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Friday, February 9, 2018

TRUMP WATCH: 2.10.18 - Trump's Peace Proposal

Pres. Trump promised a peace proposal in early 2018. He gave some of the Arab leaders a preliminary proposal (more than 90 pages) in early Dec. 2017, but at the time of this writing (as far as I know) he hasn't issued an official proposal.
Some of the terms in Pres. Trump's preliminary proposal have leaked (no right of return; PA self-government in part of Israel, but no PA military; PA will get some land in the Sinai instead of land the PA wants in Israel, etc.). Others terms have been kept confidential.
It has been reported that what some leaders say in public is different from what they say in private. The situation is fluid and constantly changing. But this article contains my understanding of what I have read up to this time.
As a candidate for Pres. of the U.S., Mr. Trump promised to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Some said he would never do it. Some said he would start WW III, if he did, etc.
At some point, Pres. Trump realized that every effort to negotiate a peace treaty failed for three reasons: 1) Possession of Jerusalem; 2) PA refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish nation; and 3) The UN, U.S., EU, Arab nations and others were giving the PA hundreds of millions of dollars per year with no strings attached.
Concerning Jerusalem, on Dec. 6, 2017, Pres. Trump decided to keep his promise to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. He understood that this would cause turmoil, but he believed the turmoil would eventually subside and the door would open for peace negotiations.
Concerning PA recognition of Israel as a Jewish nation, Pres. Trump decided the PA would never recognize the existence of Israel as a Jewish nation; so he decided to seek the recognition of the Arab League instead. Recognition of Israel's existence as a Jewish nation by the Arab League would make PA rejection meaningless.
Concerning the hundreds of millions of dollars that are being given to the PA with no strings attached, Pres. Trump decided that one reason the PA keeps refusing to sign a peace treaty is because the PA doesn't want the influx of money to stop. Pres. Trump decided that it is foolish to keep giving the PA large sums of money without getting something in return. Why agree to a peace treaty, if the money is going to be reduced or stopped?
When Mahmoud Abbas learned what is in Pres. Trump's preliminary proposal he went ballistic. He abandoned the peace process. He rejected Pres. Trump as a fair negotiator. He walked away from the negotiating table.
He spent part of his millions of U.S. dollars traveling around Europe searching for anti-Israel allies. Most told him he would get nowhere without the U.S. and Pres. Trump.
Pres. Trump said Mr. Abbas must return to the negotiating table and stop refusing to negotiate or he (Pres. Trump) will shut down the PA office in Washington, the U.S. will not have anything else to do with the PA, and the U.S. will give the PA no more U.S. money. Pres. Trump even threatened to try to cut off the PA's income from other nations and entities.
Pres. Trump thinks it will take time, but the PA will eventually change their mind. If they don't, Pres. Trump will continue the peace process without any input from the PA. It appears that he may already have the approval of the Arab League to do this.
Anyway, the PA has abandoned the peace process, but most of the remainder of the Arab League hasn't. Most want to get past Pres. Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move on with the peace process in exchange for U.S. and Israeli help in dealing with Iran's nuclear weapons program.
It has been reported that Egypt is actually downplaying Pres. Trump's decision, and one government official has asked some of the media to convince the Egyptian people to accept it.
Jordan is struggling with Pres. Trump's decision on Jerusalem, but many think Jordan will come around.
Pres. Trump said his decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel will cost Israel. The Arabs want to hear what this means.
This writer is not suggesting that Pres. Trump will betray Israel, but Pres. Trump needs to be very careful about this. The Bible clearly teaches that what nations do to Israel as the Tribulation Period nears will come back on them (Obad. 1:15).
Concerning Israel, Prime Min. Netanyahu knows that Israel will be called upon to make some painful concessions. He wants the government in Gaza replaced with a government that can control the terrorists and be a reliable peace partner.
He wants a phased agreement that will gradually change things over a period of time (not all at once; could it be 7 years?). He is refusing to give up Jerusalem and Israel's right to defend itself.
God alone knows the future. But it looks like Pres. Trump will continue to develop his peace proposal; Mr. Abbas is probably on his way out; the 1967 borders are no longer a factor; the Arab League is ready to recognize the existence of Israel as a Jewish nation; the Arab League is ready to make peace; it is ready to establish a regional government in Gaza; it is ready to do what is best for the Palestinian people instead of the terrorists in Fatah, Hamas, etc.
It must be understood that Pres. Trump's peace proposal is not the treaty that will begin the Tribulation Period. But his proposal will have the potential to morph into a peace treaty that will gain global acceptance and be confirmed by the Antichrist. That would begin the Tribulation Period.
Prophecy Plus Ministries, Inc.
Daymond & Rachel Duck
 Exposing Darkness - Bill Wilson -
The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs has released an interim report on "The Clinton Email Scandal And The FBI's Investigation Of It." The report is part of the ongoing investigations into Clinton, the FBI, and the Russian connections to the US presidential election. The Interim Report raises questions about the immediate past "president's" involvement in the FBI investigation of Clinton, despite his denials. It also lends insight into a vast network of government insiders who were using taxpayer money to work on behalf of Hillary Clinton to defeat Donald Trump. These "smoking gun" revelations are informed through text messages by FBI agents and lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
The report details that on June 30, Strzok and Page discussed edits to then FBI Director James Comey's statement exonerating Clinton of any wrongdoing on the classified emails that were found on an unsecured server. They said that a reference to the "president" was changed to "another senior government official" to protect him from failing to report knowledge of mishandling national defense documents. The phrase was later deleted altogether from Comey's remarks. The report also documents,  "On September 2, 2016, Page wrote about preparing talking points for Director Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing.""
This is important because the "president" lied to the American people about his involvement in FBI investigations. Daily News reporter David Martosko quoted the "president" as saying, "I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. ... I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation." These texts leave little doubt that the "president" was involved and wanted to be informed of the ongoing details from the investigation. This, and the recent memo release of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, indicate the possibility of a deep-rooted conspiracy to use the federal government to undermine a presidential campaign.
It appears that Clinton operatives, the past "president", and Clinton herself were using the FBI to clear Clinton of any wrong doing, to falsify documents implicating President-elect Donald Trump of illegal activities with Russia, and to use a secret government court to spy on Trump based on their falsified report. These are all illegal activities if and when they are legally proven. Americans have no idea the extent of organized crime certain politicians and political parties have established to the detriment of our nation, or the evil they have done and are doing. As is written of the end times in 2 Timothy 3:12-13, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall grow worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." As we overcome evil with good, let us remember to do all we can, and then stand.
 Shutdown by thieves in the darkness - Bill Wilson -
It's really a disgrace what is going on in Washington, DC. Congress shut the government down after midnight while they tried to get their act together on a budget. The five-hour 29-minute shutdown from 12:01 to 5:30 am resulted in an agreement to keep things going for another six weeks and add who knows how much to the budget-we don't know without digging because the lame-stream media is more interested in covering the shutdown rather than the details of the budget. Buried in the 12th paragraph of a Reuters story, we find that these elected highwaymen added about $300 billion to the taxpayer burden. They are literally bleeding the American public dry in the cover of darkness while we sleep.
There are a handful of responsible people in Congress. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) was the ringleader of this shutdown because he and a small group of Republicans, who supported last year's tax reform, opposed the domestic spending increases in the budget bill. To get Democrats to support keeping the government open, the budget bill included increases in subsidized child care and helping dairy farmers in Vermont. The result is Republicans and Democrats pointing the finger at each other about being irresponsible with taxpayer money, the government stays open until they pass another budget bill, and you get to pay for every congressman's pet project that bought his vote.
Some (like me) say this is corruption. Others say, "don't be so na�ve, it's politics." Either way, this is just a small part of the problem. Couple this with the organized crime that took place with the immediate past "president" and the Clintons, the obstruction of the current administration by members of its own party, the horrible visceral that governs any disagreement, and we have a real mess on our hands. Republicans are really bad; Democrats are far worse; and the system keeps perpetuating itself with candidates who are groomed to think the same way, towing the party line. Things need to be shaken up. As a witness to our Lord and Savior, those who feel the Lord has put it on their heart, should engage in this arena.
Not everyone is called to politics. Those who are can serve in many ways. They can be candidates, committee members, fundraisers, donors, volunteers and advisors. The need for the light of Christ in this area of darkness is tremendous. Common sense, ethics, morals, responsibility and accountability-all found in God's word-need to be re-established in our representative government. Currently, in both parties, there are those akin to what Christ describes in John 10:10, "The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy." They are wolves in sheep's clothing. We need good shepherds who would lay down their lives for the citizens and the nation to be a witness about what is just and right.  

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