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Friday, November 17, 2017

The Tribulation Chronicles 1 THRU 4 - A Message from the Missing

The Tribulation Chronicles I - A Message from the Missing - By Alice Childs -
As I am beginning this series of chronicles, everything is going along pretty much as it always has. Life continues to slide along, spooling out - unwinding like thread pulled from a skein of yarn. People are still getting up and going to work; children are (as I write this now)  in the full swing of their school year, counting down the days until the Christmas break and preparing for the downhill slide of the school year. Some people are getting married and starting families; others are coming to the end of their lives. People are buying groceries, going on business trips, doing laundry, working on projects, paying bills, and simply doing the myriad of things that make up life in normal times.
However, with increasing frequency, "normal times" aren't as "normal" as they used to be, are they? Our society is not as gentle as it once was. People are much more self-centered and callous. Children (and adults as well) are less respectful, a lot less kind than before; and our culture, indeed the entire world, is much less safe than it used to be. There is no denying this fact.
There is a palpable fear that is growing within the hearts of everyone everywhere. Regardless of where one lives, there is an indefinable "something" that permeates the very air - a sense of looming danger that is disturbing and disquieting - a sense of an impending disaster that lies just beyond what we can see. As Shakespeare once said, it is obvious to anyone who is honest that "something wicked this way comes." Indeed, if you are honest, you too must admit that you can feel an ill wind of change headed our way.
Well, you are right; something is coming. A gathering storm is on the horizon, and when it hits, it will come suddenly; and for many who are too self-absorbed to notice, it will come unexpectedly. The repercussions that this cosmic change will leave in its wake will be be cataclysmic beyond anyone's ability to comprehend. It is those who will be in the aftermath of this "event horizon" that these series of "letters to the left behind" is meant to address.
Overall, for the time being, everything is still relatively ticking along like it always has, with the exception that the road of life on which we are traveling is a lot more bumpy and fraught with dangers both seen and unseen.
There are ominous events occurring now that are building like great thunderheads looming in the distance that are getting larger, stronger, and nearer - ever nearer. The fury of a great storm is about to be unleashed.
There is an imminent event that is going to break in upon an unprepared and largely unsuspecting world like the sudden explosion of a great caldera; an unforeseen disaster that will leave in its wake devastation on a scale unknown before; an event so unprecedented that there is no frame of reference within human history with which to compare it. When it comes, this event will, at any moment, change everything; and all that will come after this unprecedented moment will be the likes of which this world has never experienced before, or ever will again.
A change is coming all right, and for those of you reading these chronicles on this side of this event, take these words as a warning; for time and life as you have always known it is about to run out. This coming event can and will happen in an instant of time too small to be measured or quantified.
To those who will not heed the numerous warnings that have been literally shouted  in every venue available by those of us who will have left this earth in this coming event; to those of you who didn't listen to your family, your friends, or others like me who tried to tell you - to prepare you - those of us who pleaded with you, witnessed to you, endured your scoffing and anger when we tried to warn you; we who prayed and agonized before the throne of God on your behalf; it is to you, who will be the "left behind ones," that these series of messages is written.
You wouldn't listen before, but after the event has taken place, everything will change; and then, perhaps, you will at last be motivated to hear what the missing ones have to say. So I am going to write to you from the perspective of where you (will) find yourself post event. In essence, these letters come to you as a series of messages from those of us who are now (will be) among the earth's missing ones.
So, without delay, let me tell you now precisely what has (will have) happened. I will tell you where we have gone, who is among "the missing," why we have been taken,  and why you were not.
I will also leave for you in this series of chronicles, a detailed accounting of what is coming in your very near future. What you do with the information that I and others like me will have left you will likely impact your personal safety. But much more importantly, what you choose to do with the information we will have left for you will determine the eternal destiny of your immortal soul.
As you may have guessed by now, this "event" that I am referring to is none other than the rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ - the "catching away" of every genuine believer (along with all babies, young children, and the mentally infirm or handicapped) who by faith alone, placed his/her trust in the atoning death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ-God the Son. This is the very same Jesus who came to Earth in human form in order to pay in full the sin debt owed by every single human being alive - all who are cursed by sin.
This entire world system - this entire global sphere - is slated for destruction, because the wrath and vengeance of Almighty God is about to commence upon this wicked, vile, sin-loving, debauched, Christ-rejecting world. He is going to judge, in perfect righteousness, the inhabitants. He is about to exact justice on rebellious man, and to restore to its intended perfection His creation which sin has utterly corrupted. Life as you have always known it will NEVER return. You need to understand and accept this truth right from the start.
That's the bad news. You need to know this and accept it for the absolute reality that it is. Wishing it were not so, denying the reality of it, or ignoring the truth of it will not change the things that are coming, not one iota. It was your own refusal to accept the gift of God's so great salvation which would have spared you this time of judgment. Your pride is why you now find yourself left behind here to have to endure this time of coming darkness and woe.
But do not be dismayed. There is yet HOPE. The Lord who is "rich in mercy" is still willing to save "all who will come to Him by faith."
Even in the midst of the horrendous, oncoming judgments that God is about to mete out, He is willing, for a time, to extend His mercy and His saving grace, because God is love and He is "not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
You made a tragic choice by refusing His great salvation during the Church Age - the Age of Grace (the time when God was calling out of the world a people unto Himself - those whom He called His body and the bride of Christ). That "age" or era closed when the Church of Jesus Christ was raptured - snatched out - of this world; when each member of the true Church (both the living and the dead "in Christ") was changed from our mortal, sin-corrupted bodies into new, immortal, glorified bodies and taken to the "Father's House" in Heaven via this event the Bible calls the rapture (catching away) of the Church.
I will go into more detail regarding the rapture event in the next letter so that you will clearly know and understand the truth of what has happened. For as you will see, Satan, the Father of  Lies, the "god" of this world system, has already prepared a LIE that is so audacious, so convincing, that only those who turn to Christ for salvation will not be taken in by it.
Once the Tribulation begins, the world will only have seven more years left under this fallen Luciferian system. These last seven years will be the most horrific, most devastating, most cataclysmic, most dark and violent time this world will have ever known in all of human history. Seven years - that's it, before King Jesus returns in righteousness to renovate and to restore "Paradise Lost."
Let me end this letter today with the most important thing  - the only thing that now matters - that is the salvation of your immortal soul. For you see, the sobering truth is this:  you will almost certainly lose your life during this final seven years. That is just the plain, unvarnished truth; and if you should die lost, continuing to reject God's offer of salvation, then you will spend eternity in a literal, burning place known as the Lake of Fire. I cannot be any clearer or more truthful than that.
The reality is this: very few of the possibly five to six billion souls left here after the rapture will live to the end of this seven-year time of the Tribulation - very few. In fact, Jesus Himself said that if He did not return to bring a halt to this time (if He allowed it to run its course unimpeded), that no flesh (no living creature, including man) would be spared. This is how devastatingly horrific these last seven years will be.
So before we go any further in this series of messages to the left behind, let me make sure that you know how to come to salvation. Your physical life will likely end during this time; however, your soul is immortal. And you (the conscious, sentient, core of you) will exist in complete consciousness in an immortal body forever - either in Heaven in a new glorified, immortal body, or in Hell in an immortal body that can never die but can and will suffer agonal torment forever. Your final destination all depends on the choice you make right now.
None of us is guaranteed that we will live even the next five minutes. We are all merely one last heartbeat and one final breath away from eternity at any given moment. So please, if you are reading this missive and millions upon millions (perhaps billions) of people worldwide have instantly disappeared without a trace, then you have already made one tremendously poor choice. Please do not make another by refusing God's offer of salvation again.
How to be Saved
(1) Why you need a Savior
You need a Savior because you are a sinner. "There is NONE righteous, no, not one" (Romans 3:10 ). "For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).
"For the wages [penalty] of sin is [eternal] death, but the gift of God is [eternal] life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23).
You see, we are not sinners because we commit sins; we commit sins because we are sinners. It's what we are intrinsically. We are born sinners under the curse of sin; and as such, we need a Savior.
(2) What you must do to be saved
You must believe (place your faith and complete trust) in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.
You must believe that Jesus Christ is God who came to Earth wrapped in human flesh, and that His death paid in full the wages (penalty) for all of  mankind's sins. You must believe in His sinless life, in His atoning death, in His burial and in His bodily resurrection from the tomb, according to the scriptures. This is the only gospel that saves:  Salvation is by God's grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
"For I delivered unto you first of all that which I (the apostle Paul) also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures" (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" (Romans 10:9-10).
Please keep reading the chronicles, as in them I will give you details of all that is soon to be coming upon the earth. Take these messages to heart, because post rapture, once a "covenant" between Israel and "the many" is confirmed by a coming, charismatic world leader, then there will be only seven years left, and you are not guaranteed that you will live even the next seven minutes.
Until next time...
If you are following these chronicles, it is apparent to you by now that an event unlike any other in history has just occurred. In fact, the magnitude and scope of what has just happened is so breathtakingly unprecedented that you cannot yet fathom just how profoundly your world has now been altered.
Of course I am referring to the event I told you about in the last letter. That event was the rapture of the Church. I know that many, if not everyone, to some degree or other has at least heard of the rapture either through movies, books, YouTube, or whatever; but most likely what you know or THINK you know is a "Hollywood-ized" version that bears little, if any, resemblance to the truth.
In order to learn the truth, you are going to need to turn to the Bible - a book with which you most likely have had little to no acquaintance, or a nominal one at best. Perhaps you have never picked up a Bible. Either way you need to find one now. In fact, you need to find as many as you can get your hands on, because very soon the Bible will most likely become a banned book; and after the rapture, merely to possess one will put your life in jeopardy.
So while you yet can, gather as many as you can find, and find a secure place to hide them. Do this as quickly as you can; for after the rapture has occurred, online sites such as this one will almost certainly be shut down sooner or later, made inaccessible fairly rapidly.
This site in particular was specifically created for the explicit purpose of having archived in one place a wealth of Biblical teaching for the sole purpose of giving you, the left behind ones, the truth amidst all the lies you will be told about what has already happened, and about those things which are shortly to come to pass.
If possible, download and print out as much of the information and Bible studies published and archived here. Put them in a place of safekeeping along with as many King James Bibles (my own personal preference) as you can find. The language may seem a bit archaic to you at first, but because the Bible is God's 'living Word,' God Himself will help you to understand what you read. If you trust the Lord and believe in Christ as your Savior, His Holy Spirit will open your understanding.
As I stated in the last letter, it is no longer your physical life that matters. You will almost certainly lose your physical life during these final seven years of human history under Satan's usurpation of this world system. It is the destiny of your immortal soul that is the only thing that matters from here on out. As things begin to rapidly spiral out of control, very few are likely to live through this last seven years.
What matters most is not how you can prepare to live through this time, but rather are you prepared to die? Where will your conscious, sentient, immortal soul - the very essence of all that is you - end up after you die?
Now that I have told you of the first things you need to do, let me now tell you what you need to know. You need to be aware that there is an agenda that the global powers that be - those who operate a globalist world system under the power and authority of Satan (the Father of Lies and the avowed enemy of the Most High God) are working towards fulfilling. I must give you warning that these rulers of darkness do not want the truth regarding the rapture to be known.
Once people realize that the Bible not only predicted this very event 2,000 years ago, many will soon realize that everything the Bible stated is truth, and truth is the one thing that Satan and all who follow him cannot abide or allow.
Satan has had millennia to perfect "the lie" that he will continue to perpetrate in order to continue to deceive and lure the rest of mankind into an eternal Hell. Why does he do this? Very simply, he does so because he hates God. Because God loved mankind enough to send Jesus, God the Son, to die in our stead to redeem fallen man. Satan hates man too. Satan hates you. You have been left behind because you believed his lies and rejected Christ during the era of grace that was the Church Age.
He has already deceived you once. Do not be deceived again.
So, what is "the lie" that Satan has always used but will perfect during these last seven years? Why, it's the oldest lie in the universe, and it goes straight back to the Garden of Eden. The Lie is this: that man can become his own god within himself apart from the Creator God. It is the self-same lie that brought down creation when Adam and Eve believed it, and it is the self-same lie that is the rotted foundation upon which every single false religion is built - the lie that MAN can create his own reality apart from the eternally existent, all omnipotent Creator.
Satan will continue to use this lie (and the many variations of it) to bring in his ultimate deception.
Let me give you some examples of variations of the lie that he could likely use to explain away the disappearances of those who have been taken home to Glory. Be aware of these and be on the lookout for any other "explanations" that cast GOD as the evil one and which cast Satan (Lucifer) as the good or benevolent "god." Below, I will list the top six most likely (from my personal perspective) explanations that Satan may use to explain away our disappearance.
Possible Lie # 1 - That extraterrestrials (ET's) have been monitoring our planet ever since man "evolved" and have stepped in to remove all those who were unwilling to join with the rest of the world's religions, in order for "peace" to be achieved. Watch for catchphrases such as:
(A) Panspermia - the belief that this planet was seeded by visitors and beings from other galaxies and worlds; that humanity is the descendant of alien races.
(B) Ascended Masters - beings from other planets or dimensions who have "spiritually evolved" beyond humanity and who have evolved beyond the need of bodies of flesh - entities who claim to be pure consciousness and who have been guiding humanity throughout humanity's spiritual and physical evolution into a higher form.
Possible Lie # 2 - That the earth itself is a living sentient being; that "Mother Earth" (sometimes referred to as the "goddess" Gaia) is now in the process of cleansing herself of all human entities who possess negative energies and who have been impeding her "rebirth." The entire religion of ecology (which includes the entire climate change pseudoscience) is based on the belief that Earth is a living being with self-awareness and sentient intent.
Possible Lie #3 - That humanity has just taken a giant Gestalt, spiritual, evolutionary leap forward; that all those who were unprepared or less "spiritually enlightened" were removed to another dimension (or planet) until they could become more enlightened and spiritually attuned; that mankind has just moved beyond "homo-sapien" into "homo-noeticus," and all those not ready to evolve had to be removed to "work out their karma" in another existence; that all the children were taken to another planet or dimension to protect them from the planetary changes that the earth is about to endure, to prepare them to be returned when Earth and the "more enlightened ones" who were left here after the "great vanishing" (or the great purge as they will likely call it) will have come through this transitional period.
Possible Lie # 4 - That all who were taken were merely random accidents or were possibly the targets of some new or super-secret weapon.
Possible Lie #5 - That there was an accident with CERN and that those missing were pulled into some alternate universe or alternate dimension, or possibly that this is all the result of some giant Mandela Effect involving a rip in the space-time continuum, an accident involving the transfer of the missing ones into another parallel multiverse, or some such thing.
Possible Lie # 6 - that the rapture was an elaborate HOAX - a false flag event carried out by the governments of the world via something like Project Blue Beam - that the rapture never actually happened, but was made to appear real, and all of the missing ones have been either incarcerated inside FEMA camps here in the United States and other prison camps worldwide, or perhaps the missing have been taken into some kind of protective custody.
These are but a few of the possible explanations that may be used by the globalists - the New World Order elites, who will, under Satan's guidance, be running the show in this New World Order. The most important thing for you to know is this: all of these explanations along with any others the ruling elite may put forward will be a LIE.
The truth is simple and direct. What will have really happened to us is this: all genuine believers in Jesus Christ - those who were part of His Church - were taken to Heaven by Jesus Christ Himself. We are now with Him in Heaven in the Father's House. This is the truth.
Be alert. The Bible says that all who do not come to faith in Christ during this last seven years will be brought under a strong delusion and will believe "the lie."
I implore you, before you go any further: ADMIT that you are a justly condemned sinner in need of a perfect Savior. BELIEVE (place your faith and trust) in the truth that Jesus - God the Son - died on the cross as payment for your sins and mine - that He rose again bodily on the third day. Accept this truth and believe that Christ Jesus is the only way of obtaining eternal life.
I beg you, do this before it is too late, for as you will learn from the next chronicle, what is coming next is nothing less than World War III, and it will be DEVASTATING beyond your wildest imaginings.
Tribulation Chronicles Part 3: War, Famine, Death & Hell - By Alice Childs -
In my last letter, I warned you to be aware of any variation on "the lie" that will be put forth to try to explain away the disappearances of what could conceivably be upwards of one billion people worldwide, including pre- and post-born babies, all young children, and all those who are mentally incompetent and unable to comprehend their sin guilt, thus their need of a Savior.
"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).
All of us are guilty sinners; however, the people groups who are not held accountable for their sin because of their inability to understand their sin guilt are covered by God's grace, since one must be able to understand one's guilt before a holy God and one's need of a Savior. Only God knows the age of accountability, depending on each individual's understanding; and only He knows those who, for whatever reason, do not have the mental capacity to understand and appreciate the sinful guilt under which we are all born and which infects us all since Adam's rebellion.
Only God knows the exact number of those who will have been taken in the rapture, but what you must know is this: all of the taken ones were either among the first group I mentioned; guilty sinners but safe because of their inability to be accountable, or those who are guilty sinners but saved (made justified before God) because they believed in Christ alone for salvation according to the scriptures.
Those who are a part of the second group consist of all adults (young and old) and all older children who came to an understanding of sin and salvation - all who had at some prior time placed their belief, their faith and trust in the sinless life, crucified and atoning death, and bodily resurrection of the Son of God - Jesus Christ. Each and every older child and adult taken via the rapture were genuine believers in Christ, and as such were a part of His true Church.
There will be many left behind who may have claimed to be part of this or that church or religion, and there will be many so-called "pastors" or other "religious leaders" who will be among the "left-behind ones," but you must know this: all who were left behind, regardless of who they are, were never genuine believers in the first place; for had they been, then they too would have been taken in the rapture when Jesus called to Heaven His Church (both the living believers and those who had died "in Christ") .
You have now been made fully aware of these things:
(1) WHO has been taken: the safe and the saved - all those whom the Bible describes as being "in Christ" (both the living and the dead who died "in Christ").
(2) WHAT has happened: the resurrection of all the "dead in Christ" - believers who have died from Jesus' resurrection up through the day of the rapture, along with all living believers alive and instantaneously changed from mortal to immortal at the instant the rapture occurred.
(3) WHERE THE TAKEN ONES ARE NOW: in Heaven in the Father's House with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Now that you understand the truth of who was taken and the why regarding those of you who were not taken, let me move on to explain to you exactly what you need to know regarding that which will now begin to take place for those of you left here on Earth.
Again, I repeat, it is no longer your physical life that matters. You will almost certainly not live through these last seven years. That is the plain, unvarnished truth. You need to come to terms with this and accept it. All that matters now is where your immortal soul will spend eternity after the death of your physical body.
This last seven years will be divided into two halves of 3 ½ years each. The first 3 ½ years will be horrific. The last 3 ½ years will be unprecedented and will make the first half pale in comparison. The entirety of this seven-year time period is usually referred to as "The Tribulation;" however, the latter half was designated by Jesus Himself as being "GREAT tribulation." In fact, Jesus stated that if He personally did not return to intervene, then no flesh (no living thing) would be left alive. Very sobering words.
For now, let's look at the first 3 ½ years of what you, who have been left behind, are going to have to endure, according to God's Word.
Keep this truth front and center in your mind and heart, though: Jesus loves you. He shed His blood for you just as He did for all sinners. He wants you to be with Him for all eternity. Even in the midst of His terrible judgment coming upon this wicked world, God is continuing to extend His mercy and grace to you - to all who will come to Him by faith - even during this awful time of the Tribulation.
"For God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).
Everything that is waiting for believers in our eternal Home is beyond our ability to comprehend in our fallen, sinful state. Those of you who become Tribulation believers will receive your new and glorified bodies at the end of these last seven years. Therefore, upon any Tribulation believer's death, his/her spirit will go immediately to Heaven to await their new and glorified, immortal bodies.
So, again I tell you, do not fear what will happen to your physical body. It only houses your immortal soul, and God has reserved for you a brand new body just like the ones we of the Church Age, post rapture, now have - an immortal body that will never hunger, never grow old, never tire, and which can never be hurt again.
Those of you who become believers during this last seven years are called Tribulation saints. You are the "saints" referred to in chapters 6-19 of Revelation. If you remain faithful "even unto death," all of Heaven awaits you once your soul leaves your body. Be encouraged and remain faithful to Jesus no matter what.
What is coming upon Earth is this: There will arise from somewhere within the confines of what was once the Old Roman Empire, a man of unusual charisma, superb military cunning, and unequaled, political brilliance. This man will come via peaceful means (or what will appear to be peaceful means). Most likely, this man will appear on the scene after two events that I will mention only in passing here, but will detail in a later chronicle. These two precursor events to this man's appearance on the global scene will be:
(1) the complete, overnight destruction of the city of Damascus (Isaiah 17).
(2) the invasion of Israel by a coalition of nations led by Russia (named Magog in the Bible), Iran (called Persia in the Bible), and Turkey (called Togarmah in the Bible) along with a few other countries such as Libya (Put) and Sudan.
You can read about this invasion in the Old Testament book of Ezekiel, chapters 38-39. This invasion will most likely not be WWIII, but will eventually trigger what will become WWIII. The main aftermath of this Russian-led invasion will be the utter destruction of the Russian-led coalition, and the rise to power of this new charismatic world leader about whom I will now tell you.
As a result of the destruction of this Russo/Iranian/Turkish led invasion of Israel (which God Himself will destroy on the mountains of Israel), this new global leader will "confirm a covenant with many" between Israel and those surrounding her. (See the Old Testament book of Daniel in chapter 9, verse 27).
Watch out for this man and for this event. I cannot give you the name of this man because none of us on this side of the rapture know who he will be. You, however, will be able to identify him because it will be he who will "confirm" a covenant between Israel and many others. His brokered arrangement will allow Israel to rebuild her Temple on its ancient site. The man who accomplishes these things will be the Antichrist.
His negotiating skills will be astounding and his rhetoric powerful (reminiscent of the oratorical skills of Adolph Hitler, but much more powerful and persuasive). He will use craft and deception to attain his goals. This man will accomplish what no other global leader will have ever been able to do; he will bring peace (or what appears to be) "peace" to the seething cauldron that is the Middle East through this "Peace Initiative."
He "confirms this "covenant with "many" for seven years (what the Old Testament book of Daniel chapter 9 calls a "week" of years, ie., seven years). It is the confirmation of this covenant (not the rapture) that will be the event that begins the final seven-year countdown. All events count down from this one event.
Either simultaneously, or not long afterward, war will erupt. This war will be a global conflict, and its aftermath will be horrendous. Keep your eyes on Israel, for she is the key to everything that will happen.
The conflicts recorded in Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38 will take place very soon, possibly before the rapture occurs, but most probably just after or simultaneously with the rapture. But this I cannot say with certainty.
The overarching events taking place during this first half of the last seven years are these:
(1) Damascus will be utterly destroyed (Isaiah 17).
(2) A Russian/Iranian/Turkish led coalition will invade the land of Israel on the Golan Heights (Ezekiel 38-39).
(3) Somewhere around this time, either just before, during, or simultaneously with the destruction of Damascus, Syria and/or the Russian led-invasion of Israel, the rapture will occur (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-17; 1 Corinthians 15:50-54; Revelation 3:10 & 4:1).
(4) A charismatic leader will arise and will confirm a covenant with Israel. This covenant confirmation will begin the countdown to the last seven years.
(5) A global war will begin, WWIII if you want to call it that. It will be massive in scale and devastating in its consequences.
(6) In the wake of this global war, famine on a global scale will quickly ensue. No country will be spared.
(7) The death toll from this war and its aftermath will be  staggering. Diseases and pestilences will be especially overwhelming: pathogens such as typhus, cholera, along with all manner of both known and new and unknown diseases will run rampant and unchecked. They will be pandemic (global instead of regional) in scope and severity.
(8) On the heels of this will be attacks by both wild and domesticated animals who, as a result of the severity of this war and its aftermath, will also be starving. All manner of animals, both wild and domesticated will have lost all fear of man and will attack, both alone and in packs.
(9) In addition to all of this, there will be unprecedentedly strong and frequent earthquakes, much stronger than any heretofore experienced. These quakes will occur all over the earth, along with increasing volcanic activity and ensuing tsunamis spawned from them, as the very earth itself is rocked on its foundations with the ferocity of the armed conflicts that most likely will involve nuclear events.
(10) Murder and unrestrained violence will become the norm, even as this coldness of heart is beginning now. Unprecedented violence and brutality will be loosed on a global scale never known before. Very little law and order will be left intact anywhere in the world. Love and natural affection among people, including family members, will continue to erode to the point of non-existence.
(11) Those who do become believers during this time will be hated, hunted, and executed en masse because of their faith. The overwhelming majority of people left behind will be God-haters, who hate and despise all those who follow Christ. Murder and violence will be exponentially greater than it is right now as I write this pre-rapture.
Just how great will the death toll be from war, famine, pandemic diseases, murder, animal attacks, earthquakes, and a world gone mad?
The world's population, as I write this pre-rapture, stands at 7.4 billion people (according to the World Population Clock as calculated in August 2016). Estimating conservatively that roughly one billion or so worldwide leave in the rapture, this will leave around six billion people after the Church is gone. One fourth of those will die during the first half of the Tribulation. That equals to 1-1½ billion people. (Read chapter 6 of Revelation up through the 5th "seal judgment," and on to the 2nd of the three "woes." These passages chronicle the 1st half of the Tribulation).
This number is merely a drop in the bucket compared to those who will die during the last 3 ½ years.
Please, do not make the grave mistake of thinking that you will be safe because you live in America, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or any one of the more modern or "first world" countries. Every single nation on every single continent will be affected by these trans- global catastrophes. It may very well be that America, which was once a God-fearing and blessed nation, will suffer the most loss of life as a judgment for the vast amounts of every conceivable sin that this nation has embraced and eagerly committed in these last days in the sight of Almighty God.
Do not think for one second that God will not avenge the blood of the 60 million babies who have been slaughtered within the wombs of their mothers, or the millions of children and mentally handicapped individuals who have been abandoned, neglected, abused, tortured, molested, brainwashed, and thrown aside like garbage; or the myriads of women and children worldwide who have been abducted and sold as sex slaves; or the plethora of sexual perversions including homosexuality, pedophilia, and even bestiality that have been openly embraced flaunted, celebrated, and forced upon society, along with thousands upon thousands of wanton murders, thefts, deceptions, lies, rampant drug abuse, unmitigated narcissism, and the utter and absolute vileness and outright evil that has been flaunted in defiance and contempt in the face of Almighty God and those who belong to Him.
I implore you - come to the only one who can save your immortal soul. Place your complete faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation. Accept that you are a justly condemned sinner. Believe that Jesus Christ is God come to earth in human flesh; that He lived a perfect, sinless life which qualified Him alone to offer His life up in our place to satisfy God's infinite justice. Believe that Jesus' death on the cross atoned for/paid in full man's sin debt; that He was buried and that He arose bodily from the grave on the third day, so that all who are willing to call upon the name of the Lord might be saved (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
Do this before it is eternally too late. Once your last breath is taken and your last heartbeat is stilled, then your eternal destiny is forever set; and if you should die in your sins, you will spend all eternity in a literal place called the Lake of Fire-forever separated from God in eternal torment. Remember, you do not have to go there. The choice is yours to make.
Keep reading. In the next chronicle I will tell you of the importance that tiny Israel and her people, the Jews, will play and of the most dreadful time that is still to come.
Tribulation Chronicles Part 4: Israel is the Key - by Alice Johnson Childs -

Before I begin this next letter, let me take a moment to explain something to you, Dear Reader. As you progress through
this series, you will notice that some of the information from one letter will be stated again in some way in successive letters. I am writing this series of chronicles in this manner on purpose.

First of all, every bit of information contained within these missives is vital for you to know. If you (or anyone
else) are not familiar with the Bible or with biblical prophecy (as you are most likely not since you were left behind), then re-reading the truths contained within each letter will help solidify these truths in your heart.

Second and most importantly though, the main reason that these letters will carry some redundancies is this: although
the entire series has been written to be read as a cohesive whole, it is entirely possible, even probable, that the entire series may not be available to you. In fact, it's likely that only some portions of this series of letters may be available at any given
time because of the great upheavals that will be occurring. Therefore, I have deliberately chosen to put as much pertinent information as possible into each individual letter just in case the entire series is unavailable for any reason. I want each letter
to contain as much information as possible for just this reason.

If you are able, try to keep the entire series together (I strongly urge you to print them out in hard copy or put
them onto flash drives if you have the ability to do so) as I have attempted to write this series in the chronological order of coming events. However, if having the entire series together is not feasible for any reason, perhaps there will be enough information
and Bible passages given in each individual letter to give you a starting point so that you can readily know where in the Bible to look for what you will most certainly need to know.

With that said, in the previous chronicle, I did my best to try to explain to you just how perilous things will be
here on Earth after great vanishing will have occurred - that is after the Church will have been taken out in what is most assuredly the rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ.

Remember I told you that, according to the scriptures, this period of time - the last seven years of human history
under fallen creation - will be divided into two halves: the first 3 �  years, and the last 3 �  years, with the ending of those last years culminating in the literal, physical return to Earth of Jesus Christ, who will be returning as the conquering King of

Upon His physical return to Earth, Lord Jesus will do several things:

(1) He will rescue the remnant of the Jewish people (one third of them will finally believe in Jesus Christ as their
true Messiah, and will be kept alive throughout this seven years (Zechariah 13:8-9), and ALL - every single one of these one-third believing Jewish remnant, will have finally come to recognize Jesus Christ as having been their true Messiah all along. At that
time, the now-believing remnant of Jews will cry out to their Messiah Jesus to rescue them. Their Messiah King will hear their cry and will respond to rescue, save and preserve them from annihilation.

Sadly, two thirds of the remaining Jews will continue to refuse and reject their true Messiah, and will die as a result
of their continued rebellion. At the midpoint of this last seven years, the believing remnant of Jews will be hidden away, most probably in the ancient rock city of Petra in Jordan, somewhere near Bozrah (Isaiah 63; Revelation 19:11-16). There they will be
protected until Jesus returns to physically rescue them.

(2) At His return, King Jesus will utterly destroy the armies of the Antichrist and all others who have rebelled against
Him (Revelation 19:17-21).

(3) At the time of His return, King Jesus will send His holy angels out into the world to gather and bring to Jerusalem,
from all over the earth, the relatively few living people left (both Jew and Gentile), who will have managed to survive to the end of the Tribulation. There in Jerusalem, the conquering King of Glory will separate all those who remain alive - the believers
from the unbelievers.

Those who are believers - those left alive from among the Gentile nations who remained faithful to Christ will not
have taken the "mark of the Beast." They will aid and protect any Jewish person - particularly one of the 144,000 Jewish young men who were sealed by God to act as His missionaries during this time (whom Jesus called "My (His) brethren"). These Gentiles will
demonstrate their love and devotion to Christ by protecting, preserving, and defending the Jews, and (along with the surviving one third of the now-believing Jews) will be allowed to enter into Christ's new earthly Kingdom alive and in their mortal bodies
(Matthew 24-25).

All those left alive who rebelled against Christ by accepting, worshiping, and following the Antichrist - all those
who accepted the Antichrist's "mark" - these lost, marked, rebellious ones will be judged and cast immediately into Sheol/Hades to await their final judgment at the Great White Throne, after which they will all be consigned for all eternity to the Lake which
forever burns with fire

This separating out of believers from unbelievers is what is referred to in Matthew chapters 24 - 25 as the judgment
of the "sheep" and the "goats." This judgment is not, I repeat, not a judgment of the Church at all since the Church will have already been in Heaven with Christ before the Tribulation began, and will have already returned with Him when He returns to put an
end to this final seven years. No, this judgment is rather the separating out of all Tribulation survivors, the believers from the unbelievers, in preparation for entering Christ's Millennial Kingdom.

This "sheep and goat" judgment takes place on Earth just prior to the beginning of the Kingdom Age. Only redeemed believers
in Christ, both Jew and Gentile, will be allowed to enter the earthly Kingdom of the Lord, King Jesus.

This believing remnant of humanity (consisting of both believing Jews and Gentiles) will enter the Kingdom still in
their mortal bodies along with those who are also now immortals, which includes the glorified Church, all of the Old Testament Saints (such as Abraham, Daniel, David, Moses, etc.) and all Tribulation Saints who died during the Tribulation, both sets of whom
will have by then received their Immortal and glorified bodies just like the Church-Age Saints. Thus, the Kingdom will begin with both mortals and immortals as inhabitants of Jesus' new Kingdom on Earth.

(4) He will renovate and restore the earth to its original, pristine condition, just as it was in Eden before the fall
of man.

(5) He will establish His Kingdom on Earth where He will rule as absolute Monarch from His throne that He will establish
in Jerusalem, Israel. This earthly Kingdom will last for 1,000 literal years, after which He will create an entirely new heavens and Earth. He will then abolish Time itself, change every living, believing mortal at the end of the Kingdom Age from mortal to
immortal, and every believer of every age will forever after exist in immortal, glorified bodies in eternity - in what will be an "eternal now" with God forever.

But before Jesus returns, He will bring judgment upon this wicked world. He will use this last seven years to exact
vengeance and holy justice upon all wicked and sinful mankind, who have shaken their collective fist in His face and who have embraced and reveled in their rebellion, debauchery, and sin. In essence, what Jesus Christ will do is cleanse Earth and restore Paradise

As I told you before, the first 3 � years will be cataclysmic. One quarter (1/4) of earth's inhabitants will die from
what in essence will be WWIII and all that ensues from it, along with unprecedented natural disasters both terrestrial and celestial in nature.

The aftermath of that will be famine on a global scale; rampant, pandemic diseases and pestilences will kill millions
upon millions; animals on the brink of starvation will turn on humanity; and violence, treachery, and murder will become the norm.

This final seven-year period will begin benignly enough with the "confirmation of a covenant" made between a charismatic
global leader and Israel. (Read the Old Testament book of Daniel, chapter 9, to learn about this last seven years).

The confirmation of this covenant will be the starting point of these last seven years of human history as we know
it. Also, remember that I told you to watch closely the movements of a coalition (which is actually forming and strengthening as I am revising  this series now in late autumn of 2017) involving Russia, Iran and Turkey as the principle leading forces, called
in the Bible by their ancient names of Magog, Persia and Togarmah. This coalition of nations along with others such as Libya and Sudan will attack Israel; but it will be God Himself who will intervene on Israel's behalf and save her from what would otherwise
be certain annihilation.

As I am writing this, the precise timing of this attack is still being debated among Bible students. Most Bible students
(including this writer) believe that this concerted attack upon Israel will most likely occur either just after the rapture or possibly simultaneously with it, and will likely be the first thing that will happen post rapture. You, of course, will know precisely.

Look for this coming covenant to come about as a result of this battle waged on the mountains of Israel. The Old Testament
book of Ezekiel, chapters 38 & 39, recounts this battle using the ancient names for these modern countries. For example: Magog/Rosh is Russia, Persia is Iran, Togarmah is Turkey, etc.

What you need to know is this: the tiny nation of Israel is the key to everything. It is through this final seven years
of this fallen world order that God is working to prepare the land of Israel and a remnant of the Jewish people, in order to fulfill to them the remainder of the covenant that He made with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their posterity (see Genesis 15:18; Daniel

Watch the tiny nation of Israel very closely. Not long after the covenant between Israel and the other nations is confirmed,
there will be two mysterious men who will arrive in Jerusalem from seemingly nowhere. As I write this pre-rapture, I cannot be certain of their identities; however, there is a greater than good chance that one of them will be the Old Testament Prophet Elijah,
and the other possibly the Old Testament Prophet Moses, whom God will have returned to life and to Earth for just this purpose (if indeed they are ever identified at all). At the time of this writing, it is impossible for us to know who they will be. You will
be able to recognize them though.

Whoever they are, and whatever their names turn out to be, they will be very easily identified, because they will be
two emissaries from God. They will be strong men with great supernatural power given to them directly from God. Their mission will be to open the eyes of Israel regarding Israel's true Messiah, Jesus Christ, whom Israel collectively has continually rejected
(Revelation chapter 11).

It is through the ministry of these two emissaries of God, that God will save, seal, and eventually send out into the
world 144,000 young, Jewish male virgins - 12,000 from the descendants of each of Israel's twelve ancient tribes.

These young men will be saved, called and sealed by God. They will be witnesses to Israel and will also be sent forth
into every nation on Earth to preach the gospel of salvation and the soon- coming Kingdom.

The result of those saved because of their ministry will be incalculable. They will reap the greatest harvest of souls
saved that will have ever been in history. They will fulfill Christ's "Great Commission" to "go into all the world and preach the gospel." Their salvation and calling will come as a direct result of the preaching and prophesying of these two mysteriously powerful
"witnesses" of God. You can read about these 144,000Jewish evangelists in Revelation chapters 7 & 14.

These two men (the two witnesses) will be bold, unrelenting, powerful and utterly unstoppable for the first 3 �  years.
The man, who is the Antichrist, will hate them with a supernatural hatred, and they will be a thorn in his side for the entire first half of this seven-year period. As a direct result of their ministry, MANY, MANY Jews will finally come to believe in and accept
Jesus as their Messiah and Savior. These two men, as I said, will have supernatural powers and will be able to call down fire from Heaven on anyone who tries to do them harm. They will be supernaturally protected by God for the first 3 � years.

At the very midpoint of this last seven years, God will allow these two men to be killed. Their dead bodies will not
be buried, but will lie in the streets of Jerusalem where ALL of the unsaved people will be able to view their dead bodies. The world will actually party over their deaths. This partying will go on for 3 � days when God will suddenly raise these two men back
to life in full view of the entire world via satellite TV, the Internet, YouTube etc., or by cell phones. Three and one half days after they are killed, God will resurrect their bodies and take them up into Heaven in full view of the world as further testimony
to God's power, authenticating that God is indeed in full control of everything.

At the midpoint of these seven years, events from this point on will get far worse than is even possible to fully describe.
You will now be entering the period Jesus Himself referred to as "Great Tribulation."

As horrific as the first half has been, this last half will be exponentially, exceedingly worse. There will be torment,
death, and cataclysmic judgment unleashed on an unimaginable scale. If you will have somehow survived thus far, your odds of survival to the end will drop to almost nil. If you become a believer, you will be ruthlessly hunted down and your survival will be
even less likely.

As I keep telling you, the chances that you will live to the end are extremely small, and if you should physically
survive but have still refused salvation - that is, if you take the Antichrist's "mark" in your right hand or in your forehead - then you will absolutely and certainly be cast into Hell anyway. For to take that mark (whatever it turns out to be) will seal
your fate in Hell for all eternity.

You are entering a time unprecedented in human history. Supernatural occurrences and events will become the norm from
now on. You will see and witness things that no one in history has ever seen. Do not forget, that during just the first half of this last seven years, these things will happen in rapid succession:

(1) A powerful global leader who will be the Antichrist (although he will at first seem like a savior) will use peace
as his rallying cry, and by peace will destroy many.
(2) War on a global scale will break out which will most likely involve multiple nuclear events.

(3) Global famine will ensue as a result of this war. Murder, violence, diseases, and pestilence will increase exponentially.
(Read the New Testament book of Revelation, chapter 6 up through the opening of the 5th seal to find out what will happen during this first 3 �  years after the signing of the covenant).

Again, I urge you, come to Christ while you still can. You have no guarantee that you will survive the next seven minutes
let alone the next seven years.

Keep reading, for you need to know what is to come in the last half of these years if you should be granted the chance
to live through them.

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