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Friday, November 15, 2019

Discerning Right/Wrong Side of Things

Discerning Right/Wrong Side of Things - Terry James -
There is talk in every political season of one "litmus test" or another. By this it is meant that in order to get the endorsement of one faction or another, a candidate must show-through a litmus test-that he or she supports the programs, platforms, proposals, or whatsoever of those whose endorsement they seek.
For example, a candidate, to be accepted by today's Democrat party, must get behind a woman's right to choose. That is, he or she has to totally embrace abortion at the level the Democrat Party champions. If a prospective candidate goes against this or any other litmus test, they can forget getting anywhere so far as concerns Democrat Party electibility.
The Democrat Party rules committee determines who is "right" or "wrong" in this sense. One is determined to be on the "right" side or the "wrong" side of any given issue by what is considered acceptable ideology or viewpoint by the party's rules.
By this process, the candidate is accepted or rejected as worthy or not.
The Democrat Party has been shown to support abortion, LGBTQ, open borders, sanctuary cities, anti-Second Amendment right to have and bear arms, anti-law enforcement issues, anti-Israel proposals and actions, and other such propositions that directly oppose conservative Christian views.
Democrat positions are considered on the left side of the political spectrum. That is, they are liberal or progressive in their ideological leanings. In these hyper-charged days in regard to politics, the views held by the Democrat Party are ultra-leftist in the view of most who want to maintain traditional American values-i.e., those generally held sacred since the nation's founding. Those of us who hold to traditional American values are considered on the political right. The leftists consider us as radical right-wingers.
I agree that we who hold to the common-sense side of things in the world of culture and society are right. And those on the left are wrong.
They are not wrong because I say so, or because the US Constitution says so. They are wrong because God's Word confirms they are wrong.
Todd Strandberg and I just released a book with sixteen other authors who laid out the case for discerning right and wrong from God's unerring perspective. Discerners: Analyzing Converging Prophetic Signs for the End of Days covers much of the wrong issues assaulting our nation and world today.
Discernment is not an option for the Christian. Jesus told every believer who would come down through the ages: "What I say unto one, I say unto all. Watch" (Mark 13:37). He was telling those of today who are in the middle of enduring the wrong being done that we are to observe these things and know how near He is to coming back to rectify that wrong. We are to know the times and seasons. This is a commandment, not a request.
We know what is right and what is wrong by comparing the things going on around us to what the Bible has to say about these things.
In the case of the issues championed by the leftists as given above, we, as Christians-as believers in the veracity of God's Word-are to be discerning. We are to examine each issue and compare it to God's Holy Word to discern whether the issue is right or wrong.
Let's do so to just a few of the things the political left champions.
The progressive/left side of the political spectrum has championed this travesty that has killed more than sixty million babies in their mother's wombs since 1973. They now, by and large, support the killing of a baby who survives the attempted abortion. They have seen to it that the right to carry out this grisly process has legal backing in a growing number of places. God's Holy Word says that shedding the blood of the innocent is something He hates.
The progressive/left fully backs the LGBTQ and all that organized anti-God coalition ravenously pursues. They demand that male can love male and female can love female in the romantic or sexual way without consequence or judgment from God or anyone else. They proclaim that marriage between the same sexes is the equivalent in moral legitimacy to heterosexual marriage. They declare that all have the right to become a gender other than that to which they were born. It is their choice, not any religious entity of any sort.
The Bible says it is an abomination for man to lie with a man and woman with a woman. It is a most egregious sin in God's Holy eyes. His Word says that He created man and woman. He created them male and female. He ordained one man and one woman to be together in marriage for life.
Anti-Israel Proposals and Actions
The most prominent sign that lets the discerning Christian know where this generation stands on God's prophetic timeline is the nation Israel. That nation-the Jewish people-stands starkly against the darkening backdrop of these last days. Israel and the world's treatment of that nation demonstrates clearly that the time of Christ's return must be very near.
First and foremost, in my estimation, is the denial that Israel is the Israel of old-the Jews of which the Bible says God brought from the loins of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
There is a growing denial even in the evangelical church that today's Israel any longer is a nation blessed of God to be His chosen people. This lie is from the pit. Read Romans chapter 11 to get the absolute truth about God's heart for this people. That heavenly embrace will never change!
This doesn't mean that today's Israel-the Jewish people-are perfect. They are far from it. They are in total spiritual blindness, the Scripture tells us. This is yet another confirmation from Bible prophecy that we are at the end of the Age of Grace. Only a remnant of the nation Israel will ultimately recognize their Messiah-the Lord Jesus Christ-when He returns at Armageddon. Only that remnant will be saved to repopulate the millennial Israel under the throne of David.
Still, they belong to God. Israel is the same Israel of old. God loves them and will move heaven and hell during the Tribulation to bring about a remnant that will believe in His Son Jesus as their Messiah.
And Israel is the chief signal by which we can discern what is right and what is wrong in looking at the political left. Here is a litmus test for you in this political season. There is a disdain for God's chosen nation at the very heart of the Democrat Party. The following news excerpt tells the story.
Not a single 2020 Democrat candidate from the massive field spoke at AIPAC's pro-Israel summit in the spring. But 5 of the 2020 Dems, Sanders, Buttigieg, Castro, Klobuchar, and Bennett, were featured at the J Street conference alongside anti-Israel activists, BDS supporters, and terrorists.
Those 2020 Dems who couldn't attend the anti-Israel hatefest in person sent video messages.
Elizabeth Warren sent in a video message threatening to cut off aid to Israel unless it surrenders to Islamic terrorists. Then she promised to divide Jerusalem, turning half the ancient holy city into a killing ground for the murderous terrorists already occupying Gaza and portions of the West Bank.
Joe Biden, Beto O'Rourke, Marianne Williamson, and even Andrew Yang joined her in sending messages of support and friendship to the anti-Israel group which has featured BDS supporters and terrorists.
The majority of the 2020 Democrat field has aligned with an anti-Israel organization. ("2020 Dems Stand with J Street, Hamas and ISIS Against Israel - Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders declare war on the Jewish State," Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Mag, Nov 1, 2019)
Discernment in today's world is all important. God's Word is the only measurement that can validate truth. "Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever" (Psalms 119:160).

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