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Saturday, June 6, 2015

The USA Freedom Act, really?

The USA Freedom Act, really? - Bill Wilson -

Stories abound about how drones have been found hovering over people's heads while they are giving speeches and news conferences; looking in people's windows as they are getting dressed or using the bathroom; flying around backyards; at football games; and the list goes on. With the "selfie" generation and all the technology that can record everything that happens, Americans are faced with a government that has been monitoring our phone calls everyday, has the power to track persons not affiliated with terrorism, and can ruin someone's life with a mere suspicion. Doesn't sound too patriotic, does it? But this is part of the Patriot Act and it expired Sunday at midnight.
The government still has much in place to detect terrorists and try to stop them--if it will use its tools. With all the millions upon millions of phone records the government has collected, the most recent Texas terrorist attack wasn't thwarted, even though the terrorist was known to law enforcement. The Patriot Act didn't stop the Boston Marathon bombing either, or Fort Hood. We really do not know how these phone records played in preventing any number of terrorist attacks. But you can bet Americans have paid the price of the Patriot Act by the shear number of innocents who have been harassed by the government trying to transfer funds to needy relatives or to ministries they support, no-fly mistakes, and the soft tyranny it has created.
Never fear, though. The Big Brother enthusiasts in the federal government and in Congress have a plan to bring the Patriot Act back in full swing. It's been re-labeled and rebranded as the USA Freedom Act. While this act eliminates the illegal collection of your phone records by the government and allows some legitimate tools to fight terrorism, it is far from the implications of its moniker. Ultimately, all Americans are suffering a loss of freedom and their Constitutional rights because a terrorist sponsoring, slave trading, drug smuggling, civil rights suppressing worldwide crime organization is masquerading as a religion and getting away with it. It is called Islam. It is antithetical to freedom and what is right.
Another path should be taken for fighting terrorism in America--that is, to crack down on Islam, a death cult that threatens the very security of every man, woman and child. Moreover, it threatens the eternal security of all of its members. All Americans are adversely impacted by a minority seeks to establish a Sharia world order and to kill all Christians and Jews who do not convert or submit. Its pretty clear. Islam's holy book says in Sura 8:12, "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" This is a far cry from Jesus who said in John 15:12, "This is my commandment, That you love one another, as I have loved you." That is a real act of freedom. 

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