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Friday, May 5, 2023

God help us: On the brink of WWIII and the Antichrist Kingdom

 God help us: On the brink of WWIII and the Antichrist Kingdom- By Scott Lively - Ever since I began studying prophecy seriously at a scholarly level in early 2011, I have been persuaded that ours is the last generation of the Age of the Gentiles and thatour experience as Christians in the temporal world would increasingly mirror that of the first generation in the Age of the Apostles, ending under the modern equivalent of a deeply evil and corrupt Roman military dictatorship (the Antichrist Kingdom) so totalin its control that Jesus' command regarding daily life within it was/is to display humble submission regarding worldly matters as a means of evangelizing through the witness of Christian service. He knew that any thoughts of overthrowing the Romans by worldly means during His first advent were futile. Instead of telling Christians to push back against the gross infringementson their God-given personal liberties, He said they must, for example, carry a soldier's cloak 2 miles instead of the then legally mandated 1 mile when asked. But in regard to eternal matters they must accept death rather than recant their faith in Him (Revelation12:11). That context will be fully repeated when the last generation of this age begins facing the demand by the Antichrist government to take "the Mark of the Beast." Clearly, we're not quite at that level of tyranny yet; however, my biblical studies and attentive observations of world events have increasingly reinforced my belief thatwe have reached at least the season of the end, if not the final months or year. Indeed, the seeming imminence of the prophesied Antichrist Kingdom now looms so ominously that even many secular people now believe the end is near – even as they cling to thenotion that its tyranny can and will be prevented by political activism if we just get unified and organized. I'd very much like to believe that restoration is possible through activism because I've lived virtually my entire adult live as a Christian soldier in the culture war. BUT,having seen the evil elites stage their global plandemic and American election-fraud coup, all to prevent Donald Trump from serving a second term in the White House, I realize there is nothing they will not do to stay in power. Nothing. These evil elite one-worlders naturally want to preserve as much key infrastructure of civilization as possible (including a deluded, compliant populace), so they are limitingtheir actions to just what is necessary to achieve their plans and hiding their actions behind curtains of propaganda the best they can (while at the same time taunting and mocking those of us who are awakened to the realities – trying to provoke us to violenceto justify police-state crackdowns). But, if they believe it necessary, they will simply drop the pretenses, burn everything to the ground and start over from scratch rather than let us win. Their Ukraine proxy war is all queued up at the World War III startingline to provide any degree of worldwide destruction they deem necessary, including total annihilation of entire countries. Putting this back in the historic Roman context, America today is still a far cry from the Roman Empire in the Age of the Apostles. Our merciless abortion culture hasn't reachedthe level of unwanted born babies being routinely abandoned by the roadside in the practice of "exposure." Today's persecution of constitutionalist Christians by tyrannical government falls far short of Emperor Nero dipping our spiritual forbears in oil andburning them alive as entertainment for his party guests. But we're pretty close to Roman levels of sexual depravity, which is the cultural lubricant that always greases the societal slide to hell on earth: the secret ingredientin the devil's recipe for spiritual conquest of humanity by the use of physical world wars (which is why "wars and rumors of wars" is the first clue Jesus told us to look for in his chronology of end time events in the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24-25). Importantly, both world wars in the modern world involved reiterations of the Roman Empire, more particularly the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation," also known as theFirst Reich (A.D. 800-1806). (This is the source of Hitler's boast that his Nazi regime would be a "thousand-year Reich.") And both world wars were preceded by rampant sexual depravity, including particularly homosexuality, which the Europeans called "Germany's National Vice," providing GermanJew Samuel Igra the title for his 1945 book exposing what he called the "poisoned stream" of homosexuality in German history, triggering WWI and facilitating WWII. Few Americans realize that the modern homosexual movement first became a significant political power in Germany during the Second Reich, under the reign of Kaiser WilhelmI who was also simultaneously King Frederick III of Prussia, grandson of the notorious homosexual Frederick the Great. ("Kaiser" is the German spelling of "Ceasar.") According to Igra, Wilhelm I's son, Kaiser Wilhelm II became so fully ensnared in seven yearsof public litigation over homosexual scandals that he deliberately orchestrated World War I to finally divert public attention from his domestic woes. My book "The Poisoned Stream" includes an exhaustive review of Germany's National Vice, augmented by extensivedocumentation not available to Igra at the time he wrote it. Better known, but still not common knowledge was the centrality of homosexuality to Adolf Hitler's Third Reich, which Orthodox Jewish historian Kevin E. Abrams and I documentedin our book "The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party," now in its 5th Edition. Essential to that story is the sexual depravity of the post-WWI Weimar period in Germany during which the Nazi Party rose to prominence. It was also in Socialist Weimar Germanyin the early 1920s that the claim was first made that homosexual sodomy was a "human right." Indeed, a seed from that poisonous tree was first planted here in America by German-American soldier Henry Gerber who launched the first U.S. LGBT entity, in Chicago,Dec. 10, 1924, as a chapter of the German-based Society for Human Rights (before being arrested for sex with teen boys). So here we are today in our own Weimar moral cesspool, perched on the brink of WWIII, which would seem to be the perfect Satanic vehicle for bringing in the "beginning ofsorrows." Looming before us is the prospect of the tyranny of the Antichrist Kingdom, the Fourth Reich, the unholy final iteration of the Roman Empire. God help us.

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