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Friday, January 19, 2018

TRUMP WATCH: 1.21.18 - Trump Wants Palestinian Capital in Abu Dis

Trump Wants Palestinian Capital in Abu Dis 
- By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz -
"In that day I will all but annihilate all the nations that came up against Yerushalayim." Zechariah 12:9 (The Israel Bible™)
On Sunday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas addressed the Palestinian Central Council, saying that US President Donald Trump offered Abu Dis, an Arab village adjacent to east Jerusalem, as the Palestinian capital, an offer Abbas rejected outright.
"Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the state of Palestine," Abbas told the delegates at the meeting. "We are at a critical moment and our future is in danger ... We are currently being offered Abu Dis as our capital."
Abbas expressed his disappointment in the offer, suggesting the council should tear up any of the agreements they have already made with Israel.
"What would you want if Jerusalem were to be lost? Would you want to make a state with Abu Dis as its capital?" Abbas asked rhetorically. "That's what they are offering us now. I call on the Central Council to revise all the agreements signed between the PLO and Israel because Israel has brought these agreements to a dead end," said Abbas. "Israel has ended the Oslo agreement, so the PLO Central Council must decide where should we go from here?"
Abbas made it clear he had already rejected the president's plan.
"We can say no to anyone... And we have now said 'no' to Trump and others. No, we will not accept his plan," Abbas said. "We told him that the deal of the era is the slap of the era... We will repel it."
"I'm with the two states...according to international legitimacy and the Arab Peace Initiative, the State of Palestine along 1967 borders," he said.
Though this statement by Abbas reflects the standard left-wing dialog justifying the two-state solution, it should be noted that the regional borders before the 1967 Six-Day War did not include any State of Palestine.
There has been no comment from the White House concerning Abbas' statement.
The aftermath - Bill Wilson -
Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is the one who started the firestorm of President Donald Trump disparaging poor nations that happened to be of African descent. It took just one leftist who often has exaggerated the truth for political gain to fan the flames of racism once again in America. The theme of the left has been to declare certain things-whether true or not, or even partially true-characterize them as racist, homophobic, misogynist, Islamophobic, or whatever phobia casts a doubt on a person's character, and then paint those who support that person politically with the same broad brush. This is what has happened with the alleged remark by the President.
Timed perfectly for the holiday honoring Martin Luther King, Jr., Durbin hit a home run in further establishing an international narrative that America is racist because it has a racist president and, therefore, the people who support him or voted for him are also racist.  Al Sharpton, for example, told TMZ, "You don't have to spray paint the N-word over the Oval Office and sleep with a KKK hood to be racist. If you have racist policies, say racist things, operate in a racist manner you are a racist, period end of story." Congressman John L. Lewis (D-GA) told ABC's The View that he boycotted the Trump inauguration because, "The movement taught us to withdraw from evil. And I never felt that his election was legitimate."
Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-NY) told MSNBC, "his statements that he made clearly shows that he wants to make America not great, but wants to make America just white..." On The McLaughlin Group, leftist Bill Press said of those who voted for Trump, "So, you got 35 percent of the most extreme wacko racist-I don't know-rednecks in the country." Joel B Pollak, Senior Editor of Breitbart News, summarizes: "Durbin knew exactly what he was doing when he leaked, or distorted, the president's remarks. He was confirming Trump's image in the minds of his critics, mobilizing forces of fear and division - such that a black librarian could tell the Los Angeles Times on Sunday that Trump would "love to take us back all the way to slavery."
This week is likely a pivotal moment in the Trump presidency. The leftists have nailed a narrative that slots Trump AND his supporters as racists-this is a deep hole to dig out of. Especially when the 24-7 news media repeats it with impunity. We cannot control what the left or the news media is doing. We cannot control Trump's word usage, although someone needs to help him with this. We can control what we are doing and saying. It is a time to dismiss this vile and untrue rhetoric and build our case for living out Luke 6:31, "And as you would that men should do to you, do you also to them likewise." It is unfair to stereotype everyone as a racist who disagrees with liberal politics. They accuse others of the very thing they do.
Palestinian Leader's Anti-American Rant Gives Trump Cause to Cut Funding - by Caroline Glick -
For decades, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas has been touted by American leaders as a moderate man of peace.
U.S. leaders from George W. Bush to Barack Obama, and from Condoleezza Rice to John Kerry, all insisted that Abbas is the Palestinian leader who will make an historic deal with Israel.
President Donald Trump has met three times with Abbas since taking office.
On Sunday night, Abbas showed them what he really thinks.
He cursed Trump saying that the U.S. President's "house should be destroyed."
He attacked U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman in lurid, antisemitic language:
"U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman is a settler who is opposed to the term 'occupation.' He is an offensive human being, and I will not agree to meet him anywhere. They requested that I meet him and I refused, not in Jerusalem, not in Amman, not in Washington."
Abbas then threatened U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.
"She [Haley] threatens to hit people who hurt Israel with the heel of her shoe, and we'll respond the same way."
He called Trump's anticipated Middle East peace plan "a slap in the face," and said, "we will slap back."
Abbas declared "dead" the peace agreements he and his colleagues in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) signed with Israel for the Palestinians since 1993. He pledged to block any future U.S. involvement in peace talks between the Palestinians and Israel: "We will not accept American leadership of a political process involving negotiations."
Abbas then turned his attention to Israel and the Jews.
"Israel," he said "is a colonial project that has nothing to do with Jews."
"Europeans wanted to bring the Jews here to preserve their interests in the region. They asked Holland, which had the world's largest fleet, to move the Jews," he said.
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin said that Abbas's remarks harken back to "things that led him to be accused years ago of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial."
Abbas's Ph.D. thesis, which he wrote for a Soviet university controlled by the KGB in the 1960s denied the Holocaust.
Over the past 25 years, the Western and Israeli leaders that have hailed Abbas as a moderate dismissed the significance of his doctorate - which he later published in Jordan as a best-selling book - saying it was a relic of the PLO's former rejection of Israel's right to exist.
The problem with Rivlin's statement is that it ignores Abbas's record.
Contrary to Rivlin's view of Abbas's racist assault on Jews as a throwback to an earlier time, antisemitic diatribes have been a consistent feature of Abbas's public statements, whether he is speaking to Arab or Western audiences.
In a speech before the European Parliament in 2016, for instance, Abbas recycled the medieval blood libel that Jews poison the wells of Christians. That blood libel incited the death of thousands of Jews through the ages.
Speaking to European lawmakers, Abbas said, "Certain rabbis in Israel have said very clearly to their government that our water should be poisoned in order to have Palestinians killed."
As for his Holocaust denial being a thing of the past, Abbas posted his doctoral thesis on his official website. His lies are taught as fact in Holocaust education in the Palestinian school system - which he controls.
Then there is his anti-Americanism.
Abbas controls every aspect of the Palestinian Authority (PA), including the rent-a-mobs.
Over the years, protesters have greeted every senior U.S. policymaker who has visited Abbas in Ramallah.
In 2013, 150 protesters demonstrated against then-president Barack Obama when he met with Abbas. In 2007, protesters who worked for Abbas's government greeted then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice with signs calling for Hezbollah to bomb America.
So in stark contrast to Rivlin's statement, Abbas's speech was not a throwback to a long ago time. It was a throwback to what he said yesterday, and the day before yesterday and the day before that, and what the Palestinian newspapers and television - which he controls - reported the day and week and month and year before that.
Another explanation of Abbas's scorched-earth speech Sunday is that he scorched the earth in preparation for his resignation from office. Abbas, Israel's commentators were quick to note, is 82 years old. So it seems reasonable to conclude that his decision to launch a frontal assault against Jews and Americans was a sort of valedictory address.
But here too, the assessment is contradicted by Abbas's record.
It is true that Abbas is approaching his 83rd birthday. But he is also approaching the 14th year of his four-year term of office. Abbas has repeatedly refused to stand for reelection since his four-year term ended in 2009.
Not only has Abas rejected repeated calls from his Palestinian colleagues and from successive U.S. administrations to designate a successor, he has sidelined and exiled all of his political rivals in the PLO.
Then there are the steps he has taken to coopt Hamas and so minimize the threat Hamas poses to his maintenance of power.
The Hamas terror group ousted Abbas and his U.S.-trained PLO forces from Gaza in 2007. Rather than launch a U.S.-backed counterstrike against Hamas, Abbas chose to collaborate with Hamas. He has funded Hamas's government. That funding has enabled the jihadist group to launch a series of missile wars against Israel.
Moreover, Abbas has used the PLO's position at the UN and in Europe to protect Hamas from criticism and wage a political war against Israel. The goal of this war is to end Western support for Israel's right to exist by delegitimizing Israel as a colonialist implant of European imperialists.
A man interested in retiring would not have eliminated all of his potential heirs to cling to power, or agreed to a power-sharing deal with Hamas to keep everyone at bay.
So if Abbas isn't planning to retire, why is he cursing Trump and his senior advisors? Why is he recycling anti-Jewish blood libels from the 12th century and announcing that the deals he signed with Israel and the peace process as a whole are dead?
The simple answer is that Abbas is acting as he is because he is certain that he can. This is how he has always acted. There is nothing new in his speech. And he doesn't think that he will suffer any consequences for behavior.
Abbas expects President Trump to disregard his statements and continue to bankroll his terror-supporting regime in the name of "the peace process," or "humanitarian assistance" just as Bush and Obama did.
Abbas gave his speech at start of a two-day conference of the PLO's Central Committee, which he convened to determine a response to President Trump's announcement on December 6 that for the first time in nearly seventy years, the U.S. recognizes that Jerusalem is Israel's capital.
Trump's Jerusalem declaration placed Abbas and his colleagues in a conundrum. On the one hand, his declaration had no practical implications. Trump signed a waiver delaying the transfer of the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. No immediate plans have made to move the embassy.
Moreover, the State Department insists that there is no practical significance to Trump's statement. Acting Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Satterfield told reporters the day after Trump's announcement that his statement does not change U.S. policy barring American citizens born in Jerusalem from listing Israel as their country of birth on their official documents. Indeed, Satterfield refused to answer a question regarding whether Jerusalem is even in Israel.
On the other hand, simply by recognizing the basic fact that Jerusalem is Israel's capital and has been Israel's capital for nearly 70 years, Trump broke with the longstanding U.S. policy of denying observable reality in relation to Israel in order to advance "peace" between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
Only by denying reality can anyone pin hopes on the PLO as a peace partner. Since its inception in 1964, the PLO has rejected Israel's right to exist. It has rejected that the Jews are a people. It has denied the history of continuous Jewish habitation of the land of Israel for 3,500 years. And it has denied the fact that the Jews built two temples in Jerusalem.
When Abbas said on Sunday that Israel is the creation of European imperialists, he was merely echoing the PLO's charter.
By recognizing the truth, Trump took a red-hot poker to the PLO's false, antisemitic founding narrative.
As Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said in response to Abbas's remarks, "For too long, the Palestinian Authority has been pampered by the international community which didn't dare tell them the truth - not about Jerusalem and not about recognizing Israel. That has changed. I think Abu Mazen [Abbas] was reacting to that. This is the first time somebody's told him the truth to his face."
Trump and his top advisers have made several statements in recent weeks that indicate that his Jerusalem declaration last month was not a one-off.
The President threatened to cut off U.S. aid to Abbas's regime.
Haley threatened to cut off aid UNRWA, a UN Palestinian refugee agency that works hand and glove with Hamas in Gaza.
Tuesday, the Trump administration informed UNRWA that it is withholding "for further consideration" $65 million of its $370 million annual contribution to UNRWA's budget.
Statements by Trump's senior negotiator Jason Greenblatt and Friedman condemning Palestinian Authority finance of terrorism and incitement to murder Israelis have also been groundbreaking.
So far, Tuesday's hold on a fraction of U.S. funding to UNRWA is the only substantive policy step the Trump administration has taken. Its other moves have been declaratory. They have signaled the beginnings of a new U.S. policy towards Abbas, the PLO and the Palestinian Authority, but the new policy has not yet been articulated, let alone felt on the ground.
By attacking Trump, his advisers, Israel and the Jewish people on Sunday, Abbas was effectively daring Trump to act on his words.
Abbas is betting that Trump is bluffing so the White House's next moves will be determinative.
The partial funding postponement to UNRWA is notable, but not significant enough to make clear that the U.S. is serious in its policy shift. If no further practical, indisputable steps are taken to translate Trump's stated positions into a clear move away from the past 25 years of unconditional American support for the Palestinians, Abbas will be empowered to continue to treat him and his administration with the same contempt he exhibited towards Obama and Bush.

What about DACA? - Bill Wilson -
The Democrats are threatening to shut down the government if they don't get their way on allowing kids brought here illegally by their illegal immigrant parents to stay in America. President Donald Trump is trying to deal with securing the borders and this endless chain of illegal migration to our nation. There is a relatively small group of people who are affected by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals that the previous "president" put into place. By some accounts there are roughly 700,000. Pew Research estimates that 70,000 were rejected from the program, and 40,000 obtained a green card. Notwithstanding, this group of people and what to do with them is causing yet another meltdown among leftists.
Immigration law firms and advocacy groups put actual eligibility numbers higher at around 1.8 million. Many argue that it is unfair to deport these mostly adult children of illegals since they have grown up here in America. Others argue that they are here illegally, many break the law, some take jobs that legal citizens need, and they are generally a tax burden because of their dependence on welfare and other social programs. The liberal CATO Institute puts DACA incarcerations at 12% less than the average US population. From 2013-2017, about 2,200 DACA recipients were revoked because of alien smuggling, assault, domestic violence, sex offenses, drug offenses, weapons, robberies and gang activity.
President Trump is trying to get funding for his border security wall and Democrats have made DACA recipients leverage for gaining Democratic votes. Of course, the Democrats and the mainstream media seem to think these children of illegals, who are now mostly adults, are the sacred citizens of the new American democracy where everyone should have a vote-illegal or not. These Democrats, socialists, communists, leftists are attempting to hold the entire nation's border security ransom to a small group of people who are illegally in America. It's all an extension of the plan to remake America into something it never was intended to be. These radicals label as racist anyone who would oppose DACA.
The Bible is clear about how to handle immigrants. Exodus 22:21 says, "You shall neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him." This is repeated in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. In context, Exodus 12:49 says, "One law shall be to him that is home-born, and unto the foreigner who sojourns among you." This is also repeated in Numbers and Leviticus. One law for all. In this context it is God's law, but these people neither want to submit to the laws of the nation or to God's laws, and most do not want to assimilate into the culture of our nation. If they are here illegally, they have broken the law as their first act. Hard as it is, lawmakers must address this, otherwise our country is in danger of becoming a lawless society.
 The Press and the President - By Hal Lindsey -
On Wednesday, Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona made a much-hyped speech on the floor of the US Senate.  He told the media what he would say, long before he actually said it.  The speech's rollout was orchestrated for maximum public impact.  But, as these things go, the press showed far more interest in the hype than in the speech itself.
Days before he took to the Senate floor, Flake told the news media that he would defend them against Donald Trump's attacks.  He even announced, well before the speech, that he would compare Trump to Soviet dictator and mass murderer, Joseph Stalin.  Remember that Stalin was directly responsible for the murders of 40 million people - even more than Adolf Hitler.
Flake focused his outrage on the President's statement calling the mainstream media, "the enemy of the people."
"It is a testament to the condition of our democracy," Flake said, "that our own president uses words infamously spoken by Josef Stalin to describe his enemies.  It bears noting that so fraught with malice was the phrase 'enemy of the people,' that even Nikita Khrushchev forbade its use, telling the Soviet Communist Party that the phrase had been introduced by Stalin for the purpose of 'annihilating such individuals' who disagreed with the supreme leader."
Does Senator Flake really think President Trump plans on "annihilating" individuals with his criticism of the press?  Who would that be?  Certainly not the press.
In the quote above, Flake did something even more bizarre.  He held up Nikita Khrushchev as a model.  How did Khrushchev treat dissident members of the press?  He didn't call them "enemies of the state."  Instead, he sent them to concentration camps.  He executed them.  Does anyone other than Jeff Flake think Khrushchev should be held up as a model when it comes to how a President should treat the press?
Flake called the free press "the guardian of democracy."  To some extent, I agree.  And because I agree, it is a sobering statement.  To see what I mean, just look at the sorry state of the free press.
Senator Flake said of America, "From our very beginnings, our freedom has been predicated on truth."  Again, the scary thing is that he's right.  In a government "of the people" and "by the people," it is essential that people hear an accurate account of the news.  Instead, we get biased opinion, and exaggeration.  It's all about getting Internet clicks, and pushing a political agenda.  Too often, these goals require members of the press to circumvent truth.  I'm not talking about opinion journalism.  There's an important role for that.  But we also need the straight reporter who simply gives the facts.  These days, such journalists are in short supply.
At one point in the speech, Senator Flake began to confuse the "news media" with "truth."  He spoke of "the damage done by the sustained attack on the truth."  That conflation of terms shows a misunderstanding of truth.  He said, "No president will ever have dominion over objective reality."  Of course not.  Neither does the New York Times.
Perhaps the most laughably ironic line in the speech was this one.  "No politician will ever get to tell us what the truth is and is not."  Here he stands, a politician on the floor of the Senate, telling us his version of what the truth is and is not - while saying that, "No politician will ever get to tell us what the truth is and is not."
Politicians do get to tell us what they think is true.  They do it incessantly.  They complain when they don't like what the media says about them, or their policies.  They try to set us straight when other politicians say things they don't like - just as Mr. Flake did in his speech.
Lately several people in the media have quoted Thomas Jefferson saying, "The only security of all is in a free press."  But he later said, "Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper.  Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle."
Historian Joseph Ellis said of Jefferson, "In his second term, in response to serious criticism from the New England newspapers... he instructed the state attorney generals in New England to prosecute the newspaper editors for sedition."
President Trump criticizes the media.  Yes, he once called them the "enemy of the people."  But lies really do hurt people.  They are the enemy of democracy.  And the media lie.  They do it in many ways, and they do it on a regular basis. 
More effectively than anyone in memory, Donald Trump fights back.
I assume Senator Flake does not really believe "the press" and "truth" are synonymous.  He obviously sees the important, irreplaceable role of a free press in a free society.  His speech implied that he believes in transparency.
Anyone who believes that the press is fallible, yet important, should be happy when the press receives blistering criticism for its lies, and biases.  Commentators keep saying that President Trump is unpatriotic for attacking the press.  But when the press lies, isn't it highly patriotic to attack those lies?
I don't agree with everything President Trump says on this issue.  But there is nothing more American than criticizing the press.  If you don't agree, just ask Washington, Jefferson, or Lincoln.
Jesus said, "The truth shall make you free."  In this case, here's the truth.  Many in the news media are willing to lie for their own economic and political purposes.
 Deep state against Trump and YOU - Bill Wilson -
There is a four-page memo making its rounds in Congress allegedly showing how the previous "president's" administration, specifically the Department of Justice and the FBI, used the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to spy on Americans and to try to bring down the Presidential campaign of Donald Trump. Members of the House Intelligence Committee are describing the contents of the document "alarming" and liken it to Soviet-era KGB tactics. The Committee voted to make the memo public. The Daily Jot began reporting on FISA in 2013 after the ACLU filed suit that the previous administration was using FISA to spy on American citizens, but the spy saga gets far worse.
In March 2017, President Trump accused the ex-"president" of wire-tapping his campaign, setting off a barrage of sanctimonious denials from Democrats and the ex "president." The ex-"president's" spokesman Kevin Lewis said, "A cardinal rule of the [sic] Administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. As part of that practice, neither the [sic] "president" nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any US citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false." Lewis lied. The White House had routinely ordered surveillance on US citizens, and used information to concoct a story to influence the elections.
The previous White House used the FISA court to back door "authority" to collect information folks like you and me. The UK Guardian reported in March 2017 that the broad scope of the court's orders and nature of the procedures established in FISA documents it obtained appeared "to clash" with assurances from the ex-"president" and senior intelligence officials that the National Security Agency could not access your telephone and email information without warrants. Now it is revealed that the previous Administration weaved a web of deceit to undermine an opposing party's presidential candidacy. The court established to fight terrorism likely was used in a failed attempt to hold control of the White House.
 The FISA court audited this spying and in June issued a 99 page opinion written by judge Rosemary Collyer, who stated that Fourth Amendment rights of privacy were violated by the ex "president's" administration as early as October 2011 and continued through 2016. This information collected on US citizens was shared with the FBI, CIA and National Counterterrorism Center in violation of regulations. Now we are finding that these abuses continued and interfered with the 2016 Presidential election. Proverbs 26:26 says, "[He] Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shown before the whole congregation." This wickedness is beginning to be revealed. Unfortunately, Congress voted to renew FISA. Hopefully, the deep state will no longer abuse what was established to protect Americans.

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