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Friday, August 26, 2022

The Jewish Calendar in Daniel’s Seventieth Week

 The Jewish Calendar in Daniel’s Seventieth Week – Randy Nettles - There are just two calendars that can be used to determine the passage of time, and both of them are celestial. The first one is the solar calendar which is determined bythe sun’s positioning. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year (from the point of view of the northern hemisphere). It is also the day when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. When the sun gets to the highest point again, it’s been one year.In ancient times it could be measured by erecting monuments (such as Stonehenge) or other rock structures for making such observations. It is the same for the winter solstice, the year’s shortest day. There are approximately 365.2422 days in a solar calendarbecause that’s how long it takes for the earth to orbit the sun. The other celestial calendar is the lunar calendar. A moon calendar, more commonly called a lunar calendar, follows the monthly cycles of the moon's phases. It’s one of theoldest calendars in the world that creates lunar months, also known as synodic months. A lunar month is simply one that occurs between two successive syzygies, such as new moons and full moons. The word month is derived from the word moon. On average, thereare approximately 29.53 days between each phase of the moon. A lunar year is only about 354 days, so you would lose 11 days annually compared to our modern-day solar calendar's Gregorian calendar. Ancient civilizations used the moon’s phases to help identify the seasons (Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter). Since each season has at least three full moons, this instructedthem in knowing when to schedule necessary activities like harvesting and hunting. The moon calendar was used for ritual and religious purposes and still is today. Easter, Rosh Hashanah, Ramadan, and the Chinese New Year are just a few holidays or feast daysthat rely on the (moon) lunar calendar. The Jewish religious calendar is a combination lunar and solar calendar called a lunisolar calendar. A new month is determined by the new moon, which will be the first dayof the new month on the calendar. The middle of the month (the 15th day) will occur on a full moon. A month will have between 28-30 days, and a year will have 353-355 days. An intercalary month is added every 2-3 years to keep the harvests and religious activities(Feasts of the Lord) in their proper seasons. Over time, the lunisolar calendar will have the same number of days as the solar calendar. I suppose you could add another type of solar calendar to the mix. With this calendar, you would count days (sun-rise to sun-rise) and determine how many days you wanted ina month and how many months you wanted in a year. The 360-day calendar is one such calendar. With this 360-day calendar, you would have 30 days in a month and 12 months in a year for 360 days in a year. This is 5-6 days shy of an actual solar calendar, sowithout an intercalary month added periodically, the months would eventually drift into different seasons from which the calendar first started. This calendar is strictly for counting days and years (not solar years). I don’t know why anyone would use sucha calendar if it couldn’t be reconciled to the solar calendar. Yet, this is the (prophetic) calendar the Jews were supposed to use to determine Daniel’s prophecy of 70 Weeks (Daniel 9:24-27)? The Jews should have known when their Messiah was to come as it was prophesied in Daniel’s prophecy (Daniel 9:25-26) of the 69 sevens, for Jesus said upon his triumphal entryinto Jerusalem, “If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and closeyou in on every side, and level you, and your children with you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation” (Luke 19-42-44). If the Jews should have known when their Messiah was to come, how would they have known to use a calendar that they had never used before? Even if they knew they were to usea “prophetic” calendar of 360 days, that means they would have to count 173,880 days (483 years of 360 days per year), or they would have to count 30 days per month for 5769 months. Of course, this would be in addition to keeping up with their standard lunisolarcalendar. I find all this highly unlikely and believe the accurate calendar used in Daniel’s prophecy is the one the Jews had always used, which is the lunisolar calendar. The children of Israel already had a calendar in place for keeping up with large swathsof time, the Shemitah or Shmita year (every seven years) and the Jubilee year (every 50 years). Of course, the Jews would have to know what years were Shemitah and Jubilee years. Did they recognize that the start of Daniel’s prophecy occurred in 444 BC when Artaxerxesissued his decree and that this was an actual Shemitah year (a seven)? Did they realize that they were to count (inclusively) 69 Shemitah years until their Messiah was to come? I don’t know if they did or not, but according to Jesus’ own words, they shouldhave. If God had wanted his people to know when their Messiah was to come, He couldn’t have given them a better clue than telling them it would occur after “69 sevens” instead of saying “483 years.” The word “seven” was a direct reference to the Shemitah year. Another so-called “solar calendar” has recently received much attention. It is the 364-day calendar that the Essenes of Qumran supposedly used. The Essenes were a mystic Jewishsect living during the Second Temple period that flourished from the 2nd century BC to the 1st century AD. “The Jewish historian Josephus records that Essenes existed in large numbers (thousands) and lived throughout Roman Judaea. They were fewer in number than the Pharisees andthe Sadducees, the other two major sects at the time. The Essenes lived in various cities but congregated in communal life dedicated to voluntary poverty, daily immersion, and asceticism (their priestly class practiced celibacy). The Essenes have gained famein modern times due to a discovery of an extensive group of religious documents known as the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are commonly believed to be the Essenes’ library. These documents preserve multiple copies of the Hebrew Bible untouched from possibly as earlyas 300 BC until their discovery in 1967.” Essenes - Wikipedia The Dead Sea Scrolls consist of about 800 texts. Among the texts discovered were over 200 copies of all the different books of the Hebrew Bible, except Esther. While mostmanuscripts were fragmentary, a few, such as Isaiah, were complete. Also found among the Dead Sea Scrolls are portions of the Old Testament Apocrypha – the Book of Tobit, the Letter of Jeremiah, and Sirach. Other non-canonical books were found among the DeadSea Scrolls – The Book of Jubilees and the Book of Enoch. Many of the Dead Sea Scrolls have references to a unique calendar used by the people who lived around the Dead Sea area, who are often considered Essenes. This calendar isbased on an ideal calendar of twelve 30-day months thought to have existed in ancient Mesopotamia (but more likely had an intercalary month added periodically), to which were added four cardinal days at the equinoxes (spring, fall) and solstices (summer, winter),making a total of 364 days. Each season would have three months of 30, 30, and 31 days with the cardinal day being the extra day at the end of the season for a total of 91 days. A 364-day calendar year divides into 52 weeks exactly (7 x 52 = 364). Each season starts on the 4th day of the week (Wednesday). Every Feast of the Lord is on the same day of the week in the same month. Passover is always on a Tuesday, Nisan14. The week of Unleavened Bread occurs from Wednesday Nisan 15 to Tuesday Nisan 21. Firstfruits is on Sunday, Nisan 26. The next day begins the “counting of the Omer” for 50 days until Pentecost. The 50th day, Pentecost occurs on Sunday, Sivan 15. The summersolstice occurs the day after Sivan 30, the day before Tammuz 1. The day after Elul 30 is the calculated fall equinox. The next day is Wednesday, Tishri 1, which is Trumpets. On Friday, Tishri 10 is the Day of Atonement. Wednesday, Tishri15 through Tuesday, Tishri 21 is the Feast of Tabernacles. The next day, Wednesday, Tishri 22, is the day for reading and meditating on the Law of God. The winter solstice is included after Kislev 3 on a Tuesday. The last day of the month is Monday, Adar 30.The cycle then repeats. Wednesday, Nisan 1, or New Year’s Day, is the following day. If you don’t count the cardinal days as one of the 30 days of the month, then this calendar could be called a 360-day calendar. Still, you have to count them in the weeklycycles (all four are figured as Tuesdays) and, therefore, the yearly calendar, so it is actually a 364-day calendar. This calendar was primarily used by the Essenes (but not the ruling group of Pharisees and Sadducees) as an ideal calendar for keeping theFeasts of the Lord on the same day of the week and month every year and for rotating the priests in the Holy Temple. During the time of David, the priests were divided into 24 groups. Each group would work approximately two weeks per year. With 24 groups and 52 evenly divided weeks (if theEssenes calendar had been used), the service would rotate around the calendar ideally. John the Baptist’s father, Zachariah, was included in these priestly groups. With only 364 days, the calendar would be very noticeably different from the actual seasons after several years, but there is nothing to indicate what was done about thisproblem. Scholars have made various suggestions. One is that nothing was done, and the calendar was allowed to change concerning the seasons. This would mean the Feasts of the Lord would not occur in their proper seasons. Another suggestion is that changeswere made irregularly, only when the seasonal anomaly was too significant to be ignored. The writings often discuss the moon, but the calendar was not based on the movement of the moon (observed) any more than indications of the moon’s phases on a modern westerncalendar indicate that it is a lunar calendar. A recent analysis of one of the last scrolls remaining to be deciphered has revealed that the sect used the word tekufah to identify each of the four special days marking the transitions between the seasons. Otherwise,the observance of the moon did not appear to influence the monthly calendar of the Essenes in direct contrast to what the Tanakh had stipulated. “Blow the trumpet at the time of the New Moon, At the full moon, on our solemn feast day” (Psalm 81:3). We know the first four Feasts of the Lord were fulfilled historically by the Israelites (and the last three as well) and prophetically by Lord Jesus. This means God wouldnot have allowed these Feasts of the Lord to occur on any day other than their appointed day (days of the week and month). For example, we know Jesus died on Passover, Nisan 14 on a Thursday. If we are to believe the Essene calendar, Jesus would have diedon a Tuesday, which is not Biblically correct. If Jesus died on a full moon, we need to observe His death on a full moon. We know Jesus rose from the grave three days later on Firstfruits, Nisan 17, and not on Nisan 26 as the Essene calendar would have it.Firstfruits occurs on the first day after the Sabbath, which follows Passover, not the second one. If you get the date of Firstfruits wrong, then you will get the date of Pentecost (50 days later) wrong as well. The 364-day calendar looks good on paper but is not Biblically sound. The Jewish lunisolar calendar is the actual calendar used by Moses, the judges, priests, and kings ofIsrael and not some mysterious 360-364 day calendar observed for several centuries by a small sect in Israel. No record of any kind says this calendar was used by the ancients from the time of Creation to the 2nd century BC and was replaced with a lunar calendarby corrupt Jewish priests, as some writers have claimed. I also believe the Jewish calendar, with its Shemitah and Jubilee years, is the correct one to decipher Daniel’s prophecy of 70 Sevens (Daniel 9:24-27). As I mentioned inmy previous article, In The Midst of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks Prophecy (, the 69 sevens prophecy was from 444 BC to AD 33. It’s interesting that for this 476-year timeframe, there are 173,847 days in a Jewish calendar (Nisan to Nisan), and there are173,856 days in a Julian calendar (January to January)…only nine days difference. The end date for this prophecy occurred when Jesus was “cut off” or crucified on Passover, Nisan 14, or April 2, AD 33 on the Julian calendar. If you subtract 173,847 days fromthis date, you come to Nisan 14 or April 14, 444 BC on the Julian calendar, which is most likely the start of Daniel’s prophecy. Even though this timeline was from Nisan to Nisan, it still contained 69 sevens or Shemitah years that start on Tishri 1 (the Feast of Trumpets) and end on Elul 29. Tishri1 is the start of the new year on the Jewish civil calendar, where the year count changes. So, there are 69 sevens (Sabbath years) within the 476 years (444 BC to AD 33) timeline of Daniel’s prophecy. The last seven or 70th seven of Daniel’s prophecy willbe the” year of the Lord,” which will start on a Feast of Trumpets day, and 353-355 days later Jesus will return on the next Feast of Trumpets day. Remember, I am not talking about the last seven years (Shemitah cycle or week). I am talking about the lastactual Shemitah year itself. The last seven years of Daniel’s prophecy (otherwise known as the Tribulation, Jacob’s Trouble, Day of the Lord, Daniel’s 70th week) will not start and end on a Feast of Trumpetsday, however. Just as the first 69 sevens of Daniel’s prophecy didn’t begin and end on a Feast of Trumpets (Tishri 1) day, neither will the last seven (the 70th). In my last article, I gave two examples (using the Jewish calendar) with the scenario of 2022-2029 and 2023-2030 being Daniel’s last week (seven years). I want to revise 2023-2030by one day and give you a few more examples. These four examples will cover the years 2023 – 2033. In 2033, it will have been 2000 years since Jesus was last on the earth. All four examples have the starting and end dates as Heshvan 1 on the Jewish calendar.All four have 1260 days between Nisan 10, the “in the midst” mid-point (Abomination of Desolation), and Tishri 1, the Feast of Trumpets, when Jesus returns. All four have 1290 days between the A.O.D. and the end of the Tribulation (or 30 days from Tishri 1).To find the start (for all four examples), you must deduct 1290 days from the total amount of days in the seven years. In all four models, it will be on Heshvan 1. One: 2023-2030 –Exactly 2569 days on the Jewish calendar Jewish Calendar Gregorian Calendar Start – Heshvan 1, 5784 10/14/2023 Mid - Nisan 10, 5787 4/16/2027 2nd Advent – Tishri 1, 5791 9/27/2030 End – Heshvan 1, 5791 10/27/2030 Two: 2024-2031 – Exactly 2541 days on the Jewish calendar Jewish Calendar Gregorian Calendar Start – Heshvan 1, 5785 11/02/2024 Mid – Nisan 10, 5788 4/05/2028 2nd Advent – Tishri 1, 5792 9/17/2031 End – Heshvan 1, 5792 10/17/2031 Three: 2025-2032 – Exactly 2540 days on the Jewish calendar Jewish Calendar Gregorian Calendar Start – Heshvan 1, 5786 10/22/2025 Mid – Nisan 10, 5789 3/25/2029 2nd Advent – Tishri 1, 5793 9/05/2032 End – Heshvan 1, 5793 10/05/2032 Four: 2026-2033 – Exactly 2569 days on the Jewish calendar Jewish Calendar Gregorian Calendar Start – Heshvan 1, 5787 10/11/2026 Mid – Nisan 10, 5790 4/12/2030 2nd Advent – Tishri 1, 5794 9/23/2033 End – Heshvan 1, 5794 10/23/2033 Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Randy Nettles

What If the Rapture Doesn't Happen Soon?

 What If the Rapture Doesn't Happen Soon? - by Bill Perkins - PTL! We had an outstanding trip to Europe to watch the every-ten-year Oberammergau Passion Play. The five-hour play, using only unpaid local cast members, was excellent inevery way. The music was as impacting as Phantom of the Opera's! And it was an incredible privilege to travel with such an amazing group of people! We also were able to spread the Word about the coming Rapture of the Church in Munich and nearby cities in Germany, plus in Vienna, Austria, Budapest, Hungary, and Bratislava,Slovakia. May the Lord use our effort to reach these people before or after the Rapture! While we were gone, a lot has happened. Our biggest concern upon returning was that VIMEO, our paid video supplier for our free Compass TV videos, terminated our platformwithout explanation. Well, their official explanation was that we violated some vague language in their rules but they would not give us any specific examples. Those who pull the strings are stilldoing everything they can to shut out any truth proclaimed on the Internet. We're now busy reloading some 300 Steeling the Mind Conference videos on Rumble to link to our website. So, trying to be smart how we do the eNews, we're not publishing ANYTHING on our Constant Contact platform. We’ll just send a notice with a link to the latest eNews on ourwebsite. I THINK that will suffice for now. Everyone will just read the eNews on instead of clicking links in an email. This is our first try so there may be some glitches! Trust me, it’s a big chore for us to put the eNews directly on our website. It’s like learning a new language. In my jet-lag brain-fog the first eNews I created was mostlyfinished before I discovered that, unlike Constant Contact, it doesn’t auto-save anything. Poof, gone forever. Had to start again from scratch. 🙁 Boy, the point was driven home, like my first eNews draft, you’re either saved or not—it doesn't matter if I did a good job or not, if I don't save it, it's gone forever,no hope of recovery. Anyone with 1/2 a brain cell understands that eternity is a long time and it's eternally important whether you're saved, going to heaven, not hell. Most people reading thisget that. But interestingly we've now got the whole world scared of dying. People wear masks, get va((ines, stand six feet apart, even divide families over their va((ine status. Yetthey don't pursue Biblical salvation. They have no clue that the eternal life they seek, having the credentials to go to heaven when this life ends, have already been freely provided. Instead, they're concentratingon this life, not the next. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. Col. 3:2 Our goal in life is not to survive as long as possible in fear of death. Rather, it’s to serve the Lord by being used in the lives of those around us, knowing that our dayshave already been numbered. When given the chance to witness in Europe for the last three weeks, the usual response was a blank stare. They couldn’t connect the dots. God did give us some incrediblespiritually hungry people to talk to, but mostly we were content to plant seeds for the future and pray God will water the effort. I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. 1Cor. 3:6 Understandably, even post-Rapture salvation in the long-run is what counts in the end. The only thing that really matters in this life is who goes to heaven and who goes tohell. Everything else pales in comparison. Everyone will stand before a righteous God who judges on truth, not lies. I wish those people at VIMEO the best when they stand before a righteous God. Same for Fauxi, Clinton,Hunter, Soros, etc. Another thing that’s really interesting that began happening while we were gone is the change in the government’s Covid narrative. Think about it, don’t you think it’s strangethat at the same time Fauxi announces his resignation the CDC wants to overhaul/restructure the department due to its “inadequate response to Covid?”(1) Maybe the proverbial poop is about to hit the fan. It’s possible that all the data that the CDC has been admittedly hiding(2) can’t be hidden much longer. Back in February2022 the CDC admitted they were not releasing all they knew about the va((ines because “the public might misinterpret the info.” Hmmm…. Let’s see, we know people are dying from the va((ine, both short and long term, from a plethora of health reasons. The CDC has gone from "A pandemic of the unva((inated" tonow saying natural immunity is the same or better than the shots.(3) They’re now having to come clean and admit the gene therapies wane after a few weeks and that masks don’t work. It seems that their whole purpose of pushing the va((ines hascollapsed. So is Fauxi the fall guy? Or is it something deeper? I must say it gives us great hope that if the Rapture doesn’t happen by October, there is the possibility of flippingthe House and/or the Senate. Is this what they’re positioning for? Is all this change just to cover their butts? If that’s the case, the Satanists/Globalists apparently are content to set into motion as much death and destruction in the world as possible in their two years of havingfree reign to do as they wish. But let’s face the facts, the Rapture is set up nicely for this fall. As prophesied, the whole world is being drugged (Rev 18:23), a huge Middle East war could start at anytime (Ezek. 38/39), massive food shortages/starvation is in place (Rev. 6:8), and the Mark of the Beast is being promoted(4). So it’s not a stretch to see how billions of people could die in the next few years. The Globalists/Satanists control the media, banking, higher learning, most of the large companies in the world and all world governments. The Globalists/Satanists are poisedto immediately take over a starving and thirsty world. On the other hand, if the Rapture happens soon, and it certainly may, all of your and my personal problems will be immediately solved. There are many who are saying it WILLhappen...but no one knows for sure. So if the Rapture doesn't happen this year, don’t be disappointed! We’ll just rest in the fact that God’s timetable has given us more opportunities to reach our family, friendsand coworkers with the simple truth that God’s wrath is at the world’s doorstep. God will want to use us to tell people that you can escape from His coming horrific wrath by receiving eternal salvation—which is free—if you simply BELIEVE the gospel. “For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who beholds [acknowledges] the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life...” John 6:40a For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, Rom. 1:16 So while we wait on His rescue, use the time to plant Gospel seeds with the lost when God opens a door. ...and to await for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come. 1Th. 1:10 He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whomHe poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by His grace we would be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Titus 3:5-7 1. 2. 3. 4.

Persevering to the End

 Persevering to the End Jeremiah30:5-7 alerts us to consider that the time of the end will be unique and horrific to experience, but it concludes with comforting hope that we can persevere through it: For thus says the LORD: "We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace. Ask now, and see, whether a man is ever in labor with child? So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a woman in labor, and all faces turned pale? Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it; and it is the time of Jacob'strouble, but he shall be saved out of it." Though broad, this declaration forces us to realize that in all of man's history, no other time can fully compare to "the time of Jacob's trouble" and the universal and intense fear it will cause. In His Olivet Prophecy (Matthew 24, Mark 13,and Luke 21), Jesus provides greater detail concerning specific events of that same period, leaving no doubt that His second coming will be preceded by frightening and tumultuous events. Worldwide, a multitude of wars, earthquakes, famines, and disease epidemics will occur with increasing frequency as events approach their climax at His return. These will be accompanied by heart-breaking, fear-driven betrayals of one Christianby another and by outright hateful persecutions of Christians from the world. It will be an intensified, larger-scale repetition of what happened before the Noachian Flood. God's pledge to deliver Jacob from it promises that He will oversee events just as He did with Noah, his family, and the animals in the ark (Genesis8:1). Noah is surely the Bible's most outstanding example of persevering through a long and dreadful experience. The Flood was also unique, universal, and devastating to the earth and everyone caught in it except for those on the ark. Not only didNoah have to persevere through the Flood itself, but also through 120 years of events during his preparations for its arrival. We need to be fully aware that Noah's salvation was ultimately God's doing, but we should also thoroughly and thoughtfully considerthat he was fully involved with God in carrying out all that He told him to do for that 120-year period (Genesis6:22; 7:5). The English word "perseverance" is rare in the Bible. In the King James Version, it does not appear at all in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament, it appears only once (Ephesians6:18). However, though the term is missing, the thought it conveys is most certainly present. This is not a translators' oversight; it frequently takes more than a one-word translation to convey in English what the Greek word for "persevere" implies. It is easy to assume that enduring and persevering are synonymous. There are similarities, but they are not an exact match. In English, endurance can indicate "putting up with," "bearing up under," or merely "tolerating" a demanding circumstance, implying a definite passive quality to it in common usage. Jesus says in Matthew 24:13, "But he who endures to the end shall be saved." "Endures" is translated from the Greek hupomeno (Strong's #5278), and can easily be translated as "persevere," yet it, too, can indicate merely "bearing up under." Jesus uses this word because situations will arise in the end time when nothing can be done except to put up with themand hold onto one's faith for dear life! However, the English word "perseverance" and its Greek counterpart, prokarteresis (Strong's #4343) suggest more than mere toleration of a circumstance because they have definite proactive characteristics. Their verb forms mean "to be earnest or strong toward; to be constantly diligent; to attend assiduously;to adhere closely to; to continue instant in; to be steadfast with a person or thing." Both contain a strong sense of continuous persistence toward achieving some activity. The Greek verb proskartereo (Strong's #4342) is most frequently translated into English as "continue in." Its closest English synonym is "persistent." Acts1:14 uses it like this immediately after the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven: "These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication . . .." Acts 2:42, 46 states, "And they continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. . . . So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart." Paul writes in Romans 12:12, "Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer." In the context of performing duties, the apostle says in Romans 13:6, "For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God's ministers attending continually to this very thing." Duties are responsibilities assigned by a superior such as a parent, teacher, or supervisor. They are obligations of services to be performed or a course of action required by custom, law, or religion. God hascalled us and opened a great hope before us, but this is not without cost to us. Since we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior, He has become our Lord and Master. We are His bondslaves, obligated to serve Him through our loving obedience. I Corinthians 7:23 tells us that we have been bought at a price. The duties imposed on us are those having to do with fulfilling His great creative purpose of which we are now a part: •Glorifying Him by our willing obedience to His instructions and laws. •Fulfilling our responsibilities to the church, for which He has given us gifts to enable our performance. •Making every effort not to allow the world to squeeze us into its mold. •Loving one another, even our enemies. •Willingly persevering through whatever trial He has given us to work our way through. It is our duty to sacrifice ourselves to the glory of God in all things, including praying without ceasing and consistently studying to show ourselves approved to God. Our calling has become our vocation, and it is filled with duties to perform. However, like every vocation, even this one despite its inspiring and awesome hope, has times when boredom creeps in, weariness assails us, or fears produce occasionsof doubt. It is then that we must buckle down and persist in pressing forward to overcome those challenges. Merely enduring may hinder our reaching this great hope. Romans4:18 tells us that Abraham hoped against hope. His hope was in God's promise of a son and thus of a family that would follow him in inheriting the Kingdom of God. When God delayed in giving him a son, long past when his aged body could produce one, Abraham nonetheless persisted in believing God's promise and continued to act to accomplish his part in fulfilling what God required of him. He persevered.He did not merely patiently endure but actively continued forward, and he was rewarded for his diligent faith. This example from the father of the faithful provides a pattern for us. We must follow it when, amid our trials, our hopes for the fulfillment of God's promises are assailed by boredom, weariness, doubts, or fears. Persevere, push on, be persistent,continue moving forward against the challenges before us. God is faithful. - John W. Ritenbaugh


IS JESUS' CRUCIFIXION REFLECTED IN SOIN DEPOSITION?  According to the Gospel of Matthew, an earthquake shook Jerusalem on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion. A study of cores and seismic activity near the Dead Sea in the Volume 54, Issue 10 of International Geology Review*may provide scientific data relating to the event described in Matthew 27. Moreover, a recent report by Discovery News suggested**that the new research on sediment disturbances can be combined with Biblical, astronomical and calendrical information to give a precise date of the crucifixion: Friday, April 3rd, 33 C.E. Matthew 27:50-54 reads: “Then Jesus cried again with a loud voice and breathed his last. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, and the rocks were split. The tombs also were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallenasleep were raised. After his resurrection they came out of the tombs and entered the holy city and appeared to many. Now when the centurion and those with him, who were keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were terrifiedand said, ‘Truly this man was God’s Son!’” Geologists Jefferson B. Williams, Markus J. Schwab and A. Brauer examined disturbances in sediment depositions to identify two earthquakes: one large earthquake in 31 B.C.E., and another, smaller quake between 26 and 36 C.E. In the abstract of their paper,the authors write, “Plausible candidates include the earthquake reported in the Gospel of Matthew, an earthquake that occurred sometime before or after the crucifixion and was in effect ‘borrowed’ by the author of the Gospel of Matthew, and a local earthquakebetween 26 and 36 AD that was sufficiently energetic to deform the sediments at Ein Gedi but not energetic enough to produce a still extant and extra-biblical historical record. If the last possibility is true, this would mean that the report of an earthquakein the Gospel of Matthew is a type of allegory.” The geologists compared their findings with Biblical information, including the chronology of the reign of Pontius Pilate, the Gospels’ accounts of the crucifixion occurring on a Friday evening, and the Synoptic Gospel account that Jesus died just beforePassover on the 15th day of Nisan. Using this Biblical information in conjunction with the geological report, the author of the Discovery News story reasoned that Friday April 3, 33 C.E. is the most likely date of the crucifixion.***While there are no direct extant archaeological artifacts relating to Jesus’ crucifixion, the disturbances in soil deposition may reflect the earthquake described by Matthew. This quake, occurring during Jesus’ crucifixion, would have been too minor to bedescribed by non-Biblical histories, but major enough to terrify the surrounding centurions. Notes: *Williams, Jefferson B., Markus J Schwab and A. Brauer. “An early first-century earthquake in the Dead Sea” International Geology Review, Volume 54, Issue 10, 2012. ** “Day of Jesus’ Crucifixion Believed Determined.” Discovery News *** Update: Geologist Jefferson Williams responded to Bible History Daily about the online attention given to the geological study. Bible History Daily has updated the article to reflect his commentary, and has copied a portion of his comment here that clarifies the initial report : “I am the primary author of the research article and the original Discovery Article grossly misrepresented our work… Our article had very little to do with the date of the crucifixion. The article discussed Earthquake Geology and primarily how wearrived at a date for this earthquake (31 AD +/- 5 years). Because of uncertainties associated with the text of Matthew 27, we departed from previous Dead Sea Paleoseismology and dated the earthquake based purely on what we saw in the sediments. We then usedan article by Humphreys and Waddington to compare our earthquake date with the date range of the crucifixion and the two years most commonly cited; 30 AD and 33 AD. If I had a do-over, I never would have mentioned those years since the only relevant textualinformation for our 3 conclusions was the date range of 26-36 AD. We are not New Testament Scholars and did not try to add textual information to come up with an exact date. Unfortunately, that was the impression of the Discovery article and this spread allover the internet.”

Dealing with the Devil

 Dealing with the Devil – Terry James - We who see things developing from truth found in God’s prophetic Word can, I think, agree that secular (humanistic) efforts at dealing with the principalities and powers ofEphesians 6:12 aren’t working. Man trying to hold back the evil of this world has failed miserably at every level. Therefore, God’s next catastrophic intervention into earth’s history is imminent. Bibleprophecy overlays the issues and events of this troubling day in an astonishing presentation that provides the forewarning. Something stupendous is about to happen! An unidentifiable, pent-up energy pervades the atmospherics of these ominous times. Every indicator that exposes the human condition points to a coming moment of truth—animpending transformation—that will alter the way things are forever. Evil permeating the current generation of earth’s inhabitants, one can sense, creates a demand that things be set aright—calls for a change that judges the bad and sets atliberty the good. Man’s Failure Winston Churchill, one of history’s greatest leaders and thinkers in the quest for world peace, framed humanism’s core hope for mankind following World War II. “A world organization has already been erected for the prime purpose of preventing war, UNO [United Nations Organization], the successor of the League of Nations, with thedecisive addition of the United States and all that means, is already at work. We must make sure that its work is fruitful, that it is a reality and not a sham, that it is a force for action, and not merely a frothing of words, that it is a true temple ofpeace in which the shields of many nations can someday be hung up, and not merely a cockpit in a Tower of Babel. Before we cast away the solid assurances of national armaments for self-preservation we must be certain that our temple is built, not upon shiftingsands or quagmires, but upon the rock.” (Robert Rhodes James, Winston S. Churchill: His Complete Speeches 1897–1963, vol. VII [NY and London: Chelsea House, 1943–49] pp.7285–7293). Churchill didn’t realize the prescience of his final words of this excerpt. The British prime minister was wrong in the first part of his statement about how to assure peaceon earth, but he was on the mark—even if unwittingly—in the last part. The only way a truly peaceful world will ever be built is not on human government, not upon military might, but “upon the rock.” True, lasting peace will, in fact, be built upon the stoneof Daniel 2:34, 45—the stone cut without hands that will smash to pieces the anti-God, man-made governmental system of this fallen world. That rock is none other than Jesus the Christ. Christ, alone, is able to deal with the devil as is necessary to bringall to a conclusion appointed by God. Jesus told His disciples this unalterable truth as recorded in Matthew 16:13–18. The humanistic roadmap for achieving mankind’s loftiest goals isn’t working out. Human government, as a matter of fact, is taking the world on the fast track to destruction. Babel-like Rebellion Rules Mankind exhibits the hubris of Lucifer the fallen one. Pridefulness grows in geometric progression while humanity proceeds deeper into history. Pride and rebellion in thissin-immersed world are synonymous. The world of rebels has come full-circle and stands again where the tower builders of Babel stood in the Genesis account of God’s intervention into the evil affairs of man following the Flood. Heaven’s judgment thus cannotbe far in the future. The Genesis record frames the problem God confronted. “And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the wholeearth. And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which theyhave imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. Therefore isthe name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.” (Genesis 11:4–9) Modern-day one-world order builders have been able to circumvent the language barriers the Lord set in place to prevent the ancient tower builders from constructing the Towerof Babel. Technology makes possible instant communication from any place on earth to most any other place around the globe, no matter the language. The neo one-worlders are every bit as set on trying to usurp God’s control over mankind as were Nimrod and his cronies of that ancient time. The globalists elite today are observed at work within the United Nations, the nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and deceptive entities like the World Economic Forum (WEF).These and others engage in constant efforts to formulate a new world configuration. Their grasp for power is joined by the many social engineers and scientists who seek to foist the global-warming hoax upon the rest of humanity. Their climate-change conferences—whichthus far have not reaped the economic windalls they hoped for—and lockdowns through contrived, engineered pestilences have failed miserably. Their pseudoscience, which was proved to be based upon fraudulent and contrived climate data, exposed their hubristicgrab for power. Warped Worldview Pervades This generation, represented by the globalist-elite drive for one world order, fits well the description of rebellious earth-dwellers given in the final book of God’s recordedWord—Revelation. The neo-Babel builders exhibit hatred for those who want governance from the God of Heaven, not from humanistic reprobate thinking. Saints of the Tribulation era will appeal to the Lord against such “heathen,” “kings of the earth,” and “rulers” that “imagine a vain thing” as outlined in Psalms 2:1–4. Those who will have been martyred for the cause of Christ will ask the Lord a heart-wrenching question in that future time of horror: “And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” (Revelation 6:10) These who “dwell on the earth” today mock God and embrace Antichrist concepts. The Antichrist spirit is alive and well, and is growing stronger in its influence. The generations that have grown with the fantastic scientific breakthroughs have a visceral pride that makes them pull from the traces that God has designed for the moralgovernance of humankind. Humanity, in cultures and civilizations, always seems to go through the same kind of cycle of deportment toward total rebellion and judgment. At this moment, we who “watch” things going on are like Lot of his day. We are “vexed”while the wickedness, deception, and unalloyed evil grow amongst us. God’s Word, as always, tells us how to deal with the devil and the rebelliousness while we await for and look for our blessed hope—Titus 2:13. Here is assurance from God’sHoly Word. The devil and his minions that have plagued mankind, including perpetrating their evil against Christians who are now, like Lot, vexed from day to day with their wickedness, will be dealt with in judgment. “Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb…Thewicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming. The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as beof upright conversation. Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken. A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked. For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the LORD upholdeth the righteous.(Psalms 37:1–2, 12–17) All evil we see accumulating, with Antichrist’s foreshadow now darkening the immediate geopolitical horizon, means the Lord is about to Intervene with promised judgment andwrath. Jesus told of the exact times in which we now live in His “days of Noah, days of Lot” prophecies recorded in Luke 17:26–30. It is the Rapture of all born-again believers that will begin the process of instituting that judgment and wrath. Folks, that great event, when God will deal with the devil and his minions, both human and demonic, is on the very cusp of becoming a reality in our time. “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21:28)

The Enemy’s Playbook For Counterfeit Truth and The Deception Of Nations

 The Enemy’s Playbook For Counterfeit Truth and The Deception Of Nations – J.B. Hixson - Satan has been conspiring with fallen angels and human agents to take over the world for approximately six thousand years now. Just moments after his failed coup in heaven,he set his sights on earth, and he has been hard at work ever since, deceiving and devouring (Revelation 12:9; 1 Peter 5:8). His primary methodology is deception. He lies, tricks, and counterfeits in order to convince his victims that his way is better than God’s way. He “transforms himself intoan angel of light,” and sadly, many fail to see through his disguise (2 Corinthians 11:14). His disguise can be quite convincing and persuasive (Ephesians 5:6; Colossians 2:4; 2 Thessalonians 2:3). Satan has many earthly co-conspirators working at his behest. Indeed, “many deceivers have gone out into the world.” (2 John 7) The Bible warns, “Evil men and imposters willgrow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13). “The Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1). Satan’s ultimate aim, of course, is to blind people’s hearts to the Gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4). To do this, he counterfeits the gospel by convincing people that they can overcomethe penalty of sin by doing good works, trying harder, being better. This is a lie. God’s Word says we can never be good enough to earn God’s forgiveness. We can only be saved from hell by receiving the free gift of eternal life by faith (Ephesians 2:8-9;Titus 3:5; Romans 4:4-5). Satan attempts to counterfeit almost everything that God created for good. Money, sex, pleasure, authority, and many other divinely ordained concepts are distorted, perverted,and twisted into something fleshly and evil. They may have an earthly, enticing glow, but they lack the substance that God intended, and under Satan’s direction they lead to great pain and sorrow. Satan is even trying to counterfeit life. In Genesis 6, we read how he sent some of his demons to cohabit with human women resulting in a non-human race of hybrid giants.As a result of this abhorrent action, God destroyed the earth with a global flood, saving only Noah and his righteous family. God imprisoned these demons who “left their proper domain” and “went after strange flesh,” and they are now “reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgmentof the great day” (Jude 6-7; 2 Peter 2:4). Today, Satan’s futile efforts to create life continue through the transhumanist agenda. In the future, during the seven-year tribulation following the Rapture, Satan’s counterfeiting campaign will reach unprecedented heights. The unholy trinity consisting ofSatan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet will impose complete tyrannical control over a one-world political, religious, and economic system, mimicking God’s sovereignty. The Antichrist, indwelt by Satan, “will oppose and exalt himself above all that iscalled God or that is worshiped,” declaring himself to be God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). God’s people of old were told to “not to forget God’s law” and to “keep His commandments” by “binding them around the neck” (Proverbs 3:1-3). They were instructed, “bind themas a sign on your hand,” and “as frontlets between your eyes” (Deuteronomy 6:8). The Israelites sought to fulfill this command literally with Scripture holders on their bodies (phylacteries) and on their door frames (mezuzahs). Similarly, in the future seven-yeartribulation, people will be required to show their allegiance to Satan by taking a mark on their foreheads or hands (Revelation 13:16-18). As Satan’s counterfeits flood our world, how can we avoid being swept up in a tide of deception? God’s Word provides the answer. “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, buttest the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world” (1 John 4:1). We must be on guard at all times, comparing what we hear and see with the Truth of Scripture. Are you being deceived? Not all that glitters is gold. It may be a demonic deception masquerading as a beautiful light. Be on guard!

The Pope Promotes A One World Religion

 The Pope Promotes A One World Religion – by Pastor Mike Taylor - 11 “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. 12And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, 14And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, thatthey should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.” (Revelation 13:11-14) I was reading about the coming One World Government that is in the planning stages right now through the new U.N. Charter of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development and wonderedto my self, “How will the world fall sway to the likes of the Anti-Christ and how will it start?” I've spoken of this before, but the Lord laid it on my heart to sound the warning again. There are three foundations that must be in place for the Anti-Christ to rise. 1.There will have to be a one world economy. No borders, and all sovereignty of any nation will be submissive to the economy of the coming cashless society. 2.There will have to be something present that will steer all the nations to one leader that will come, and the man, called the “false prophet” will be the mouthpiece thatbrings all nations under one “king” or dictator and he will use “religion” as the beginning of the next foundation stone, by using a One World Religion to unite them. 3.Total control of all functions of government over the entire world that combines religion, government, and the economy into one Satanic effort to rule the world through sinfulmen. Even now, in the Middle East three building that promote each christianity Islam, and Judaism in site of one another and they promote and preach "unity". Those are the foundation stones that will bring about the rise of the Anti-Christ, but how do we get from here to there? Let us explore the wide road that will lead to thedestruction of this world we call earth. According to Bible prophecy, these three foundations must be in place before the Anti-Christ will rise to power. THE RISE OF ISLAM Back in 1979, when Iran first came upon the scene by capturing American hostages and the Mullahs of Iran formed a theocracy by overthrowing the Shah of Iran, they createdwhat many believed were nothing but a bunch of Persian and Arab nations that embraced a 1400 year old primitive “religion” that was not a threat to any Western nation that held onto democratic principles of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Withoutmaking a formal declaration, Islam had declared war on the rest of the world they called “infidels” and had their target placed on the Great Satan (America) and the little Satan (Israel). For the last 40+ years, Islam has grown worldwide as the 2nd largest “religion” on earth by the sword, or by blinding those who look for something to fill that empty void inside of their own lives and have looked to Islam, as they have rejected Christianity because mainly, they see idolatry and hypocrisy within it's ranks.The formal church within Christiandom as fallen into “luke warm” apostasy, paganism and it has done nothing but send the young and impressionable likes of this last generation into its evil clutches. Islam now is the fastest growing “religion” in America. As the opening title suggest, there has been a strong push to unite the world under one banner. Such an effort has seen one man visiting Muslim mosques and praying along withthe Imam of the mosque to a “god” they both claim to be the same God we serve, Jehovah, Yahweh, or God Almighty. He has been trying to convince the religions of the world, found mainly in Christianity to unite and embrace one another in a show of unity. Thecry is “come back to the mother church”. Without me saying a word, you should now know who I am referring to. The beginnings of that One World Religions are in their gestation of promotion. The present pope, namely pope Francis has been on a world-wide swing to unite all faiths into one religion and makes pilgramages to Muslim countries to convince those of thispagan religion to come together as “brothers” in a blend of both Christianity and Islam, coining the name Chrislam. This pope by his actions, tries to convince with soft words and logic that both of the two major religions of the world serve the same God. Allah is god, Jehovah is God, andthey are one and and the same! But let us compare these two deities that billions of people worship . Are they the same? (one true, one is false) Guess which is which? Jehovah, (Yahweh) is a God of grace and mercy. The Bible says that God is Love! “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.” (1st John 4:16) The Holy Attributes of the true God of the Bible is a God without sin, perfect, Holy, omnipresent, omniscient, all knowing, Creator of the Universe who gave His only BegottenSon as a ransom for the sins of mankind. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) “Be ye holy, for I am Holy” (1st Peter 1:16) Yet, the Pope would have us believe that this “allah” is the same Holy Being we read in our bible. What are the attributes of “allah”?Allah was one of many “gods” worshipedin pagan Arabia at the time of Mohammed. Mohammed got rid of all gods, but one which was worshiped as the moon goddess. By attributes, this god has feminine characteristics, but was changed to a male that made women inferior. Allah is a “god” of war. To demand “jihad” or holy war to convert all other people of other religions to Islam by the sword. He demands that you sacrifice yourself in actsof murder and martyrdom to promote the “religion” and to die in his service is to be rewarded paradise where you will be waited upon by 77 virgins to fulfill you every wish of the physical including your sexual needs. This allah, denies he has a son, as his “prophet” Mohammed said that allah has no son, so they deny the deity of Jesus Christ and reduce Him to a prophet or a teacher. Islam claims that this “allah” has 99 different attributes that fly in the face of the God of the Bible and His Ten Commandments for righteous living. Just on these few attributes, one can see that there is a vast difference between a God of love, and a god of war and murder. But note that the “false prophet” will speakas a dragon although giving the false impression of being righteous and a leader of purity and holiness as of a lamb. 1) He will claim authority over pure Christianity. The references to 'the lamb' are pretty much self-explanatory. It is a reference to something 'like' Christianity, but acounterfeit. . . . "he spake as a dragon." (Revelation 13:11) 2)It will share political power with the first beast. "And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him." 3) Participation will be mandatory. "cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." (Revelation 13:15) The method employed by the false prophet's religious system as the penalty for refusing conversion is decapitation. "and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshiped the beast." (Revelation 20:4) For more than a 1000 years, the Catholic church has used various means to destroy opposition to its rule of the earth. It has been a blend of political and religious theologicalideas, but that is where the similarities end. I believe the Catholic church will rise again, and impose another Grand Inquisition to dwarf that of the Dark Ages of Europe. Yet, there is another religion that fits John description of death by beheading like a glove. Islam claims to be the third and final revelation from God that give it authorityover Christians and Jews. Islam is not just a religion, but a political system that fulfills the first two points above of the rise of a One World Religion better than the Vatican can alone. Through Sharia law, Islam is a religion of the sword, that has useddecapitation as the supreme penalty for not submitting to their hateful religion. Even the name Islam is interpreted as “submission” and on its use of Sharia law fulfills point three above. So fulfilling point 3 is a matter of existing religious doctrine -- not a new doctrine forced upon an existing system by a mad pope. BUT WHERE WILL THE ANTI-CHRIST COME FROM? I have explored many avenues that this “man of sin” could come from, but I am beginning to believe that it is more likely that the man is either a closet Muslim, or a moderateMuslim that will come upon the scene and promoted by none other than the false prophet who will blend all religions, Islam and Christianity into one religion, called Chrislam. But in the middle of the coming Tribulation, the Anti-Christ will eventually rejectall forms of religion based, save the worship of himself, and indwelt by Satan and will sit in the Temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. Why do I say he could possibly be Muslim? The prophet Daniel identifies the antichrist as being of "the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary." (Daniel 9:26) Hence the interpretation that the antichrist comes to power through some form of a revived Roman Empire that serves as a de- facto global government. In this generation, the countries of the old Roman Empire united under the banner of the European Union, uniting Europe as a single empire for the first time since the fallof Rome. They are loosely connected, as Daniel spoke of the 10 toes of the statue that the King of Babylon dreamed of, consisting of iron mixed with clay. (Portions strong, and portions of it weak). So is the popular belief, but is that entirely true, or isthere more in this slight of hand the devil doesn't want us to focus on? There is a point at which people live in the dark willfully as a result of self-imposed ignorance and I think this is it. That’s sad to me. Alas, I lament that so many lovers of prophecy are missing the very things they have been longing to see! Watching people look for the rise of the Antichrist’s kingdom in Europe while it’s forming right now in the Middle East is the closest we will come to watching the Jews missthe First Advent of Christ while He was standing right before them. They, too, were looking in a different geographic area. As history shows us, Titus who became Emperor Titus, destroyed the Temple in 70 AD. Now we know that Roman soldiers burned the Temple to the ground and any structures leftstanding where taken down to reveal any gold that was present, to even the stones leading to the Temple structure. Understand that the Roman soldiers were not “Italian” by ethnicity, although they came from “Rome” they were of Middle Eastern descent. They were a conglomeration of manycultures that adhered to Roman authority and law. Many within their legions that could have been Arabs or even Persian, or some other race that hated the Jews. Note that the Anti-Christ is called the Assyrian? “5 And this man(Jesus) shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds,and eight principal men. 6 And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the entrances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh intoour land, and when he treadeth within our borders..”(Micah 5:5-6) Jesus will come to Israel’s aid when the Assyrian invades. So, the question for you to consider is, has there ever been a time in history when Jesus has led an army againstAssyria to save Israel from an invasion? No, He has not. What is the implication, then? Since this has never happened in history, the implication is that when Jesus returns, He will defend Israel against the invading Assyrian, orthe Antichrist. Why is he called the Assyrian? Well, logic suggests that in order to be called an Assyrian you must come from Assyria. So, where was Assyria and what are the modern-day countries that inhabit this geographic area? If we identify these things,we can know the geographic location of the Antichrist’s kingdom. The Assyrian Empire, the second Biblical World Kingdom, encompassed Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Iran and Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Notice the glaring relationshipbetween them all? They are all today, Islamic. THE POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS FOR THE USA AND EUROPE Note also, that since the failed so called “Arab Spring” that the last “idiot in chief president” so foolishly created has caused terrorism to have gone rampant. For all thedictators that have fallen, that kept the people in check, out of the chaos has risen the likes of ISIS. The purpose and the objective of ISIS or for that matter, Islam in general is to rule the world. But there is one problem, the Western nations of the NorthAmerican Western Hemisphere. ISIS is reported to be on our border, and has committed acts of violence and bloodshed in various places like San Bernadino, Orlando, Baltimore, Boston and surely there are plans for more. Now comes the insanity of it all. Refugees from the failed Syrian state of President Assad have all but infiltrated our borders with these people who we don't know if theyare members of ISIS or not. But make no mistake, whether they are or are not terrorist among them, the population that embrace Islam is anathema to our way of life. Only our recent past POTUS understands that we must stop illegal immigration that plans arenothing but to destroy us. And to further this insanity, we have allowed tens of thousands of these refugees to enter into our country and the next Democrat that could be elected after Trump's administration, if one be so sadly elected, plans to increase thatamount by heard right....with all the terror that is in the world, the Democrat idiots in Washington D.C. who think they know what is good for us, are inviting our conquerors to come invade our land and take over. It will be a brutal war for themto finally take over this country and impose Sharia law as the law of the land. That's where we are headed folks. I believe this will all happen in the Tribulation, after the removal of God's Chosen Bride at the rapture. IT IS ALL COMING TOGETHER IN OUR LIFETIME As began this journey, we began with the foundation stone, a religious order that will spread world-wide. To embrace all religions by one religious leader who the world trainstheir ears to listen to every word he says. This man will promote a One World Religion with a blending of all religions into one super religion called Chrislam. Again, why Chrislam? Why blend the two together? Short answer: Power! The concept is likely to be embraced by a few non-fundamentalists on either side of the divide, such as Universalists, Unitarians and maybe some Buddhists. There are Hindusand Shinto faithful who are willing to add Christianity and Islam to their belief spectrum — rejecting that there is any single path to God. However, Christianity has at its very core that Jesus is the only way to heaven — and that eternal salvation is a gift of grace, earned for mankind by Christ’s crucifixion,shedding His blood and rising from the grave three days later. However, Islam holds the firm view that eternal damnation awaits those who do not earn salvation by submitting to the requirements of the Koran, which describes Jesus as a noteworthy prophet whodidn’t really die on the cross. Right now it is already flourishing in places like Africa. In Nigeria, a “preacher” Shamsuddin Saka seeks to bridge the religious divide. It doesn’t take much to spark religiousviolence in the West African nation of Nigeria. Just this past weekend, rioting erupted in the town of Bauchi after Muslims parked their cars in front of a church. Bauchi lies along a line between Nigeria’s mainly Muslim north and the Christian south. Tensionsin the region often spill over into violence, but one man is trying to bridge the gap. He preaches a liturgy that blends Christianity and Islam. Saka preaches that Christians and Muslims are both children of Abraham — which is historically accurate, according to both the Bible, the Koran and DNA studies. Saka was born Muslim, and, the PRI report notes: ” it was after returning from a Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca that he was inspired – he says instructed by God – to launch hisnew ministry: “That was about 22 years ago. I was praying and I [laid] down and the Lord told me, make peace between Christian and Muslim.” But from what is happening in Africa, and what is the Pope preaching to his Catholic parishioners? it's the perfect vehicle to bring all religions into a one world religionunited and led by one man in the religious affair of the coming One World order, the pope of Rome. Already the pope is wooing the likes of Evangelicals Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, and even from reports, Rick Warren to come home to the Catholic Church. ANTI-CHRIST COMES ON THE SCENE What unites a people, any people into a cohesive unit? Either in a community, a state, a nation, or thinking on a grand scale, the world? To control the people, you must havesomething in common, a uniting principle. To gather all the religious orders of the world into one, you must blend the two largest religions into one and have a spokesman that the world will listen to. The pope is not only a religious leader, he is a politicalleader that nations actually listen to. Accomplish this and you can begin the foundation of controlling the economy and promoting a cashless society, although they may go hand in hand. Now, is Pope Francis the coming false prophet? Not sure, but I read where his secretary who is named “Pietro”, (can you say Peter the Roman) will be elected when Pope Francisleadership is over upon his death, prophesied to be the last pope, the False Prophet. If the coming Anti-Christ is indeed an Islamic, then the spokesman of the one world religion will promote him as a leader of the secular world, because in word, the man willembrace this new religion, Chrislam to his own advantage for power and control. The bible says that they will join forces for a temporary amount of time. This religious personage actively promotes worship of the Beast and does miracles in the context of religion to deceive people. A woman in the Bible is a symbol of a churchorganization. “And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthinessof her fornication: 5 “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. 7And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and tenhorns. 8The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose nameswere not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 9And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.” (Revelation 17:4-8) Who has killed millions in the name of her religion and drank the blood of saints? Yes, the answer: the Catholic church!! In Revelation 17, the Woman is controlling the Beast, bringing the worship of the coming Anti-Christ. But even then, she and the Beast are, in fact, antagonists competingagainst each other. Furthermore, she is heavily involved in politics (influencing kings), manufacturing, shipping, craftsmanship, and merchandising. That has been the focus of the Catholic Church since the Middle Ages. The Woman indeed has a relationship with the Beast, but she is not part of the politics, economics, or military of the Beast. She and the Beast are separate entities, eventhough both are part of the overall one world system. The Catholic Church has always been part of the Beast, influencing it from within. Conversely, the Woman is portrayed as an external influence, competing with, riding, and at some point exercising controlof the Beast. WHEN WILL THIS BE FINALLY COMPLETE? The plans are already in the works, using the false narrative of “Climate Change”. The U.N. has drawn up plans that the whole world will follow ultimately. Their spokesmanat this time, is the pope in Rome. But the final draft and implementation will not be complete until the Anti-Christ is actually revealed and I am a firm believer that we won't even see who the man is. We may have a good idea, but to see Chrislam flourishall over the world, the economy being controlled by a central government, and the Anti-Christ to come to the forefront of the poltical, secular world will not happen until the Church is removed from this earth. We may see the signs of it coming clearer andclearer and we MAY, I say MAY see what men will attempt to put in place as a One World system before Christ comes for His Church, but most all of this will happen when the Holy Spirit is removed from His fullness found in His people who occupy the true Churchof blood born and washed Christians bought and paid for by our Lord Jesus Christ. 6”And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2nd Thessalonians 2:6-12) My friend, you are seeing the beginning of the coming New World begins with economic and religious underpinnings that must be in place, before the Anti-Christ canbe revealed and dominates the world. With the false prophet scheming and using false miracles to convince the masses that a “False Christ” has indeed arrived, be he proclaimed as the Mahdi of Islam, or deceptive adherent to any religion, either Christian,Muslim, or Chrislam, he will worship none of them, because he advances only his agenda and his complete control of the world. And both aspects of each system are working feverishly to bring it to pass. 36 “And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods,and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. 37Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. 38But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. 39Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall dividethe land for gain.” (Daniel 11:36-39) I have spoken on this subject many times, but warnings must abound as the time grows closer to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. As Paul warned in 2nd Thessalonians about “he will let will let, till HE be taken out of the way”, God can send His Son at any moment in time. I have believed it will be on a certain day of the Feast days of the Lord in some future year, per many sermons on the subject, but God is sovereign, and cando His own will and His plans are perfect. Should you be so foolish to stand by and see the moral and economic collapse of this nation, and the world around you, and not think “it can't last this way much longer”, then you play Russian Roulette with your verysoul. Jesus could come at any moment in time and your chance of being found washed in His blood and forgiven your sins, this side of the Tribulation will just have become exponentially smaller. I wouldn't take the chance for “all the tea in China”. Your soulis that important, as it will live forever, either in God's presence, or banished from His sight to be tormented for all eternity. The tribulation is right at the door. But before that happens, our Lord Jesus Christ will sound a trumpet cry: 51 “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53, For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal mustput on immortality. 54So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death isswallowed up in victory. 55O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”(1st Corinthians 15:51-55) Don't be caught unaware. There is no excuse for denying what has been taught as long as I've been alive and before...all have heard. Some believed, some have rejected thefree gift of salvation that is there for the asking. “For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.(2nd Corinthians 6:2) Take that offering of the free gift of God, before your chance during the Age of Grace comes to a final close. To receive Jesus in the coming Tribulation, most likely willmean your death by that terrible way to die...decapitation after unspeakable torture. I pray you will heed the warning and the call to repentance. In Jesus Name. 8 “But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. 10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. 12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:8-13) This is pastor Mike Taylor, praying for your deliverance from the clutches of this dying world. If you need counseling, prayer, or just a listening ear, send me an email to, or visit me online blog for more messages that speak of this coming time of Tribulation and the means to be delivered from it at, God Bless you, TILL WE MEET AT JESUS FEET

Like Never Before

 Like Never Before - By Daymond Duck - As I understand it, Jesus taught that there will be a generation that sees all the signs beginning to come to pass (Luke 21:28). He was saying the generation that sees everything shaping up is to know that their redemption (deliverance; the completion of God’s plan) is drawing near. Many prophecy teachers agree that the terminal generation signs are appearing like never before. The following reports appear to back that up. As you read these reports, realize that: •Never before have I heard of the IRS advertising for armed agents that are willing to kill U.S. citizens. •Never before has America had the depth of government corruption we appear to have today. •Never before has the FBI raided a former president’s home. •Never before have I heard of nations forcing farmers to use less fertilizer and grow less cattle during food shortages. •Never before have I heard of a global leader calling people useless without criticism. •Never before have I heard of school textbooks telling children to eat bugs and weeds. •Never before have globalists said people will own nothing and be happy. •Never before have I heard of schools telling students it is bad to call America a nation under God.  The reprobate minds that are promoting the globalist agenda are taking the world toward prophetic fulfillment and a time of tribulation like never before. One, last week, I wrote that on Aug. 7, 2022, the U.S. Senatepassed the $739 billion deceptively named “Inflation Reduction Act” (the Congressional Budget Office, hundreds of economists, a few Democrats, and every Republican says it will not reduce inflation). The bill: •Contains no money for more troops to defend America. •Contains no money for more police to make America’s cities safer. •Contains no money to make America’s borders more secure. •Funds about 87,000 new IRS agents to track American citizens’ buying and selling. This week, I want to add to that: Four days later, on Aug. 11, 2022, the IRS posted a help wanted ad on Several things are causing concern about the IRS hiring 87,000 more agents. •One of the agents’ duties listed in the IRS help wanted ad is to “Carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.” •Another duty is, “Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.” •In recent months, the IRS has bought several million rounds of ammunition for pistols, shotguns, and AR-15 rifles. •Many government officials support the World Economic Forum (WEF) that says, “You will own nothing and be happy.” •They want the government to own everything before 2030. •Many government officials want to disarm America’s citizens. •About 30 armed FBI agents recently raided former Pres. Trump’s home. The concern is that the IRS is seeking to hire thousands of agents that will be heavily armed and willing to kill U.S. citizens; at the same time, some government officialswant to disarm U.S. citizens; and the U.S. is supporting a group (the WEF) that wants to confiscate everyone’s property. Is the government afraid U.S. citizens might fight to keep their homes, farms, and other possessions? (Update:On Aug. 13, 2022, it was reported that the IRS had just deleted the help wanted ad seeking people to “carry a firearm and be willing to use deadly force, if necessary.” I could have deleted the above but think voters need to know that the IRS wanted to hirepeople that would be willing to kill citizens.) Two, concerning corruption: on Aug. 11, 2022, it was reportedthat Sen. Ron Johnson said, “We have a corrupt medical system in this country. From the pharmaceutical companies, down to the federal health agencies through to the research agencies and the medical journals.” The corruption is in several layers of our government, and that is very troubling. •The Presidency of the U.S. •The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) •The National Institutes of Health (NIH) •The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) •The Department of Justice (DOJ) •The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) •The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) It is easy to believe that the U.S. government will support the coming deceitful New World Order. (More:On Aug. 12, 2022, Dave Hodges said it like this on The Common Sense Show: “The enemy is not at the gate. The enemy is inside the gate.) Three, concerning corruption: on Aug. 12, 2022, William Koenigreported in Koenig’s Eye View that some people believe Pres. Trump has documents that suggest the involvement of high-level FBI and DOJ officials in the Russian collusion hoax and other schemes. There is some speculation that the high-level FBI and DOJ officials sent the FBI agents to Mar-a-Lago to find and seize the evidence Trump has. A few Republicans are seeking whistleblowers that can confirm this, and Koenig noted that whistleblowers are coming forward. Skeptics should recall that FBI agents have been caught lying to judges and the media about the Russian collusion hoax, and DOJ officials have falsely called parents domesticterrorists for complaining about CRT being taught in schools, etc. (More:Speculation that this was a dirty trick to keep Trump from running for Pres. again is also rampant.) (More:On Aug. 15, 2022, it was reported that Rep. Jim Jordan said 14 FBI Whistleblowers have visited Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee alleging misconduct by leaders of the FBI.) Four, concerning the return of Jews to the Promised Land at theend of the age (Jer. 31:8-9): on Aug. 11, 2022, it was reported that 31,066 Jews have already returned from Russia (18,891) and Ukraine (12,175) this year. Almost 74% of the 16 to 80-year-old Jews that have returned from Ukraine are women because fighting-age men are not allowed to leave the country while the war is raging. This brings to mind the fact that war will cause a shortage of men during the Tribulation Period, resulting in seven women being willing to marry one man so they can havea child (Isa. 4:1). Five, concerning food shortages and famine: on Aug. 9, 2022, itwas reported that: •There are about 54,000 farms in the Netherlands. •11,200 farms (almost 21%) are being forced to shut down to meet climate change emission goals. •17,600 farms (almost 33%) are being forced to reduce the number of cattle they own to meet climate change nitrogen pollution standards. Farmers are losing their livelihood, food shortages will increase, and past reports have said these policies are going to be forced on nations all over the world. They are part of the “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” goals. (More:on Aug. 13, 2022, on The Common Sense Show, Dave Hodges said this issue of cattle polluting the air is mentioned in Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act.” Hodges didn’t say what the bill says about it, but he did say it is in Biden’s bill, and he said food shortagesare coming.). Six, concerning food shortages and famine: on Aug. 14, 2022, itwas reported that: •The Canadian government is preparing to force Canadian farmers to reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer they use to grow crops. •Forcing farmers to use less nitrogen fertilizer will reduce the amount of food that is produced. •Reducing world hunger by 2030 is a UN goal, but using less nitrogen fertilizer will increase world hunger, not reduce it. Using less nitrogen fertilizer is also part of the “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” goals. (More:While the current U.S. administration is falsely claiming that the U.S. has zero inflation, the UN is warning that food prices will keep rising because the price of fertilizer will keep rising, and crop yields will decline.) (Note:The inflation rate is still 8.5%, not zero.) Seven, concerning a global population reduction: on Aug. 12, 2022,it was reported that Yuval Noah Harari, chief advisor to World Economic Forum (WEF) head Klaus Schwab, said that the world does not need most of its current population. According to Harari, Artificial Intelligence (AI; Robots, etc.) is replacing people, the shift to AI is increasing, and an increasing number of people are becoming useless. Harari and the WEF value the environment and sustainability more than they value the lives of people. Eight, concerning America’s abandonment of God: on Aug. 12, 2022,it was reported that the Fargo, North Dakota school board has decided that it is illegal to recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the U.S. because it mentions God and does not “align with the districts diversity, equity and inclusion values.” According to the school board’s vice president, “The pledge had to go because it might upset the Hindus, Muslims, and atheists.” Nine, concerning pestilence and deceit: on Aug. 15, 2022, JillBiden, wife of Pres. Joe Biden, tested positive for Covid even though she has been double vaccinated and had two booster shots (jabbed for Covid 4 times). By now, everyone should know that vaccinations and booster shots do not keep people from getting Covid. Vaccinated and boosted people may have a milder case of Covid (or they may have a dangerous or life-ending side effect from the vaccinations), but they can still get Covid. People should be concerned that Big Pharma was donating millions of dollars to politicians and making billions of dollars off mandatory vaccinations. Sadly, we should follow the money because there is some talk of forcing people to be vaccinated for Monkey Pox and other pandemic scare tactics. The safety of the public should take precedent over political donations and Big Pharma profits. Ten, concerning food shortages: on Aug. 8, 2022, it was reportedthat government-funded propagandists in some western nations are now using children’s books to teach children to eat insects and weeds to save the planet from natural disasters and climate change. The report said this could be dangerous to children. Eleven, concerning world government and a possible rise of TenKings: on Aug. 16, 2022, Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin said (in my words with my explanation): •The U.S. and its allies dominate the world in a unipolar fashion (America and its allies act as one power and have too much influence in the world). •This unipolar dominance is doomed and will be replaced by a multipolar world (the current international order cannot stand and will be replaced by a new international orderwith more nations sharing the power and influence). •The era of the unipolar world order is a thing of the past (A new world order and a redistribution of power has arrived.). According to the Bible, Ten Kings (leaders, czars, etc.) are a prelude to the Antichrist, and they will surrender their power and authority to the Antichrist. I do not know that Putin’s view of a multipolar world is Ten leaders of groups of nations, but I believe we could be seeing the beginning of that. Finally, are you Rapture Ready? If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believethat Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.

Everything, Everywhere, All At Once

 Everything, Everywhere, All At Once – Pete Garcia - WITH all of the last days' economic, political, and military convergences. With all of the prophetic signs flooding our newspapers and newsfeeds on an hourly basis. With theimpending collapse of Western Civilization being a mere cataclysm away from happening. With everything prophetic happening everywhere, all at once going on, the one nagging question that keeps rolling around in the back of my brain is, who is going to takecare of my dogs when we go up? Seriously. I think about this. I'm not a dog person, and yet we have eight. I guess you can say my wife has a soft spot for our four-legged friends. And with five children, every child needs their own dog.I can't emphasize needs enough. And yet, here we the last moments of the last days, and I'm sweating whether or not I should cage them or not when I leave the house for any extended period of time.It seems, if I cage half the group, the other half behaves. If I don't cage them at all, they act like a raving band of lunatics who's never been inside a house before. Nevertheless, the question of whether I should sweat the cage question, or not, is something an increasing number of watchers are faced with. That is how close to the endwe are. Right now, there are at least nineteen existential threats that are currently hanging over our collective heads like a giant boulder teetering on the edge of a cliff on theSan Andreas faultline. Crazily enough, none of these threats include Covid, transgendered bathroom rights, or man-made climate change. However, for the sake of argument, here are said nineteen existential threats to both our nation and the world: 1.Nuclear war with Russia 2.Nuclear war with Russia, China, and North Korea 3.Dirty Bombs detonated in major cities 4.EMP attack by the aforementioned 5.The collapse of the US Dollar 6.The collapse of the Chinese Yuan 7.A major false flag event triggering an armed response, followed closely by a Martial Law declaration 8.The inevitable civil war following said Martial Law declaration 9.A serious bioengineered pandemic with over a 10% infection fatality rate 10.A massive cyber attack shutting down the sixteen critical vulnerable points in the US (Thanks Joe for spilling the beans) 11.A global famine 12.A digital pandemic (cyber virus shutting down everything) 13.A massive solar storm (triggering EMP-like effects) 14.The Yellowstone caldera (aka...the supervolcano) erupting 15.Massive earthquakes trigger a ripple effect across numerous fault lines 16.AI "Intelligence Explosion" attempting to reenact The Terminator's Skynet 17.CERN intentionally (or unintentionally) opens something up 18.A massive meteor hits the earth 19.Alien invasion or some other extra-terrestrial event I'm sure there are many other black swan events out there that are equally serious threats we don't even know about, but these were just some of the things I could think aboutoff the top of my head. Each one of these, in and of itself, are extremely serious threats that have the potential to upend life as we know it. Incredibly, these are also the very things our government is not taking seriously at present. Our current governmentseems more concerned with making our military more inclusive than they are on whether the Chinese or Russians have doubled the size of their navy or successfully test fired (and used) hypersonic missiles. If our government spent a fraction of the time and energy on any one of these nineteen that they do with the ridiculously fallacious global cooling, global warming, climatechange "threat," I would feel a little better. It would mean that somewhere up there in the bowels of government, adults were involved. Instead, we have the never-ending parade of environmentalist doomsday prophets with prediction track records worse thanHarold Camping. These global utopians are enthusiastically willing to suicide the American economy and subsequently, the world's, because 50 years from now, the ocean temperatures might riseone-half of one degree. The environmentalist fear-mongering has been at a fever pitch for at least the last twenty years, and this forthcoming catastrophism apparently has former president Barak Hussein Obama so upset by the possibility of rising sea levels,that he sacrificially bought an $11.75M house at Martha's Vineyard (on the coast) in 2019 to mourn its impending destruction. Source: I don't know about you, but it sort of feels like we are watching a massive parade of liberal/progressive lemmings defiantly marching off a cliff. Not only that, but the suicidallemmings have coopted our elected and unelected "leaders" into joining them in destroying the current world order all because of a make-believe threat that might happen someday...maybe. That's not just throwing the baby out with the bathwater, that's takinga sledgehammer to the sink and then burning the house down to spite the couple who had the baby. These are exactly the kind of people Paul is speaking of in Romans chapter one, who suffers from the divine punishment of being 'given over' to a debased mindand are no longer able to reason or think clearly. The fact that we have the lunatics running the asylum leaves little doubt as to why he said the last days would be "perilous times" (2 Tim 3:1). These same people who are so upset about the theoretical climate cataclysm that they are setting themselves on fire, committing acts of vandalism and terrorism, and essentiallythrowing their lives away as "martyrs" for a lie. There is, even now, a growing cadre of environmentalist legislators and celebrities who are now championing the absurd idea that we should convert all of our meat and wheat-based agricultural industries, forinsect-based food economies. This is based on agendas pushed by the United Nations nearly ten years ago. "In 2014, the United Nations (UN) and the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) put out a white paper — hundreds of pages. The title of the white paper was Edible Insects - Future prospects for food and feed security," he said. "And the UN and the FAO concluded in this document if insects do not enter the food chain, traditional protein farming will destroy the planet. We use all our rainforeststo grow feed for all the meat we eat. You know, most of our rainforest is being taken down to grow feed for our purposes. So it's, unfortunately, a very unsustainable system that is rapidly causing havoc on our planet." The push to save "Mother Earth," or Gaia, has gone through cycles of popularity before, but never one with such political momentum as of now. To be fair, the UN, the WEF,and numerous private and corporate entities have warned us that they are in the last push for the Great Reset to happen no later than 2030. For them, 2030 is the do-or-die date to get the world back on "the right track" or else, face extinction. Geez, whenhave we heard that before? Speaking of global calamities, there is one I haven't mentioned yet, the twentieth, which I believe is not only likely but inevitable. Not only is it inevitable, but it isalso certain to happen. Not only is it certain to happen, but it is also certain to happen very soon. Not only is it certain to happen soon, but it is one calamity that the world adamantly refuses to believe can ever happen. That calamity is the Rapture of the Church. Not only will every born-again believer be removed from the earth simultaneously but also every child under the age of accountability (IMHO under the age of 20). This suddendisappearance also includes everyone born with Down Syndrome and/or other degenerative cognitive conditions. For the first time in two thousand years, there will be no believers or "innocents" left on planet earth. The following seven+ years after the Rapture, will literally be, hell on earth. All of the things these environmentalist fundamentalists have been railing about for the pastsixty years will be dumped back on their heads. Naturally speaking, global temperatures will rise. The oceans will be turned to blood. Islands will be sunk, triggering countless tsunamis that will ravage the coastlines. The air will be so filled with smokeand ash, that it will blot out the light from the sun, moon, and stars. The trees and grass will be burnt up, and the rivers will turn poisonously bitter. Supernaturally speaking, demons and demonic armies will march across the land wiping out millions, as men will be given over to their most base and wicked desires. The governmentsof the world will become impossibly totalitarian as they introduce increasingly draconian measures to maintain control of a world spinning out of control. And just when things couldn't get worse, they do. The armies of the world will gather in Israel and will attempt to destroy the last remnant of Jewish people, when all of a sudden, the skies peel open (the earth spinningcounter to the normal rotation of the heavens) and Christ will return in power and glory with the armies of heaven in tow. Here, He destroys the armies in such a bloodbath, that it creates a 200-mile river of blood that is as high as a horse's bridle. Theend has come and Jesus will judge the remaining nations separating them like one would separate the sheep from the goats. After six thousand years, dominion is finally stripped from Satan's slimy grip, and a new world order is restored. Jesus, the rightful ruler, reclaims His dominion over theearth and restores it back to its original paradisaical conditions. He establishes His throne in Jerusalem and exalts it as the head of nations. The Church, now glorified and immortal, serves as part of the royal family ruling and reigning with the King ofKings, and Lord of Lords. But for now, we live in this fallen-down kingdom. A kingdom that is shrouded in darkness and beset by sin, corruptness, wickedness, violence, and debauchery. Even worse, isthe escalation of all these things because they are coming in waves with increasing frequency and intensity that are seemingly wearing or grinding down the saints. Just remember. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed,but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus’ sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our mortal flesh. So then death is working in us, but life in you...Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. For our lightaffliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the thingswhich are not seen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:7-12, 16-18 PS: All dogs don't go to heaven, but they do go to the kingdom.I am a firm believer that whatever happens to my dogs in this life I will see them again in the kingdom. We know dogs aren't allowed in the New Jerusalem (or at least it seems this way), but there will be the earth below wholly renovated back to Eden-likeconditions that they can run and explore and be the happiest dogs they've ever been, forevermore.

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