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Friday, December 12, 2014

The betrayal

The betrayal
- Bill Wilson - 

On the first Tuesday of November, Americans exercised term limits on incumbent politicians who were deemed by voters as not doing their jobs. The two biggest issues arguably were amnesty for illegals and socialist healthcare. Americans wanted neither and they hired a new Congress to make the changes. This message should have been loud and clear to the leadership of the new opposition--the Republican Party--don't spend more than you have, don't allow illegals who broke the law to come here on a free pass, and get rid of the more expensive, less services, and intrusive socialist healthcare. House Speaker John Boehner said he heard it, but what he says and what he does are two different things.
The first opportunity Boehner has after the election to show Americans he got the message and he would operate with the mandate he was given by the people, he betrayed us. The budget he allowed in the House, which originates spending, fully funded both socialist healthcare and the occupant of the Oval Office's amnesty program. According to the Washington Post, "the Affordable Care Act is still funded, but there's no new money for it. There's also no new ACA-related funding for the Internal Revenue Service and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the two agencies most responsible for implementing the law."
The Post also reports the bill's funding of illegal immigration: "The bill only funds the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees most immigration policy, until February. But negotiators gave new money for immigration programs at other federal agencies. There's $948 million for the Department of Health and Human Service's unaccompanied children program -- an $80 million increase. The program provides health and education services to the young migrants. The department also gets $14 million to help school districts absorbing new immigrant students. And the State Department would get $260 million to assist Central American countries from where of the immigrant children are coming."
I cannot begin to speak to what is going through Boehner's mind. I can say that after many Facebook posts and emails urging Boehner to use his majority mandate to end executive amnesty and socialist healthcare, I have received several emails from Boehner. All of them thank me for my support and ask me to follow him on social media. This guy and his staff appear totally out of touch with the electorate and believe they know better than the people living in the real world. Two verses come to mind. Proverbs 29:2 says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn." Proverbs 16:18 says, "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Trouble is, it's the people, not Boehner, that will suffer his actions.

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