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Friday, April 20, 2018

GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS: 4.21.18 - The whole dollar is going to go into hyperinflation

The whole dollar is going to go into hyperinflation and that will be the cause of the dollar
to lose reserve currency status is a prevalent theme on YouTube.
many people realize the dollar is comprised of a basket of currencies?

Euro (EUR), 57.6% weight
Japanese yen (JPY) 13.6% weight
Pound sterling (GBP), 11.9% weight
Canadian dollar (CAD), 9.1% weight
Swedish krona (SEK), 4.2% weight
Swiss franc (CHF) 3.6% weight
happens to any of these currencies will cause the dollar to lose or gain value. Especially the euro with it being weighted 57.6% vs the dollar. People do not realize if the euro ever started to lose value the dollar could get silly strong.
all central banks are equal. The FED as central banks go is the best one in the world today, especially vs the ECB. Before everyone starts to leave negative comments, please read and comprehend the whole comment thread. The FED has the ability to expend and
contract money at will, with their elastic money policies. The FED has no direct government oversight. Which is good, because most politicians are seriously corrupt. You may not like the FED, I get it. However, career politicians are the worst and people are
advocating for Congress to have direct oversight of the FED. That would be an absolute disaster. Letting career politician criminals have control over the US monetary system, would be similar to giving Al Capone Keys to every bank in the USA.

look at the ECB. The ECB is directed by European law aka Brussels. The ECB does not have elastic money, they do not have the ability to create money like the FED and they are controlled by career politician criminals. Plus, the ECB does not have elastic money,
they are funded by participating nations. The ECB could run out of money in a serious crisis.
bigly problem facing the world monetary system is the ECB with their negative rate policies and continued purchasing 40% of all eurozone national debt. They are trapped and can not stop buying the eurozone national debt. Who will purchase the 40% void when
the ECB stops? Plus with negative interest rates it is actually deflationary. With banks having to pay the ECB interest to keep their reserves at the ECB. Which banks pass to their clients as "service fees". Combine that with high taxes and the eurozone is
in worse shape than the USA.
perfect monetary storm is brewing in the EU, not the USA. Therefore, with the euro weighted 57.6% vs the dollar, the consequences of a very strong dollar are real. A strong dollar would break the back of the world, not a weak dollar. With most world debt denominated
in dollars, a weak dollar would be welcomed. With a weak dollar, world debt is easy to service. Where a strong dollar, world debt would double in not exponentially increase. Thus, making it very difficult to service world debt based in dollars. A strong dollar
would get more calls for a new reserve currency over a weak dollar.
at the ECB causing a monetary crisis, not the FED. The FED is a good central bank as central banks go. There is a lot of misinformation about the FED. The FED is on our side which is contrary to popular belief. It´s naive to believe the FED would willfully
damage the dollar, when damaging the dollar would cause them to personally lose money.

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