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Saturday, February 29, 2020

TRUMP WATCH: 2.29.20 - Beware of the new communist movement

Beware of the new communist movement - Bill Wilson - has published an article heralding a new socialist movement in America led by Bernie Sanders and supported by the media. The Salon reporters write: "The new US socialist movement is without a single "line" or monolithic political position. That's a strength of the movement, since none of us has all the answers. Still, many people in the movement, ourselves included, feel strongly about certain approaches to strategy. One approach we feel strongly about is what we call "the democratic road to socialism," or the idea that we need to make good use of the democratic structures and processes available to us (and to improve and expand them) in order to advance our cause. Notice the words "we" and "us."
The Democratic Party is housing communists. The news media is starting to come out of the closet and proclaim their communist sympathies-even though discerning people have seen through them for a long time. Themes such as guaranteed minimum salaries and mandatory healthcare are just their pry-bars to undo the free market system, and with it, freedom. As Salon writes: "the capitalist class holds the entire system hostage with the threat of devastating economic retaliation if things don't go their way, the system does have some basic democratic elements that its citizens largely affirm and occasionally participate in." This is selling a horrible bill of goods because everywhere in the world where socialism/communism exists, it fails. It pulls people down, rather than aspires exceptionalism.
With guaranteed government jobs and mandatory healthcare the government would have control over the financial and physical lives of every individual in the nation. This is where the guarantees of free speech and freedom of religion come into play. Jesus said in Luke 4:18,19, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord." He commissioned us to make disciples and to carry on his mission. The fundamental mission of government is far different than that of church.
From a Christian worldview, it is Christ's people, not a centralized government, that must minister to the poor, and provide healing, restoration, comfort and vigilance over Liberty. The earliest account of American history provided by Mayflower leader William Bradford indicates that the ability to worship freely was the central theme of the Pilgrims. And in that, he writes, "We are knit together as a body in a most strict and sacred bond and covenant of the Lord, of the violation whereof we make great conscience, and by virtue whereof we hold ourselves straightly tied to all care of each other's good." And they proved this when they were dying sometimes two or three per day in their care for one another's health.
When the Pilgrims were starving while trying to grow food communally, Bradford gave them their own land to till, which turned the colony around. He says, "The failure of this experiment of communal service, which was tried for several years, and by good and honest men proves the emptiness of the theory of Plato and other ancients, applauded by some of later times--that the taking away of private property, and the possession of it in community, by a commonwealth, would make a state happy and flourishing; as if they were wiser than property was found to breed much confusion and discontent, and retard much employment which would have been to the general benefit and comfort." Beware of communists in political party clothing lest we repeat this disastrous example.
50 shades of socialism - Bill Wilson -
The Democratic Party Presidential debate showed the true colors of the party-50 shades of socialism, or probably more. It also showed how the party behaves. There is very little any of the candidates have to offer. Nothing new from the stable of mostly old former 60s hippies or hippy wannabes. Climate change, abortion, special rights for all sorts of sexual genders that most of us have never heard of, making guns illegal, ensuring the rights of almost every special interest groups that they can coble together to get a vote. Nothing new here. But the issues, really, are just vehicles in the same fleet. They are carriers of socialism; transporters of wealth redistribution--everybody gets a take, especially the elected and their cronies.
See all these people say they are for the poor. They have used this worn out mantra since the days of Franklin D. Roosevelt's massive implementation of socialism during a time when there were no term limits and America essentially had its first and only dictator. Roosevelt, while he did "manage" America through the Great Depression, was a socialist and his policies grew government, enriched cronies, and redistributed wealth. If the "little guy" that these New Deal politicians got all the money collected on taxes, an entirely new generation of millionaires would have been birthed. Government expanded, political systems became entrenched, people like the Kennedy's made millions from the turning of a blind eye.
Now today, we have much the same thing. All these candidates say they represent the poor. They are the voice of those who have no voice. They are the protector of the minorities. But it is interesting, isn't it, that most all of them are at least millionaires, and they have made their money, except for a couple of them, after they were elected to public service. Elizabeth Warren, for example, recently wrote a fundraising letter to senior citizens saying she identified with them because she grew up in the Depression era and wasn't wealthy. Truth is, Warren was born in 1949 (post-war) and is worth over $8 million. Bernie Sanders is worth over $2 million, but his wife is worth more. Joe Biden is worth over $9 million. How do you get all that by "serving" the public?
Look how they treat each other-all nicey nice to their faces, but then they slam each other with insults and lies during the debate. And the media loves it, calling it the best ever! But this is exactly what they do. They tear people down. They have no new ideas on how to solve problems, unless it is to raise taxes to change the climate or to ban guns for law abiding citizens. They point the finger at each other for being socialist, but they deny being socialist-At least Sanders owns up to it. Every time they debate, it's 50 shades of socialism. Nobody is going to have to pay for anything, except for the rich. But the rich won't pay either, because all of those who are saying tax the rich, are rich themselves. C'mon man! 2 Timothy 3:13, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." Another 50 shades--of deception.
No truer words from Hillary - Bill Wilson -
Failed Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told the truth when questioned by reporters on the red carpet at the Berlin Film festival. When asked about who she supports for president, she replied, "I will support the nominee of our party because I think that our current president is a clear and present danger to democracy and to our future." She spoke the truth. President Trump is a clear and present danger to the socialistic democracy advocated by Clinton and the Democratic Party, and he stands in the breech against a future of socialism and communism in this country. Clinton's not lying.
Amazing how the Democrats are attacking their socialist leader Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for being socialist. This is one of those cases where Sanders is just come out of the closet for what the Democratic Party has been quietly and secretly plotting for generations-a socialist takeover of America. It's not about the little guy, or the misrepresented, or the underrepresented. Those are all interest groups and narratives to make people believe someone is on their side. The real truth of it is, just as Clinton has said, those who stand for the Republic and fight against socialism are a threat to democracy and the future of the Democratic Party.
Everything was finally going as planned. The immediate past president had eight years to appoint his Marxists minions to political and judicial posts, saturating the Republic with usurpers. Hillery Clinton could just come in and finish the socialist transformation. Then the American people disrupted the plan by electing Trump. Even so, don't panic, just use the deep state soldiers, the judiciary, and the socialist-friendly media to foment a coup before Trump even takes office. Americans are very distrusting of Russians, so let's just accuse Trump of what we are doing with Russia. And let's spy on the President-elect to see how he is responding to all this. Well, so far that has backfired for lack of evidence.
The more proclaimed socialist Sanders wins, the more nervous the closet socialists become. Sanders threatens to expose the socialist takeover of the Democratic Party and the wrong socialists are standing in the background, denying they are socialists. All the while, their political platform is no different than that of Sanders. Check it out. From abortion to gender rights to climate control to supporting Islam over Israel to mandatory healthcare to immigration, with small differences, they are all the same. Anyone who stands against them threatens their brand of "democracy." Of the end times in Matthew 24:4, Christ said, "Take heed that no man deceive you." Good advice for any day, especially as we draw closer to his return.

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