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Friday, March 6, 2015

The Feet of Iron and Clay -

The Feet of Iron and Clay - Todd Strandberg - 
The revival of the Roman Empire is often called the second most important end-time prophecy, which is just behind the rebirth of Israel. Because this organization will give rise to the dreaded Antichrist, most Christians assume this alliance will be very powerful. The Bible actually says this coming world power will be very weak.
The vision that was given to King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2 showed all the great Gentile empires that would come to rise on the earth. Nebuchadnezzar was the head of gold; Media-Persia was the breast and arms of silver; Greece was the belly of brass; and Rome was the legs of iron. The final government will be the feet of iron mixed with clay.
The interesting thing about the series of governments is that they progressively lose value as you go down the list. As the head of gold, Nebuchadnezzar had absolute power over his subjects. At the bottom was the Roman Empire, which was represented by iron. You had a ruler who was largely beholden to the Roman senate for his power base.
The Bible tells us there will be a final world power made of ten leaders. Because it is described as iron mixed with clay, this government will have a connection to the Roman Empire, and it will have an extremely weak power base.
The European Union has been a perfect match for the prophecy concerning the revived Roman Empire. It started with the Treaty of Rome, and it encompasses the core nations that made up the Roman Empire. As far as the frailty of a government, you could not have a better example of an iron and clay union. The EU has long had a confusing array of bureaucratic departments, and it has suffered a host of political setbacks. The EU's ability to survive one crisis after another has done the most to convince me that it truly is the organization spoken of in prophecy.
In 2005, the integration process suffered a huge train wreck. Unhappy with some of the provisions of the proposed European constitution, French and Dutch voters rejected the treaty. The EU moved forward by holding a "period of reflection" and then simply doing away with the whole ratification process.
The financial crisis of 2008 has proven to be the EU's greatest test. The debacle made it clear that the entire economic structure of the EU is based on faulty logic. The lack of central monetary policy in Europe has resulted in deficit spending that is largely based on an honor system. While Germany maintains tight budgets, other nations like Italy, Spain, and Greece have spent money like drunken sailors. There is no incentive for austerity when you can rely on fellow EU members for a handout.
With Greece set for its third bail-out, it is no wonder that some people are forecasting the EU's doom. Former U.S. Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan, has predicted that Greece will end up leaving the eurozone and that the euro will not long survive its departure. He made a similar call four years ago.
I don't blame any financial watchers for placing long odds on the EU's survival. Nearly every major bank in the EU is insolvent. While the U.S recapitalized its financial institutions with taxpayers' money, Europe decided to just cover-up its bad loans. Because of the lack of leadership in the EU, its members remain locked in an economic death spiral that has fueled a growing tide of political unrest. Again, Bible prophecy is the only workable explanation for why Europe's ship of state refuses to sink.
The EU may be moving forward like a mindless zombie, but that is no reflection on the Antichrist himself. Scripture tells us that the only purpose of the final ten nation confederation is to hand over power to the "beast" (Revelation 17:12-13). Once the Antichrist takes the reins, he will become the most skilled and cunning politician the world has ever seen; because his "power" and "great authority" will come directly from Satan (Revelation 13:1-8).
There is no indication from Scripture that we will be able to know who the Antichrist is before the Rapture. To reach the point where we could easily identify him would violate the doctrine of an imminent Rapture. With Europe in desperate need of an economic savior, I think the time for the departure of the church is drawing very near.
"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:28).

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