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Saturday, June 6, 2015



Genesis 6:17

"And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die."
Evolutionists hate the very idea of the worldwide flood because they know that such a catastrophe would cause the Earth to appear to be much older than it truly is. And without those long ages of time, evolution becomes an impossibility.

Surprisingly, dead clams - like many other sea creatures - have much to tell us about the flood of Noah's time. Clams are known as bivalve mollusks. They have two valves that are hinged together, and they can close their shells very quickly to protect themselves from predators. When a clam dies of natural causes, the clam releases its grip on its shell, and it opens within a matter of hours. But if a buried clam shell is found shut tight, it shows that the clam was buried suddenly.

We mention this because fossil clam graveyards are found all over the world containing millions of clams with their shells shut tight. This speaks to us of a catastrophe that buried billions of clams very quickly. In other words, the worldwide flood of Noah's time. Since these fossil clam beds are found all over the world - and are often high above their natural habitat - it can only mean that the biblical worldwide flood is a fact of history.

Now, if the Bible is right about the worldwide flood, the Earth is much younger than it appears to be, so there simply isn't enough time for evolution to take place. Graveyards of closed clams have given us an open-and-shut case for biblical creation!

Heavenly Father, thank You for providing abundant evidence that the Bible is true. I pray that You will remind me of these things when I am talking to Bible skeptics. Amen. Photo: Empty shell of Tridacna gigas (Giant clam) at the Aquarium Finisterrae in Spain. Courtesy of Drowmale. (CC-BY-SA 3.0)

Romans 14:11

"For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."
While attending school in England, I was taught that my knee is a hinge joint - a rather simple design, much like the hinge of a door. But I now know that the knee is actually a masterpiece of design that could only have come from the hand of a supremely intelligent Designer and Creator.

Dr. Stuart Burgess, the aerospace engineer responsible for the solar array deployment system on the European Space Agency's earth observation satellite system, wrote a whole chapter about the human knee in his book Hallmarks of Design. He refers to the knee as a sophisticated "four-bar system" in which two bones and two ligaments work together in perfect harmony.

"When a mechanical engineer looks at the anatomy of the human leg," Burgess writes, "the four-bar mechanism in the knee joint stands out as one of the most important and impressive mechanisms." He observes that while the ball-and-socket joint is explained to students in England, the four-bar mechanism of the knee is rarely mentioned in biology textbooks. Burgess believes that teachers are reluctant to talk about it because such a sophisticated mechanism bears the hallmarks of design.

Someday every knee shall bow before the Creator of the universe . and this includes even the most obstinate evolutionists. Creation Moments is here to help you share the truth of biblical creation with unbelievers so that when they do bend their knees, they will do so not out of force but in worship.

Heavenly Father, I pray for opportunities to share the truth of biblical creation. Make me bold in standing up for Your truth in the midst of an unbelieving culture. Amen.

S. Burgess, Hallmarks of Design, pp. 10-33 (Day One Publications, 2002). Illustration: Right knee seen from the right side. Courtesy of BruceBlaus. (CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported)

Romans 3:20

"Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin."
Some time ago, we told you about the nineteenth-century paleontologist Louis Dollo, who proposed a law that has become a cornerstone of evolutionary belief. Dollo's law says that a structure or organ lost during the course of evolution would not reappear in that organism. In other words, evolution never shifts into reverse.

But even a recent issue of Smithsonian Magazine points out that Dollo's law has been broken again and again. For instance, it mentions a tree frog from South America that lost its lower teeth only to re-evolve them after 200 million years.

Apparently, Dollo's law has now been broken yet again. According to a recent study of the wrists of modern birds, a bone lost from dinosaurs for tens of millions of years reappeared when dinosaurs evolved into birds and took flight.

But wait! According to Dollo's law, evolution never goes backward. Structures which have disappeared should not return. Ever faithful to Darwinism, the magazine is left to conclude: "Perhaps the very bone you are sitting on, your coccyx, is ready to re-evolve a tail at some future moment when humans might need it again to hang from trees."

Dollo's law should be true if you're an evolutionist but it isn't. But the law established by our Creator is true, and it condemns each and every one of us because we have broken that law. Christians can thank God for that law, however, because it drives us to seek salvation in Christ.

Lord Jesus, thank You for taking upon Yourself the punishment I deserve for breaking Your commandments. Because of Your sinless life, Your death on the cross and Your resurrection from the dead, I can look forward to eternal life with You! Amen.

"The Wrists of Birds Reveal Evolution Undoing Itself",, February 2015. Painting: Louis Dollo supervising the mounting of an Iguanodon skeleton.

Psalm 71:1

"In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion."

Some sports figures have practically made an art of trash-talking. Perhaps the most famous of them all is Muhammad Ali. His taunts-filled trash-talk - both before and during the bouts - worked so well, it helped him become heavyweight boxing champion.

Until recently, no one knew that some bats do the very same thing in order to distract other bats from gobbling up bugs they want for themselves. Using high-pitched echolocation signals at just the right moment, the Mexican free-tailed bat can block a competitor's chance to get a meal.

As reported in Science magazine, a biology postdoctoral student at the University of Maryland discovered this behavior by accident. When he played a recording of a bat's echolocation signal right as a bat was about to catch an insect, the bat was up to 85.9 percent less likely to catch its prey.

A biologist at the University of Toronto who studies bat echolocation but who wasn't involved in the new study was quick to note that the bats' competition for the same food source provided "the perfect environment" for such a behavior to evolve.

It goes without saying that he reached such a conclusion without any evidence whatsoever. The minds of far too many biologists are so permeated by evolutionary thinking that they are unable to even consider the possibility that bats were designed by a Creator who gave each creature the skills it needs to thrive.

Heavenly Father, someone once said that You must love bats because You created so many different kinds! Your greatest love is reserved for those You adopt into Your family by regeneration and new birth in Your Son. Amen.

"Bats Make Calls to Jam Rivals' Sonar-First Time Ever Found", National Geographic  online, 11/6/14. A.J. Corcoran and W.E. Conner. Bats jamming bats: Food competition through sonar inference. Science. Vol. 346, November 7, 2014, p. 745. doi: 10.1126/science.1259512.  Photo: Mexican free-tailed bats emerging from Carlsbad Caverns, Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico.

Genesis 1:24

"And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so."
Evolutionists tell us that we used to walk on all fours, just like the apes from which we evolved. While this is fine for the Planet of the Apes science-fiction films, creationists are adamant that such a theory should not appear in school textbooks.

Family physician and author Dr. Robert Peprah-Gyamfi would agree. In his book Seeing God Through the Human Body, he recalls how he was taught in school that humans once walked on all fours. Even before he became a Christian, he didn't believe it for one second. But now, as a Bible-believing creationist, he regards that notion as absolutely ridiculous.

In the book's chapter on the human skeleton, he points out that God "built the human skeletal system as a kind of scaffold that would not only support and protect delicate organs of the body, but also enable us to move from place to place."

He went on to write that evolution is "a preposterous theory that stems from nothing other than unbelief propagated by people who cannot or are not prepared to believe there is a powerful force in the universe, God Almighty, capable of doing anything." He sums it all up with these words: "The whole world may take me for a naïve, crazy person running away from the bare facts. As far as I'm concerned, however, the notion that we once walked on all fours is absolute rubbish."

Don't worry, doctor. There are millions of people who believe exactly as you do!

Heavenly Father, I know that when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden, each of them walked out on two feet, not four! Amen.

Dr. Robert Peprah-Gyamfi, Seeing God Through the Human Body, pp. 127-132 (HighWay, 2009).

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