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Friday, July 5, 2019

Twilight's Last Gleaming

Oh, say can you see the undeniable truth that America is descending into the denouement of twilight's last gleaming?
Anyone with even a modicum of awareness surely can't help but admit, if he is honest, that the sun is setting on the once great American empire. Truthfully, it isn't just the final downfall of America that is breaking upon us. It's also the coming to an end of the entire fallen world system that has been ruined ever since the Garden of Eden where Eve was deceived by the Serpent, and Adam's rebellion resulted in Paradise Lost, thus necessitating God the Son's personal intervention into His creation in order to procure redemption for lost and fallen mankind.
We are the terminal generation. We are the generation that was born to see the rebirth of Israel, God's "super sign" whose rebirth heralded the beginning of the last generation - the generation that would live to see the culmination of all Biblically prophesied events. This is exciting, awe inspiring, and terrifying. It is these very events that are in play, and are almost at fruition, that prove beyond any doubt that indeed we are living in the twilight's last gleaming of the Church Age.
Can you see what's going on? Can you see how close we are to the rapture of the Church and the consequent last seven years - the Time of Jacob's Trouble?
Make no mistake, the Dispensation of Grace is almost finished; the dawning of the great and terrible Day of the Lord is at hand. In looking at where we are, and what is already in play as a nation and a world, it is patently obvious that we are now in the waning light of twilight's last gleaming. Let's look at just a few of these last-of-the-last-days indicators that the Church Age is winding down, and the Day of the Lord is "at hand."
Take for instance, the UN's far-reaching global plans Agendas 21 and 30. These declarations are truly horrifying, both in their blatant power grabs and in their systematic extinction of all personal, family, corporate, and national freedoms.
Both of these documents, Agenda 21 and Agenda 30, DIRECTLY impact every single individual United States citizen (as well as the citizenry of nearly every other nation on earth). From the womb to the tomb - our lives, our children's lives, and our futures have been hijacked by an oligarchy of elitists who have made themselves the "ruling gods" over all people. They alone determine who will live, who will die, and what each person's life is worth.
The Luciferian agendas that this unelected, multinational group of elite megalomaniacs have planned for decades - centuries even - go all the way back to the Knights Templar, to the guilds of the Freemasons. The goals and Agendas of the Order of the Illuminati (begun by Adam Weisapt), along with a multitude of other esoteric orders, are right this moment in the process of being fully implemented. What is now being orchestrated, and is soon to be complete, is nothing less than an Orwellian nightmare that is rapidly forming into the great beast system that will be ruled by none other than the Antichrist himself.
The meticulously detailed plans spelled out in these agendas, outlined in terrifyingly clear detail, expose the truth that the plans of these global architects of the New World Order are already well underway, and are right now being carried out by the very ones who designed these agendas and objectives; those who are the very same ones who are funding and underwriting this multi-trillion dollar (and much more), multi-tentacled gorgon.
All of the UN's ongoing plans are designed to control every area of our culture: governmental, economic, educational, financial, entertainment, and religious. ALL AREAS of life are to be overseen, and all aspects of their control of our culture are spelled out in exquisite, horrifying detail in the very words of the ones who are running this globalist, last days agenda.
These Minions of Chaos have been and are now infiltrating every strata and corner of our culture. Indeed, they are now in governing and leading positions within EVERY ONE of these areas of culture in order that they may fully indoctrinate our culture. Their goal is to completely bring about a seismic paradigm shift in the worldview of every American - in particular our children, from pre-k all the way through post graduate programs, thereby moving America away from the Judeo-Christian roots, morals, and worldviews on which we as a nation were founded.
The very bedrock upon which our Constitution and the rule of law rests is being systematically moved towards a pantheistic, narcissistic, self-absorbed, perpetually needy, always entitled "hive" mentality where personal freedoms, personal motivation and personal responsibility are crushed beneath the behemoth weight of the communistic "hive mind" with the elite oligarchy that masters and controls it. It's all there, spelled out in their own words in the United Nations plans called Agenda 21 and Agenda 30.
Do you know WHY they - the UN globalist puppeteers - aren't worried that the monstrous truth of what they are doing is being put out in plain sight? It's because they know that most Americans are too lazy, too self-absorbed, too incredulous, too indifferent, too enthralled with our own particular favorite "bread and circuses," too apathetic, too afraid or too intimidated to bother to research and read the chilling truths that they have actually published.
And do you know what? The globalists are right. Very few Americans actually care enough to bother to research the truth for themselves.
Well, the uncomfortable and inconvenient fact is that everyone WILL care - and soon, because the colossus of American freedom (both personal and national), along with what's left of our national sovereignty, is hemorrhaging to death from a hundred thousand paper cuts. America is in her agonal stages America, as we have always known her, has been on life support for decades and is now about to flatline for the final time with no chance of ever being revived again.
Tragically, most of the zombified American public desires to simply continue on as usual in their cognitive dissonance; living inside their own little opaque bubbles, hiding from the admittedly uncomfortable yet increasingly apparent reality of just how far gone we are as a nation and a culture. But be warned America: your bubbles of delusion are about to be ruptured, and the America that all of the see-no-evil puppets will witness when they are rudely awakened to harsh reality.
America will soon be forced to see and deal with the truth. Once God's inevitable judgment arrives, it will be a complete and utter shock to the majority. There will be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide when the Lion of Judah roars forth His justice and vengeance upon this evil-loving, God-hating world.
Of course, we "doom and gloom" town criers, we "Debbie Downers" who have been the always maligned, inconvenient watchmen on the wall - the ever-hated, constantly mocked, invariably derided, and the always-to-be-avoided-at-all cost doomsayers - well, we've tried for years to tell the world what's coming.
We, the hated warners of approaching doom, already KNOW. We know what's BEEN happening, what IS happening now, and what is ABOUT to happen. It's too bad that so many others will be so utterly surprised and devastated when the dawning realization of the loss of our sovereign freedoms finally become too obvious for even them to ignore. Tragically, by the time the truth of how things REALLY ARE finally becomes patently clear even to them, it will be far too late.
I could plead yet one more time for everyone to face what is happening right now and what is going to happen to America and to the world at large - most especially what is just over the horizon after the very soon rapture of the Remnant Church occurs - but I already know that these warning cries are, for the most part, a futile effort.
There are very few left, even among those who claim to be believers in Christ, who really want to know the truth of the nearness of the rapture. There are relatively few who dare to face the reality of where we are, both as a Church and a nation. Few realize that we are indeed living in twilight's last gleaming. Everyone will know eventually - and sooner rather than later. Oh, they will know - very soon.
Twilight is rapidly descending into the night of coming judgment. Requiescat en pace, America. As the New World Order's Antichrist system is rising, the Remnant Church, with increasing fervor, cries MARANATHA!

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