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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Soulless Dissent

Soulless Dissent - Bill Wilson -
We are going into the better part of a week past the 2016 Presidential election and the riots, violence and hate is continuing in heavily Democratic Party areas where people cannot accept that government crime boss Hillary Clinton lost the presidency. The internet is full of videos of the most ignorant displays of humanity-a Black high school girl beating her white classmate because she tweeted that she hoped Donald Trump would win; a mother forces her 8-year-old son out in the street because he voted for Trump in a school mock election (painful to watch); Teens and young adults in fetal positions, college professors excusing students from exams, social media calling for the assassination of Trump. Wow!
The media continues to stir the pot by interviewing these distraught people. They are afraid to be a woman because of the possibility of men acting out Trump's remarks; they are afraid to be an illegal immigrant because they fear deportation; they are afraid of being Muslim because Trump said he would stop immigration from countries of known terrorists; they fear being a person of color because Trump supports the police. Many of them are not even immigrants, Muslim or people of color, but their fears have led to anger, hate and law-breaking. Those who are accusing Trump of hate are violently demonstrating hate and bigotry-they have accused others of exactly what is in their hearts. Jesus says in Matthew 7:20, "Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them." Indeed, it is true.
Little do most of them understand that they are but pawns in a larger chess game of those who wish to overthrow the American republic. They are manipulated and exercised by anarchists, communists, and totalitarians who have infiltrated the Democratic Party. Their platitudes of freedom and tolerance are abandoned at the very thought that someone would disagree with them. They are right. They are the standard. Anyone who disagrees with them is wrong and must be a bigot, a hate-monger, a racist. Then they, themselves, thrust their violence and hate on those with whom they disagree. It is much easier to call someone else a bigot, racist or xenophobe than to face your own demons.
Sadly, this is a soulless dissent. These are dark and empty souls. They justify their dark and hopeless world by projecting moral superiority while having no moral foundation in the content of their hearts. Being deplorable themselves, they call others deplorable. Being haters, they allege others of hating. Being bullies, they accuse others of bullying. It is easy to become angry at them, but we as Christians have the answer to this division. These soulless dissenters need hope. They need Christ. We know 2 Timothy 1:7-"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." If you encounter a soulless dissenter try responding with the light of Christ in you-not by jamming the Bible down their throats--but through gentleness and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. They need light, not more darkness.

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