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Friday, September 27, 2019

TRUMP WATCH: 9.28.19 - Dems accusing Trump of exactly what Clinton, Biden did

Dems accusing Trump of exactly what Clinton, Biden did - Bill Wilson -
The Democrats are screaming impeachment over President Trump inquiring whether Presidential candidate Joe Biden's son was involved in corruption in the Ukraine. AP reports that Trump told reporters, "It's very important to talk about corruption. If you don't talk about corruption, why would you give money to a country that you think, is corrupt?" Trump says that he did not tell the Ukraine president that his country would get US aid only if it investigated Biden's son. The Democrats are trying to make another impeachment case. Politics is a dirty business. People are looking for dirt on other people all the time. It doesn't make it right, but as the President said, if someone is corrupt, people need to know.
There were no Democrats, and very few Republicans for that matter, who even raised an eyebrow at Hillary Clinton's very well documented pay to play scheme when she was Secretary of State. Here is a short list of Clinton's corrupt dealings while she was Secretary of State: Nuclear grade uranium to Russia scoring $145 million to the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton's $500,000 speech in Moscow, Clinton campaign Chairman John Podesta's $35 million energy deal with Russia, Clinton Foundation receipt of $2.35 million in donations from Ian Telfer, head of Russia's uranium company, and the list goes on and on. But there was no mention by the venerable news media that Clinton should be investigated or removed.
The New York Times confirmed in May that Joe Biden's son Hunter was paid as much as $50,000 per month as a board member of the natural gas firm owned by the Ukrainian oligarchy. Breitbart reports that Vice President Biden was heavily involved in mediating US policy towards Ukraine. When a Ukrainian prosecutor launched a corruption investigation into the energy company of which Hunter Biden was a board member, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees to the country if the Ukrainian government did not fire the prosecutor. The Hill reported in April that the elder Biden bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations in a 2018 speech how he strong-armed Ukraine into firing its prosecutor.
Now a whistleblower report is claiming that on a call Trump strong-armed Ukraine's president to investigate Biden's son by threatening to withhold foreign aid, although AP reports, the "whistleblower" did not have firsthand knowledge of the call. The Democrats and the media are accusing Trump of doing exactly what Biden admitted he did, but the media was silent when Biden did it. Americans should demand transparency. Moreover, given the track record of all the failed attempts at removing Trump, Americans should demand that politicians do what they were elected to do-work on solving the nation's problems rather than partisan grandstanding that only causes problems. These are perilous times as 2 Timothy 3:13 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." Do not be deceived.
The truth behind this impeachment inquiry - Bill Wilson -
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has announced the Democratic-led House of Representatives will move forward with an official impeachment inquiry, citing that "the president has admitted to asking the president of Ukraine to take actions which would benefit him politically." President Trump says simply that he spoke to the Ukraine president about corruption involving Hunter Biden, Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden's son. Trump is being accused of withholding US military aid from Ukraine to spark an investigation of Hunter Biden, which in turn, would aid the president politically. Democrats and others say this is a crime.
This round of attacks began with an intelligence community "whistleblower" account of the phone call that Trump made to the Ukraine President after freezing some $400 million in military aid to the country, which was later released. The intel "whistleblower," however, was reported to have no direct access to the call, but rather hearsay. Trump has directed the release of the transcript of the July call, saying, "You will see it was a very friendly and totally appropriate call. No pressure." Trump has sent an email to supporters saying: "This is just another smear job and pathetic attempt by Democrats to rip the power from the people. I'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG. TRUST ME, YOU'LL SEE THE TRANSCRIPT." He announced he has launched an "Official Impeachment Defense Task Force," and asked for donations.
The New York Times confirmed in May that Joe Biden's son Hunter was paid as much as $50,000 per month as a board member of the natural gas firm owned by the Ukrainian oligarchy. Breitbart reported that Vice President Biden was heavily involved in mediating US policy towards Ukraine. When a Ukrainian prosecutor launched a corruption investigation into the energy company of which Hunter Biden was a board member, Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees to the country if the Ukrainian government did not fire the prosecutor. The Hill reported in April that the elder Biden bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations in a 2018 speech how he strong-armed Ukraine into firing its prosecutor.
Trump says it was appropriate to ask about corruption before giving aid. The Democrats say that Trump violated his oath of office by using military aid as leverage to undermine his political opponent. You are going to hear the word "treason" thrown around a lot. But treason in the Constitution "shall consist only in levying War against them (the US), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." Did Trump commit an impeachable offense? It doesn't matter because it is all political. The intel community, the Democratic Party, and the media have been licking their chops to render Trump ineffectual or remove him from office since before he took office. This is just another attempt in hopes the voters will vote Trump out. May it be as Ephesians 5:13, "But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light."
 Prophetic implications of deep state-instigated impeachment - Bill Wilson -
The whistleblower report is a well-written document that alleges many things from the President using his position to get a foreign country to help damage his political opponent to compromising national security to insinuating a White House coverup of the call. The "whistleblower," according to news stories, is a CIA officer, reporting on what he "heard" from unnamed sources who say they were privy to the phone call between President Trump and the president of Ukraine. If the transcript of the call is the actual transcript, the "whistleblower's" account is terribly compromised to its veracity. Does it ever occur to anyone that the recent accusations against the president were leveled by a deep-state operative?
Comparing the "whistleblower's" account of what he was told by his anonymous sources and the transcript of the call released by the White House, there are many discrepancies. The method of operation for this report is very similar to how the Steele Dossier originated and was used by the Obama Administration to get authorization from the secret FISA court to spy on Trump's transition team. These documents are carefully worded to allow many interpretations and cause great disruption. Just like with the deep-state version of Russian collusion that was invalidated by the Mueller investigation, it appears there remains a deep-state faction within the government that is actively devising schemes to remove Trump.
There is a book written by Michael V. Hayden, former director of the National Security Agency and the CIA, titled "The Assault on Intelligence." The book is very much like the whistleblower document in that it spreads half-truths, leaves out important details, and depends on second-and-third-hand information to advance the opinion that Trump is undercutting the intelligence community, and by doing so, undermining American democracy. The intelligence community seems to believe they, not the voters, are the keepers of the Republic. It discusses the "post-truth" world, and advocates for a one world order run by the United States. There are many pertinent points that deserve consideration in this book, but it is quite revealing on how the intelligence community views Trump as an enemy.
The pattern is troubling to say the least. It infers that there are unelected powers within the US government that believe they know better than the voters and will do anything they can to maintain the power they have amassed over the decades. That power includes a version of a one-world order, a globalist philosophy, that Trump has worked against. These powers align with Trump's opponents and seek to remove him and his ilk from any sort of leadership. We may be seeing an example of what could happen leading up to an end time Beast government that ushers in a Revelation 13:15 situation where all who "would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." As described in Daniel 11:21, the beast seizes his kingdom with intrigue and flatteries. In this type and shadow, the "beast" is akin to the deep-state.

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