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Friday, February 16, 2018

National Tragedy

National Tragedy
- Bill Wilson -
The school shooting in Florida is a national tragedy. No one wants children to be harmed. Life is precious. Apparently, the shooter had extraordinary mental issues, anger issues, bully issues and something tripped his lever to do the most horrible act-the taking of some 17 lives, changing the lives of families, friends, teachers, professionals forever. It is difficult to understand how these terrible things can happen, and especially happen to those who love God. But we must understand, without excusing such acts, that living in a fallen world, and in a society as broad, diverse, and as large as America, these things will happen. There is a lot of blame and finger pointing right now. Surely there is a better way.
The politicians will shout "gun control." Trouble is, guns are inanimate objects. Guns do nothing without a human using them. It is the human factor that turns things evil, that commits the atrocities. Over history, there is no end to the evil that humankind perpetrates upon itself. It is written in Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" A man without God, without Christ, is a man without peace, a heart of stone. It's not about taking guns away from society-those who want to use guns for evil will always find them-it is, however, about finding ways to bring Christ into the hearts of those in society. Politicians always tend to see what they can take away. What about giving?
Salvation is a lasting gift. It is eternal for those who love God. Jesus told us in Matthew 28:19 to "go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." The actual Greek translation says "disciple all the nations." It's not about the "sinner's prayer," which isn't in the Bible; it's not about a big show of someone accepting the Lord; it's how they are transformed through the Holy Spirit, the Word, and the mentoring of others. The definition of disciple is: "one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another; such as a Christianity." This means to be a disciple, you need to have been discipled.
To disciple, one has to make contact, engage with someone, be a witness, an example. This is not done by sitting in church and thinking that you have checked that part of your life off for the week. It's true mentoring and reaching out, touching hearts. This is what we are commanded to do by our Lord and Savior. We, the ambassadors of Christ, cannot be disengaged from society. When we are, the human factor, the desperately wicked, flourish. We are to overcome such evil with good. I'm not saying that school shootings would stop in this day and age if everyone was doing what the Lord commanded, but I do believe they would be less likely. Schools, in particular, have taken God out of the classroom, leaving the hope of salvation to chance, wickedness free reign. As Christ's ambassadors on earth, we still must make a difference.
 Of gun control and evil
Inevitably, the leftists use every crisis to shamelessly promote their agenda. Once again, the cries for gun control can be heard before the mourners are even mourning. It's disrespectful and it is without merit. How about looking at this another way? By making schools gun-free zones, and having liberal-minded and mandated programs that prevent common sense protection of our youth in schools, they are the ones who make the children easy targets of nut cases and terrorists. Where there are criminals, there will always be guns. Banning guns only disarms the law-abiding. Look at the examples. In countries where there are gun bans, there are coups; dictatorships, communism, tyranny. It goes with the territory.
Baltimore, Maryland should be the poster city for gun control. Maryland has one of the strictest gun control laws in the nation. It's one of those non-common sense laws where even law-abiding citizens who want to target practice in neighboring Virginia or Pennsylvania can properly transport their gun across state lines, but it is illegal for them to bring the guns back home. Baltimore had 343 murders last year. It's not a safe place to be. Illinois is another place where gun control is on the lips of every leftist. In Chicago, where police confiscate sometimes 600 guns a month, there are over 250 victims of shootings-a month! This is proof positive that taking guns away only emboldens those who will use them.
It is also amazing that in this day and age when someone posts on social media that they intend to do others harm, and they are reported to the FBI, that nothing is done about it. Perhaps, the FBI should get back to its original intent of crime solving and protecting the people it serves rather than trying to undermine presidential candidates and spy on people politicians seem to think are threats to their fiefdoms. Those who are critical of government officials and higher ups are put on watch lists and secret courts are asked to allow surveillance of them, but, hey, somebody threatens to do a mass attack, its just some nut case trying to get a rise out of someone. Gun control, what about doing your job?
Now all the crazies are busting on the Trump Administration for these deaths in Florida. They should be looking at their own failed policies and have an understanding why we all have the right to protect our lives. But then again, these are the same people who fight for the right to kill babies in the womb--something wrong with this picture. Life is precious. Joshua 24:15 says, "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom you will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Kind of simplifies things. If we choose, love and serve the Lord, we're not perfect, but we are less likely to be double-minded, mean spirited, and death-cultured like the gods others serve.

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