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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Morning Briefing: 6.6.14

Morning Briefing
For June 5, 2014

Not All Soldiers Are Equal
The left's contention is that conservatives would prefer if we left an American soldier to rot in Afghanistan. No one is arguing that, that I know of. What we are arguing is that the President should not have traded five members of the Taliban for one American soldier who, it appears, left base without permission in search of the Taliban.

Even Hillary Clinton, we now know, wanted more restrictions on the deal the President ultimately agreed to. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Thad Cochran is Wasting GOP Resources by not Conceding
Conventional wisdom is descending on the McDaniel vs. Cochran run-off that was kicked off last night when neither candidate pulled in over 50% of the votes in the Mississippi primary.

The wisdom goes something like this: Cochran is a safe bet with high name ID in Mississippi and therefore will be able to spend his energy and resources fighting back against a lesser known Democrat in a safely red state.

McDaniel on the other hand would have to use his resources at least in part to let people know who he is and convince them (especially independents) to cast their vote for him. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

White House accuses Bergdahl's former comrades of "swift boating"
Looking around for some way to staunch the political hemorrhage caused by the ransoming of alleged deserter Bowe Bergdahl by releasing five Taliban chieftains, the White House is doing what it does when under threat. It is identifying an enemy and setting about to destroy them. We've seen this before with the attacks on "the 1%" and the demonization of private citizens like the Koch brothers. The newest target for the White House are the members of Bowe Bergdahl's platoon who have spoken out about the facts and circumstances of Bergdahl's alleged desertion to the Taliban. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

John McCain gets unfair criticism on Bergdahl swap
While we've been having fun chronicling the travails of the Obama administration as it tries to extricate itself from the observation deck of the Hindenburg that the ransoming of Bowe Bergdahl has become, it has also been amusing watching others who had put themselves out on a limb.

Pat Leahey and Claire McCaskill are running like scalded dogs from their emphatic cheerleading for Obama on the deserter-for-terrorist swap. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Greatest Email EVER
Got this email last evening. It is my favorite email I have ever gotten. But this guy clearly does not speak Southern. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama State Department Following Shariah Law Over U.S. Law in Denying Meriam's Kids' Citizenship?
The Obama Administration's State Department has been dragging its heels, refusing to acknowledge that the children of the woman on death row in Sudan for her Christian faith are U.S. citizens.

Those two young American children - including a newborn infant - are imprisoned with their mother, Meriam Ibrahim.  Their human rights are being violated on a daily basis, and the State Department's response has been abysmal. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For June 4, 2014

Hey folks, I'm filling in for Rush Limbaugh today and hope you'll have a chance to listen. Thanks. -- Erick

Impeachment and Coups
Barack Obama is not a stupid man. One does not win the Presidency twice by being stupid. Looking at all of his foreign policy and national security blunders and pronouncements, I think there is only one rationale way to explain his foreign and national security policy without relying on him being stupid. Barack Obama has decided the best way to make the world a safer place is to make America a less safe place. If we must be worried about the shadows and random dictatorships with nukes, we will be less bold in pursuing our own interests. To Barack Obama that's a good thing. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Mississippi Runoff
The best shot the establishment had at beating Chris McDaniel was a primary. But now they find themselves in a runoff where the most energized supporters show up. When their candidate lacks energy, it is hard for any of their voters to have energy.

But Chris McDaniel has energy headed into a three week runoff. The only caveat is if overnight some mystery votes from the machine show up for Cochran. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Immigration reform will be the hottest issue at the 2014 Texas GOP Convention this week in Fort Worth. Immigration issues are Texas GOP's favorite sword to dive on and the Democrats are all too willing to sharpen the tip. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama: Congress was consulted on deserter-for-terrorist swap
While on a trip to Poland in an effort to further demoralize our already jittery allies, Barack Obama defended his swapping of five very seasoned Taliban guerrilla commanders ensconced at Club Gitmo for an American deserter. President Barack Obama defended his decision to release five detainees from Guantanamo Bay in exchange for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl today, saying the country had an obligation to not leave its military personnel behind.

'Is there a possibility of some of them trying to return to activities that are detrimental to us? Absolutely,' Obama said during today's press conference of the recently released detainees.'That's been true of all the prisoners that were released from Guantanamo. There's a certain recidivism rate that takes place.'
But the president added, 'I wouldn't be doing it if I thought that it was contrary to American national security.' . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Jeffrey Murawsky, new VA Health Under Secretary connected to secret VA waiting lists
Back on May 21, when then VA Secretary Eric Shinseki fired the Under Secretary for Veterans Health, Robert Pelzer, for the mushrooming scandal in veterans health care, never mind that Dr. Pelzer had been planning to retire and his replacement has been nominated by Obama two weeks earlier, we pointed out that this was merely shifting the deck chairs on the Hindenberg. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

It's Hurricane Season. It's Junk Science Season.
Note that there were (roughly, excluding Audrey) 1300 hurricane deaths (avg 43 per year) in the three decades 1950-79 when hurricane names were almost exclusively female. There were ~ 380 deaths (19 per year, a decrease of over half) in the two full decades after the use of male names began. As for the final decade, two storms (Katrina and Rita, 2005) accounted for the vast majority of deaths. Rita followed a mere month after Katrina (~1,100 deaths), and no one would be foolish enough to contend that Rita was not taken seriously. (Rita alone killed 119. In one accident, 24 senior citizens lost their lives on a bus. During an evacuation.) . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

What will the GOP do about the Latest Cap and Trade Scheme?
It is has been noted in recent years that a good percentage of Americans do not pay income taxes.  However, we must remember that all Americans incur the cost of the hidden tax of regulations.  According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), burdensome regulations drain $1.86 trillion from the private economy every year.  The tab is $15,000 per family, more than many families pay in federal income taxes. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For June 3, 2014

Why Are You So Angry?
I have been in rural Louisiana the last few days spending time with family. This is the first time my children have been old enough to see and experience life where I grew up in the United States. Maybe one day they can go to Dubai, but it will be far different. Jackson, LA, in rural East Feliciana Parish, changes little.

My parents now live in my grandparents' home. The roads are still crumbling in the area, though the major roads are much improved. There is still poverty, but signs of commerce that were not around when I was growing up. As much as I get a bit sad sometimes, the area is still home. Every side road has a story. Most of the creeks too.

I stepped away from the internet for a while. Hopping on I see sniping and fights between allies and friends. On twitter, I see conservatives enraged over this prisoner swap and more. There is a lot of anger and that is just the conservatives. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Annual Birthday Post
Here's what I want you to do for my birthday.

Third, consider contributing to one or more of the following:

And if you're in Mississippi, go vote for Chris McDaniel today. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Bowe Bergdahl's story stinks and demands a full investigation
The story surrounding the return of Bowe Bergdahl to US custody is still developing but the more we learn the more it seems like Bergdahl willfully deserted his post and comrades and sought some type of refuge among the Haqqani Network in Afghanistan. All the major media are leading with the story line of Bergdahl as a potential deserter rather than a freed prisoner. Adding to the suspicion that the desertion story is the truth is an administration official saying that releasing Bergdahl would bring political benefits . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

RGA Slams Hawaii's State Obamacare Exchange, Neil Abercrombie
The state Obamacare exchange for not working, and the governor for contributing to the general lack of function. For those who missed the original story: Hawaii, like many other Democratic controlled states*, produced its own state exchange.  And, like many other Democratic-controlled states, the exchange has crashed, burned, exploded, sunk below the waves, and then exploded again.  Just in time, I might add, for the 2014 election cycle, which amusingly enough is a midterm - which means that most of the governors' races are taking place this November. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Will the last person leaving Seattle please turn off the lights?
Seattle's city council (led by socialist Alternative City Councilmember Kshama Sawant, union bosses and Democratic Mayor Ed Murray) just preliminarily voted to increase the minimum wage (in phases) to the highest minimum wage in the world. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For June 2, 2014

Distractions and Focus
Eric Shinseki is gone. It happened on Friday. News like this happens on a Friday. Jay Carney followed shortly thereafter on Friday.

But then there was the other story. We have gotten back Bowe Bergdahl from the Taliban. The Administration is focusing on this and distracting the press, most likely willingly, from a few issues that require focus. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Barack Obama hides behind signing statements to justify Bergdahl / Taliban swap
So, it turns out that the Obama administration was legally required to at least notify Congress before it actually traded Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for five Taliban terrorist commanders . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Three things about this Bowe Bergdahl / Taliban prisoners swap
Short version:  Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was captured by the Taliban in 2009.  Today, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel reported that the US government had made arrangements via the government of Qatar to exchange five Taliban terrorists held at Gitmo for Sgt. Bergdahl. The swap was duly made and Sgt. Bergdahl is now on his way home. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Protecting Free Speech from FCC Regulation
The First Amendment won big at the end of February. Due to an avalanche of public opposition, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) cancelled the so-called Critical Information Needs study. Americans across the political spectrum joined ranks to make two things clear. First, the government has no place in the newsroom. And second, the American people-not the FCC-should decide what information is important. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Time for Eric Cantor to Put Up or Shut Up
It is now safe to say that Eric Cantor wins the award for the most dishonest campaign of the election cycle.  And given the fact that every establishment candidate has run a campaign based on distorting their own record or issue positions, that is saying a lot.

After sending out a series of shockingly dishonest mailers and appallingly deceitful TV ads, Cantor blasted out an email last week accusing his primary opponent, Dave Brat, of having the support of "a liberal pro-amnesty group."

You literally can't make this stuff up. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Why Thad Cochran is Unfit to Serve
As the Mississippi primary ticks down to its closing hours, Senator Thad Cochran finally came out of his witness protection program to give an interview with the Washington Post.  But in that interview, he clearly shows why he is unfit to represent Republicans in the state of Mississippi . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Union Ain't Wanted: Pro-union Workers Want UAW To Leave Mercedes
Question: When do you know a union trying to unionize a group of workers has worn out its welcome?
Answer: When the union's supporters tell the union to go away. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For June 6, 2014

D-Day + 70 Years
These are the boys of Pointe du Hoc. These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. These are the heroes who helped end a war.

Gentlemen, I look at you and I think of the words of Stephen Spender's poem. You are men who in your "lives fought for life.and left the vivid air signed with your honor." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Foot Soldiers in the Real War on Women
Five more foot soldiers are headed back to the front lines of the real war on women thanks to President Obama. Abdul Haq Wasiq was a deputy minister of intelligence for the Taliban and helped Al Qaeda. He has been accused of murder and torture.

Mullah Norullah Noori was a military commander for the Taliban. He fought American forces in Afghanistan and, according to Fox News, "Noori has been implicated in the murder of thousands of Shiites in northern Afghanistan." Noori said the killings were necessary as the Taliban worked to create their "ideal state."

Mullah Mohammad Fazi is the Taliban's former deputy defense minister. He commanded a division of the Taliban's army and serve as the Chief of Staff to the Taliban Army. He maintained ties with various terrorist groups and coordinated with them.

Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa is the former governor of Herat province. We know he represented the Taliban in meetings with Iranians and had close times to Osama Bin Laden. The government is also pretty certain he trafficked in opium in addition to maintaining a terror training camp in Afghanistan.

Mohammad Nabi Omari smuggled weapons for the Taliban and possibly Al Qaeda. He maintained close ties to the Taliban's leadership in Afghanistan and with local terror networks.

For all the Democrats' shrill rhetoric against Republicans being engaged in a "war on women," these men really were. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama Administration Official, Brandon Friedman, Calls Soldiers 'Psychopaths'
Brandon Friedman is a former liberal activist and disillusioned veteran. After working hard and relatively unsuccessfully to get soldiers to vote for Barack Obama, he got a job inside the administration. He now works for the Department of Housing and Urban Development as the Secretary for Public Affairs.

Friedman has taken to twitter to call the soldiers who served with Bergdahl "psychopaths" for daring to be critical of Bergdahl. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?





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