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Friday, August 28, 2015

The Destruction of Jerusalem

The Destruction of Jerusalem - Jim Fletcher -
A new YouTube clip shows Iranian troops conquering Jerusalem.
Talk about video games.
It's an animated piece, with combined forces from Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Hamas, Iraq's Badr group, and Hezbollah combining to take the city from the Israelis. It is a scenario that is plausible to too many across the globe, including pro Israel individuals and groups, and allies.
But it isn't biblical.
The headline of the clip states:
"Preparation of the complete destruction of Israel by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Islamic Revolution in Iran."
One recalls a long history of regimes in the region either conquering or wanting to conquer Jerusalem, when it was under Jewish control. The dreadful Assyrian invasion in the eighth century B.C., followed by the Babylonian invasion two centuries later, left an emotional stamp on Jews that lingers to this day. The recent date on their calendar, the 9th of Av, is a remembrance of the destruction of the Temples, under the Babylonians and Romans.
It is indicative of the Iranian arrogance from the recent win-win for them in Obama's "deal" that they actually believe they can destroy Israel and capture Jerusalem-a prime element in their zeal to establish a new caliphate.
Recent reports spotlight the Iranian activity on Israel's northern border, as the new Persian Empire strengthens jihadist groups from Hezbollah to more obscure groups. It is also true that the infighting between Shi'ite and Sunni forces will keep the Iranians somewhat pinned-down until the smoke clears from Obama's "Arab Spring" chaos.
According to Al Jazeera:
"On August 10, 2015, Jaysh al-Fatah reported that its forces had taken over the entire area east of the Orontes River in the Ghab Plain. This was followed by reports of the withdrawal of the Syrian Army and Hezbollah forces from the area."
That is quite interesting. The Syrian Army and Hezbollah are Iranian proxies, and indicate that while Iranian design teams dream up goofy video games, the reality on the ground is that there will not be an Iranian-led caliphate based in Jerusalem.
Zechariah the prophet of course tells us that some type of international coalition will come against Jerusalem (soon), and will be defeated supernaturally in the great and terrible Day of the Lord.
It is not unthinkable, however, that an Iranian coalition force (perhaps Ezekiel 38-39) will combine elements from Russian and European forces (NATO?) to invade Israel. The news this week that Russia is lifting its ban on selling SAM missiles (S-300s) to Iran. Those deadly projectiles would no doubt be used in the event of an Israeli airstrike to take out Iran's nuclear program.
Once again we see a tin-pot dictatorship promising to wrest Jerusalem from the Jews. Sometimes news articles and analyses make us anxious, as various weapons systems are discussed, etc. Yet we know that no matter how many evil regimes envision themselves looking down on the Holy City from the surrounding mountain tops, the Lord Himself will fight for the Jews.
And that makes all the SAM missiles in the world worth nothing.

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