Is Israel Preparing for War Soon? - by Bill Salus -
Over seven years ago, Bible prophecy teacher Dr. David Reagan told me, "Israel will need to get new leaders in place before the Psalm 83 Arab-Israeli war can find fulfillment." David was interviewing me on his Christ in Prophecy TV show about my book entitled, "Isralestine, The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East." The book was published in the summer of 2008, and its central theme was the concluding Arab-Israeli war prophesied in Psalm 83.
Isralestine, is the book that got Bible prophecy experts like, Hal Lindsey, Chuck Missler, Dr. David Reagan, Gary Stearman and many others talking about this major biblical war that had been vastly overlooked. The book has since been updated into the "Psalm 83: The Missing Prophecy Revealed, How Israel Becomes the Next Mideast Superpower."
At that time of our TV interview the Prime Minister of Israel was the Ehud Olmert of the left wing Kadima party. His Defense Minister was the former Prime Minister Ehud Barak of the liberal Labor party. This political tag team was prepared to concede major portions of land to the Palestinians in order to achieve peace. Reagan and I realized that this type of leftist political leadership would not likely lead Israel into a major war like the one described in Psalm 83.
However, presently that type of appeasement oriented leadership has been replaced. With the recent appointment of Avigdor Lieberman to the post of Israeli Defense Minister, Israel is now in a position to engage in a Mideast war if necessary. Prime Minister Netanyahu and his new Defense Minister Lieberman represent the type of conservative leadership that won't buckle under international pressures to divide the land of Israel.
An Israeli diplomat once informed me that, "Netanyahu and Lieberman often seem to be at odds with each other overtly, but covertly these two leaders are very much on the same political page." However, another prominent Israeli politician cautioned me in a May 27, 2016 email that, "While they are susceptible to joint effort, they may also profess contradictory positions, which could lead to another rupture."
The future of the Netanyahu / Lieberman alliance may be uncertain, but their present relationship is causing political shockwaves in Israel and around the globe.
Promptly after Lieberman's appointment as the Israeli Defense Minister, Ehud Barak said on the Israel's Channel 10 TV station that Israel has been "infected by the seeds of facism." He further stated, "What has happened is a hostile takeover of the Israeli government by dangerous elements. And it's just the beginning." Promptly thereafter, Israel's Environmental Protection Minister Avi Gabay (Kulanu) resigned from his post.
Chiming in on the controversy, one op-ed headline read,
"With Lieberman as Defense Minister, Israelis Should Head for the Bomb Shelters." (Haaretz News - May 19, 2016)
Additionally, several members of the international community have expressed their outrage about this bold political move made by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A few headlines are generally reflective of the global and regional concerns.
"Egyptians furious over Israel's 'political bazaar' at 'expense of the peace process' (Y Net News - May 19, 2016)
"Palestinians: Lieberman in Cabinet Means No Israeli Partner for Peace." (Haaretz News - May 19, 2016)
"Calls to boycott Israel among Arab reactions to Lieberman in Defense portfolio." (Jerusalem Post - May 19, 2016)
"U.S.: Lieberman appointment 'raises serious questions' about Israel's direction." (Newsweek - May 26, 2016)
Lieberman's appointment comes at a time when the French with the strong support of America, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Palestinians and others are attempting to rekindle the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Israel has rejected these talks because they are based upon the Arab Peace Initiative of 2002, which Israel has never accepted as a viable plan for peace. Now with Lieberman standing beside Netanyahu it is safe to say that there will be no peace talks under the French proposed plan.
ISRAEL VS. THE PALESTINIANS (The wasp on the wall)
In the scheme of Israel's dilemmas, the pesky Palestinian problem mostly resembles a mere annoying wasp on the wall. Periodically, the wasp buzzes overhead threatening to attack Israeli citizens. The insect makes a lot of sound but packs a little sting.
As a prerequisite for Mideast peace with this pest, Netanyahu and Lieberman expect the Palestinians to recognize Israel as the Jewish State with Jerusalem as its capital. This non-negotiable demand was the hurdle that collapsed the fruitless efforts of Secretary of State John Kerry's peace push in 2013-2014. The Palestinians won't accept this because as part of the Arab Peace Initiative they expect to get East Jerusalem handed to them as the capital of a Palestinian state.
Furthermore, Arab recognition of Israel as the Jewish state eliminates the "right to return" of hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinian refugees into Israel proper. The logic is, "what rightful claims could returning Palestinians have over a Jewish state." As such, the Palestinians will never recognize Israel as the official Jewish state!
Avigdor Lieberman has made it clear that he opposes a Palestinian state under the present precepts of the Arab Peace Plan and he has made controversial statements about disloyal Arab-Israelis. With statements like the one below, it's inconceivable to think that Lieberman would tolerate the right of return of any refugees that could potentially spawn terror inside of Israel.
"Lieberman: Disloyal Arab-Israelis 'Should Be Beheaded" (Israel National News - March 8, 2015)
"Anyone who's with us should be given everything - up to half the kingdom. Anyone who's against us, there's nothing to do - we should raise an axe and cut off his head; otherwise we (Jews) won't survive here."
Israel is hearing some encouraging messages from the Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump. Trump has made the following statements concerning matters most important to Israel:
* He told the Associated Press that getting a deal to end the prolonged (Arab-Israeli) conflict is "something I'd really like to do."
* He has pledged to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state.
* He plans to move the US embassy to Jerusalem.
* He opposes the current JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) Iranian nuclear deal. Trump believes that it's a "bad" and "suspicious" deal. (Netanyahu agrees that this is a very bad deal).
Statements like these might encourage Israel to forestall Mideast peace talks until after the results of the November 8, 2016 US elections are known. If the Republicans gain control over congress and the presidency, then perhaps Israel can play the "Trump" card to their favor in the Middle East in 2017.
However, what if Trump loses to a liberal Democrat? What might that mean for Israel in 2017? Could it mean more of the Obama style foreign policy? Can Israel handle four more years of the similar scenario? A recent poll headline addressing this matter summarizes present Israeli concerns:
"Israelis Overwhelmingly Rank Obama 'Worst President for Israel in The Last 30 Years'" (Breitbart - February 2, 2016)
ISRAEL VS. IRAN (The elephant in the room)
If the Palestinian issue is a wasp on the wall for Israel, then the existential threat Iran's nuclear program poses to the Jewish state is the elephant in the room. Below are a few recent headlines, which are extremely troubling for Israel.
"Iran supreme leader touts 9-point plan to destroy Israel." (Times of Israel - Nov. 10, 2014)
"Iranian commander: We can destroy Israel 'in under 8 minutes." (Times of Israel - May 22, 2016)
"Iran pledges $70 million to Palestinian Islamic Jihad." (Israel National News - May 26, 2016)
"Russia to deliver several S-300 missile divisions to Iran by year-end." (Reuters - May 19, 2016)
Avigdor Lieberman is prepared to make hard decisions about preventing Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. He believes that Netanyahu's handling of the issue only proved how isolated Israel is. Lieberman said,
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's way of dealing with Iran's nuclear issue is "proving how isolated we are."... "Netanyahu ... was obsessed with the (Iranian) nuclear issue. But it's too much for him. To handle this issue you have to be creative. Determined. To know how to make hard decisions," Lieberman stated, adding, "Netanyahu has none of those things." (i)
What does this imply? What hard decisions are Netanyahu and Lieberman ready to make? Will Israel attack Iran's nuclear sites? Israel does have a history of attacking nuclear sites. On September 6, 2007, Israel conducted a stealth attack on Syria's Al-Kibar nuclear facility. Prior to that, on June 7, 1981, which was the 14 year anniversary of Israel's capturing of the Old City and liberation of the Western Wall, Israel performed a surprise attack on Iraq's Osirak nuclear facility. Will Israel do another such attack on Iran on June 7, 2017 on their 50 year anniversary of taking the Old City?
Concerning the question of Israel striking Iran's nuclear program, Israel has already been attacking Iran's nuclear program covertly. In 2010 they employed cyber warfare through the Stuxnet virus and subsequently there was a rash of killings of Iranian nuclear scientists for which Israel has been blamed.
Is Lieberman planning an overt military attack on Iran? At a breakfast meeting in Dallas on December 3, 2013, White house correspondent Bill Koenig and I met with former Israeli diplomat Yoram Ettinger of the Ettinger Report. We asked him, "Do you think that Netanyahu will strike Iran's nuclear program?"
Yoram was the Consul General of Israel to the Southwestern States and Ambassador in charge of Israel Congressional Relations in Washington DC. What Yoram said was quite intriguing. His answer was reconfirmed via email on May 27, 2016 and is quoted verbatim below.
"Prime Minister Netanyahu has the similar difficult decision to make like his predecessor Menachem Begin. Menachem Begin was the first elected Prime Minister from the Likud party. (1977-1983). While Begin was the Israeli Prime Minister, Iraq's Saddam Hussein was developing a nuclear program in Osirak.
Between 1980 - 1988 Iran and Iraq were in a war and much of the Western World was supporting Saddam Hussein's efforts over Ayatollah Khomeini's. Most of the West had previously supported the Shah of Iran, but when he was deposed by the 1979 Iranian revolution, the West turned toward Saddam and against Iran's repressive Islamic regime.
On the eve of the bombing of the Osirak nuclear plant, Prime Minister Begin assembled his elite officers and confidants into a confidential closed door meeting concerning Iraq's nuclear program. Begin asked them the question. "What is your best intelligence on the results and repercussions of an Israeli strike on the Osirak nuclear reactor?"
The responses received by Begin were overwhelmingly opposed to the idea. The concerns expressed by - the heads of the Mossad, IDF Intelligence and Israel Atomic Energy Commission - were, that an attack was doomed to zilch or slim chance of success, would cause a rupture with the USA which may not heal, would bring the entire Muslim world against Israel. Also, it would turn the Western World against Israel because of their support for Saddam Hussein, and would doom Israel to economic and national security isolation and disaster. The chief of the IAF (Israeli Air Forces) - who planned the bombing - was the only determined supporter of the bombing.
Prime Minister Begin thanked each of them for expressing their sincere concerns, but then asked them this single question; "What is the consequence of a non-action against Osirak?"..."Then he answered his own question and said," "It COULD BE A NUCLEAR WARHEAD HITTING ISRAEL, AND THEREFORE WE WILL STRIKE OSIRAK!""
Indeed, Israel did successfully attack and destroy Iraq's Osirak reactor. Will Netanyahu and Lieberman attempt to do the same thing in Iran? Interestingly, there is a prophecy in Jeremiah 49:34-39 that may be dealing with this very issue. Jeremiah says that Iran experiences a disaster, which from the details of the prophecy, appears to be the result of a nuclear catastrophe. I unveil this prophecy in my book "Nuclear Showdown in Iran, Revealing the Ancient Prophecy of Elam."
ISRAEL VS. SYRIA (The bear in the backyard)
If the Palestinians are the wasp on the wall and Iran the elephant in the room, then Syria represents the ferocious bear in Israel's backyard. Syria is the home of the Syrian Brown Bear. Although this unique bear is mostly indigenous to Syria, some also reside in Israel. However, unlike the Syrian Brown Bear, the Syrian revolution is not welcomed inside of Israel. This conflict in Israel's backyard to the Northeast has been going on since early 2011 and has caused Israel continued concerns. Israel has had to strike inside of Syria over one-half a dozen times since 2013 in order to prevent Iranian missiles from reaching Hezbollah's hands.
Early on during the revolution, Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad warned Israel to stay clear of the Syrian conflict. Assad warned that if Israel struck Syria, that Syria would react in like manner.
"Syria's Assad warns Israel on air strikes." (BBC News - May 31, 2013)
As of yet, Syria has not retaliated against Israel's aggression. However, with each passing Israeli air strike into Syria, the possibility exists that Syria could strike back. This would likely prove detrimental for Syria now with Netanyahu and Lieberman teamed up together. Lieberman has addressed prior Syrian threats against Tel Aviv by saying that he would destroy the Syrian capital city of Damascus. The rumors of wars headlines below take on a reinvigorating new meaning in light of Lieberman's new powerful cabinet position.
"Assad: Syria Will Shower Tel Aviv With Rockets if Attacked by Foreign Powers." (Haaretz News - October 4, 2011)
"Lieberman warns Assad: War Will End Your Regime." (Haaretz News - February 5, 2010)
"Lieberman: We will destroy Damascus if Hezbollah attacks northern Israel." (Now Media - June 18, 2008)
This last headline is of particular prophetic interest when you consider the Isaiah 17:1, 9, 14 prophecies, which predict that Israel Defense Forces will some night utterly reduce Damascus to rubble!
The prospects for Israel engaging in a major war continue with ISRAEL VS. ISIS, whose future plans are to destroy Israel and liberate Jerusalem.
"Islamic State aims to destroy Israel, 'liberate' Jerusalem with Sinai Peninsula terrorist force." (The Washington Times - May 22, 2016)
This scenario, should it gain momentum, could have prophetic implications and you are invited to read my article called, Is ISIS in Psalm 83?, for more information concerning this possibility.
Referencing Psalm83, that identifies ISRAEL VS. THE ARABS, which was mentioned at the onset of this article, is it possible that this biblical war could find fulfillment as soon as 2017?
Since the Arab Spring, the advent of ISIS and the Iranian nuclear deal the Middle East is imploding and prospects for Israel being drawn into a regional war have increased dramatically. Even Jordan, Israel's neighbor to the east, is panicked by what's taking place all around its borders. The fear and torment of Jordan is prophesied about in Jeremiah 49:1-6.
"Behold, "I will bring fear upon you (Jordan)," Says the Lord GOD of hosts, "From all those who are around you; You shall be driven out, everyone headlong, And no one will gather those who wander off." (Jeremiah 49:5)
Diplomacy is failing on every front around Israel and when diplomacy fails war usually ensues! All the various ISRAEL VS. concerns specified above may have factored into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's decision to appoint the hawkish Avigdor Lieberman as his new Defense Minister.
Should an epic biblical war occur in the Middle East soon, are you prepared for what could follow? If the war is one of the prophetic wars of the Bible, like Psalm 83 or Jeremiah 49, it will profoundly affect everyone on the planet! End time's prophecies are globally impacting!
Israelis Prepare for Massive Rocket, Missile Attacks in "Emergency Preparedness Week" - By Ahuva Balofsky -
"Be thou prepared and prepare for thyself thou and all thy company that are assembled unto thee and be thou guarded of them." Ezekiel 38:7 (The Israel BibleĆ¢„¢)
The Bible teaches its readers to be prepared, and Israel's National Emergency Authority is tasked with making sure that happens. According to a report in the Jerusalem Post, the authority is gearing up for Emergency Preparedness Week, with a goal of improving the country's readiness to face a likely prolonged rocket attack from Hezbollah in the north and Hamas in the south.
Authority head Betzalel Treiber said on Friday that the group would be testing responses among all emergency responders and the civilian sector, at both the local and national level, "to potential scenarios that we expect." According to the authority's assessments, the country's current level of overall preparedness is "a little better than average", but certain sectors need improvement.
"We have much to do, like raising awareness, preparing plans for the provision of vital services. Whole systems, like welfare and health, are better prepared," Treiber explained. However, "we have gaps in stockpiling goods, particularly in fuels and refined petroleum," he added.
Hundreds of representatives from government ministries, local councils, emergency services, water providers, and the Electric Corporation will meet to discuss responses to the anticipated rocket and missile attacks.
"This threat forms a very significant challenge to the readiness of the home front, because Hezbollah and Hamas understand that the main target is the country's home front, and the resilience of civilians and national infrastructure," Treiber said.
Among the preparations needed is a plan to evacuate large populations from Israel's northern and southern regions quickly and efficiently. "We understand that, if necessary, we will have to evacuate tens of thousands of people in the South and North. We are cooperating mainly with government ministries and municipal councils."
A central focus of the week is enabling a large urban area to function under prolonged fire.
A poll conducted by the National Emergency Authority revealed that 14 percent of civilians would want to evacuate their homes in case of a massive missile attack; 67 percent would not go to work; 25 percent would feel safe; only nine percent of parents would send their children to schools; while 92 percent of the public believe they would know what to do in such a situation.
Treiber expressed concern regarding the poll results. "There is a problem in the sense of security and safety among people, with an emphasis on the northern border.
"We understand that parents have a significant problem [in sending children to school during war]," he acknowledged.
The National Emergency Authority is part of the Defense Ministry.
On a separate but related note, the IDF Home Front Command announced Saturday night it would be conducting its own drills in the Western Galilee in the coming days. Increased security vehicle traffic is expected, and fireworks and smoke grenades will also be visible during the exercises.
It Is Being Reported That Turkish Military Forces Have Entered Syria - By Michael Snyder -
There are international news reports that claim that Turkish military forces have entered Syrian territory and have established positions near the towns of Azaz and Afrin. If these international news reports are true, then Turkey has essentially declared war on the Assad regime. Back in February, I warned that escalating tensions in the region could be the spark that sets off World War III, but things seemed to cool down a bit in March and April. However, this latest move by Turkey threatens to take the war in Syria to a whole new level, and everyone will be watching to see how the Russians and the Iranians respond to this ground incursion.
So far, it is the Russian media that it taking the lead in reporting about this movement of Syrian forces. For example, the Sputnik news agency was one of the first to report Turkish military activity around the town of Azaz...
Amid violent clashes between militants of Daesh and troops of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the town of Azaz in northern Aleppo district, reports are surfacing suggesting that the Turkish Army units have been seen located in the district of Azaz.
In addition, Sputnik claims that Turkish military forces entered a small village called Hamam near the town of Afrin on Saturday...
"Two days ago, the Turkish military entered the village of Hamam in Afrin area. We are ready to repel any attack. Meanwhile, FSA units are suffering serious defeat in clashes with Daesh. They have already lost control of 12 villages. If Daesh comes to Azaz, 'Democratic Syrian Forces' will repel the jihadists, and not allow them to enter the city," Arac stressed.
The map that I have posted below comes directly from Google Maps, and it shows how far south of the Turkish border the towns of Azaz and Afrin are...

In particular, the Azaz corridor is considered to be extremely important because that is the primary route that Turkey has been using to resupply jihadist rebels in Aleppo. So Turkey wants to keep that road open at all costs.
Meanwhile, an Iranian news source is also reporting on this Turkish incursion into Syria...
Member of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PDS) Ahmet Arac said that the hundreds of the Turkish soldiers crossed the Syrian border at Bab al-Salameh border-crossing and deployed their forces in al-Shahba'a region near Marea and Azaz.
"The Turkish Armed Forces are preparing an offensive in the Azaz and Marea regions that have been the scenes of tough battles between the ISIL terrorists and its rival group of the Free Syrian Army," Arac added.
"Also yesterday the Turkish Army carried out rocket attacks on the positions of Democratic Forces of Syria," he went on to say.
So far, there has been no confirmation of this invasion from the mainstream media in the western world. But of course since Turkey is our ally, the Obama administration would not want the media talking about this. So instead, our big media outlets are giving us headlines such as "Judge sentences Catholic to attend Baptist church" today.
If you have been following my work for a while, you already know that Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been working very hard to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad for years, and Assad knows exactly what Turkey has been up to...
"..Turkey, as well as Saudi Arabia, have crossed all possible red lines, possibly from the first weeks of the Syrian war. Today, the war against Erdogan and against Saudi Arabia is a war against terrorists. The Turkish army, which is not even Turkish, is Erdogan's army that is fighting today in Syria. Everything that Ankara and Riyadh have done from the very beginning can be considered aggression. Aggression in a political sense or in a military sense - providing terrorists with arms - or direct aggression with the use of artillery, and other military violations. Erdogan is directly supporting the terrorists as he allows them to move into Turkish territory, to carry out maneuvers with tanks. This concerns not only individuals, he finances them [terrorists] through Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and through Turkey itself, of course. Turkey trades oil that has been stolen by IS (Islamic State, Daesh), at the same time carrying out artillery attacks against the Syrian army - when it moves close - in order to help the terrorists. They are terrorists and when we attack these terrorists in Syria, this leads to Erdogan's direct defeat.."
Assad is a very bad man, but everything that he said about Turkey in that quote is true. Turkey has been giving direct assistance to ISIS, and Barack Obama has known about it the entire time.
Most Americans simply do not understand how insane Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan truly is. Our "ally" has essentially become a dictator, and he is obsessed with recreating the old Ottoman empire. These days, political rallies in support of Erdogan are quite reminiscent of what Nazi rallies under Adolf Hitler were like, and there is a nationalistic fervor in Turkey right now that is so intense that it is hard to describe it to someone in the western world. It is fueled by the rise of radical Islam, but what is going on in Turkey is broader than that. It is extremely dangerous, and yet nobody in the U.S. criticizes Erdogan because he is our "friend".
In addition to moving troops into Syria, Turkey already has forces positioned in Iraq, and the Russians are quite upset about this. Just consider what Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday...
"This (keeping troops in Iraq) is an absolutely unacceptable position," it cited Lavrov as saying. "In principle, I believe that what the Turks are doing deserves far greater public attention on the part of our Western partners."
But for Erdogan, what we have seen so far is just the beginning. He dreams of creating an Islamic empire, and he envisions himself at the top of the food chain.
This is one reason why he is so virulently against birth control for Islamic women in his country. He wants the population of Turkey to multiply greatly so that the Turks can fulfill their appointed destiny...
In a speech broadcast live on TV, he said "no Muslim family" should consider birth control or family planning.
"We will multiply our descendants," said Mr Erdogan, who became president in August 2014 after serving as prime minister for 12 years.
In fact, Erdogan actually considers it to be "treason" for Islamic women in Turkey to use contraception...
Mr Erdogan himself is a father of four. He has previously spoken out against contraception, describing it as "treason" when speaking at a wedding ceremony in 2014.
He has also urged women to have at least three children, and has said women cannot be treated as equal to men.
Are you starting to see how dangerous this man is?
Our "ally" is an egomaniac dictator that dreams of recreating the Ottoman empire, and he now has troops positioned in both Iraq and Turkey.
And if he isn't careful, Erdogan may end up starting a major war which would ultimately involve the United States.
Hopefully cooler heads will prevail before events start spinning entirely out of control.
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