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Friday, July 20, 2018

Hal Lindsey: 7.21.18

Hal Lindsey Media Ministries - Hal Lindsey -
The heat kills 54 in southern Quebec. Temperatures in northern Siberia soar 40 degrees above normal. Africa records the highest temperature ever verified on that continent.
What is going on with the weather?
Whatever it is, the global warming crowd is thrilled. They see it as affirmation of their religion: the High Church of Climate Change.
But they obscure two distinctions. First, contrary to what the mainstream media and the politically correct crowd would have you believe, almost no one denies that earth's climate is changing. In fact, it has been in a constant state of change throughout its entire history.
What many of us deny is that it is changing because of something man is doing. We believe it is changing because of natural influences and fluctuations. Things like increased solar activity that directly affects the earth. Solar activity that has waxed and waned over the centuries. That's why history tells us that the earth has suffered through several different "ice ages."
The second distinction the global warming crowd obfuscates is the difference between "climate" and "weather." "Climate" refers to meteorological patterns over long periods of time. "Weather" refers to what is happening right now. In Texas we say that if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change.
So the global warming people seize upon the latest heat wave as proof that the "climate" is rapidly warming. So the United States should cough up $300 billion dollars (our contribution demanded by the Paris Climate Accord from which President Trump withdrew) to stop it.
Of course, if the coming winter is especially brutal, some of them will keep their mouths shut and hope you don't notice. Others will insist that the brutal cold proves that the "climate" is rapidly cooling. So the United States should cough up $300 billion dollars to stop it. Interestingly, China and India, the world's two biggest polluters, aren't required to do anything -- or pay anything -- for the next 30 years.
But I'm chasing rabbits here.
The point is that after the great flood, God made a promise to humanity: "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." (Genesis 8:17 NASB) That means that no matter what man does, or does not do, the natural order of things will not change. So save your money.
However, the Bible does address the subject of weird weather. Especially as we approach the end of this Age of Grace.
Isaiah tells of a future judgment on the earth where the world "fades and withers... The inhabitants of the earth are burned." (Isaiah 24:4,6 NASB)
That probably refers to nuclear war and the devastating, unending fires that follow. But it seems to also include weather phenomenon, because another verse in the same chapter predicts that grapevines will "wilt" (Isaiah 24:7 Complete Jewish Bible) as a result of human disobedience to God. The chapter implies drought on a planetary scale.
Then Revelation 16:8 tells about something that will happen during the Tribulation: "And the fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun; and it was given it to scorch men with fire." (Revelation 16:8 NASB)
This is not talking about nuclear war, but about violent sunlight! It hasn't happened yet, but the earth seems to be getting a foretaste of it.
Jesus said and the Bible tells us that as we approach His return, we can expect to see an increase in strange weather. But the worst will not come until the time of the Tribulation. And if you are in Christ, by then, you will be gone.
A few days ago, seven former US ambassadors to the United Nations sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. They asked him to restore 100% of the funding that the US gives annually to UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees.
Earlier this year, the US cut its contribution to UNRWA by 50%. After we have given almost $5 billion, we finally did it because UNRWA, which has been in business almost 70 years, has thus far not settled even one Palestinian refugee. Instead, they keep them confined in filthy, miserable, crowded "camps" so that they can be used as political pawns in the constant struggle to delegitimize Israel. UNRWA schools indoctrinate Palestinian children to despise Israel. They encourage terrorism by praising and honoring terrorists, Nazis, and the annihilation of the Jews. Their schools and hospitals are often used to house missiles and rocket launchers for use against Israel.
UNRWA camps are rundown and dangerous. Even pro-Palestinian organizations claim that Palestinian children are not safe there.
The refugees need to be absorbed into the societies around them. Instead, UNRWA imprisons them and keeps them dependent on the UN for food and shelter. As Caroline Glick notes, they "doom Palestinians to perpetual misery and ensure that they will never, ever accept Israel's right to exist in secure borders."
You see, in 1948, the Arab nations, who were preparing to invade the new state of Israel, convinced many of the Arabs living in Israel to flee. They warned them that the Jews would massacre them.
Of course, it was all propaganda. There were no massacres. But that fear created the ongoing Palestinian refugee crisis.
Most people, though, don't know about the other refugee crisis from that same period.
In her monumental book, From Time Immemorial, Joan Peters notes that, "For every refugee -- adult or child -- in Syria, Lebanon, or elsewhere in the Arab world... there is a Jewish refugee who fled from the Arab country of his birth. For every Arab who moved to neighboring lands, a Jew was forced to flee from a community where he and his family may have lived for 2,000 years."
To retaliate against the new state of Israel, Muslim nations made life impossible for the Jews in their midst. They lost their property, security, dignity, and basic human rights. They faced persecution and death. They were forced from the lands of their birth.
In 1948, there were more than 850,000 Jews living in the Arab world. Today, there are only around 25,000.
Unlike the Arabs who did not want to live with Jews in Israel but were never accepted as citizens in Jordan or Syria or Lebanon, the fledgling state of Israel quietly accepted and assimilated all of the Jewish refugees who fled to Israel.
In 1922, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the League of Nations gave the British a mandate to prepare a homeland in Palestine for the Jews.
Instead, the British gave 75% of that land to the Arabs for a homeland. It was a vast expanse east of the Jordan river. The country was known as Trans-Jordan.
The remaining 25% was given to "Eretz Yisrael" (Land of Israel). It included all the land from the river Jordan west to the Mediterranean Sea. That includes the areas the Jews call Judea and Samaria. The world knows it as the "West Bank" (of the Jordan river).
During the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, Jordan took the West Bank by force.
During the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel took it back.
Somehow, the world thought it was okay for Jordan to take the West Bank (given to Israel by the League of Nations) by force. But they saw it as a crime when Israel took it back 19 years later.
The original "two-state solution" was to create the nation of Jordan for the Arabs who did not want to live with the Jews in Israel. Somehow that "two-state solution" has been lost to history.
Have you noticed? Al-Qaeda is making a comeback. ISIS stole the headlines for a few years, but lately, al-Qaeda has been active around the world. Including in Cleveland where federal officials arrested an al-Qaeda supporter who planned to bomb a Fourth of July parade.
In Belgium, a husband and wife were arrested for planning to bomb a Paris meeting of an Iranian opposition group. In Austria, an Iranian diplomat was detained and expelled for assisting them.
One of Germany's top intelligence agencies released a report accusing Iran of "the illegal propagation of atomic, biological, and chemical weapons."
The Jerusalem Post noted that "German Chancellor Angela Merkel remains a strong proponent of the Iran nuclear deal.... She has not commented on the findings of her intelligence agencies that appear to contradict her views of the effectiveness [of the nuclear deal]."
An "anonymous" US intelligence official told NBC News that North Korea may be trying to deceive the US about its nuclear program.
Personally, I don't put much trust in intelligence agents who leak anonymously to the press. But what's the surprise here? The North Koreans have been deceiving the world for decades. Do we think they will stop overnight?
That's the point of intensive negotiations that include strict supervision and inspection protocols.
Even if they eventually plan to give up their weapons, the more they possess now, the more leverage they will have at the bargaining table. We still don't know how this will turn out, but at least the two sides are talking, not fighting.
Japan's Kyodo News Agency has published secret documents it has obtained from the Chinese Central Military Commission. They give us some insight into the urgency China feels to develop a military that can meet and defeat the US military.
All of this simply illustrates that it's a dangerous world, indeed. And growing more so by the day.
My goal is to impress on you how important it is for us to put our trust in God. This flimsy world system that finds itself in such deep trouble is not worthy of your hopes and dreams. It will let you down.
But God remains faithful. His promises remain true.
He promised that, "'I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,' so that we confidently say, 'The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What shall man do to me?'" (Hebrews 13:5-6 NASB)
Romans 8:31 asks, "If God be for us, who can be against us?"
The near future may be dark, but the eternal future is gloriously bright! Do not fear, He is with us!
July 20th, 2018
Which do you think is meant to be an insult?

1. Apparently following Queen Elizabeth's direction, President Trump begins to walk the reviewing line with her. She decides to step behind him to move to his left so she can walk between the President and the troops. He pauses and waits for her to catch up, then resumes walking beside her to review the troops.

2. Thousands of anti-Trump protesters gather in Parliament Square where they float a huge balloon depicting President Trump as an angry, diapered baby holding a cellphone.

To you and me, it's obvious which is the action intended as an insult. But it's apparently not so obvious in the Late Great Britain.

Monarchists and the tabloids were in full hue and cry blasting President Trump for "insulting" the Queen and the British monarchy by walking in front of her -- no matter how briefly. I don't recall them being so apoplectic when Michelle Obama put her arm around the Queen -- which, incidentally, is a much greater breach of protocol. Especially since she was not even a head of state. To which the Queen is reported to have later remarked that she "never want(ed) to meet that woman again!"

The diapered baby balloon? Oh, that's just freedom of speech.

What's more, if you believe the media, it appears that President Trump may have forever ruptured the bonds of friendship between America and the United Kingdom. He had the audacity to actually sit in an easy chair in which Winston Churchill once sat. The headline of the London newspaper The Mirror breathlessly screamed, "How Dare You?"

The paper quoted a Member of Parliament, Ruth Smeeth, declaring that President Trump "doesn't even deserve to look at a statue of Churchill let alone sit in his seat."

Apparently Trump Derangement Syndrome is epidemic on both sides of the pond!

As "politically correct" and hypocritically sanctimonious as many Brits appear to be, it is a little surprising that they are expressing so much respect for their late Prime Minister Churchill. Were he alive today, I think he would be as much of an outcast as he was in the years leading up to World War II when he was sounding the politically-incorrect warnings about Hitler and Germany.

You see, Winston Churchill was a plain-spoken critic of Islam and just as outspoken a proponent of "Christian civilization" as any major politician in history. He would be roasted alive by the PC establishment of today.

In 2014, a politician was arrested for merely reading aloud the words of Churchill regarding Islam. And with so many British cities now boasting Muslim mayors, I doubt it's going to get any better.

Britain once had a great tradition of debating both religion and politics. One of the ironies is that the same people who see Islam as above discussion have no problem with attacking Christianity and the Bible on a regular basis.

Maybe they feel more free to speak their minds because they know the Knights of Columbus aren't likely to behead them.

Wow! Finally a NATO Summit with fireworks!

Usually, they're yawners. But not with President Trump at the table! I think the attending heads of state should be starting to catch on by now. President Trump says it like it is. Or at least like he sees it.

I doubt that most of the other leaders have ever heard so much truth or faced so much reality in their entire political careers.

Besides chastising most of the other NATO members for failing year after year to meet their defense commitments, the President zeroed in on Germany because of its natural gas deal with Russia.

NATO is an alliance of nations created to stand against Russia and its allies. At the time of its formation after World War II, NATO's enemy counterpart was the Warsaw Pact. That was a defense alliance between the Soviet Union and seven of its satellite states. Today, some of those former Soviet Socialist Republics are members of NATO. Including Poland!

Nonetheless, though the Soviet Union no longer exists, Russia has assumed its mantle in the world. That means, in essence, that NATO's "enemy" is Russia and the NATO treaty pledges its members to protect each other from their enemies, i.e., Russia, etc.

Which makes Germany's natural gas deal with Russia all the more appalling and galling.

Here's the short version: Most of the European nations depend heavily on natural gas from Russia, for which they pay exorbitant prices. Currently, most of that gas transits through Ukraine and Poland. Ukraine and Poland are both former Soviet Socialist Republics that have moved their loyalties to the West. Which makes Russia feel very threatened and angry.

Occasionally, Russia tries to punish Ukraine and Poland, and subvert them to its wishes, by cutting off their critical natural gas supplies during the dead of the brutal central European winters. But in doing so, that means the natural gas supplies of the other European nations get cut off, too. And that makes them angry with Russia.

So incredibly rich, powerful, and domineering Germany decided to cut a sweetheart deal with Russia. They signed a deal to build two 800-mile gas pipelines that run beneath the Baltic Sea from Russia to Germany. It was originally called Nord Stream, now Nord Stream 2. That means Russia can pump gas to Germany and Germany can then turn around and dole it out to the other European nations.

In essence, that puts Russia in control of Germany's critical gas supplies and Germany in control of the other European nations' critical gas supplies. And it leaves Russia free to punish Ukraine and Poland at will without irritating the EU or other NATO nations. Win-win for Russia!

Enter President Donald Trump.

President Trump looked at that deal and immediately cried, "Foul!" What's more, he cried, "Foul!" loudly! And that shocked Germany, Russia, the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, and the rest of the globalists.

At a breakfast meeting, the President told Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO Secretary-General: "...Germany, as far as I'm concerned, is captive to Russia because it's getting so much of its energy from Russia. So we're supposed to protect Germany (from Russia), but they're getting their energy from Russia. Explain that!"

I doubt he can.

Germany is the richest country in Europe. It bullies the other nations in the European Union. It has a $69 billion trade surplus with the United States alone. The US has 35,000 troops stationed in Germany. Yet of the 29 member states in NATO, Germany ranks next to last in the amount of its GDP that it spends on its own defense.

And now it is placing its citizens and industry at the mercy of the Russians. All the while letting the United States foot the majority of the bills for the NATO alliance that is supposed to protect it from Russia.

In what universe does that make sense?

But there is an interesting -- and prophetic -- twist to all of this. After 2020, Russia will have a viable stranglehold on Europe. But that stranglehold may be broken in 2025. That's when a new pipeline from Israel's incredible natural gas reserves, built with the cooperation of Cyprus, Greece, and Italy, will be complete. That pipeline will be capable of supplying enough natural gas to Europe to mitigate Russia's grip.

Could it be that the preservation of Russia's natural gas monopoly will be the "hooks in the jaws" of Gog that God will one day use to pull it from the north to do battle with Israel?

Oh yeah, one more thing. Gerhard Schroeder was the former German Chancellor who authorized the original Nord Stream deal. Then he left office and Vladimir Putin helped him become chairman of the same project he authorized as Chancellor. In 2017, Putin arranged for Schroeder (the German) to become chairman of Rosneft, the state-owed Russian oil giant.

The Swamp bubbles on both sides of the pond!

Speaking of the Swamp. Did you see the Congressional hearing with FBI Agent Peter Strzok as the featured guest?

If this were a Hollywood movie, most of us would say that the actors were hams and the writer was stoned when he wrote the script. You can't make this stuff up!

But the scary part is, this is reality! I don't know which was creepier or more bizarre, Agent Strzok's Norman Batesesque facial expressions and sleazy demeanor or the Democrats' frantic attempts to interrupt the proceedings and stop him from having to answer the questions.

It seems to me that even more damning than Agent Strzok's undeniable bias expressed in tens of thousands of texts (when did he have time to actually investigate anything?), is the simple fact that the FBI has uniformly ignored mountains of evidence of Hillary Clinton crimes that have been uncovered and presented by other FBI agents, other law enforcement agencies, and other intelligence services.

The institution's bias is more evident in what it hasn't done than in what it has.

But then, that is not so unusual in history. In fact, some of the crises engulfing the world today are the result of the devious undermining of legitimate government authorities by their underlings.

"Underlings" are the glue that holds things together or the weak links that cause them to fall apart. They are necessary to the administration of any government or organization. In the United States government, we call them the "Deep State."

The trouble starts when a group of subordinates take it on themselves to undo the policy of legitimate officials. In this way, underlings have sometimes changed the course of history.

For instance, last week I discussed the "other" Middle East refugees: the Jews displaced from Arab nations. In that story, I described how the League of Nations had instructed Britain to provide for a national homeland for the Jewish people. The League's "Mandate" dedicated a large tract of land from the Mediterranean Sea to what is now Iraq.

But the British officials kept backing out of promises they had made to the Jews. Eventually, 75% of the land in the "British Mandate" was given to the Arabs as a homeland for the Palestinian Arabs. It is now called Jordan. The remaining 25%, from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean was given to Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel).

Even earlier, when British General Edmund Allenby, leading his army of liberation, dismounted his horse and walked reverently into Jerusalem on December 9, 1917, he was prepared to institute a military government as per his instructions. But the staff of Governor Ronald Storrs was riddled with army officers who did not believe in the principles set forth in the Balfour Declaration. They represented the "Deep State" of the day.

Incrementally, and without authorization, they sabotaged the official policy of their government. That subterfuge eventually led to the rise of the leader of the Jerusalem Muslims, Haj Amin al-Husseini.

In later years, al-Husseini led the Arab Revolt of 1936-1939. He escaped to Nazi Germany where he remained as a guest and collaborator with Adolf Hitler. He even helped recruit Bosnian Muslims for Germany's Waffen-SS.

So don't make the mistake of believing the Left's and the mainstream media's derision of the idea of a "Deep State." It does exist and it is powerful. And too often, it has the last word.

Fortunately for us, though, it will be God who has the real "last word." And even though we know that days of persecution are coming before Jesus returns for His followers, we can take comfort in the promise that He will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5)

But let's not stop fighting. There is still time to speak truth to power and expose the forces of darkness that are engulfing the world. Pray for those in leadership who are doing just that. Maybe they are buying time for even more to turn to Christ and accept the free gift of pardon that He died on Calvary to purchase for "everyone who believes." (Romans 1:16)

Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, various local stations, or Check your local listings.

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey

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