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Friday, September 2, 2022

WORLD AT WAR: 9.3.22 - Putin Declares Partnership with Islam

Echoes Of Ezekiel 38: Putin Declares Partnership with Islam In New World Order – PNW Staff - On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a message of greetings to the participants and guests of the 2022 Kazan Global Youth Summit as it opened in Kazan. The eventwas hosted by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). "Islamic states have been our traditional partners in addressing many topical issues on the regional and global agenda, in attempts to build a more just and democratic worldorder," Putin said in his short address. "It is significant that young people are getting more actively involved in this constructive and comprehensive cooperation." The Kazan Global Youth Summit is organized for young Muslim people to keep them informed and facilitate interaction with other regions and cultures. Putin is strongly aligned with the Russian Orthodox Church, which supports him in his war in Ukraine. But he has both domestic and foreign interests in allying with Islam.Russia has the largest Muslim population in Europe, numbering approximately 14 million or roughly 10% of the total population. Recognized under the law and by Russian political leaders as one of Russia's traditional religions, Islam is a part of Russian historical heritage and is subsidized by theRussian government. The position of Islam as a major Russian religion, alongside Orthodox Christianity, dates from the time of Catherine the Great, who sponsored Islamic clerics and scholarship. President Putin consolidated this trend, subsidizing the creation of mosques and Islamic education, which he called an "integral part of Russia's cultural code," encouragingimmigration from Muslim-majority former Soviet bloc states, and condemning anti-Muslim hate speech. Last month, Gazprom, a Russian state-owned multinational energy corporation, and the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) signed a $40 billion memorandum of understanding (MoU)that would enable the two countries to dominate the world market for natural gas and set the prices. In addition to the gas deal, Putin acquired drones for use in Ukraine from Iran. Intelligence organizations in many countries have speculated that, in return,Russia will help facilitate an Iranian nuclear weapons program. As Europe and America unite in sanctions against Russia, Putin is actively courting allies and trading partners. So when Putin traveled to Iran to finalize the gas and dronedeals, he also visited Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Originally published by Israel 365 News From our previous article: Russia, Iran, and Turkey Forming A Biblical Alliance So why should you care that Vladimir Putin has been meeting with Iranian and Turkish leaders? You should care because more than 2,600 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel warned of a future time when a vast coalition of nations will attack Israel. The leader of this coalitionis a man known as Gog, the ruler of Magog (Ezekiel 38:1). This is why the invading force is known as the Gog of Magog coalition. According to Ezekiel this alliance will send an overwhelming force to invade Israel in the last days. And today, for the firsttime in human history, we see this alliance forming. The Invading Nations Which nations does Ezekiel describe? He identifies the invading nations as "Magog, Rosh, Meschech, Tubal, Persia, Cush, Put, Gomer, and Beth-togarmah" (Ezekiel 38:1-6). Ifyou look on a 2022 map of the globe, you won't find any of these nations. So how can I say this alliance is forming? Because these are the ancient biblical names of these nations, and while their names have changed over the years, we can still locate them on a map today. Below is a listof each nation, followed by its modern day name: Rosh = Russia Magog = Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan Persia = Iran Cush = Sudan Put = Libya Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, and Beth-togarmah = Turkey Putin's visit to Tehran will mark the third nation he's visited since the Ukraine war began, and all three - Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran - are part of the Gog of Magogalliance. Moreover during the course of these three visits, Putin will meet with two additional members of the Gog of Magog alliance - Kazakhstan and Turkey. Is this a coincidence? I don't think so. It's been centuries since Ezekiel first recorded these prophecies. Yet, this alliance has never existed. It certainly hasn't invaded Israel. But now? Today, we see it comingtogether. An Unlikely Alliance Putin's trip to Tehran to meet with Iranian and Turkish leaders should be of particular interest to those who study bible prophecy. Why? Because, until recently, these threenations made an unlikely alliance. First, these three nations have never been aligned in all of human history. Second, Turkey is a member of NATO, and until recently, actively sought EU membership. Third, for most of recorded history, Russia and Iran had a turbulent relationship withlittle cooperation. In fact, until the death of Ayatollah Khomeini, who deemed Islam incompatible with the atheism of the Soviet Union, the modern nation of Iran had little to do with Russia. But in recent years, Russia's ties with both nations have strengthened. Following the death of Ayatollah Khomeini and the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1989, Russia (then apart of the Soviet Union), started selling arms to Iran. In 1995, the Russian Ministry for Atomic Energy signed an agreement with Iran to finish the Bushehr nuclear power plant. The civil war in Syria was another area of cooperation between the two countries. Russia and Iran share a common interest when it comes to keeping Syrian President Bashar Assad in power. Russia has a vested interest in retaining access to the Syrian navalbase in Tartus and stopping the spread of ISIS. As a longtime ally of Assad, Iran also has military forces in Syria. In addition, Iran is the primary sponsor of Hezbollah, a radical terrorist organization. Hezbollah has openly operated in Syria under Assad. It's clear Russia and Iran have strengthened their diplomatic, economic, and military ties. But what about Turkey? Of all the members of the Gog of Magog coalition, Turkeyis the most interesting. Why? Because it seems even more unlikely ally of Russia in an invasion of Israel. Following World War I, Turkey established a secular western democracy and became a model democratic republic in the Middle East. In 1949, Turkey became the first Muslim majoritynation to recognize Israel. In 1952, it joined NATO. For the latter part of the 20th Century, Turkey was a strong ally of Israel, the U.S., and other western nations. As the 21st Century dawned, Turkey explored membership in the European Union. This wouldhave further solidified the nation's western ties. Instead, an event took place that reshaped the future of Turkey. In 2003, Turkey elected Recep Tayyip Erdogan prime minister. A former member of a banned Islamist political party, Erdogan's administration has been hostile toward Turkey'ssecular and democratic institutions. Under Erdogan, Turkey has turned from its traditional western allies and cultivated relationships with nations that oppose western democracy. In July 2016, Erdogan cracked down on his political opponents following what he claimed was a coup attempt. He imprisoned thousands of citizens and consolidated his grip onpower. A 2017 referendum further extended that power. Now the president, Erdogan is the undisputed ruler of Turkey. The nation, once hailed as a model of freedom and democracy in the Muslim world, has quickly devolved into a totalitarian regime eager to befriendAmerica's enemies. In September 2018, Turkey met the leaders of Russia and Iran in Tehran to discuss the future of Syria. In February 2019, Turkey met the leaders of Russia and Iran in Sochito coordinate joint military plans in Syria. Now, these nations are meeting once again in Tehran. The relationship between Putin and Erdogan is strong and growing. All that's left to permanently move Turkey into the Russian ally column is a clear break betweenTurkey and NATO. What could cause that? We may be witnessing it now. Turkey is experiencing massive inflation. They also counted on Ukraine for a significant portion of their food supply. Inflation and food shortagesthreaten Erdogan's grip on power. Where can he get a steady supply of energy and food? Russia. It may be what finally drives Turkey into Russia's corner. When that happens, the key players in the Gog of Magog alliance will be in place. When Will All This Happen? So when will this invasion take place? The Bible says it will come "in the latter days" (Ezekiel 38:8). The original Hebrew word in this verse is "acharith" which means "after-part,latter part, last, close, or end." In other words, this alliance will form in the last days just prior to the return of Jesus Christ. Ezekiel uses this same word "acharith" eight verses later, when he says the invasion will come "in the last days" (Ezekiel38:16). This is confirmed again when Ezekiel reveals the Russian leader's thoughts. Gog says to himself, "I will attack the once abandoned cities now populated with the Jews who returnedfrom exile among the nations" (Ezekiel 38:12). This tells us Russia and its allies will attack the land when it's filled with the exiles who return from among the nations. In other words, the target is modern day Israel. This means the invasion is coming inour day and time. Ezekiel stresses this fact again and again when He says the invasion will occur "after Israel's people have been gathered from among many nations" (Ezekiel 38:8) and "whenI bring my people home from among the enemy nations" (Ezekiel 39:27). This return home from among many nations has happened only once in all of human history - modern day Israel. While we wait for that moment, the military forces of the three most powerful members of the Gog of Magog alliance - Russia, Iran, and Turkey - are now cooperating in Syria.This puts their joint military forces right on Israel's border. And not just any border - Israel's northern border. This is where Ezekiel said the invading force will come from - north of Israel (Ezekiel 38:15; Ezekiel 39:2). Is this a coincidence? Again,I don't think so. Never in history have these three nations formed an alliance. Now, they're all stationed directly to Israel's north. The stage is now set for the fulfillment of the Ezekiel 38-39 prophecies. Turkey has made a strategic choice to align itself with Russia and Iran. Eventually, Russia, Iran,Turkey, and the other nations in the Gog of Magog alliance will send an overwhelming invasion force against Israel (Ezekiel 38:8-9). When they do, God will destroy them and display His power and glory for all the nations to see (Ezekiel 38:23). It's one moresign of how close we are to the Second Coming of Jesus. --------------------------------- The New Global Natural Gas Cartel � Amir Tsarfati - Despite Russian warnings, Israel has been very busy in Syria this past week. An airstrike a week ago caused major damage in Tartus on the Mediterranean coast and in Masyaffarther inland. Both destroyed Iranian targets, and in the Masyaf strike a warehouse in the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center (SSRC) was hit, annihilating thousands of medium-range, surface-to-surface missiles. Then, last night as I mentioned above,Israeli airstrikes slammed the area around the Aleppo and Damascus airports. In the Aleppo strike, four Israeli rockets were fired hitting the military airport and weapons depots. According to a pro-Iranian Iraqi news source, the attack on Aleppo was designedto prevent the landing of an Iranian cargo plane. The aircraft diverted to Damascus, but before it could land there that airport was bombed, too. The potential for another Iraqi civil war is increasing. Within the country�s Shiite majority, there are two camps. One is pro-Iran and is very militant. The second largerfaction doesn�t want Iranian interference. This camp is led by Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. Rumors began to surface last week that an Iranian hit squad was looking to assassinate al-Sadr. Then, suddenly, on Monday al-Sadr unexpectedly stepped down from politics.Seeing Iranian strong-arm tactics behind his decision, al-Sadr�s supporters took to the streets in protest. They stormed the presidential palace and the green zones. Violence soon erupted between the angry mobs and Iraq security forces leaving more than 20dead. As al-Sadr tries to calm his supporters, Iraq has declared a curfew, the US is airlifting its officials out of the green zone, and Iran has closed its borders with the country. With the possibility of Iraq falling into Iranian-proxy hands with this outbreak of violence, the de facto leadership of Iran in Syria is even more concerning. The desireof the Islamic regime in Tehran is to create a �Shiite Crescent� through Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and down to the border with Israel. With this swath of the Middle East under their control, the transportation of weapons of any kind will be no trouble for theIranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and the threat of the radical regime in Tehran to annihilate Israel becomes that much more real. As Iran continues to grow in strength, much of its opposition appears to be wilting under the overwhelming desire to sign a new nuclear deal. The IAEA is unable to check upon Iran�s nuclear facilities, so Tehran keeps spinning their centrifuges. Europe just wants the deal over and done with so that they can move on to more important issues like how they are going to heat their homes this winter. US President Biden has alreadylifted many sanctions and appears ready to lift many more. And even as America kowtows to Iranian demands, the regime in Tehran continues to issue threats against the nation, demanding that they remove themselves from Syria and the region. A US Navy (USN) Saildrone Explorer, an unmanned drone ship used to monitor weather and the ocean, was a victim of an Iranian kidnapping on Tuesday. The USN spotted an IRGCsupport ship towing the water drone by a cable, and they quickly intervened. Dispatching a coastal patrol boat, as well as an MH-60S Seahawk helicopter (the navy�s version of a Blackhawk), the USN sought to help the IRGC understand that stealing someone�sdrone ship is both illegal and kinda rude. Four hours later, the cable was disengaged and the Iranian ship had left for friendlier waters. Much of the mainstream media is portraying great strides by Ukraine in their war with Russia. Not surprisingly, the media is being intentionally deceitful. As sad as it isto say, Russia has this war firmly in their grasp right now. German media even reported that Russia is now transferring tactical nuclear weapons into Crimea. Not that everything is going perfectly for them. The Russian military had anticipated upping theirweaponized UAV game, buying a huge drone arsenal from Iran. Now it turns out that many of the unmanned aircraft are defective. When it comes to Iran, you definitely get what you pay for. Maybe even more successful than their conventional war against Ukraine is Russia�s energy war against Europe. This winter energy prices in many parts of Europe will increaseten-fold. Gazprom, the Russian gas giant, just informed France that due to problems in their contract they will not be receiving all the gas they have been expecting. Europe set themselves up for this very scenario despite a certain previous US president�swarnings. I�m guessing that the diplomatic elite who snickered behind his back at his �foolishness� are no longer laughing. It�s going to be a long, cold winter for many people. Even as Russia has Europe twisting in the wind, they are shoring up their own energy strength by aligning with Iran. The two countries are creating a new global natural gascartel, essentially a Gas OPEC, which will be able to significantly control energy prices in coming years. Once again, we draw nearer to the Ezekiel 38 scenario. What if the little gas giant Israel stands up against the price machinations of this new Russia/Irancartel by increasing their output to the European nations that Gazprom is now squeezing? For some reason, I don�t believe the Kremlin will look too fondly on that. Battles between two controlling administrations in Libya have left dozens dead. The nation�s economy is on life-support and its infrastructure is nearly non-existent. Manyare afraid that this is the beginning of a new bloody civil war in the already barely-functioning country. After days enduring a �monster monsoon�, nearly one-third of Pakistan is now under water. Over 1100 people have been killed, and billions of dollars worth of homes, crops,and infrastructure have been destroyed. This is a catastrophic event, the effects of which are only going to increase in magnitude as the days go by.

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