the country. Without knowing it, he experienced a vaccine passport. Thereare many examples of friends, neighbors and family members who are refusing to associate with those not vaccinated. This type of peer pressure is also a form of tyranny. People are being ostracized and categorized for not complying with this �voluntary� mandate.Employers are putting extreme pressure on employees and customers to �voluntarily� take the vaccine. Corporations are now making the rules, In order to know who is vaccinated, you carry papers or some sort of identification certifying your vaccination. The corporations and authorities know who you are and whetheryou are complying. Your entry to certain places depends on getting the vaccine. Everyone should make an informed decision whether to be COVID vaccinated, but you should also be informed of the freedom-curtailing impact of this entire phenomena, the soft tyranny.Vaccine or no, Americans should not be gaslighted into accepting this systemic violation of their civil rights. Galatians 5:1 says, �Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.� That yoke, in this case, is a principality of darkness preying on your spiritual and physical life. Part III examines the repeat of history and what can happen with this form of tyranny. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gateway to The Beast :: By Bill Wilson Published on: April 6, 2021 by RRadmin7 Category:BillWilson, General Articles There is no greater modern gateway to the apocalyptic �Beast,� or antichrist, than the entirety of the worldwide COVID-19 response. Nations were locked down. Food supplies were disrupted. Businesses, schools, and churches were forced to close. Healthypeople were quarantined. Travel was confined. These restrictions came within months of the spread of the virus. And they were just the beginning. With reopening, there remains a certain number of freedoms being curtailed, suppressed. Today, the world is being asked to bow to a god called a vaccine, even though you have less than a percent chance of dying if you are infected with the virus. Seehow quickly it can happen? Speaking of the end-time beast, Revelation 13:16-17 prophesies: �And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in the right hand or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.� COVID-19 is not the end-time beast. Nor is the vaccine. Notwithstanding, it is an example of how a worldwide event, such as an end-time plague, can cause such fear that people will do most anything to buy, sell, or live. In essence, this COVID vaccinehas taken over the world. If you don�t have it, your family, friends, and neighbors shame you; your governments limit you; your merchants restrict you. In America, New York is the first state to implement a vaccine passport. The Biden Administration is working on �guidelines� for the nation, but White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says, �A determination or development of a vaccine passport or whateveryou want to call it will be driven by the private sector.� In other words, Biden is going to give big corporations and media the authority to shut you down, just like they have green-lighted censoring your freedom of thought and speech. Europe is developing its COVID passport. And Israel, where the end-time beast will set up shop, was among the first to require a �Green Pass.� Israel�s Ministry of Health will issue the passport to the vaccinated, giving them exclusive access to hotels,gyms, theaters, music venues and other places like restaurants and bars. I repeat: The COVID vaccine is not the end-time beast. But every person who loves the Lord should at least be aware of how quickly an antichrist figure, the beast, could deceive and control the world. COVID, if not a blueprint, is an example. People werein a panic about food, finances, and services. IF we are privileged to be the generation of Christ�s return, take care that you are not so fearful, deceived or shamed into taking the mark of the beast. As Revelation 20:4 discloses, �And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, reigned withChrist a thousand years.� It is better to lose your life for Christ and gain eternity than to preserve your life but lose your salvation. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Reasons Why Vaccine Passports Are A Dangerous Idea � Patrick Wood - As the use of vaccine passports snowballs around the world, concerns about their potential reach and implications are growing. Vaccine passports (or passes or certificates) are being rushed through around the world, including in places where most people have not even been able to get a vaccine yet.They are being touted as a way of jump-starting the global economy by providing a means for people to prove their vaccinated status, allowing them to travel, shop, go to the gym, attend sporting and cultural events and conduct other indoor activities. Countries like Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore have already introduced vaccine passports in the last couple of months. Of course, the use of the word "passport" is deceptive. "Passport" implies a document endorsed by a state that establishes citizenship and guarantees diplomatic protection.A traditional passport does not require the bearer to participate in a vaccine program, although immunity certificates have existed for diseases such as Yellow Fever. Another difference is that a vaccine passport is likely to come in the form of a digital document. The potential scope of its application is also far broader than that ofa normal passport. It could be required not only to establish identity and vaccine status at national borders but also to travel, access public buildings and basic services within one's own country of residence. In countries that already have an established national health service, such as the UK and Israel, the vaccine passport has been mandated at state level. In the US tech andhealth-care companies are firmly in the driving seat. At least 17 alternative programs are currently under development. As for the EU, it has proposed issuing "digital green certificates" that would allow EU residents to travel freely across the 27-nation bloc by the summer as long as theyhave been vaccinated, tested negative for COVID-19 or recovered from the disease. It's worth noting that the EU has been studying the feasibility of creating a common EU vaccination card since early 2019. International Initiatives There are also initiatives taking place internationally such as the Smart Vaccination Certificate Working Group, whose partners include WHO, UNICEF, ITU and the EuropeanCommission. The group "is focused on establishing key specifications, standards and a trust framework for a digital vaccination certificate to facilitate implementation of effective and interoperable digital solutions that support COVID-19 vaccine deliveryand monitoring, with intended applicability to other vaccines." Another initiative is the CommonPass digital health app being developed by the Commons Project Foundation (CPJ), which was founded by the Rockefeller Foundation and is supportedby the World Economic Forum. The CommonPass is both a framework and an app that "will allow individuals to access their lab results and vaccination records, and consent to have that information usedto validate their COVID status without revealing any other underlying personal health information." Then there's ID2020, a nongovernmental organization that advocates for digital IDs for the billion undocumented people worldwide and under-served groups like refugees. In2019, ID2020 launched a new digital identity program in collaboration with the government of Bangladesh and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). It is now involved in the Good Health Pass Collaborative, "an open, inclusive, cross-sector initiative, bringing together leading companies and organizations from the technology,health, and travel sectors". Pause for Thought Some of these initiatives are already being piloted by companies, including airlines, and local or regional authorities. All Nippons Airways has started a test of the CommonPasson its flights from Tokyo Haneda to New York. Last week New York unveiled its Excelsior pass, which is based on technology from IBM. Other states are likely to follow suit. France has also just completed a month-long trial of a health passport app for Air France passengers travelling to Martninique andGuadeloupe. The speed at which these initiatives are being rushed out should give pause for thought. Just as with contact tracing apps, the rollout is haphazard and rife with conflictsof interest. The technology is unproven and the privacy issues are glaring. Below are seven reasons why I believe vaccine passports should worry us. Perhaps you can think of more. 1. We still don't know how effective or safe the vaccines are. The ostensible goal behind the vaccine passport is to provide proof that a person has taken an officially approved vaccine and therefore poses less of a contagion risk. Yet we still don't know just how effective or safe each vaccine is. Naturally, the efficacy levels of each vaccine vary. As WHO itself concedes, there is still uncertaintyover whether inoculation actually prevents transmission of the virus. We also have no idea how long the immunity -- partial or otherwise -- provided by each vaccine lasts. What's more, some of the vaccines appear to have reduced efficacy againstsome variants, including the B.1.351 strain (originally identified in South Africa). It's not just the potential lack of efficacy that should have us worried. There are also big safety concerns. Numerous adverse reactions have already been reported aroundthe world. In the case of the vaccines developed by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, concerns about blood clotting side effects have led some countries to restrict or even suspendtheir use. In the US, the latest VAERs data released on April 12 showed over 46,000 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines. Women have been disproportionately affected,accounting for 77% of cases. Many are experiencing abnormal menstruation, raising fears that the vaccines could even affect fertility. 2. Vaccine geopolitics. To all intents and purposes the West is already locked in a new cold war with China and Russia. Tensions are escalating on an almost daily basis. Against such a backdrop, it's hardly beyond the realms of possibility that at some point down the line countries or companies in the West will refuse to recognise vaccinescertificates that are based on Russian or Chinese vaccines, and vice versa. The justifications for doing so will grow as bad news continues to emerge about the efficacy and safety of vaccines. Over the past weekend Western news sources reported that George Fu Gao, director of the Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control, had publicly acknowledged thatChinese-made vaccines currently offer low efficacy against the virus. "We will solve the issue that current vaccines do not have very high protection rates," he said, adding that adjusting the dosage or sequential immunization and mixing vaccines might boostefficacy. Since then China has backtracked on the comments. But the episode nonetheless raises serious questions for those nations relying heavily on the Chinese jab, including manyin Latin America. If Chinese vaccines are not as effective as originally thought, it's perfectly feasible that some countries in the West will refuse to acknowledge vaccine passes sportingthe name of a Chinese vaccine. As such, rather than freeing up global travel, vaccine passports could up erecting new barriers. 3. The potential for mission creep. To begin with, SMART Health Cards are likely to include a person's complete name, gender, birth date, mobile phone number, and email address in addition to vaccination information.But although advertised as digital vaccination records, they are clearly intended to be used for much more. Public information on the protocol notes that SMART Health Cards are "building blocks that can be used across health care," including managing a complete immunization recordthat goes far beyond COVID-19 vaccines, sharing data with public-health agencies, and communication with health-care providers. The framework is unlikely to be limited to health-care information. The use of the term "digital wallet", both by the Vaccine Collective Initiative and IBM, to refer totheir different digital health passes suggests that economic activity could become an integral part of the frameworks' functions. The developer of the Vaccine Collective Initiative's SMART Health Cards framework at Microsoft Health, Josh C. Mandel, hinted in a recent YouTube presentation that SMARTHealth Cards could soon be used as IDs for commercial activity, such as renting a car. That this is all happening as central banks around the world are busily laying the foundations for central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs as they've come to be known,raises the specter of digital vaccine passports being used as a vehicle for the creation of a purely digital currency system to replace physical coins and notes. That's not to say this will happen but it is a possibility. If the vaccine passport does become a digital currency wallet and cash is eliminated, opting out will be muchharder. And opting in will leave us subject to levels of surveillance and control that were heretofore unthinkable. 4. Creating a two-tier society/world. Since its very inception Covid-19 has been a pandemic of inequality. Vaccine passports could end up exacerbating social divisions wherever they are used. Those who have access to vaccines can return to some semblance of normal life whilethose who don't find themselves left even further out in the cold. Over time, as life gets more difficult for these people, the pressure to get the jab will grow. At least that's what vaccine passport proponents like Joan Costa-Font ofthe London School of Economics are hoping. "Vaccine passports can be used as an incentive to change behavior. They not only provide some direct benefits, but they signal what society expects from individuals. Theyexemplify a social norm that individuals are expected to comply with." But coercing people to take the vaccine could have the opposite effect, warns an opinion piece in the BMJ: All in all, there are reasons to conclude that vaccine passports for basic activities may actually undermine vaccine rollout by disincentivizing the very populations whomost need incentivizing. Closer inspection of the Israeli "green pass" scheme serves to reinforce this message. The evidence for passes increasing vaccination uptake is weak, while suspicions of compulsion and reports of people barred from workplaces for not being vaccinated have"resulted in antagonism and increased distrust among individuals who were already concerned about infringement on citizens' rights." 5. Loss of bodily autonomy and integrity. Forcing an experimental vaccine upon someone who doesn't want it clearly contravenes their right to bodily autonomy and integrity. According to the EU Charter of FundamentalRights, "everyone has the right to respect for his or her physical and mental integrity. In the fields of medicine and biology, the following must be respected in particular: the free and informed consent of the person concerned, according to the procedureslaid down by law." If bodily autonomy and integrity are indeed fundamental human rights, then the issuance of COVID vaccine passports should hinge on the informed consent of the individualand not mandatory adoption, as has been proposed in France, or coercion (and yes, denying people access to basic services is a form of coercion). This is particularly true in the case of vaccines that are approved merely on an emergency use basis. 6. Most governments and tech giants have already shown they cannot be trusted with our most valuable data. Vaccine passports raise huge privacy concerns. Data-hungry companies like Microsoft, a member of the Vaccine Credential Initiative, will be given new opportunities to trackour daily movements and activities and share that data with third parties. There are also major concerns about data security. If recent history has taught us anything, it is that no data -- no matter how private or precious -- is completely secure. A vaccine certificate is likely to include our most precious data of all: our biometric data. And it is unlikely to be safe. As Peter Yapp, ex-deputy director of UK GCHQ'sNational Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recently warned, building yet another centralized database to store even more of our personal data would create even more opportunity for hackers and cyber-criminal organizations to plunder our data: "Centralized databases means you're putting a lot of data in one place so it becomes an attractive target for hackers and the like so it's like a honeypot - it attractspeople in and they're going to have a go because there is so much data... As a software engineer, I know all software has bugs. Bugs create security vulnerabilities, that's why it's a terrible idea to gather together so much data of such importance in oneplace. This is one more nail in the coffin in the idea of Covid certification." 7. Whatever the politicians might say, a vaccine certificate will be permanent. When the vaccine certificate debate reached fever pitch in the UK last week the Conservative Party tried to assuage voter fears by insisting that the certificate would betemporary. "It will be time limited and I think the duration of the scheme will be measured in months," one unnamed insider said. "The party will not wear any longer." This is from the same government that publicly insisted for months that it was not even considering vaccine certificates while in private it was examining how they couldbe used. After going to all the trouble and expenditure to create a digital ID system whose applications and uses can be expanded at ease, there's no way in the world that the UK government is going to just hand it all back a few months later. As history has taught us time and again, whenever governments reward themselves new temporary powers, they usually find it painfully hard to relinquish them. Such will nodoubt be the case with the vaccine passport, pass, certificate or whatever they want to call it. ------------------------------------------------------------ Stupidocrisy: Cure vs Harm � Bill Wilson � The federal government is using private industry to trample rights to privacy by allowing corporations to dictate who can use services, travel, or attend events based onwhether people are COVID-vaccinated. Here again, everyone should make an informed decision about being vaccinated, and they also should be aware of the tremendous societal shift that is taking place. This is becoming an either you are vaccinated or you cannotparticipate in society situation. New York already has invoked a vaccine passport. California, Hawaii and other states are about to follow. Once again, you are being coerced into taking a vaccination, which is�no matter what the Feds say�not proven to be 100%safe. Case in point, earlier in the week, the authorities at CDC and other places were saying that the side effects of the vaccine did not warrant closing facilities, taking apause, to determine causes. A minimum of four facilities did shut down. Now, the Food and Drug Administration is pulling the handbrake and shutting down vaccinations made by Johnson and Johnson because of what a spokesman said are �extremely rare� adverseevents. The Feds are investigating six cases involving women who developed a cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. In layman�s terms�a blood clot of the brain. One died, another is in critical condition. There are other side effects, some severe, and some leadingto death, from vaccines that have been in use by other manufacturers, which authorities say are rare, �if they exist at all.� Again, if you believe you should get the vaccination, by all means, do it. But make sure that you know the risks and the benefits. What I am writing about here is somethingdifferent�that corporations and the government are colluding to force people to get vaccinated otherwise they will not be able to enjoy the freedoms afforded to all citizens�this over a flu that of 332 million people in the US, there have been 31 million infectionsand 559,741 deaths. Freedom is being taken away on a 91% chance of not contracting the virus, and a 98.2% chance of survival if the virus is contracted. Herein, one questions the agenda of government and big corporations who are overseeing this Liberty grab. A government of the people, by the people and for the people should not shut down the society and its economy given the current risk levels of the virus. Aside from allagendas, this is Stupidocrisy because it can even harm those the vaccine is supposed to protect by limiting freedom, causing caustic social division, and putting economic hurt on not just those who do not get the vaccine, but the entire economy. There mustbe a way to make an informed personal decision on whether to take the COVID 19 vaccination AND preserve our freedom. As in 2 Timothy 1:7, �For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.� There is a storm of government-corporatemanipulation brewing, and it ultimately could cause more harm than the cure�say it with me, Stupidocrisy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VISIT: PROPHECY WATCHER WEEKLY NEWS: HTTP://PROPHECY-WATCHER-WEEKLY-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

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