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Monday, May 30, 2016

Reviving Roman Empire Gestapo Growing

Reviving Roman Empire Gestapo Growing - Terry James -
Thinking on the rise of Adolf Hitler to power in the Germany of the 1930s immediately produces realization that the bringing together of ruthless enforcement entities was key to establishment of der Fuhrer's dictatorship.
It started with the brown shirts, headed by Ernst Rhome, a homosexual thug who did Hitler's bidding in creating chaos and fear in a failing German republic. When the future Fuhrer began to consolidate power through eliminating opposition, the German Wehrmacht (Germany's army) soon had to share controlling authority with the Waffen-SS, the black-uniformed, select group of supposedly Aryan troops assigned as Hitler's personal body guard. The brown shirts were eliminated, and the SS, headed by the now infamous Heinrich Himmler, began the implementation of the final solution--the genocidal war on all Jews in Europe.
At the same time, the civilian police establishment was turned into the dreaded Gestapo, the police force that locked the Nazi regime into place. The Nazi military and civilian policing establishment became, in effect, a single force against which there was little resistance.
And, this brings us to the crux of things going on in that same geographical area from which Hitler terrorized the world.
There is seen by some the development of a movement to establish similar tyrannical controls within the European Union (EU) at the present hour. A recent article frames the growing threat the concerned observers fear. It states the following to begin the piece.
As the European Union and the establishment behind it become increasingly totalitarian, paranoid, and unstable, the EU super-state is raising up and training its own transnational military-police force. According to reports and its own propaganda material, the EU "Gendarmerie," as the force is known, will apparently be charged with putting down protests and civil unrest, raiding illegal political meetings, propping up foreign governments, and even confiscating weapons. ("EU Building Potentially Tyrannical Military-Police Force" by Alex Newman, , May 10, 2016 )
The article states that the EU's military-police force is merely one component of the broader transnational police-state apparatus being quietly imposed on the formerly sovereign peoples of Europe. The force includes the bringing together of "transnational police" with "transnational army units" and "EU air and naval operations."
The bringing together of the forces has all been accomplished in the shadows, but is now being thrust into the light of geopolitical reality, according to the concerned observers reporting--those of Breitbart's U.K. operation.
It was a controversial training operation taking place in Germany's North Rhine-Westphalia in April that sparked concern and alarm within Europe and beyond. Media reports stirred fears of the rise of a tyrannical, controlling force. According to those reports, the training consolidated 600 troops and police officers in order to prepare for crises of the international and civil war sorts.
The EU military-operation information branch reported about its training scheme that the aim of the [April 15, 2016] Comprehensive Live Exercise will be capacity building of police and gendarmes who will participate in international stabilization missions and projects with a police component. The force is aimed at preparing the hybrid military-police force for "future" missions.
The troubling reports said that forces from Islamic Turkey, and Tunisia, as well as the African nation of Cameroon, participated in the "scheming."
There remains, of course, considerable resistance to the reuniting of Europe. There is at the same time all of this is going on, a strong trend toward nationalism. The threat from the Islamist world, with deadly attacks such as that in Brussels, make the populations, if not the one-world order leaderships of EU nations, deeply concerned about a reviving, unified, European empire that takes protection against dangerous, Islamist, "migrants" out of the hands of local and national authority. Yet, crises that loom, particularly involving Greece-type financial meltdowns and rioting, make probable over-arching EU police controls and military involvement inevitable.
Remember, it was severe fiscal crisis that brought Hitler to power, along with and through his all-controlling military/police monstrosity. There are those who agree with George Santayana that "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
God's Word foretells that history repeats time after time. Every empire has eventually fallen, even, arguably, the greatest of all world empires, the Roman Empire. The same basic ingredients have constituted most every such collapse.
While Santayana's bit of philosophy has been proven true time after time, he left out a key element in phrasing his thought. It should be: "Those who do not acknowledge God and cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
Every world empire has ignored the true God of Heaven. Prophecy tells us that the final empire--that of Antichrist, the Roman prince of Daniel 9: 26-27--will be the most God-hating empire of all history. Along with all other signals of Christ's soon return on the world-scene today, the reviving of the Roman Empire is more and more coming into view. It is a sure signal that this generation is at the end of the Church Age and that Christ's call to His Bride must be near indeed.

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