Judges 9:10
"And the trees said to the fig tree, Come thou, and reign over us."
For many years, Creation Moments has been sharing information about the ways that plants and trees talk to one another to protect each other from invaders. Many scientists have ridiculed us for making such outrageous claims. But they're not laughing any longer.
As Wired online recently commented, "The evidence for plant communication is only a few decades old. The first few 'talking tree' papers quickly were shot down as statistically flawed or too artificial and research ground to a halt. But the science of plant communication is now staging a comeback."
Though plant communication is still a tiny field, the scientists who study it are no longer seen as a lunatic fringe. Richard Karban, an ecologist at the University of California in Davis, said: "It used to be that people wouldn't even talk to you: 'Why are you wasting my time with something we've already debunked?'" they said.
But scientists are now saying that plants not only communicate with other plants, they communicate with insects as well, sending airborne messages that act as distress signals to predatory insects so that they will come and kill the plant-eating bugs.
Though scientists are now learning more about how plants communicate, they appear to have little interest in learning about how God communicates with man. But scientists who are Christians know the blessing of communicating with God through prayer and the reading of His inspired Word.
Father, I am so grateful that You care about us and that you communicate with us through the Bible. Make my prayer time and the study of Your Word a top priority in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen. "How Plants Secretly Talk to Each Other." Wired online, 12/20/13. Photo: Richard Karban studies how sagebrush communicate. Photo from Wired online used for educational purposes under U.S. fair use doctrine.
Judges 9:10
"And the trees said to the fig tree, Come thou, and reign over us."
For many years, Creation Moments has been sharing information about the ways that plants and trees talk to one another to protect each other from invaders. Many scientists have ridiculed us for making such outrageous claims. But they're not laughing any longer.
As Wired online recently commented, "The evidence for plant communication is only a few decades old. The first few 'talking tree' papers quickly were shot down as statistically flawed or too artificial and research ground to a halt. But the science of plant communication is now staging a comeback."
Though plant communication is still a tiny field, the scientists who study it are no longer seen as a lunatic fringe. Richard Karban, an ecologist at the University of California in Davis, said: "It used to be that people wouldn't even talk to you: 'Why are you wasting my time with something we've already debunked?'" they said.
But scientists are now saying that plants not only communicate with other plants, they communicate with insects as well, sending airborne messages that act as distress signals to predatory insects so that they will come and kill the plant-eating bugs.
Though scientists are now learning more about how plants communicate, they appear to have little interest in learning about how God communicates with man. But scientists who are Christians know the blessing of communicating with God through prayer and the reading of His inspired Word.
Father, I am so grateful that You care about us and that you communicate with us through the Bible. Make my prayer time and the study of Your Word a top priority in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen. "How Plants Secretly Talk to Each Other." Wired online, 12/20/13. Photo: Richard Karban studies how sagebrush communicate. Photo from Wired online used for educational purposes under U.S. fair use doctrine.
Proverbs 1:7
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
How smart are Americans when it comes to science? That's what the National Science Foundation attempts to find out every two years. The results of their 2014 survey - which included more than 2,200 adults - gave Americans a rather poor grade. But are Americans really less knowledgeable about science or is the NSF's survey biased against the many Bible-believing Christians in America? Let's take a look.
While the survey included such questions as "Does the Earth go around the Sun or does the Sun go around the Earth?", the survey also included questions like: "True or false: the universe began with a huge explosion." And true or false: "Human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals." For people who believe what the Bible has to say, their answers were scored as "wrong" by the NSF survey.
Interestingly, more than 60 percent of Americans gave the so-called "wrong" answers to these questions. They simply do not accept the Big Bang theory despite what they were taught in school. And more than 50 percent of Americans disagreed with the NSF when it comes to evolution. According to the Atlantic Online, "This seems to indicate that many Americans are familiar with the theories of evolution and the Big Bang; they simply don't believe they're true."
What the unbelieving world views as right is often wrong in light of what God tells us in the Bible. For Christians, the Bible is the ultimate authority - not what we're told by Bible-denying evolutionists.
Heavenly Father, I pray that You will strengthen me whenever I am pressured by the world to choose wrong over right. Make me be willing to be thought a fool in the world's eyes. In Jesus' Name. Amen. "What Americans Don't Know About Science". Atlantic online. 2/15/14 Photo: National Science Foundation building in Arlington, VA.
Proverbs 1:7
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
How smart are Americans when it comes to science? That's what the National Science Foundation attempts to find out every two years. The results of their 2014 survey - which included more than 2,200 adults - gave Americans a rather poor grade. But are Americans really less knowledgeable about science or is the NSF's survey biased against the many Bible-believing Christians in America? Let's take a look.
While the survey included such questions as "Does the Earth go around the Sun or does the Sun go around the Earth?", the survey also included questions like: "True or false: the universe began with a huge explosion." And true or false: "Human beings, as we know them today, developed from earlier species of animals." For people who believe what the Bible has to say, their answers were scored as "wrong" by the NSF survey.
Interestingly, more than 60 percent of Americans gave the so-called "wrong" answers to these questions. They simply do not accept the Big Bang theory despite what they were taught in school. And more than 50 percent of Americans disagreed with the NSF when it comes to evolution. According to the Atlantic Online, "This seems to indicate that many Americans are familiar with the theories of evolution and the Big Bang; they simply don't believe they're true."
What the unbelieving world views as right is often wrong in light of what God tells us in the Bible. For Christians, the Bible is the ultimate authority - not what we're told by Bible-denying evolutionists.
Heavenly Father, I pray that You will strengthen me whenever I am pressured by the world to choose wrong over right. Make me be willing to be thought a fool in the world's eyes. In Jesus' Name. Amen. "What Americans Don't Know About Science". Atlantic online. 2/15/14 Photo: National Science Foundation building in Arlington, VA.
Psalm 5:8
"Lead me, O LORD, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face."
Mechanical gears - like those found in clocks - have been around since the Greeks are thought to have invented them around 300 B.C. But scientists have now discovered a small hopping insect equipped with a set of living gears!
University of Cambridge biologists discovered that Issus coleoptratus have an intricate gearing system that locks their back legs together. This allows both legs to spring at the exact same instant, propelling the tiny creatures straight forward. If one of the bug's legs jumped a fraction of a second earlier than the other, this would push the insect off course to the left or right.
The gears are located at the top of the insects' hind legs and include 10 to 12 tapered teeth. The teeth of the gear lock together neatly, and they even have curves at the base, a design incorporated into man-made mechanical gears to reduce wear over time.
Researcher Gregory Sutton said, "We usually think of gears as something that we see in human-designed machinery.... These gears are not designed; they are evolved - representing high speed and precision machinery evolved for synchronisation in the animal world."
What we'd like to ask him is how did this insect survive for thousands of years while it couldn't jump straight? No, there is a much simpler explanation that scientists might see if they weren't so biased against a Creator. The gears were designed by God, who gave all of His creatures - including you and me - all of the intricate parts we need!
Lord Jesus, I praise You and thank You for making it so easy to see Your handprints on the things You have made. I pray that many scientists will come to realize that there is a Designer ... and that Designer is You! Amen. "This Insect Has The Only Mechanical Gears Ever Found in Nature.", 9/12/13. Photo: Issus coleoptratus. Courtesy of Malcom Burrows. Used for educational purposes under U.S. fair use doctrine.
Psalm 5:8
"Lead me, O LORD, in thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make thy way straight before my face."
Mechanical gears - like those found in clocks - have been around since the Greeks are thought to have invented them around 300 B.C. But scientists have now discovered a small hopping insect equipped with a set of living gears!
University of Cambridge biologists discovered that Issus coleoptratus have an intricate gearing system that locks their back legs together. This allows both legs to spring at the exact same instant, propelling the tiny creatures straight forward. If one of the bug's legs jumped a fraction of a second earlier than the other, this would push the insect off course to the left or right.
The gears are located at the top of the insects' hind legs and include 10 to 12 tapered teeth. The teeth of the gear lock together neatly, and they even have curves at the base, a design incorporated into man-made mechanical gears to reduce wear over time.
Researcher Gregory Sutton said, "We usually think of gears as something that we see in human-designed machinery.... These gears are not designed; they are evolved - representing high speed and precision machinery evolved for synchronisation in the animal world."
What we'd like to ask him is how did this insect survive for thousands of years while it couldn't jump straight? No, there is a much simpler explanation that scientists might see if they weren't so biased against a Creator. The gears were designed by God, who gave all of His creatures - including you and me - all of the intricate parts we need!
Lord Jesus, I praise You and thank You for making it so easy to see Your handprints on the things You have made. I pray that many scientists will come to realize that there is a Designer ... and that Designer is You! Amen. "This Insect Has The Only Mechanical Gears Ever Found in Nature.", 9/12/13. Photo: Issus coleoptratus. Courtesy of Malcom Burrows. Used for educational purposes under U.S. fair use doctrine.
1 Corinthians 15:39
"All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds."
Evolutionists tell us a 66-million-year-old feathered dinosaur resembling a giant demonic bird was discovered in the fossil-rich Hell Creek formation of South and North Dakota. Not surprisingly, this newly discovered dinosaur species was dubbed the "chicken from hell".
It was "as close as you can get to a bird without being a bird," said vertebrate paleontologist Matt Lamanna. In addition to its long limbs, the research team found that the 11-foot-long, 500-pound dinosaur sported a stubby tail, likely framed by a fan of tail feathers."
What's this? A tail likely framed by a fan of tail feathers? Not even National Geographic could stop themselves from telling the truth when they admitted: "Though the team didn't find direct evidence of feathers, the species was so closely related to birds that it was very likely covered in feathers that looked identical to those of modern birds."
The illustration accompanying the article shows the dinosaur's forelimbs and tail covered with large feathers. Indeed, National Geographic and others have been doing this for years as they attempt to show that modern-day birds are the evolutionary descendents of dinosaurs. No real evidence required!
The Bible, on the other hand, is supported by a large amount of evidence, including archaeological discoveries, the fulfillment of Bible prophecies and much more. Christians also have the internal witness of the Holy Spirit that convinces us that God's Word is true and that His Son is the Truth who alone provides salvation from sin.
Father, I thank You that Your Word doesn't need to be supported by the imaginative speculations of fallible men. I know that the Bible is true from the first word to the last! In Jesus' Name. Amen. 3/19/14. National Geographic Daily News, 3/19/14. Illustration: Anzu wyeliei. Courtesy of Mark Klingler, Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
1 Corinthians 15:39
"All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds."
Evolutionists tell us a 66-million-year-old feathered dinosaur resembling a giant demonic bird was discovered in the fossil-rich Hell Creek formation of South and North Dakota. Not surprisingly, this newly discovered dinosaur species was dubbed the "chicken from hell".
It was "as close as you can get to a bird without being a bird," said vertebrate paleontologist Matt Lamanna. In addition to its long limbs, the research team found that the 11-foot-long, 500-pound dinosaur sported a stubby tail, likely framed by a fan of tail feathers."
What's this? A tail likely framed by a fan of tail feathers? Not even National Geographic could stop themselves from telling the truth when they admitted: "Though the team didn't find direct evidence of feathers, the species was so closely related to birds that it was very likely covered in feathers that looked identical to those of modern birds."
The illustration accompanying the article shows the dinosaur's forelimbs and tail covered with large feathers. Indeed, National Geographic and others have been doing this for years as they attempt to show that modern-day birds are the evolutionary descendents of dinosaurs. No real evidence required!
The Bible, on the other hand, is supported by a large amount of evidence, including archaeological discoveries, the fulfillment of Bible prophecies and much more. Christians also have the internal witness of the Holy Spirit that convinces us that God's Word is true and that His Son is the Truth who alone provides salvation from sin.
Father, I thank You that Your Word doesn't need to be supported by the imaginative speculations of fallible men. I know that the Bible is true from the first word to the last! In Jesus' Name. Amen. 3/19/14. National Geographic Daily News, 3/19/14. Illustration: Anzu wyeliei. Courtesy of Mark Klingler, Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
Ephesians 4:28
"Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth."
As you know, bats are able to find their way around and locate their prey using echolocation - high-pitched sounds that they also use to keep from flying into trees and other bats. But scientists have now learned that one particular kind of bat emits another call that warns other bats to stay away from bugs they've claimed for themselves.
A five-person research team from the University of Maryland recently discovered that male big brown bats produce a special sound called a frequency-modulated bout, or FMB, that sounds a warning to other bats. The FMB is an ultrasonic social call that uniquely identifies the bat emitting it. Its sequence of three to four sounds are longer in duration and lower in frequency than typical echolocation pulses that the bats use for navigation. After hearing the FMB, other bats moved away from both the caller and its lunch.
Biology Research Associate Genevieve Spanjer Wright said: "When two males flew together in a trial, it was not uncommon for each bat to emit FMBs. We found that the bat emitting the greatest number of FMBs was more likely to capture the mealworm."
While only a few talented humans have learned to use echolocation, all of us have been blessed by our Creator with a conscience that acts like a warning signal from God. Let us be like the male big brown bat that not only heeds these warnings but also warns others to avoid things that would displease their Creator.
Heavenly Father, I pray that you will make my conscience shout at me when I am about to do anything that displeases You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
"Foraging bats can warn each other away from their dinners." 3/27/14. ScienceDaily online. Genevieve Spanjer Wright, Chen Chiu, Wei Xian, Gerald S. Wilkinson, Cynthia F. Moss. Social Calls Predict Foraging Success in Big Brown Bats. Current Biology, 2014; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.02.058. Photo: Big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus).
Ephesians 4:28
"Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth."
As you know, bats are able to find their way around and locate their prey using echolocation - high-pitched sounds that they also use to keep from flying into trees and other bats. But scientists have now learned that one particular kind of bat emits another call that warns other bats to stay away from bugs they've claimed for themselves.
A five-person research team from the University of Maryland recently discovered that male big brown bats produce a special sound called a frequency-modulated bout, or FMB, that sounds a warning to other bats. The FMB is an ultrasonic social call that uniquely identifies the bat emitting it. Its sequence of three to four sounds are longer in duration and lower in frequency than typical echolocation pulses that the bats use for navigation. After hearing the FMB, other bats moved away from both the caller and its lunch.
Biology Research Associate Genevieve Spanjer Wright said: "When two males flew together in a trial, it was not uncommon for each bat to emit FMBs. We found that the bat emitting the greatest number of FMBs was more likely to capture the mealworm."
While only a few talented humans have learned to use echolocation, all of us have been blessed by our Creator with a conscience that acts like a warning signal from God. Let us be like the male big brown bat that not only heeds these warnings but also warns others to avoid things that would displease their Creator.
Heavenly Father, I pray that you will make my conscience shout at me when I am about to do anything that displeases You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
"Foraging bats can warn each other away from their dinners." 3/27/14. ScienceDaily online. Genevieve Spanjer Wright, Chen Chiu, Wei Xian, Gerald S. Wilkinson, Cynthia F. Moss. Social Calls Predict Foraging Success in Big Brown Bats. Current Biology, 2014; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.02.058. Photo: Big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus).
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