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Friday, June 22, 2018

TRUMP WATCH: 6.23.18 - FBI report and coup attempt

FBI report and coup attempt - Bill Wilson -
The news is abuzz with the Inspector Generals report on the FBI abuse of power. No smoking gun, but all those who want to see President Trump drummed out of office. Read into what you want, but from my perspective there was a deep-state, Democratic Party conspiracy going on-using people on the taxpayer dole-to prevent Trump from becoming President. It appears as though the entire "Russian" narrative is accusing Trump of exactly what his opponents were doing. Moreover, they are using this narrative to impeach a duly elected president. If, for example, the Democrats take control of the House and/or Senate, expect Trump to be impeached. The FBI report gives insight to an ongoing coup attempt.
In February 2017, The Daily Jot reported about the genesis of a coup. My ministry partner of 26 years, William Agbeti, has been through six coups d'�tat in Ghana spanning from 1966 through 1981. Only one failed. I asked him to analyze the factors of those coups and compare them with the current situation in America to see if there were similarities. He said, "All the FACTORS that play out for coups d'�tat are currently PRESENT in the US. Most of these FACTORS are oftentimes masterminded. The stage is being set for perhaps America's first coup d'�tat." Agbeti went on to identify the various indicators already in place that may contribute to an overthrow of the US government in some form or another.
Agbeti says, "Coup makers in Ghana belonged to one, part or all of the following categories of persons: disgruntled leaders, power-drunk individuals, stoogies fronting for organized criminals, over-ambitious adventurers, ex-heads of state with unfinished agendas, opposition members who have created a shadow government, die-hard individuals with sympathetic ears to foreign powers desirous of entrenching and superimposing their interests (or way of life) on a nation. Master minds, employing state oppression as an excuse, using mainstream mass media, institutions, and instigating groups of people to pour out into the streets to create well-organized mass revolts, easily paved the way for successful coups. These master minds belonged to shadow governments with hidden agendas."
The FBI report, the various other reports by Congress, even the Mueller Special Counsel investigation, so far have done nothing to verify Trump collusion with Russia to undermine the election. In fact, all criminal charges to date have nothing to do with Trump's campaign. Revealed, however, is how the FBI and the previous White House used the secret FISA court to spy on Trump, the visceral of FBI agents against Trump and in favor of Hillary Clinton, and general deep state chicanery. There is a stronghold over our nation aimed at keeping its power. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 says, "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds." We the People need to recognize this for what it is, and pray and act against it.
The pot and the kettle - Bill Wilson -
Back in the day when black cast iron pots and kettles were common, there was a saying, "You're the pot calling the kettle black." It meant that you were doing the same thing that you accused someone else of doing. This type of human action has been around since the fall of mankind. Yet we are seeing it play out today in a grand scale. The progressive mantra, meaning leftist and most likely Marxist, has done all the things they are accusing the Trump Administration of doing. When the leftists did it, their lapdog media minions either didn't cover it or justified it as necessary. For example, Democrats have used certain aspects of immigration laws, but when Republicans use them, they are accused of being inhumane.
It's one thing after another. One might call it hypocrisy, but it is deeper and darker than that. The media, for example, soft-peddled the Russian ties between Hillary and Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton's campaign, and the Clinton Foundation, but amplifies anything they can about Donald Trump and Russia. If you look at who had pre-election deals with Russia, Hillary Clinton and the ex-"president" would be poster children. Hundreds of millions of dollars exchanged hands between Russia and the Clinton Foundation when Clinton was Secretary of State in the ex-"president's" administration, and these deals were supported by the ex-"president." The more they pushed Russian ties with Trump, the more deals they did with Russia themselves.
In March 2017, the Daily Jot reported that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State she completed a deal where nuclear grade uranium was sent to Russia scoring $145 million to the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a speech in Moscow, Clinton's campaign Chairman John Podesta did a $35 million energy deal with Russia, and the Clinton Foundation received $2.35 million in donations from Ian Telfer, head of Russia's uranium company. In October 2017, the FBI released information indicating both the Clinton's and the immediate past "president" were involved in what appears to be a bribery/kickback scheme with Russian officials in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
Today, the headlines are full of the jack-boot actions of the Mueller Special Counsel, which appears to be arresting and blackmailing Trump campaign personnel, his lawyers, and others into making a case against Trump for colluding with Russia. Those arrested by Mueller are charged with crimes unrelated to Trump. The media and the Democrats are in an uproar every day, all day. They pile on with conjured up narratives that also imply abuse of children on immigration enforcement and many other issues. As said in 2 Timothy 3:13, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." It's the pot calling the kettle black, as it boils the ingredients of deceit and lawlessness.

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