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Friday, December 8, 2023

For Those Who Tune Us Out

 For Those Who Tune Us Out - By Lisa Heaton - I’ve warned family and friends so much about what’s happening in the world and the soon-coming rapture that most avoid me or tune me out. Can you relate? I can’t help butwonder how Noah kept warning and preaching all those years when just my small efforts have left me feeling beaten down and defeated. Lot, on the other hand, found out and took off in the same day of the city’s destruction. If you look at it from the sake ofease, Lot had the better deal than Noah. We can’t want Lot’s lot (sorry, I had to go there) and hope for ease. In that case, if we were to be warned and removed in the same day of the rapture, then our loved ones wouldn’t have our nagging voices in their heads,and our homes wouldn’t be filled with help and encouragement for the left behind. So we, for an undetermined period of time, are stuck with Noah’s lot, trying to warn those who tune us out. Like Noah, we are to watch and wait and warn. If I’m honest, though,I’m far from being like Noah. I’m watching and waiting for Jesus every day, but I find my warnings have been waning, especially this past year. I don’t get out much since I write from home. Other than grocery store runs and the same two or three restaurants I frequent, I don’t have occasion to interact with peopleas often as most, so it’s difficult to build a relationship with someone, which would allow me to warn about the rapture. Sure, I could blurt it out while the check-out person does their beep, beep, beep scanning of my food, but that will only paint me asa lunatic. People are kind of funny about getting world news from a lunatic, so I hold back. I find myself frustrated that the world as we know it will soon tragically change, and I have no outlet for that information. Can you relate to that, too? Do you wonder what more you can do when you feel your hands are tied and your lips are sealed? That’s been me, wondering and fretting over my lack of effectively warning thelost and waking the found—until recently, that is. While preparing my home for the left behind after the rapture, in addition to the larger documents that explain where we went and how the lost can be saved, I created postcard-sizedpapers that can be tucked among my canned goods and medications and within Bibles. One side of the postcard has a quick explanation of where to find the missing people, and the other has the ABCs of responding to the Gospel, something I’ve used since I servedin children’s ministry when my kids were little. I figure those who get saved after we’re gone may use them to give to others, and those who come later to my home may find them in the debris after the first rounds of pillaging. Maybe I’m naïve to think theywill be used at all, but even if one is found or given out, I will consider my effort worthwhile. One day, it came to me; I can use the same format to warn people now. With a quick change of one side of the postcard, I now have rapture info, and on the other side are theABCs. Honestly, I have more hope for these cards than I do for the ones the left behind may or may not discover in my home. The title of the card itself, Millions Will Someday Disappear! Will you go with them? will be a seed planted, an echo in their headsthey’re not able to tune out when millions around them actually do go missing. I’m not naïve enough to think most will read the entire card, but I trust they will remember the warning and be less inclined to believe aliens took us or some other explanationfor our disappearance if they’ve been warned in advance. My earliest title had the name of Jesus in it, but I know how the hatred for His name will ensure the card is tossed out unread. Who knows, maybe the new title will be intriguing enough that some willread past it and on through the most important sentence to follow: In an event referred to as the rapture, what the Bible calls being “caught up” in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, believers in Jesus will be taken from this world to be with Him inheaven. If they get that far in reading, the Holy Spirit can water that planted seed. Whatever happens to those individuals who read some or all of the “seeds” I plant, at least Iknow I’ve done my best to reach a tuned-out, lost world. Another thought is that a believer may see the card and wake up to the reality of where we are and begin doing this same thing. I don’t know about you, but I’m just as tunedout by believers. If you’re interested in doing some seed planting of your own, I’ll share a link for you to print out the card I use. Or you may want to create a card with your own wording.Either way, I would love for you to join me in what my friends and I call “tagging.” I only considered it later, but that’s what it’s called when graffiti artists write or draw on a wall. What better work of art is there than pointing others to Jesus, theWord and Savior? Now that I hopefully have your interest, want to know where I most often leave these cards? I leave them for a captive audience in restroom stalls. Places I’ve tagged so farare restaurants, grocery stores, a hotel, my chiropractor, a marina, an airport, and a Bass Pro Shop. Additional thoughts: •Remember to pray for those who will read the card you post. •Since the card is the size of an invitation, consider using envelopes to mail them anonymously to people who may not read anything Jesus-related with your name on it. (Gideontore down an altar under the cover of darkness, and God blessed his obedience, so I figure I’ll give this a try.) •I haven’t yet, but I plan to have some cards with my grocery list so that I can tuck them here and there unnoticed at the store. A seed planted amid loaves of bread is ratherpoetic, is it not? •One friend places cards in church bathroom stalls since she visits “woke” churches for support meetings. I know there are plenty of other ways to use the cards. Be creative. You’ll find it exhilarating when you tag your first location. Ask like-minded friends to join you, thenstay in touch and share where you post your cards. A group of us are having a blast doing it. Additionally, I know I personally feel as if I’m actually “doing something” to reach others, a feeling I haven’t had in quite a while. Note: Please be considerate of others’ property. If you use tape,make sure you only use removable painter’s tape or something similar. To use my card format, you’ll find printable PDFs here: Rapture/ABCCards. I’ll end with this prayer for us all: “Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of yourrighteousness” (2 Corinthians 9:10). Happy tagging, Lisa If you would like to read Lisa’s previous Rapture Ready articles, you can find them here: Lisa’sRapture Ready Articles/Series.

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