By - Published: 08/16/2015 - Section: Crime, Technology

The internet is abuzz with reports of forced micro-chipping taking place in Clint, Texas. Dozens of families were said to be rounded up by American troops, and given the option of an RFID implant, or imprisonment for an indefinite amount of time.
These allegations first appeared on Twitter, and has exploded across the social media landscape. While some were skeptical of the accusations, others swore by the events, and had the RFID chips to prove it.

“Military personnel rounded up everyone on our street. They forced their way into the homes of people who wouldn’t open their doors. We were put on military trucks and drove to the old Hartwell Mall about ten miles from here. We were separated and put in holding cells based on our age and gender. We were then called 3 at a time to another room and given the option to have an RFID implant, or be imprisoned in the base for an unspecified amount of time. Some of the soldiers were arguing amongst themselves.. I could hear one of them saying, “this isn’t what I signed up for. I wanted to protect Americans, not imprison them…”, but the officer in charge reminded them that they have their orders, and if they’re not carried out then they would be thrown into prison themselves.”
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Andre St. Pierre

Andre St. Pierre is a publisher, entrepreneur, and philanthropist based out of Chicago, IL. Born in Paris, France to the late billionaire Jean Louis St. Pierre and Anais Antoinette-St. Pierre, Andre had a rich and cultured upbringing. During his adolescence, Andre attended Ermitage International School Of France before relocating along with his family to the United States. In 1982 Andre went onto attend MIT Sloan Management where he graduated at the top of his class in News and Publications. Andre's late father Jean Louis St. Pierre published Civic Tribune until his retirement in 1989 at which point Andre took over as head publisher. After having already established multiple lucrative businesses on his own, Andre was prepared to pursue his true passion carrying on the family tradition presenting the hard hitting, truthful news editorials his family had become so well known for.