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Friday, November 9, 2018

TRUMP WATCH: 11.10.18 - Will Donald Trump's Mideast Plan Lead To 'Peace & Prosperity'?
The Trump administration is searching for the "deal of the century" to secure "peace and prosperity" for Jews and Arabs in Israel, the Palestinian territories, and Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank").
But the two-state solution is not the answer. For those who believe that it is, their conclusions are based on false demographic information and unfounded forecasts. The creation of a Palestinian state in Israel's backyard would lead to the opposite of peace: a terrorist, jihadist, Gaza-like state supported by Israel's enemies that would undermine peace on both sides of the Green Line.
Today, Israel and the West Bank are 67 percent Jewish, and less than 30 percent Arab. And Jewish fertility rates exceed those of non-Jews. Thus, the demographic predictions about Israel's demise if there isn't a two-state solution don't appear to be accurate.
Political scientists and sociologists claim that a 20 percent to 33 percent minority changes the character of a state. These "scientific" conclusions, however, are based on non-Jewish societies. Can these theories explain Jewish survival in the 2,000-year Diaspora? That survival is a remarkable exception.
For 2,500 years, Jewish minorities of one to five percent survived and prospered. Now imagine a 67 percent Jewish country, with a strong Jewish presence in all arenas from arts and sciences to politics, religion, medicine, and law. Will that society lose its Jewish character?
Furthermore, concerns about a large minority community are not well conceived. Events surrounding the "Arab Spring" have made it clear to Arabs living in Israel and the West Bank that a blue Israel identity card is a treasured asset.
Few Israeli Arabs seek refuge under the Palestinian Authority, or have fled to Gaza or Syria. The Arab population of the West Bank will applaud the opportunity to further participate in Israeli society, and become part of a thriving and just country.
Israel's Declaration of Independence guarantees the rights of minorities. But those minorities must also uphold the law of the land -- and reject violence. Palestinian Arabs have been told by their leaders for more than 25 years that there will be an Arab state in Israel's backyard.
That is a guaranteed formula to encourage Arab hostility. Once that proposition is laid to rest, the benefits of becoming part of Israel's success will be clear for the vast majority of the Arab population.
And how should Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria be implemented? Different paths to this have been proposed, including immediate or phased annexation. Israel's new residents might become permanent residents, or possibly receive renewed Jordanian citizenship.
The Trump administration knows that many Palestinians -- including many in the Palestinian Authority -- seek the ultimate destruction of the Jewish state, not peace and prosperity. Until their attitude changes, declaring sovereignty in Judea and Samaria can be the "deal of the century" that leads to peace.
 The real enemy of Americans - Bill Wilson -
The news media is having a temper tantrum over President Donald Trump referring to the Fake News Media as the enemy of the American people, but the media continues to affirm his statement. CNN's Chris Cuomo, on Monday's edition of "Let's Get After It," postulated that white men are the terrorists in America. He led into the segment by discussing another news story where a white man in Kentucky gunned down two black people. He said this story was overlooked because of other stories where white men mailed bombs to political figures and killed Jews in Pittsburgh. Now mind you Cuomo is white and he is leading a news segment where the conclusion is that white men are the biggest problem facing America. He is using the examples of these three crimes to prove his point. This is one way Fake News gets its start.
Another "journalist," Don Lemon joined Cuomo on his segment referring to the Kentucky shooting, saying, "Now, another one. And then you have all of them in a row...I keep trying to point out to people and not to demonize any one group or any one ethnicity. But we keep thinking that the biggest terror threat is something else, someone people who are marching, you know, towards the border, like it's imminent. And the last time they did this, a couple hundred people came, and you know, most of them did get into the country...So, we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right. And we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them...they had the Muslim ban. There is no white guy ban. So, what do we do about that?"
As a point of information, Cuomo, a "journalist," is the liberal son of New York's former governor Mario Cuomo. He backed up his statement about white men being the problem in America with another "journalist" Don Lemon commenting. Lemon is a gay black leftist who characterized Kayne West's appearance at the White House with Trump as "embarrassing" and a "Minstrel Show" while allowing the panelists on his show to say that West was a "token Negro." Both Cuomo and Lemon have a history of biased commentary, yet CNN tries to pass them off as "journalists." The programs these men moderate take positions on political issues and disguise them as legitimate news commentary.
The absurdity of their logic is found in the stream of consciousness comparison of the caravan of thousands of illegal aliens approaching America and a ban on Muslims (which is also Fake News) leading to the conclusion that white men are the biggest terror threat to America. All the while, they both are saying that it is wrong to demonize people because of their race or ethnicity. Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked." Evil is not a matter of ethnicity or race, it is a matter of the heart. It comes in many forms. For CNN, it is often Fake News generated by twisted political minions disguised as journalists. In another age not so long ago, these men may have been institutionalized. One could conclude that evil is the real enemy of the American people, Fake News is just a form of it.
 Pittsburgh Tragedy Demonstrates How Everything Can Be Politicized - Todd Strandberg -
The deadliest anti-Semitic shooting in American history occurred at a Pittsburgh synagogue. The gunman, Robert Bowers, killed 11 people and injured several others, which included four policemen. Bowers is a Trump-hating anti-Semite who regularly complained on social media about the president and 'the infestation of Jews.' The shooter tweeted, "There is no #MAGA as long as there is a kike infestation."
With lightning speed, the liberal media blamed President Trump and fellow Republicans for the attack. We now live in a day where political operatives will rush to the scene of every tragedy to leverage it for political gain. The left spews out instant judgments against its political opponents even though no real evidence backs their claims.
Donald Trump has been one of the best friends the Jewish people could hope for. He is by far the most pro-Israel president in American history - and has spoken in glowing terms about Jews and in harsh terms against anti-Semitism. He demonstrated leadership by moving our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Here are his own words in response to the Pittsburgh attack:
"Anti-Semitism and the widespread persecution of Jews represent one of the ugliest and darkest features in human history. Anti-Semitism must be condemned and confronted everywhere and anywhere it appears."
When Jews were being murdered during President Obama's term, he would only offer milquetoast rhetoric. Obama would simply lump in Jew-hatred with all other types of hatred. This is the same Obama who once labeled an anti-Semitic attack on a kosher French supermarket as a "random" attack.
It is just insane for the press to be able to use these dead Jewish victims as a ploy in their leftist agenda. I watched an ABC news report, and they dwelled on trivial matters by questioning why Trump had not cancelled his campaign events. They needed the smelling salts when Trump suggested that lives could have been saved if someone had a gun. Even though Bowers had stated that Trump was a Jew lover, the liberal media still put further the suggestion that Trump's tone had egged him on.
One of the most disgusting things the press does is recruit victims to attack Trump. Monday morning, in one of his first appearances following the horrific attack on his synagogue, CNN's Alisyn Camerota tried to cajole Rabbi Jeffrey Myers into blaming President Donald Trump for the shooting.
Camerota asked Myers if he blamed anyone "beyond the gunman" for Saturday's attack. He responded that the fault lies with the shooter. "I don't really foist blame upon any person," Myers said. "Hate does not know religion, race, creed, political party. It's not a political issue in any way, shape, or form. Hate does not know any of those things."
Unsatisfied with his answer, Camerota again prodded, "What lights the match of hate? ... Can hate be cultivated?" The Rabbi refused to take her bait.
The interview turned into a disaster for CNN when Myers said, "The President of the United States is always welcome. I'm a citizen. He's my president. He is certainly welcome." Because the Rabbi gave the "wrong message," no other news service carried the story.
The liberal media quickly found a Jewish group that was willing to follow their narrative. The New York Times quoted a message from Bend The Arc, a group that claimed to represent Pittsburgh Jewish leaders. They issued the following statement:
"President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you fully denounce white nationalism. Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted. You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities."
Bend The Arc is a political sham operation. The group is merely a leftist political action group run by Alexander Soros, George Soros' son. Their stated mission is "rising up in solidarity with everyone threatened by the Trump agenda to fight for the soul of our nation." Their missions include the election of "progressive champions" and the implementation of "progressive legislation and policies, like criminal justice reform and economic equity."
The director of Bend The Arc was Hadar Susskind, formerly a staffer at the anti-Semitic front group J Street, which spends its days attempting to undermine the safety and security of the state of Israel. The press failed to mention the name George Soros because it might remind people of the guy who helped the Nazis exterminate his own people.
I don't think any other racial group would allow themselves to be exploited in this manner. The Jewish people suffer from a level of spiritual blindness that defies logical explanation. The Lord predicts that they will soon come to the point where they emerge from darkness into light, but it will be a time of great distress.
I rejoice each day that I am part of a group that sees the danger and knows that God will soon deliver us from this sin-stained world.
"He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, lest they see with their eyes, and understand with their heart, and turn, and I would heal them" (John 12:40).
"But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9).
 Mad as Hell - Terry James -
It was somewhat shocking, what happened while "watching" the Lou Dobbs program on Fox Business Network a week or so ago. (Technically, being blind, I was "listening" rather than "watching.") I heard Lou's guest say the words "I am as mad as Hell!".
Now, even Mr. Dobb's wife, he has confided on the program, has gotten onto him for using during the broadcast what we might consider the milder cuss words in today's vernacular. But, it wasn't the show's host who used the word this time.
Lou's guest was Dr. Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of the megachurch, First Baptist of Dallas, who uttered the word. That it was Dr. Jeffress who said it was slightly jolting.
As I recall, the topic revolved around the upcoming midterm elections. Specifically, it was about the vitriol the mainstream news conglomerate continues to spew against President Donald J. Trump. The host and Dr. Jeffress agreed that every effort was being made by the leftist cabal, consisting of the mainstream news and entertainment media and the Democrat Party, to demonize the president and all who adhere to his Make America Great Again agenda.
The pastor said something along the lines of, "The voters are angry. In this election, they might say, through their collective vote, something like was uttered in the old movie, Network. Like when the guy said, 'I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore.'"
I'm not here casting a condemning glance at Pastor Jeffress. I have said worse-like the other morning when I knocked the "I Love New York" coffee mug given me by my much beloved, honorary, granddaughter from my desk and broke the handle. So, I certainly have no room to cast aspersions.
The quotation Dr. Jeffress used to express the need for voters to fight the political evil going on, ironically, was made by the character who was a network news anchor, Howard Beale, played by Peter Finch. He had become somewhat senile and was being removed as anchor. The character, during his broadcast, urged all to take action. He shouted, "I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell, 'I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!' Things have got to change!"
There is a lot wrapped up in that term, "mad as Hell." To be in that state of mind is, I am certain, beyond any mindset one can conjure.
To be that angry implies that the mindset has been reached like that of those who are in that eternal, infernal place. To anyone who has read Inferno by Dante Alighieri, the briefest glimpse of the madness might be achieved. But, being of human authorship, the descriptions of that fictional Hell can provide fodder for but the slightest imagining of what must be the reality.
The ultimate madness that is the final result of turning away from the God of Heaven comes to fruition in that place called Hell. But the mindset that determines to turn one's back on the Almighty begins at birth. We are born sinful creatures-lost from our very conception because of original sin. When we mature to the point that we can know we must accept or reject God's offer of redeeming grace, and when we choose the latter, the madness-spiritual and eventually mental-begins to fester. It incubates growing sinfulness-rebellion against Heaven and all that is righteous. Turning one's back to the Lord of Heaven moves one down the road of madness as framed by the Apostle Paul.
We have looked at the scriptural condemnation before. Here it is again to reinforce with biblical description where I'm convinced this generation of the anti-God rebels is positioned:
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful. (Romans 1:28-31)
We have witnessed these anti-God characteristics grow and play out within American society and culture in recent decades. The madness has increased and the reprobate mindset Paul alludes to truly dominates the national political landscape at this very moment. For whatever time is left in this dispensation of grace, we must wrestle-God's way-against the powers and principalities, against the wickedness in high places, as given in Ephesians 6:12.
The specific, God-ordained way to do so as we face this time of determining which way the United States will choose is to earnestly pray according to 2 Chronicles 7: 14-then to vote against the madness assaulting America.
 There's got to be a day after - Bill Wilson -
While the so-called "blue wave" never reached tsunami stages, there was enough to turn the House of Representatives over to the Democratic Party's gavel. In the Senate, however, the watermark rose for the Republican Party as it gained several seats. The ebb and flow of blue and red waves leaves the good ship Republic of America afloat in perilous waters, possibly unable to navigate-not as bad as the Poseidon in the 1972 movie, "The Poseidon Adventure," but here we are in the day after and there is a lot of damage to the Republic. While the maps all show that the nation is predominantly Republican, as reflected by the Senate, urban areas are sharply divided with far-left Democrats. What does all this mean?
On the surface it means that enough far-left Americans, primarily in highly populated urban areas, bought the vitriolic rhetoric, abandoned the appreciation of the economy and job security, and voted revenge. It means that Americans will face the next two years of government brought to a standstill because of "communist-like" tribunals investigating every wild-eyed, conjured-up scandal that comes to mind. It means that there will be an official platform for the "resistance" to continue its propaganda, now even louder. It means that division caused by political parties will be placed far ahead of the welfare of the citizenry. It likely means that Washington, D.C. will earn a new name-Subpoena City.
But there is a deeper meaning to all of this. It exposes a flaw in the two-party system. George Washington believed that political parties would be divisive and dangerous to liberty and limited government. He warned in his 1796 farewell speech, "You cannot shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heartburnings which spring from these misrepresentations; they tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection...they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."
Washington believed an inoculation against the undermining by political parties was electing moral and religious leaders. He said, "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them." Exodus 18:21 says regarding good government: "provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness..." How can those who deny God, fear God? How far have we progressed to even be forced with that choice? This is the day after, and I guess there's got to be one.
 A sign of prophetic times: The hate continues - Bill Wilson -
A mob of violent left-wing Antifa-affiliated "protesters" tried to break down the front door of Conservative Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson's house Wednesday night. Police reports indicate that the mob vandalized his house, driveway, and car, and threatened his wife with chants "Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night." They also shouted that he was a "racist scumbag." Police are investigating the incident as a hate crime. Meanwhile, white women are the target of leftists in the media and on social media for supporting Republican candidates in Florida, Georgia and Texas. They are collectively accused of putting their white supremacy over their womanhood and betraying the left.
The soon-to-be Democratic Party leadership is having a meltdown over the firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions by President Trump because they believe it will jeopardize their precious Russian influence investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. The longer the investigation goes, the more negative stories the leftist media can report. It's good for the hate business-never mind that after two years, there has been no indictments for Trump-Russian collaboration in influencing the 2016 presidential election. Leftist "news anchor" Chris Cuomo interviewed Nancy Pelosi about the Sessions firing, Both of them arrogantly accused Trump of interfering with the Mueller investigation. No bias here, right?
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote a column blaming the "extremist" National Rifle Association for the killing of 12 people at a bar in Thousand Oaks, California last Thursday. Hollywood's Chelsea Handler, Stephen King, Josh Gad, and Ellen Barkin added varying levels of blaming Trump, Republicans and gun owners for the deaths. They ignore that the shooter used a legally purchased handgun and that California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation, among them: universal background checks, gun registration, red flag laws, ten-day waiting period for gun purchases, "assault weapons" ban, one-gun-per-month limit on handgun purchases, minimum firearm purchase age of 21, ban on campus carry, "good cause" restriction for concealed carry, and controls on ammunition purchases.
If you are white male, white female, a gun owner, a conservative, or a Christian, there is no end to the suspicion, vitriol and hate coming at you from a certain persuasion of people. There is no public discourse on issues of concern anymore. It has deteriorated to "if you disagree with my way of thinking, you are not only wrong, but immoral." In short, the hate continues. These are signs of prophetic times. Jesus spoke of the end times in Matthew 24. He said in verses 9-10, "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another." Right here in America, we are witnessing a type and shadow of how this hate incubates in one of the world's largest Christian-populated nations.
Will Radical Democrat Freshmen Turn The House Against Israel - By Jonathan Tobin -
Have radicals taken over the Democratic Party? The victories of some self-described "socialists" and other left-wing individual candidates in some highly publicized races this year might lead you to think the answer is "yes."
The growing number of critics and outright opponents of Israel among party activists has been a concern for several years. Their increasing prominence has added to the worries of those who worry the Democrats could be going the way of Britain's Labor Party, which has fallen under the control of radical anti-Zionists, as well as an open anti-Semite like their leader Jeremy Corbyn.
While the next two years promises to be one of escalating conflict between the Democrats and U.S. President Donald Trump, Israel won't be part of the argument. Just as important, the election results gave far more comfort to those who wish to keep the Democrats as part of a bipartisan pro-Israel coalition than those who want to break it up.
Opponents of Israel will have something to celebrate in January.
Rashida Tlaib will become the first Palestinian-American to serve in Congress. Tlaib, who will represent a suburban district outside of Detroit with a large Arab-American population, is an avowed opponent of Israel's existence and a supporter of the BDS movement.
She will find a kindred spirit in fellow freshman Democrat Ilhan Omar, who will be first Somali-American in Congress when she takes the oath to represent Minneapolis. Omar is a fierce critic of Israel, who has called it an "evil" country that has "hypnotized the world"--a standard anti-Semitic meme--and an "apartheid regime."
Both are allied with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a socialist who will represent Queens, N.Y. Ocasio-Cortez said she wanted to end the "occupation of Palestine," though she didn't seem able to say whether that meant the West Bank or, as Palestinians define the term, all of Israel.
This trio of congressional newcomers is also allied with the Women's March, whose leaders combine anti-Zionism with a soft spot for anti-Semitic hate-monger Louis Farrakhan, head of the Nation of Islam.
We can expect them to unite with other Democrats to undermine the U.S.-Israel alliance, such as the dozens who signed letters last year championed by figures such as Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) calling for the lifting of the blockade of the terrorist Hamas regime that rules Gaza.
Intersectional ideology, which falsely analogizes the Palestinian war on Israel's existence with the struggle for civil rights in the United States, has become fashionable in progressive circles. But those running the Democratic caucus are still firmly in the pro-Israel camp.
House Democratic leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)--and the presumptive Speaker of the House next year--has been a fairly reliable friend of Israel, though not necessarily a fan of the Netanyahu government. The No. 2 Democrat in the House, current Minority Whip Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) is an even more ardent supporter of Israel who has done his best over the years to keep left-wing members of his caucus in line with respect to the Middle East.
Some of the Democrats who will run powerful House committees, such as Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), are not friendly to Israel. But her leadership of the Financial Services Committee probably won't cause any trouble for it.
On the other hand, other veteran Democrats are in a position to bolster the alliance.
The current ranking minority member and presumptive chair next year of the House Foreign Affairs Committee is Rep. Eliot Engel, who represents the Bronx, N.Y. Engel's views about the Middle East could be fairly described as aligning perfectly with the Likud Party in Israel. He is the last person who would champion an attempt to reverse Trump's policies, such as cutting back U.S. aid to the Palestinian Authority to force them to cease subsidizing terrorists.
The new chair of the powerful House Appropriations committee is likely to be Rep. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.), another reliable pro-Israel legislator.
Just as important is the fact that left-wing foes of Israel received some sharp setbacks in the midterms.
Despite the general swing towards the Democrats in Virginia, anti-Israel propagandist Leslie Cockburn failed to win a vulnerable Republican-held seat for the Democrats. Scott Wallace, a left-wing philanthropist who had funded BDS causes, also failed to capitalize on anti-Trump sentiment in his effort to flip a Republican seat to the Democrats in the Philadelphia suburbs.
Democrats expanded their numbers throughout the country, but those who ran as unabashed progressives, rather than as moderates in districts and states that were not deep blue, generally failed. Indeed, while the gubernatorial contest in Florida was more of a test of the lingering appeal of the Trump brand, it was also one that pitted a fervent ally of Israel in Rep. Ron DeSantis (who eked out a win) against Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, who had ties to groups that are critical of Israel.
It remains to be seen whether Democrats will conclude that the mistake in Florida and other races was nominating left-wingers, and now look for a presidential nominee in 2020 who is more of a moderate, rather than one who can appeal to the anti-Israel intersectional crowd on the left.
But as much as people like Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib and Omar will get publicity for their cause, the fact remains that most congressional Democrats will be counted among Israel's friends. Alongside a Republican caucus that is nearly unanimous in its support for the Jewish state, it creates a political atmosphere that is still very friendly to Israel.
The future of the Democratic Party with respect to Israel is by no means assured as the party shifts to the left. But for the present, the radical anti-Israel faction remains in the minority, at least as far as Congress is concerned. It will be up to pro-Israel liberals to make sure it stays that way.
 Discerning the post-election presser - Bill Wilson -
In reviewing the transcript of the post-election press conference with President Donald Trump, it is obvious that the news media, CNN in particular, is well-integrated into the Democratic Party's mantra and philosophy. There was disrespect, a lack of questioning about policy, tremendous amount of questioning about Democratic Party campaign issues, and an overall atmosphere of hostility. The news media is truly an issue of concern because of its collective bias, and quite frankly, outrageous group think resulting in ideological bigotry and political intolerance. This generation of reporters appears to have little ability to see both sides of an issue and report it with integrity. This is divisive.
Think about the assumptions in just these questions: "Mr. President, over the course of the last several days of the campaign, sir - sir, at the end of the campaign, you repeatedly said that Americans need to fear Democrats. You said Democrats would "unleash a wave of violent crime that endangers families everywhere." Why are you pitting Americans against Americans?"... "Mr. President. I wanted to challenge you on one of the statements that you made in the tail end of the campaign in the midterms, that this caravan was an "invasion." As you know, Mr. President, the caravan was not an invasion. It's a group of migrants moving up from Central America towards the border with the U.S."
The reporter interrupted the president during his answers and was pressing him with campaign rhetoric. The assumption was that the Democratic Party campaign theme of the president pitting Americans against Americans was truth. In context, the president was pointing out that the Democratic Party was weak on crime because they seek to allow illegals into the nation. But somehow that comes out of a reporter's mouth as pitting Americans against Americans. In the other example, the reporter tried to establish the Democratic Party position that the thousands in the approaching caravan were not invaders, but migrants, and that the Republican campaign ad falsely showed "migrants" climbing over the wall into America. The president said that it was real footage of people entering America illegally. But see how the reporter twisted the facts?
These are just two examples of how the facts are misrepresented to show something totally different than the truth. The mindset of these reporters is that if a position disagrees with their idea of what is right, it is pitting Americans against Americans. If a position disagrees with someone of a leftist persuasion, they are a bigot, racist, Nazi, misogynist, whatever. If they don't want you on the Supreme Court, for example, they promote false news stories that publicly convict you as a serial sex offender. And they present this "news" in ways that make it sound credible and air-tight. The news media is part and parcel to this divisive atmosphere in America. It is the master of deception. As you discern the brouhaha aftermath of the post-election presser, take the Messiah's Matthew 24:4 advice: "Take heed that no man deceive you."

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