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Friday, July 29, 2022

Seas and Waves Really Roaring!

 Seas and Waves Really Roaring! – Terry James - We’ve covered Jesus’ Olivet Discourse many times. There has been plenty of fodder in it to provide evidence that stage-setting for prophetic fulfillment is ramping up on atimeline of frequency and intensity. One of our most-looked-at prophecies that involves the Lord speaking on things to come is found in the following: And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring. (Luke 21:25) While application has been made to the physical elements involved in this prophecy—the seas and waves of the literal oceans indicating that nature is responding violentlyto man’s rejection of God—some word studies show that the “seas and waves” in this instance refers to the peoples of the earth. I believe this could be a dual application. The Lord might well have been speaking of both the literal geophysical condition and the human condition. However, the prophetic utterance leading into the “seas and waves roaring” statement involves the reference to nations “in distress,” “with perplexity,” seemingly making itmore likely to mean that the “seas of people” will be in a high degree of uproar—which is why I use the word “really” in the title of this week’s piece. People are really in an uproar as of the time of this writing. Europe, in particular, is in upheaval, due to economics and food scarcity brought on by increasingly dictatorialgovernments. Following are excerpts that prove Jesus’ words about the “seas and waves roaring” at the end of the age, which is where we almost certainly find ourselves. For weeks there have been protests by farmers in the Netherlands against their left-wing government’s Great Reset policies, the EU’s “Green Deal,” and the associated forcedclosure of farms. Their government’s radical ‘climate change’ measures aim to slash emissions in some provinces by 95%. That would mean the end for about 30 percent of the farmers… Farmers in other nations, Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, and France, have begun their own protests as the E.U. intensifies its efforts to slash emissions in all member statescausing harm to citizens’ livelihoods and the global food supply. Spain The Netherlands protests and blockades are already affecting some supermarkets that are running out of food. Moreover, Spain’s farmers have again taken to the streets becauseof inflation… Poland Polish farmers also staged protests in Warsaw, marching in the streets against their government’s destabilizing policies: Polish farmers also rise up in Warsaw: “That’s enough! We won’t let ourselves be robbed!” They accuse the political class of destabilizing production by raising interest rates,which does not stop inflation: “We workers cannot pay for the crisis created by the politicians!”… Italian farmers have since joined the mass protests, having had enough of their left-wing government’s climate policies and rising food costs… In [one] video, a farmer can be heard encouraging others to mobilize and stage their protests in Rome. “We are not slaves; we are farmers!” shouted a farmer from his tractor. “You should all come along with us! Because under these conditions, we cannot put food on the table anymore! We can’t take it anymore! You should side with us! To Rome! Wemust go to Rome! Because we can’t take this anymore!”… Germany Farmers who learned from the Canadian Freedom truckers are currently blockading the Netherlands- German border with tractors to protest the World Economic Forum’s climatechange policies of their government. (“Dutch farmer protest sparked by policy Trudeau wants for Canada,” by Amy Mek, RAIR, Rapture Ready News, July 14, 2022) Another case of the chaos due to governmental abuse is seen in protests of the people of Sri Lanka. Bakery shelves were emptied due to ongoing food shortages, according to All Ceylon Bakery Owners’ Association (ACBOA) on Sunday a week ago. The report said that bakery productsincluding bread would be emptied from the shelves in the next two or three days amid severe food shortage in the country. The severe shortages and the way their government handled the crisis enraged the citizens. They took over the Sri Lankan president’s mansion, some sleeping in the bed of PresidentGotabaya Rajapaksa, who fled the premises. The people swam in the luxurious pool and invaded all rooms of the palace, according to the report. Sri Lanka is among the hardest-hit of places suffering food shortages, while the leaders across the world seem to have lost their collective minds as part of the Great Resetbeing implemented around much of the globe. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum seem to be the moving force at the center of the stage being set for the Antichrist regime prophesied to rule during the Tribulation. So, with the seas and waves of humanity really beginning to roar, we should be looking up for our redemption, according to Luke 21:28. You don’t want to be left behind when the Rapture takes place. The food crisis and every other sort of suffering will bring horrors that Jesus said will make it the worsttime of all human history. Here is how to avoid this coming time of crises and go to be with Christ when He calls. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heartman believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10)

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