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Friday, June 20, 2014

America's Future

America's Future - By Daymond Duck -

A recent e-mail reads: "It drives me crazy that the Bible doesn't say anything about America. I know that God is the Author of the Bible and He has His reasons for not mentioning America, but I want to know what is going to happen to America."
I want begin by saying that I believe America is in Bible prophecy. But this is just my opinion and not something the Bible says. I believe the United States will merge with Canada and Mexico to create the North American Union (NAU). And I believe the leaders of these nations will appoint a president of the NAU and he will be one of the Ten Kings.
Having said this, I am well aware that some believe "the people scattered and peeled" (Isa. 18), the "eagle's wings" (Dan. 7), "the young lions" (Ezek. 38), the "great eagle" (Rev. 12) and "Babylon" (Rev. 18) refer to America. I understand that, but it is still my opinion that the United States will be a member of the NAU and we will be represented by one of the Ten Kings.
Now, before I started taking this position, I was among those who said, "I don't know, but America may have been left out of Bible prophecy because America will experience a moral decline, a military decline, a sneak attack, or an economic collapse that will take her out of the picture." It was just speculation, but many prophecy teachers realized that America had to be weakened so the world could be taken over by the evil Antichrist and his wicked world government.
Concerning a moral decline, America has kicked God and prayer out of our schools and government. Now, we have the highest STD infection rate, highest teen pregnancy rate, highest divorce rate, highest drug use rate and one of the highest abortion rates in the world. We produce more than 85% of the world's pornography and some of our universities are actually teaching courses in it. Several states have legalized gambling, gay marriage and marijuana smoking.
There is corruption in Washington, a lukewarm spirit in the church, no father in many homes and multitudes of children are born out of wedlock. I could go on, but just about anyone can tell that America has descended into the sewer and it is waxing worse and worse every day.
Concerning a military decline, early this year (2014) America's Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, recommended major cuts to America's military. That was followed by an announcement that two of our badly needed advanced cruise missiles (the Tomahawk and the Hellfire) will be totally eliminated by 2018.
Our Army has already been cut by 30,000 troops in the last 18 months, it will be cut by 30,000 more by the end of next year, and another 40-70,000 by the end of this decade. Our Navy has already been cut to the point that it is now smaller than it has been since WW I. Our Air Force is going to lose 500 planes by the end of this decade; our deployed nuclear missiles have been cut to 1550, President Obama wants to cut that to 1,000 and he would like to eventually get down to 300. There is no way to honestly deny that America's military is in serious free fall.
Concerning a sneak attack, North Korea, Iran, and several Islamic terrorist groups have long threatened to attack America. For many years, our nation was so strong talk like that was considered to be the chatter of foolish people. But that has changed for at least two reasons: 1) North Korea and Iran have both made major strides in their development of missiles and nuclear weapons, and 2) there is the danger that some of those weapons could fall into the hands of (or turned over to) terrorists. America's military leaders now believe the threats should be taken seriously. But instead of strengthening our military, we are cutting it back.
Concerning an economic collapse, for more than a hundred years, America's economy led the world and it was the envy of almost everyone. Now, some are saying that China will surge ahead of America before the end of this year. For years, foreign nations coveted the dollar, but now many would rather use their own currency. For years, foreign nations invested in U.S. Treasury Bonds, but now they don't want them. Millions of Americans are on food stamps, millions can't find a job, millions have stopped looking, millions have lost their homes and we are closing businesses faster than we are opening new ones. Many experts believe America is on the brink of an economic collapse.
Concerning America at the end of the age, the decades old speculations of many of America's top prophecy teachers (moral decline, military decline, sneak attack or economic collapse) are now an embarrassing reality. God once blessed America, but now that we have kicked Him and prayer out we are disappearing from the global stage and fading from the prophetic picture.
 Prophecy Plus Ministries
Daymond & Rachel Duck

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