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Friday, April 27, 2018

Accusing others of the evils you do

Accusing others of the evils you do - Bill Wilson -
The day after the final Presidential Debate on October 18, 2016, the news media was abuzz with stories, analysis, speculation and, quite frankly, aghast at candidate Donald Trump's assertion that he may not accept the results of the election if he lost. Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton stoked the firestorm on October 21 in Cleveland, Ohio saying, "We know in our country, the difference between leadership and dictatorship. And the peaceful transition of power is something that sets us apart." On October 24, she added more gasoline, tweeting, "Donald Trump refused to say that he would respect the results of this election. That's a direct threat to our democracy." The firestorm continued until she lost.
Into the wee hours of the morning after the election, Clinton refused to address her campaign supporters. Then finally, around 2:30 am, she called Trump and conceded. But she didn't accept the results of the election. Then Jill Stein of the Green Party (communist front) and the Clinton campaign, through Clinton's George Soros-financed attorney, challenged the election results beginning on October 26. By mid-February the Clinton-Stein coup attempt, which by the way, included a Russian voter machine hacking narrative, was put down by Pennsylvania District Court Judge Paul S. Diamond. Diamond said that Stein-Clinton presented "absolutely no evidence of any voting irregularities."
By January, the lame duck "president," the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National Committee were baking the Russian narrative, accusing the Russians of hacking Clinton and DNC emails. The emails were damning evidence of the unethical, immoral, illegal chicanery practiced by Clinton and the Democratic Party. The lame duck "president" and Clinton claimed that the Russians hacked the computers and released the information on them to influence the election. Whoever hacked the computers (as it is still unproven), did America a great favor. First, they showed that Clinton and the Democratic Party were poor stewards of sensitive information and, therefore, too incompetent to hold the office of the Presidency. Second, they revealed the extent of the institutional graft and corruption of Clinton and the DNC.
Clinton went on a speaking tour blaming Russians, women, men--everyone but herself--for her election loss. Now the DNC, representing Clinton, Friday filed a civil suit against the Trump Campaign, WikiLeaks, and Russia, claiming the hacked (and very damaging) emails represented a far-reaching conspiracy to elect Trump. The people voted, Clinton lost, she tried to overturn the election on a recount, now the Democratic Party is trying to delegitimize the election with another lawsuit. Clinton and the DNC are refusing to accept the results of the election, and in Clinton's own words, "That's a direct threat to our democracy." 2 Timothy 3:13 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." Evil always accuses others of what evil does itself.

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