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Friday, March 9, 2018

King Cyrus and President Trump, Israel's 70th, Peace Plan, Third Temple...Wake Up Church!

King Cyrus and President Trump, Israel's 70th, Peace Plan, Third Temple...Wake Up Church! - James Nash -
Very recently, Israel's Sanhedrin announced minting a new Coin with images of Trump and King Cyrus (Persian King, who facilitated the building of the Second Temple that ended the Babylonian Exile in 538 BCE), this to honor his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital (and moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem on the 70th anniversary of the State of Israel in May) and to promote rebuilding of the 3rd Temple.
Numerous articles have been written about the uncanny similarities between US President Donald Trump and Cyrus the Great, together with Isaiah Chapter 45, trigger the question: Was Trump's ascension to power Divinely orchestrated?
"This is what the Lord says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor. And to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut. I will go before you and level the mountains. I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures and riches that are stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me." - Isaiah Chapter 45:1-4
Isaiah's prophesy takes place a full 150 years before Cyrus is even born. Notice the beginning and end of this passage. First, Cyrus, a non-Israelite king, is called God's anointed, a term previously used only for Jewish leaders. Second, Cyrus, although called by the God of Israel, doesn't actually know the God of Israel. Instead, like the vast majority of people in the ancient world, he either worshipped different deities in the form of idols or worshipped none at all. In verse 3, the prophet tells us that God will lavish him with tremendous wealth, "so that you may know that I am the Lord who calls you by name." The 19th-century Torah commentator Rabbi Meir Leibush Wisser, known as the Malbim, gives an amazing explanation to this verse, according to which God is telling Cyrus: I've given you the key to the treasury of Babylonia - in order for you, Cyrus, to understand that your rise to the pinnacle of power has come about in an obviously unnatural way, so that the nations of the world will recognize My great name, and that you will be a salvation for the people of Israel.
In other words: You don't deserve all the good that is happening to you, you are but a vessel to bring out my Great name.
Seventy years after the Jews are in exile, the new pagan Babylonian king encourages them to go back to Jerusalem - go back to their homeland and rebuild their Holy Temple, also helping to finance their endeavor to boot.
Does Isaiah Chapter 45 perhaps prophesize more than one "Cyrus"? After all, it was written almost two centuries before his birth. Well, let's see. The State of Israel is in its 70th year, awaiting the rebuilding of the Third Temple in Jerusalem, with an American president - number 45 confirming Jerusalem as Israel's capital! All this from a president who certainly had more than just a little help from Above in obtaining the presidency. Source:
Love Trump or hate him, one thing for certain "God removes kings and raises up kings" (Daniel 2:21) and "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes" Proverbs 21:1
President Trump has also been in the news of late concerning his soon to be reviled Middle East Peace Plan. Revelation 11:2 "And leave out the court which is outside the temple (this will be the upcoming Third Temple), and do not measure it, for IT HAS BEEN GIVEN TO THE NATIONS, AND THEY WILL TREAD UNDER FOOT THE HOLY CITY (Jerusalem) for forty-two months"
The Trump administration's plan for peace in the Middle East may include US and international recognition of a Palestinian state and acceptance of East Jerusalem as its capital...The plan, the report said, calls for placing the Old City of Jerusalem under "international protection." Reports Times of Israel this week (
The current "peace plan" (actually FALSE peace) is to divide Eretz Israel (the land of Israel) and create a Palestinian State with East Jerusalem (the Old City) as its capitol. And this plan encompasses allowing East Jerusalem to come under INTERNATIONAL CONTROL. In other words, the nations will rule over East Jerusalem exactly as prophesied in Revelation 11:2 above!
Before some think that Trumps Peace Plan is Daniel 9:27 and Trump is the Antichrist - no this will not be the prophesied "Confirming of the Covenant." It however could set the stage for that later fulfillment of Daniel 9:27 by another who will be the Antichrist.
With Israel's 70th anniversary being celebrated this May 14th, a renewed push is on for building the 3rd Temple. In recent years, some very good research has been done on the actual location of the 1st and 2nd Temple. The following is a recent article worth reading on THE REAL LOCATION OF THE 1st and 2nd TEMPLES AND THE IMPLICATIONS FOR TODAY
My good friend Ken Klein, who produced "JERUSALEM AND THE LOST TEMPLE OF THE JEWS" a profound 1½ hour documentary on the true location of the first two Temples, has recently provided access to the film for FREE on his website - see After registering for the film link, you can then bookmark it and return later to watch it when you have time...the incredible and profound evidence will be VERY convincing!
If the Jews get the proper location right, and build the Temple off the site of the Dome of the Rock, at the true location, it would diffuse a lot of the (decades of) unrest of the Arab nations and take some of the heat off pressing Israel into a compromising plan for peace - time will tell, and Revelation 11:2 is going to occur regardless, so keep aware of what's happening with Jerusalem (the Center of the World) and turn your hearts toward God - "Encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near" Hebrews 10:25b
As you already know, we live in VERY interesting and prophetic times, and I believe we are the last generation before the return of Christ. At Billy Graham's Funeral this week, his daughter Anne Graham Lotz stated her father's death was "a shot across the bow from heaven"..."I believe God is saying, 'Wake up Church! Wake up world! Wake up Anne! Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming" ...MARANATHA!

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