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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Israel in the Eye -

Israel in the Eye - Terry James - 
It is striking, yet not much is said about it among prophecy observers, as far as I've found. A tremendous storm is brewing in the Middle East, and lesser, troubled winds are stirring all around the planet. What I believe to be the end times hurricane is building. The one place where there seems a relative calm at the moment is within the focal nation of the world, from God's Perspective.
Israel looks out upon the swirling winds that wreak their deadly havoc upon regions to their north and east while the likes of ISIS (ISIL) beheads Christians and anyone else who doesn't agree with their brand of Islam. Saudi, and others, prepare to oppose assaults from a number of enemies who want their oil riches, while the terrorist organizations build and stockpile war-making tools.
Israel looks out upon Iran, while their once staunch ally, the United States, foolishly, as if under delusion, bargains away Israel's security from nuclear threat. Russia's Putin, stung by sanctions because of his aggressive behavior, glares angrily at Russia's neighbors and looks lustfully southward at the region where oil and gas fields diminish his own source of revenue to rebuild Soviet-style military might. America's president puts the Jewish state and its much, personally-disliked prime minister last on his priority list of things to do in trying to prevent conflict in the Middle East.
It's as if the whole world is pretending not to notice little Israel. Mainstream news media are complicit in deliberately looking the other way while Israel looks out from its precarious position in the calm center of the brewing storm and comments on its plight, unable to have its voice heard by those who count in terms of international community movers and shakers.
The words seem calmly put, but beneath the surface utterances is an ominous undertone of the phrase, "Never Again."
This portentous, subliminal message was made starkly manifest with last week's Iranian Army Days Celebration. Benjamin Netanyahu framed the objections the Israeli government has to things going on in regions all around his threatened country.
He protested, particularly, the Russians supplying the S-300 missiles to Iran at a time when the Iranian regime is ramping up its threats. The Israeli prime minister derided the fact that there is no reference to Iran's stepped up aggressiveness in the P5+1 major powers' dealing with Iran regarding their nuclear program.
The Iranian chess masters almost remind me of the "Iron Sheik"-a professional wrestler of the 1980s who was really an Iranian who defected from the despotic regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The bad guy (Iron Sheik) would protest that he had nothing nefarious in mind while he tried to get past the referee to inflict damage on his opponent with illegal tactics.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, following the immensely enhanced 2015 version of Iran's military, which passed in review during the Army Day parade in Teheran Saturday, April 18, said about the massive S-300 missiles from Russia, "[They are part of our] strategy of deterrence in order to prepare for peace and security in Iran and the Middle East. ...Our method of action is defense and not offense..."
The intrigues in the matter of Iran vs. Israel are, of course, not a sports entertainment soap opera. It is a deadly serious, end time's chess game, with potentially deadly serious consequences to the winners and losers.
The Israeli prime minister is not under the delusion that the rest of the world's leaders seem to be. He framed his clear understanding of the situation as it exists:
"Yesterday we saw the military parade in Tehran and Iran's exhibition of weapons to the world. Every year the missiles are bigger and enhanced-in accuracy, strength and deadliness; however, one thing does not change. What does not change is the inscription 'Death to Israel' on the missiles."
Mr. Netanyahu's words were calm, without equivocation. He looks out upon the storm swirling about his beleaguered nation that sits in the storm's eye. But, the subliminal warning to the rest of the world-to the Iranian chess-masters must not be ignored. "Never Again."
We learned this past week that Netanyahu's claim is true that Iran could be as close as, not ten years to developing uranium enrichment for a bomb, but in actuality, only two to three months away from their goal. Now, the Obama Administration is agreeing that that claim, scoffed at by media and by the administration, was exactly right.
The administration apparently decided to bring the truth of the matter to light because they want, due to the critical time the world faces for Iran's nuclear breakthrough, to pressure the Senate to rubber stamp Obama's deal with the Iranians. This, in some sort of ludicrous, convoluted rationale, supposedly convinces the administration that the deal will forestall the bomb's near-time production.
And Israel sits in the eye of the storm that is coming ever closer. "Never Again," is the refrain that can be heard eerily echoing within the increasing winds of war.

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