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Friday, March 27, 2015

OBAMA WATCH: 3.27.15 - Obama Now Demands Israel Give Up Their Land to Create a Palestinian State

Obama Now Demands Israel Give Up Their Land to Create a Palestinian State - Geoffrey Grider -

The White House on Monday bluntly warned Israel that its "occupation" of Palestinian land must end, dismissing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's efforts to take back controversial campaign pledges.
"Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem." Zechariah 12:3 (KJV)
It did not take long for the "other shoe" to drop, and Barry the Community Organizer has come out of the gate swinging hard for the fences on Team Lucifer. He has much wrath, for he knoweth his time is short. Amen.
Washington - In unusually tough language that underscores the fracture in relations between Washington and Israel, White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough said "an occupation that has lasted for almost 50 years must end."
McDonough criticized Netanyahu's pre-election pledge to block the creation of a Palestinian state - the supposed end goal of decades of fruitless peace talks - and he questioned Netanyahu's efforts to undo the damage.
"We cannot simply pretend that those comments were never made, or that they don't raise questions about the Prime Minister's commitment to achieving peace through direct negotiations," he said.
"The Palestinian people must have the right to live in and govern themselves in their own sovereign state," he added.
And there you have it. We are now nearing the end of the race, and the horses of prophecy are about to round the clubhouse turn. Obama wants Jerusalem for the mythical Palestinian people, and he is going to take it.
The battle in the Middle East has always been about one thing, and will always be about one thing: Who owns Jerusalem?
Why is this of such tantamount importance? Because Jerusalem is where Messiah will return to when the Battle of Armageddon, foretold of by Ezekiel the Prophet, is waged in the valley of Megiddo. Jerusalem is where Messiah will establish His 1,000 reign of the whole earth on the Throne of David. Jerusalem is the "apple of God's eye", and soon will command the attention of the whole world.
It is almost time for events to begin. The bible tells us who will fight this battle, and more importantly, Who will win the battle.
Are you ready for what comes next?
Israel Must Realize That They Have a Greater Enemy than Iran - Michael Goodwin -

For Israel, the consequences will be intended. Those who make excuses for Obama's policy failures - naive, bad advice, bad luck - have not come to grips with his dark impulses and deep-seated rage.
"Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion." Psalm 129:5 (KJV)
EDITOR'S NOTE: ACHTUNG, JUDEN! - Obama hates Netanyahu, and he hates Israel. After failing to influence the Israeli elections with paid saboteurs, his rage has been sharply kindled. He knows the best place to attack Israel is to force the creation of a Palestinian state by forcing the Jews to give up their land. That's exactly what he plans on doing.
First he comes for the banks and health care, uses the IRS to go after critics, politicizes the Justice Department, spies on journalists, tries to curb religious freedom, slashes the military, throws open the borders, doubles the debt and nationalizes the Internet.
He lies to the public, ignores the Constitution, inflames race relations and urges Latinos to punish Republican "enemies." He abandons our ­allies, appeases tyrants, coddles ­adversaries and uses the Crusades as an excuse for inaction as Islamist terrorists slaughter their way across the Mideast.
Now he's coming for Israel.
Barack Obama's promise to transform America was too modest. He is transforming the whole world before our eyes. Do you see it yet?
Against the backdrop of the tsunami of trouble he has unleashed, Obama's pledge to "reassess" America's relationship with Israel cannot be taken lightly. Already paving the way for an Iranian nuke, he is hinting he'll also let the other anti-Semites at Turtle Bay have their way. That could mean American support for punitive Security Council resolutions or for Palestinian statehood initiatives. It could mean both, or something worse.
Whatever form the punishment takes, it will aim to teach Bibi Netanyahu never again to upstage him. And to teach Israeli voters never again to elect somebody Obama doesn't like.
Apologists and wishful thinkers, including some Jews, insist Obama real­izes that the special relationship between Israel and the United States must prevail and that allowing too much daylight between friends will encourage enemies.
Those people are slow learners, or, more dangerously, deny-ists.
If Obama's six years in office teach us anything, it is that he is impervious to appeals to good sense. Quite the contrary. Even respectful suggestions from supporters that he behave in the traditions of American presidents fill him with angry determination to do it his way.
For Israel, the consequences will be intended. Those who make excuses for Obama's policy failures - naive, bad advice, bad luck - have not come to grips with his dark impulses and deep-seated rage.
His visceral dislike for Netanyahu is genuine, but also serves as a convenient fig leaf for his visceral dislike of Israel. The fact that it's personal with Netanyahu doesn't explain six years of trying to bully Israelis into signing a suicide pact with Muslims bent on destroying them. Netanyahu's only sin is that he puts his nation's security first and refuses to knuckle ­under to Obama's endless demands for unilateral concessions.
That refusal is now the excuse to act against Israel. Consider that, for all the upheaval around the world, the president rarely has a cross word for, let alone an open dispute with, any other foreign leader. He calls Great Britain's David Cameron "bro" and praised Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood president, Mohammed Morsi, who had called Zionists, "the descendants of apes and pigs."
Obama asked Vladimir Putin for patience, promising "more flexibility" after the 2012 election, a genuflection that earned him Russian aggression. His Asian pivot was a head fake, and China is exploiting the vacuum. None of those leaders has gotten the Netanyahu treatment, which included his being forced to use the White House back door on one trip, and the cold shoulder on another.
It is a clear and glaring double standard.
Most troubling is Obama's bended-knee deference to Iran's Supreme Leader, which has been repaid with "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" demonstrations in Tehran and expanded Iranian military action in other countries.
The courtship reached the height of absurdity last week, when Obama wished Iranians a happy Persian new year by equating Republican critics of his nuclear deal with the resistance of theocratic hard-liners, saying both "oppose a diplomatic solution." That is a damnable slur given that a top American military official estimates that Iranian weapons, proxies and trainers killed 1,500 US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Who in their right mind would trust such an evil regime with a nuke?
Yet Netanyahu, the leader of our only reliable ally in the region, is ­repeatedly singled out for abuse. He alone is the target of an orchestrated attempt to defeat him at the polls, with Obama political operatives, funded in part by American taxpayers, working to elect his opponent.
They failed and Netanyahu prevailed because Israelis see him as their best bet to protect them. Their choice was wise, but they better buckle up because it's Israel's turn to face the wrath of Obama.

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