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Friday, August 5, 2016

Devil Seeks to Warm Mankind

Devil Seeks to Warm Mankind - Terry James -
Satan is often portrayed, or at least thought of, as ruling over a Dante's Inferno-like domain. He is in his red union suit, his barbed tail wagging as his tight grin of evil is framed between his goatee and horns that protrude angrily above devilish eyebrows and red, glowing eyes.

Hades smolders around him as he relishes the next human victims he can entice into his hot, sulfurous kingdom. His intention is to see all of God's creation called man forever suffer in this eternally hot abode.
Truth is that only the last part of that portrayal has Biblical validity. The devil does want every human being to suffer eternity apart from their Creator. The abyss (Tartarus) and eventually the lake of fire will be the final destination for lost humanity. Lucifer the fallen one -the devil- however, will not rule over the place called hell. He will be the one being there who suffers most, according to God's truth about the matters involved.
The old serpent, however, is at present dealing with issues of heating things up and trying to lure people on board. Tragically, many are falling for his siren call to jump aboard the global warming (now changed to climate change) bandwagon.
I have written about it in Rapture Ready...Or Not: 15 Reasons This Is the Generation That Will Be Left Behind, and in many articles. The lie that global warming (climate change) will make earth uninhabitable, is the rallying cry for the push for one-world order. It indeed is at the heart of the blueprint the globalist elitists are using to construct Antichrist's hell on earth.
America's secretary of state and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency forces are raging ahead full-blast to bring this nation into the blueprint knowing that the Obama Administration has less than one half-year to do so. America, as I have also written many times, must be brought down from its super power status. The U.S. must be made to conform with the misery the globalists have helped much of the world achieve in order to make all on the planet look to them for solutions.
John Kerry, unknowingly, is doing his dead-level best to do the devil's work, in my humble view. He wants to warm us up considerably in order to somehow attain the utopian dreams he and the new world order builders want to construct.
Science proves almost on an hourly basis the lie that is global warming-climate change, about which Kerry and the others are wringing their hands as they fear-monger. They, with the help of national and international media, none-the-less, move forward at foolhardy, breakneck speed. Like all of the other reprobate (upside-down) unreasonableness they foist, they believe that making us warmer by taking away the comfort of our air-conditioners is part of the answer. Despite the great heat they say is about to make planet earth like Venus or some other hellish planetary orb, they want to do away with the very thing that can make us comfortably cool. -Thus although, again, the science continues to prove in every instance that the earth isn't heating up, but, actually, is cooling.
All one must do to understand the truth of the matter is to remember the global warmists that got caught in a growing field of solid ice a few years ago. They had to be rescued by ice-breaker ships as they moved toward the Arctic Circle in an attempt to gather evidence that the earth is warming.
Yet John Kerry, on behalf of this lame-duck administration, is doing all possible to bring America's sovereignty down so the global order can proceed uninhibited. He, like Mr. Obama, gives this insanely wrong matter -global warming- greater priority than the true threat we face -Islamist terrorism. The following news item excerpts frames the madness:
"Secretary of State John Kerry said in Vienna on Friday that air conditioners and refrigerators are as big of a threat to life as the threat of terrorism posed by groups like the Islamic State. "The Washington Examiner reported that Kerry was in Vienna to amend the 1987 Montreal Protocol that would phase out hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, from basic household and commercial appliances like air conditioners, refrigerators, and inhalers.
""As we were working together on the challenge of [ISIS] and terrorism," Kerry said. "It's hard for some people to grasp it, but what we-you-are doing here right now is of equal importance because it has the ability to literally save life on the planet itself."...
"Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy was also present at the negotiations and is serving as lead negotiator for the United States. McCarthy has said that her goal is to enact the HFC agreement by the end of the year.
"The EPA rules along with the global deal would ban HFC in the United States and would push for alternative chemicals for use in appliances.
"The negotiations are part of President Obama's climate agenda to combat global climate change." (Source: Kerry: Air conditioners as big a threat as ISIS by Alyssa Canobbio, Published July 23, 2016, Washington Free Beacon).
That old serpent, Satan, wants to warm us all, apparently, even before the lost, wretched souls among humanity reach that final, ultimately, fiery-hot destination. The globalist would-be masters, wittingly or unwittingly, are carrying out Lucifer's blueprint for constructing his Antichrist's world disorder.
God's Word -the Bible- has forewarned of this present state of last days danger. The Lord is in control, but he has given us the good sensibility, and the marvelous privilege in this still free nation to vote for liberty rather than for tyranny.
Prayer and exercising the vote our forefathers built into the Constitution is still our right. Doing so, in sufficient numbers, will perhaps assure that we as believers continue to have the right to also carry out our Lord's Great Commission beyond this political season.
Meantime let us also do-and with increased faith and vigor- as Jesus instructed as recorded in Luke 21: 28, and as Paul wrote as given in Titus 2: 13.

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