Newly emboldened 'lame duck' out for blood - By Caroline B. Glick -
The next 22 months until President Barack Obama leaves office promise to be the most challenging period in the history of US-Israel relations.
Now unfettered by electoral concerns, over the past week Obama exposed his ill-intentions toward Israel in two different ways.
First, the Justice Department leaked its intention to indict Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez on corruption charges. Menendez is the ranking Democratic member, and the former chairman, of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He is also the most outspoken Democratic critic of Obama's policy of appeasing the Iranian regime.
As former US federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy wrote this week at PJMedia, "It is perfectly reasonable to believe that Menendez may be guilty of corruption offenses and that his political opposition on Iran is factoring into the administration's decision to charge him. Put it another way, if Menendez were running interference for Obama on the Iran deal, rather than trying to scupper it, I believe he would not be charged."
The Menendez prosecution tells us that Obama wishes to leave office after having vastly diminished support for Israel among Democrats. And he will not hesitate to use strong-arm tactics against his fellow Democrats to achieve his goal.
We already experienced Obama's efforts in this sphere in the lead-up to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech before the joint houses of Congress on March 3 with his campaign to pressure Democratic lawmakers to boycott Netanyahu's address.
Now, with his move against Menendez, Obama made clear that support for Israel - even in the form of opposition to the nuclear armament of Iran - will be personally and politically costly for Democrats.
The long-term implications of Obama's moves to transform US support for Israel into a partisan issue cannot by wished away. It is possible that his successor as the head of the Democratic Party will hold a more sympathetic view of Israel. But it is also possible that the architecture of Democratic fund-raising and grassroots support that Obama has been building for the past six years will survive his presidency and that as a consequence, Democrats will have incentives to oppose Israel.
The reason Obama is so keen to transform Israel into a partisan issue was made clear by the second move he made last week.
Last Thursday, US National Security Adviser Susan Rice announced that the NSC's Middle East Coordinator Phil Gordon was stepping down and being replaced by serial Israel-basher Robert Malley.
Malley, who served as an NSC junior staffer during the Clinton administration, rose to prominence in late 2000 when, following the failed Camp David peace summit in July 2000 and the outbreak of the Palestinian terror war, Malley co-authored an op-ed in The New York Times blaming Israel and then-prime minister Ehud Barak for the failure of the negotiations.
What was most remarkable at the time about Malley's positions was that they completely contradicted Bill Clinton's expressed views. Clinton placed the blame for the failure of the talks squarely on then-Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's shoulders.
Not only did Arafat reject Barak's unprecedented offer of Palestinian statehood and sovereignty over all of Gaza, most of Judea and Samaria and parts of Jerusalem including the Temple Mount, he refused to make a counter-offer. And then two months later, he opened the Palestinian terror war, a.k.a. the second intifada.
As JWR contributor Jonathan Tobin explained in Commentary this week, through his writings and public statements, Malley has legitimized Palestinian rejection of Israel's right to exist. Malley thinks it is perfectly reasonable that the Palestinians refuse to concede their demand for free immigration of millions of foreign Arabs to the Jewish state in the framework of their concocted "right of return," even though the clear goal of that demand is to destroy Israel. As Tobin noted, Malley believes that Palestinian terrorism against Israel is "understandable if not necessarily commendable."
During Obama's 2008 presidential campaign, then-senator Obama listed Malley as a member of his foreign policy team. When pro-Israel groups criticized his appointment, Obama fired Malley.
But after his 2012 reelection, no longer fearing the ramifications of embracing an openly anti-Israel adviser, one who had documented contacts with Hamas terrorists and has expressed support for recognizing the terror group, Obama appointed Malley to serve as his senior adviser for Iraq-Iran-Syria and the Gulf states. Still facing the 2014 congressional elections, Obama pledged that Malley would have no involvement in issues related to Israel and the Palestinians. But then last week, he appointed him to direct the NSC's policy in relation to the entire Middle East, including Israel.
The deeper significance of Malley's appointment is that it demonstrates that Obama's goal in his remaining time in office is to realign US Middle East policy away from Israel. With his Middle East policy led by a man who thinks the Palestinian goal of destroying Israel is legitimate, Obama can be expected to expand his practice of placing all the blame for the absence of peace between Israel and the Palestinians solely on Israel's shoulders.
Malley's appointment indicates that there is nothing Israel can do to stem the tsunami of American pressure it is about to suffer. Electing a left-wing government to replace Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will make no difference.
Just as Malley was willing to blame Barak - a leader who went to Camp David as the head of a minority coalition, whose positions on territorial withdrawals were rejected by a wide majority of Israelis - for the absence of peace, so we can assume that he, and his boss, will blame Israel for the absence of peace over the next 22 months, regardless of who stands at the head of the next government.
In this vein we can expect the administration to expand the anti-Israel positions it has already taken.
The US position paper regarding Israeli-Palestinian negotiation that was leaked this past week to Yediot Aharonot made clear the direction Obama wishes to go. That document called for Israel to withdraw to the indefensible 1949 armistice lines, with minor revisions.
In the coming 22 months we can expect the US to use more and more coercive measures to force Israel to capitulate to its position.
The day the administration-sponsored talks began in July 2013, the EU announced it was barring its member nations from having ties with Israeli entities that operate beyond the 1949 armistice lines unless those operations involve assisting the Palestinians in their anti-Israel activities. The notion that the EU initiated an economic war against Israel the day the talks began without coordinating the move with the Obama administration is, of course, absurd.
We can expect the US to make expanded use of European economic warfare against Israel in the coming years, and to continue to give a backwind to the anti-Semitic BDS movement by escalating its libelous rhetoric conflating Israel with the apartheid regime in South Africa.
US-Israel intelligence and defense ties will also be on the chopping block.
While Obama and his advisers consistently boast that defense and intelligence ties between Israel and the US have grown during his presidency, over the past several years, those ties have suffered blow after blow. During the war with Hamas last summer, acting on direct orders from the White House, the Pentagon instituted a partial - unofficial - embargo on weapons to Israel.
As for intelligence ties, over the past month, the administration announced repeatedly that it is ending its intelligence sharing with Israel on Iran.
The Hillary Clinton email scandal has revealed that during her tenure as secretary of state, Clinton transferred top secret information regarding Israel's operations against Iran to the New York Times. We also learned that the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is being fingered as the source of the leak regarding the Stuxnet computer virus that Israel and the US reportedly developed jointly to cripple Iran's nuclear centrifuges.
In other words, since taking office, Obama has used the US's intelligence ties with Israel to harm Israel's national security on at least two occasions.
He has also used diplomacy to harm Israel. Last summer, Obama sought a diplomatic settlement of Hamas's war with Israel that would have granted Hamas all of its war goals, including its demand for open borders and access to the international financial system.
Now of course, he is running roughshod over his bipartisan opposition, and the opposition of Israel and the Sunni Arab states, in the hopes of concluding a nuclear deal with Iran that will pave the way for the ayatollahs to develop nuclear weapons and expand their hegemonic control over the Middle East.
Amid all this, and facing 22 months of ever more hostility as Obama pursues his goal of ending the US-Israel alliance, Israelis are called on to elect a new government.
This week the consortium of former security brass that has banded together to elect a leftist government led by Isaac Herzog and Tzipi Livni accused Netanyahu of destroying Israel's relations with the US. The implication was that a government led by Herzog and Livni will restore Israel's ties to America.
Yet as Obama has made clear both throughout his tenure in office, and, over the past week through Malley's appointment and Menendez's indictment, Obama holds sole responsibility for the deterioration of our ties with our primary ally. And as his actions have also made clear, Herzog and Livni at the helm will receive no respite in US pressure. Their willingness to make concessions to the Palestinians that Netanyahu refuses to make will merely cause Obama to move the goalposts further down the field. Given his goal of abandoning the US alliance with Israel, no concession that Israel will deliver will suffice.
And so we need to ask ourselves, which leader will do a better job of limiting the danger and waiting Obama out while maintaining sufficient overall US support for Israel to rebuild the alliance after Obama has left the White House.
The answer, it seems, is self-evident.
The Left's campaign to blame Netanyahu for Obama's hostility will make it all but impossible for a Herzog-Livni government to withstand US pressure that they say will disappear the moment Netanyahu leaves office.
In contrast, as the US position paper leaked to Yediot indicated, Netanyahu has demonstrated great skill in parrying US pressure. He agreed to hold negotiations based on a US position that he rejected and went along with the talks for nine months until the Palestinians ended them. In so doing, he achieved a nine-month respite in open US pressure while exposing Palestinian radicalism and opposition to peaceful coexistence.
On the Iranian front, Netanyahu's courageous speech before Congress last week energized Obama's opponents to take action and forced Obama onto the defensive for the first time while expanding popular support for Israel.
It is clear that things will only get more difficult in the months ahead. But given the stakes, the choice of Israeli voters next Tuesday is an easy one.
Barack Obama Loves America, His America - Todd Strandberg -
There is nothing new to the reports that Barack Obama dislikes America. For years, conservatives have detailed how Obama has spent his entire political career talking down the United States. The liberal media was just feigning outrage when it reacted to former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani saying, "I know this is a horrible thing to say, but I do not believe that the president loves America."
I think the reason why the comment made by Giuliani generated headlines is because the press saw him as someone who would easily buckle under pressure. According to them, he was once "America's mayor." But that's all in doubt now that he has dared to question Obama's love for our nation.
Reporters at the White House pitched Press Secretary Josh Earnest a softball question so he could provide this bit of gutless drivel, "I can tell you that it's sad to see when somebody who has attained a certain stature and even admiration tarnishes that legacy so thoroughly."
Giuliani clearly ruffled feathers at the head nest. The White House PR department created the twitter hashtag #ObamaLovesAmerica. They then sent it out 58,000 times. The hashtag quickly turned out to be a bad idea. Since twitter allows people to post comments, nearly all of them were negative.
I have no doubt that Obama loves America, but the country that he seems to love is one he wishes existed rather than the one that does. His America has the government as the center of morality, the source of prosperity, and the arbiter of all fairness. Anyone who holds to another philosophy is "un-American" by his standards.
No president can be considered a friend of America if he is seeking to undermine the Constitution. Obama has repeatedly violated long standing statutes. He has appointed nominees to various boards without Senate confirmation, defied congressional subpoenas, made every attempt to assault our Second Amendment rights, and he uses the IRS to target conservative, Christian and pro-Israel organizations.
President Obama doesn't even measure up to his own standards. In 2008, then Senator Obama called President Bush "unpatriotic" for adding trillions to the national debt. Bush added about four trillion dollars to the debt in eight years. By the time Obama leaves offices, he will have created tripled the amount of debt as that of his predecessor.
I find a lot of similarities between Obama and Grigori Rasputin-the demonic-eyed faith healer and trusted friend of the Russian Tsar family. After Rasputin charmed his way into the royal court he made a series of political recommendations that were so destructive that they resulted in the complete downfall of the Russian monarchy. In 2008, Obama was also hailed as a wonder worker who was going to heal the economy, mend racial relations, restore respect for America, and have the most open government, ever.
After six years of Obama we have an economy addicted to Fed money printing, race relations are worse then they been in living memory, our standing in the world has been greatly diminished, and his administration is probably the most secretive in our nation's history.
The people who are hoping for the American population to wake-up and realize the damage that Obama has inflicted are wasting their time. Our social and economic problems are beyond quick fixes. Once we reach the point of crisis, the citizenry will turn to despots for answers. In the end, Obama may just be remembered as the final snowflake that started the avalanche.
The devil's fingerprints are all over the decisions being made today and it greatly concerns me what is coming our way. Since Bible prophecy predicts massive persecution for all believers in the Tribulation hour, our proximity to the last of the last days should be a concern to every Christian.
Hardship has always been the best thing that could happen to the church. Under tranquility, Christianity has a natural tendency to become lazy and complacent. If you want to find robust Christianity, you need to go to China, Iran, or North Korea.
The Bible does not provide an absolute guarantee that everything will be sunny for believers right ahead of the Rapture. We are promised to be kept from the Tribulation itself. As this cloud of darkness rolls in our direction, the prayer of every Christian should be, "Even so, come Lord Jesus" (Revelation 22:20).
"Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth" (Revelation 3:10).
"For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thessalonians 5:9).
Hillary Clinton--A Prophetic Babylonian Connection - Bill Wilson -
Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server for State Department business raises many more important questions for the presidential wannabe to answer. WorldNetDaily reported on March 3 that Clinton's emails were hacked and published in Russia Today, revealing that "wealthy Sunni Islamists in Saudi Arabia" funded the September 11, 2012 attack on the US mission in Benghazi. The New York Times reported on March 8 that the "Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation has accepted tens of millions of dollars in donations from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Algeria and Brunei." Some gave while she was Secretary of State. But wait, there's more...
It is a well known fact that Hillary Clinton's top aide of nearly 20 years, Huma Abedin, has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. In July, 2013, former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy wrote in the National Review that Abedin " worked for many years at a journal that promotes Islamic supremacist ideology that was founded by a top al-Qaida financier, Abdullah Omar Naseef." During that time frame (1996-2003), Abedin also worked for Hillary Clinton. Nationally syndicated columnist Diana West in July, 2013 added: "It was edited first by Huma's father, Syed Abedin, and now by her mother, Saleha Abedin. Saleha is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood."
West revealed that "Mother Abedin also directs an organization (the International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child) that comes under the umbrella of the Union for Good, another US-designated terrorist organization. As McCarthy reminds us, "the Union for Good is led by Sheikh Yusef al-Qaradawi, the notorious Muslim Brotherhood jurist who has issued fatwas calling for the killing of American military and support personnel in Iraq as well as suicide bombings in Israel." The MB creed is as follows: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope."
The MB's detailed plan to take over North America was revealed in the 2009 Holy Land Foundation trial for money laundering to terrorists. It called for a "grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house..." Clinton's relationships pose a great danger to all of us, akin to King Hezekiah revealing all things of his nation to the emissaries of Babylon (2 Kings 20:13). The result was prophesied by Isaiah in 2 Kings 20:17, "Behold, the days come, that all that is in thine house, and that which thy fathers have laid up in store unto this day, shall be carried into Babylon: nothing shall be left, saith the Lord." It's not about just a few emails.
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