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Friday, June 19, 2015



A typical debate between theists and atheists go something like this:

The debate quickly moves to "PROOF" of the existence of God, the argument hits a brick wall.
The atheist side typically presents the position that belief in God is immature, and that God is a provable or disprovable hypothesis for why things are the way they are, which, they argue, can be easily disproved:

    [1] Evolution eliminates the need for a creator,
    [2] Double blind tests prove that prayer doesn't work,
    [3] Psychology has demonstrated that human beings often mistake random pattern for meaningful purpose,
    [4] Observation shows that we are an insignificant spot in the midst of a vast chaotic universe,
    [5] and the death of a single innocent child makes the belief in a benevolent, omnipotent, omniscient God absurd, or even offensive.

The theist side then responds with arguments to rebut these points:
    [1a] The universe is too fine-tuned to be an accident,
    [2a] Without a loving God there are no objective standards or source of values,
    [3a] The very fact that we can comprehend the workings of physicality with our minds demonstrates the existence of a purposeful creator.
    [4a] Insignificant as our portion of the universe, modern science show Earth to be the only provable place with life;
    [5a] In all suffering and heartache their is human growth and value, and God's Wisdom is far superior to human greed and selfish desires for comfort and ease;

Atheists then counter that there is absolutely no objective, quantifiable proof that God exists, that religion is ignorant of, uninterested in or dismissive of modern science, and that to believe in something without proof is inherently dangerous, especially when one thinks that he is acting on divine authority. The theist responds, and so on.

The debate about the existence of God hits a brick wall because there is an essential misunderstanding about the nature of God: None of the proofs that atheists are looking for, or any counter argument from the theists, would be adequate proof.
In the Peubla debate, Michael Shermer said that he'd find convincing proof, "if you could have God grow new limbs on amputees from the Iraq war, by Christian soldiers, praying for them to be healed. This has not happened even once. Apparently God can not do even what amphibians can do."
But even if this did happen, it would not prove to the atheists the existence of God, but they would instead say this proves that there is some kind of regenerative force or energy that responds to the right kind of conscious thought.
Likewise, most anything physical that any atheist might declare as "proof" . . . would be no more a proof of God than an airplane to a cave man.
Some irrefutable proof that Moses really did write the first five books of the Bible, or that Jesus died and was resurrected, would support some of the claims of religions, but would not prove that there is a purposeful, loving Creator and Sustainer.
The truth is that nothing -- no thing -- can prove the existence of God.

Simple, Indisputable Evidence of God:

FACT: The Bible CLAIMS to be a book God Inspired, and there is much SCIENTIFIC evidence this is true:
Scientific evidence of many factors - from the 'Germ Theory of Disease' all through Leviticus (nearly 4,000 years before modern medicine discovered germs) to knowledge of 'currents in the sea', to the 'hydrological cycle of water', to the "wind circuits throughout the Earth', to God sitting upon 'the circle of the Earth', to 'human flesh being made of the soil of the Earth', to 'all things that are visible (to the human eye) being made of 'things that do not appear' (tiny atoms and sub atomic particles), to the 'subconscious inner-man' to 'tectonic plate movement' and literally 900 more scientific facts - known almost 4,000 years before modern science;
QUESTION: If an All-Wise, All-Knowing 'Scientist' did not write the Bible, who did?

FACT: The Bible CLAIMS to be a book God Inspired, and there is much PROPHETIC evidence this is true:
Scripture foretold much of the modern era, not the least that the Jews - scattered all over the known world by the Romans in AD 70:
    * would be regathered again in the latter days from many nations,
    * would form an independent nation,
    * in the SAME homeland given to Abraham 2,000 years ago,
    * with the SAME name from millennia ago: ISRAEL
    * with the SAME Hebrew language from millennia ago (which the modern Jews resurrected and took for their own, as none spoke it in the nations where they have been captive for 1900 years),

> > Plus all of the prophecies for Globalism global economy, a one world governing body, one world language, etc;
> > Plus the many prophecies for Jesus Christ which even the Jews identify as Jesus!
> > Plus literally hundreds of prophecies for Islam, specifically declaring that the descendants of Abraham through Ishmael and Esau (Arab/Muslims) would greatly exceed the descendants through Isaac and Jacob (the Jews);
> > The Muslims today numbering over 1.3 billion and the Jews numbering a little over 17-18 million;
> > Plus prophesying the great growth of Christianity to fill the Earth in many nations,
> > And literally hundreds more!
QUESTION: If an All-Wise, All-Knowing 'Power' did not write the Bible, who did?

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