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Friday, September 25, 2020

TRUMP WATCH: 9.26.20 - The Stage Has Been Set For The Most Chaotic Election In U.S. History

The Stage Has Been Set For The Most Chaotic Election In U.S. History - by Michael Snyder - If you are deeply concerned about what is going to happen in November, you are definitely not alone. Experts on both sides of the political spectrum have been warning thatit is very likely that we will not know the winner of the presidential election until well after November 3rd, and everyone pretty much agrees that the period of uncertainly that we will be forced to endure will not be good for our nation. Those of us thatare old enough clearly remember the pain that the election of 2000 caused. The outcome hinged on the results from the state of Florida, and the endless recounts were finally brought to a conclusion after 36 very stressful days with George W. Bush up by just537 votes. Unfortunately, some are saying that we are potentially facing "the 2000 election on steroids" because vote counting will be going on in multiple swing states long after election night is over. The big reason why this election is going to be so different from previous elections is because so many Americans are going to be voting by mail. According to one recentsurvey, a whopping 37 percent of all voters plan to cast their votes by mail this time around... Thirty-seven percent of registered voters said they are likely to vote by mail in the November election, by receiving a mailed ballot and either mailing it back or returningit in person, according to a new survey released Tuesday by the Democracy Fund + UCLA Nationscape project. Other estimates put the number as high as 40 percent, and it could go even higher than that because some states are promoting mail-in voting extremely aggressively. In fact, as I detailed yesterday, one of my readers told me that he and his wife "have received three requests each for mail in ballots" over the past five weeks. We are also being told that Democrats are far more likely to vote by mail than Republicans are. According to the same survey that I quoted above, supporters of Biden aremore than twice as likely to vote by mail than Trump supporters are... Among them, 48% of voters who plan to vote for Democratic presumptive nominee Joe Biden said they are likely to vote by mail, according to the survey. That's more than twicethe 23% of voters backing President Donald Trump who said they are likely to vote by mail. It takes a lot of time to open and count ballots that have been mailed in. If that work could be done in advance, that wouldn't be that much of a problem. Unfortunately, there are 14 states where it is prohibited by law to count mail-in ballots before Election Day, and that includes some of our most important swing states... Tens of millions of Americans will try to vote by mail because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But officials in 14 states are prohibited from processing mail-in ballots untilElection Day; counting them could take days or weeks. Those states include Pennsylvania and Michigan, battlegrounds that could decide the election. It should deeply alarm all of us to hear that it "could take days or weeks" for some of these states to finally count every single ballot. And that is just the first count. I am not even talking about any potential recounts. At this point, many Democrats are warning of a possible "red mirage" on the night of the election. Many of them believe that it will look like President Trump is winningon election night, but that Joe Biden will ultimately win once all of the mail-in votes are finally counted. As evidence, they point to the fact that there has been a "blue shift" in all national elections going back to 2004... Since 2004, mail-in ballots have been disproportionately Democratic, a phenomenon known as the "blue shift." So, barring a landslide, we could see a "red mirage" on Nov. 3, an election-night count of in-person votes that suggests that Trump has won - even though millions of votesfor Biden are waiting to be tabulated. Personally, I do believe that it is very likely that President Trump will be leading on the night of the election, but what is really going to matter is what happens duringthe days that follow. If a Trump lead evaporates and Biden is eventually declared the winner, there will be widespread allegations that the election was stolen, and that could cause tremendousexplosions of anger. And the big tech companies are already preparing for post-election chaos. In fact, Facebook has openly announced that they will purposely "restrict the circulation of content"in order to try to control civil unrest... Facebook announced this week that it may restrict certain aspects of its platform following November's general election as part of a larger effort to limit social unrest.A spokesperson for Facebook suggested that executives including Sheryl Sandberg and Mark Zuckerberg may censor specific information if they believe it is likely to heighten political tensions following the election. According to a report by the Financial Times, Facebook announced this week that it will "restrict the circulation of content" following November's election to curb violenceand social unrest. The announcement follows efforts by Facebook to address concerns from those who have alleged that the platform aids in voter suppression and promotes election-misinformation. What is this country going to look like if it takes weeks or even months to officially declare a winner? No matter who ends up winning, I believe that the process is so flawed that it is going to tear the country apart. And no matter what the final result is, a large percentage of the population will never accept the outcome as being legitimate. This is already one of the most difficult chapters in U.S. history, and a bitterly contested election result will only make things even worse. At this point, even the mainstream media is admitting that we are heading into "wild" times. The following comes from CNN... Ask anyone about the next six weeks and they will likely give you some version of this as a response: Whoa boy. It is going to be wild. Which it is! The last 42 days of a presidential election are always filled with unpredictable storylines, big moments and, more than anything, uncertainty. Just about the only way that we can avoid the type of scenario that I have described is if there is an overwhelming landslide on election night. Wouldn't that be nice if that actually happened? It would be wonderful if one of the candidates conceded on November 3rd or November 4th and we could avoid weeks or even months of endless national strife, but I don't thinkthat is going to happen. Instead, I believe that both sides are going to fight to the bitter end, and the end will definitely be very bitter indeed. FBI warns of election day misinformation, LOL - Bill Wilson - The same agency that worked with the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton Campaign to undermine the 2016 election results came out with a "public service"warning, "to raise awareness of the potential threat posed by attempts to spread disinformation regarding the results of the 2020 elections." Yes, this is not a joke. The FBI jointly with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warned the Americanpublic September 22 that "The FBI and CISA urge the American public to critically evaluate the sources of the information they consume and to seek out reliable and verified information from trusted sources, such as state and local election officials." The joint release said, "Foreign actors and cybercriminals could create new websites, change existing websites, and create or share corresponding social media content tospread false information in an attempt to discredit the electoral process and undermine confidence in U.S. democratic institutions." In addition, the FBI and CISA say that the use of mail-in ballots will delay official results of the election and open thedoor for people to undermine confidence in the election and advises to "Seek out information from trustworthy sources, such as state and local election officials; verify who produced the content; and consider their intent." NOTE: Delaying the election resultsin of itself opens the door to tampering with the ballots. The release said, "The increased use of mail-in ballots due to COVID-19 protocols could leave officials with incomplete results on election night. Foreign actors and cybercriminalscould exploit the time required to certify and announce elections' results by disseminating disinformation that includes reports of voter suppression, cyberattacks targeting election infrastructure, voter or ballot fraud, and other problems intended to convincethe public of the elections' illegitimacy." The release reiterated: "The FBI and CISA urge the American public to critically evaluate the sources of the information they consume and to seek out reliable and verified information from trusted sources." Let us remember that it was the FBI in concert with the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign that paid for a fake dossier used to get a FISA Court warrant to spy onthe Trump Campaign. The ex "president," his Attorney General, Justice Department, the FBI, and the Clintons were all working schemes at the same time to derail Trump before he even got started. FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page exchanged an estimated 50,000texts in efforts to undermine President Trump. Strzok and Page emerged as part of a secret society against Trump housed within the FBI. And now the FBI is coming out saying beware of criminals trying to undermine the presidential election. As Solomon so wiselysaid in Ecclesiastes 1:9, "And there is no new thing under the sun." And the FBI warns of election day misinformation, LOL. Rosh HaShanah And The Passing Of Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Michael Brown - The news came as a shock in the midst of a year of unrelenting shocks, yet another jolt of massive proportions. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died at the age of 87. That her death took place as Jews around the world had begun to observe (or were about to observe) Rosh HaShanah, the traditional Jewish New Year, was not lost on many Jewishcommentators. (Heightening things even more was the fact that Rosh HaShanah this year began on the Sabbath.) Upon hearing the news of her passing, I tweeted, "The timing of the passing of Justice Ginsburg (immediately before the beginning of the Jewish New Year, the biblical dayof the sounding of the shofar) strikes me as an overwhelmingly sobering, significant event. May God's kingdom be advanced & may He comfort the grieving family." Larger Than Life Some Jews who had already begun reciting the evening prayers were repeating the words of what is called the Mourner's Kaddish, a prayer of praise to God recited in memoryof the dead, when news of Ginsberg's death began to spread. An event that was already of momentous proportions - the passing of this liberal warrior, feminist pioneer, and cultural icon -- now felt even more momentous. Others have written of Justice Ginsburg's judicial legacy. And in the days ahead, there will be countless articles commemorating her life and, no doubt, a slew of biographiesto follow. She was even the subject of two recent movies, RBG and On the Basis of Sex. More remarkably still for a Supreme Court justice, she was nicknamed "The Notorious RBG" (in the spirit of the late rapper known as "The Notorious B.I.G.") Such was the reputation and impact of this little Jewish woman who was, quite literally, larger than life. And, given the fact that she was a tenacious fighter, she musthave battled with all her might to hold on through the November elections, not wanting to give President Trump the privilege of picking her replacement. As passed on through her granddaughter, she said before dying, "my most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed." Now she is gone, and Trump has made plain his desire to nominate her replacement, with the frontrunner being Amy Coney Barrett, herself just 48 years old. In fact, accordingto an article published back in March, 2019, when Trump was considering the replacement for Anthony Kennedy, he allegedly said of Barrett, "I'm saving her for Ginsburg." Now the Battle for Life Given that Barrett is as staunchly pro-life as Ginsburg was "pro-choice," the ensuing battle in Washington could be more intense than anything we have previously seen. (AndI write this in full memory of Justice Kavanaugh's 2018 savage confirmation hearings.) The two-word, headline story (with accompanying graphic) on Saturday's Huffington Post (September 19) said it all: "Apocalypse Now," followed by a picture of a hanger (thus,what women will be reduced to using for abortions should Trump get a replacement on the Court). What all this means is that the intense shaking of 2020 is about to switch into yet another gear, an even more intense gear, if that is imaginable. And we can expect itto continue to intensify in the weeks ahead. The Sabbath of Repentance and Return Right now, on the traditional Jewish calendar, we are in the first of the "Days of Awe," the 10-day period between Rosh HaShanah (the biblical holy day of Trumpets) andYom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This period of introspection and repentance begins with the blowing of the shofar -- Ginsburg passed away just hours after the shofar blast was sounded in Israel -- as Jewish people, especially religious Jews, prepare theirhearts before God the Judge. As explained by Moses Maimonides in the 12th century, the shofar blast says, "Wake up from your sleep, you sleepers! Arise from your slumber, you slumberers! Examine yourdeeds! Return to God! Remember your creator! Those of you who forget the truth in the futilities of the times and spend all year in vanity and emptiness, look into your soul, improve your ways and your deeds. Let each of you abandon his evil ways and his immoralthoughts." (Laws of Repentance, 3:4, as translated by Avraham Yaakov Finkel.) Yet this is not only a time of prayer and repentance in the Jewish community. A significant number of Christians, especially evangelicals, have set aside these same 10 daysfor prayer and repentance, highlighted by two major events scheduled for Washington, D.C. this coming Saturday, September 26. (These are the Franklin Graham Prayer March and The Return; I'm scheduled to participate in the latter event.) Significantly, this coming Saturday, the 26th, is considered the holiest Sabbath on the Jewish calendar, called "Shabbat Shuvah," meaning the Sabbath of repentance and return,the Sabbath falling between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. And as these Christians gather to pray and cry out to God, the focus will not be on praying for a particular political candidate but rather on praying for God's mercy on America and for our corporaterepentance. The sudden and unexpected passing of Justice Ginsburg drills home to us all the more the reality of death, when we will stand before the Judge and give account for our lives.It also drives home the implications of the coming elections, with many already focused on the courts. How much more now! May the Lord get the attention of the nation, and may we turn to Him with all our hearts and all our souls. In words that we will be read in synagogues worldwide next Saturday,"Who knows but He may turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind" (Joel 2:14a). We hang in the balance right now, holding on by a mere thread of moral and spiritual sanity. God's mercy is our only hope. Fill the seat Mr. President - Bill Wilson - There is a lot of hoopla about whether President Trump should fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Of course, he should. And the Senateshould not unreasonably withhold consent. This is the Constitutional mandate and it was a large part of the reason Trump was elected. Let us recall that during the previous presidential election that it was pointed out by both sides that Trump could possiblyappoint three Supreme Court judges and change the balance of the court. Leftists were aghast at the thought; conservatives embraced the opportunity. As we stand today, the leftists have lost on this one, but not before they will try every trick in the bookto stall the appointment. Article II Section 2 Clause 2 of the Constitution refers to the appointment of Supreme Court justices; "and he [The President] shall nominate, and by and with the Adviceand Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established byLaw..." Now then, "advice and consent of the Senate" is what we will see yet another war of words between the news media, Democrats and Republicans. It has begun. And it is vicious. Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore has called for protests in the streets as a run up to "throwing Trump out of office." He also suggested that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)shut down the government until after the election. This is the rhetoric that appeals to those ignorant people who support the leftist ideals of those like Moore and his buddies in Congress. Pelosi has nothing to do with Supreme Court Justice selection. Pelosi,however, is not beyond trying to block the appointment. She told ABC's "This Week" that she has arrows in her quiver that she was not going to discuss just yet, but many believe that Pelosi will start another round of impeachment hearings against Trump ifhe presses forward on the nominee. Socialist congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) urged people to use this moment to become "radicalized" against a president that is "authoritarian and has no regardfor life." Then there was mentally-failing Democratic candidate for President Joe Biden saying Trump's plan was an "abuse of power" and begged senators to "do their constitutional duty" by not approving any justice before the election. This plea was made inthe same speech where he said that by the end of his talk, over 200 million people will have died of COVID 19. What? These are shrill and untruthful comments of revolution playing out in our daily lives. Isaiah 30:1 says, "Woe to the rebellious children, saysthe Lord, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin." Fill the seat Mr. President. Mail-in deception - Bill Wilson - Several weeks ago we received this stack of oversized letters in the mail. It seemed as if there were five or six of them. I should have kept them for proof, but I threw them away. They weremail-in ballots. I was so disgusted with the thought that the government was encouraging people to stay at home and vote by mail, that I missed the point: We seemed to have received more ballots than we have voters in our household. Since then, I have heardfirst hand stories from friends, neighbors and acquaintances that they received several more mail-in ballots than the number of voters in their households. In fact, this is common among people who I know and trust would not lie about it. So what gives? We know that Democratic Party oppression of the vote was so big after the Civil War that there were local and state laws prohibiting black people from voting. When finally, President UlyssesGrant stepped in and all but eliminated the Ku Klux Klan in the south-which included Democratic Party officeholders, doctors, lawyers, even clergy-blacks were able to safely vote again for a time. Then the Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws that were passed bydemocrats once again suppressed the vote all the way into the 1960s. Somewhere along the way, the Democratic Party decided that it would make an issue of suppressing the vote and blame it on the Republicans every time they tried to update the voter rolls. The result is that myriads of dead people get to vote. People who move to other locations get to vote in their former precincts. Those who are registered to vote, but don't vote, get to vote-someoneelse votes for them. Democrats have fought tooth and nail even the simplest of updating the voter rolls-removing the dead from voter rolls. What do you think is going to happen when someone that received three mail in ballots, votes three times and the electionclerk doesn't "catch" it? The same thing that happens when a dead person votes. These crooks know how to work the system. If someone hasn't voted by a certain time, the local party people know it. And they send someone else in their place. What made our system of voting so unique and effective was that there was one day to vote. If you couldn't vote on that day, you got an absentee ballot. This whole idea of mass mail in ballots,and how the authorities will verify the votes, and how long it will take them after the election, is a slippery slope to tyranny. If people can be encouraged to protest and riot in close quarters without concern for COVID 19, then people can go to their pollingplace and cast their votes in a safe and orderly manner. The justification has no weight. As in Ephesians 4:14, let us not be tossed to and fro by the "sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive." This doctrine of mail-in ballotshas its roots in deception. The Inevitable Consequences Of False History - Jonathan Tobin - The results of a new survey of knowledge and awareness about the Holocaust in the United States were sobering. It turns out that despite a massive effort put into educatingAmericans about the mass murder of European Jewry by the German Nazis and their collaborators, a sizable percentage of millennials (defined as those aged 18 to 39) know little or nothing about it or actually believe anti-Semitic canards about this atrocitybeing the fault of the Jews. Many Jews are understandably expressing dismay about those numbers and calling for greater efforts to be made to increase and improve Holocaust education. But it's likelythat many of them are the same people who are dismissing President Donald Trump's concerns about the way the teaching of American history is being distorted or trashed by those peddling false narratives about the country being irredeemably racist. Trump's concerns, stated in a Constitution Day speech given last week in which he vowed to create a commission to combat this trend, were widely dismissed as either electioneeringor racist. Anything a president says while running for re-election can be regarded as political. Yet his attempt to call attention to the importance of the ongoing fight over American history didn't seem to resonate among those who are the first to decry the implicationsof the lack of historical knowledge about the Holocaust. The fact that 15 percent of millennials think that Jews caused the Holocaust, 41 percent agreed with the claim that people talk about it "too much," and 12 percent thinkthat it was either a myth or exaggerated is shocking. It's all the more troubling since those polled grew up in an era when Holocaust education has proliferated and is mandatory in many states. Indeed, the study, which was sponsored by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, showed that there was no correlation between living in states where Holocausteducation is mandatory and having a firm grasp of the history. The problem isn't just a function of requiring schools to teach about this crime, but that what is being taught isn't necessarily helping to correct the situation, let alonedealing with a rising tide of anti-Semitism. As scholar Ruth Wisse writes in National Affairs, instead of merely doubling down on curricula that may be hurting as much as they are helping, we need to rethink Holocaust-education programs that were flawed fromthe start. Citing the work of the great historian Lucy Dawidowicz, Wisse astutely points out that programs that attempt to enlist the Holocaust in a generic liberal fight against hatemisidentify the causes of the Shoah and "conceals rather than confronts anti-Jewish aggression." The lesson here is not just the importance of teaching history, but the danger from the spread of poorly conceived or misleading efforts to teach about it. And that is exactlywhy Trump's call to arms to defend American history against radical revisionists should be supported regardless of what you think about him. The real scandal about Trump's desire to found a "1776 Commission" to combat the growing influence of curricula based on The New York Times' fraudulent "1619 Project" isn'this alleged politicization of the subject. It's that so many otherwise responsible sources continue to treat the Pulitzer Prize-winning collection published by the Times as credible rather than a shameless exercise in propaganda. Critiques of the "1619 Project" by even liberal anti-Trump historians have pointed out that its basic thesis about racism being the primary characteristic of all of Americanhistory is based in falsehoods and distortions. The notion that the purpose of the American Revolution was solely to defend slavery is as big a lie as is the collection's attempts to deny that the arc of the nation's history is a long march towards the expansionof freedom and its defense of liberty around the globe. That was bad enough, though recently it came out that the Times has attempted to erase some of these fraudulent claims while still not acknowledging its egregious errors.This is all the more scandalous because the paper is peddling its mendacious account of history to school districts around the country, which are eagerly snapping it up so as to show their support for critical race theory and the Black Lives Matter movement. For many people, Trump is such a flawed messenger that he discredits any cause he takes up. Still, that is no excuse for the widespread willingness to ignore or scoff athis effort to push back against the growing influence of the "1619 Project." It is, as its principal author Hannah Nikole-Jones has proudly boasted in a since-deleted tweet, the inspiration for the "mostly peaceful" BLM demonstrations that have nonethelessled to hundreds of violent riots and acts of intimidation and violence in hundreds of American cities. Like the BLM movement, which is both an anodyne expression of opposition to racism, and also a Marxist and intersectional attack on liberal democracy, the falsificationof history put forth by the "1619 Project" is a dangerous revisionist effort. It undermines education not only about America's past, but about the liberal values of free speech that leftist "cancel culture" inextricably tied to the BLM movement isdetermined to extinguish. Instead of an effort to create an authoritarian "state history" curriculum, Trump's championing of a patriotic response is a necessary antidote to an illiberal trend being fostered by both BLM and the associated "anti-racism" trainingprograms that are actually rooted in the same assumptions that promote racism. Jews know all too well the cost of the ignorance of history and the promulgation of false historical narratives that undermine the liberal values essential to our security.That's why the Jewish community should support efforts to oppose the "1619 Project." The failure to do so is as much of a scandal as the lies being told by the revisionists. SOROS TO THROW US INTO ANARCHY IF TRUMP GETS RE-ELECTED September 22, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) � Billionaire George Soros is behind a vast coalition of left-wing advocacy groups gearing up to launch a massive �resistance� movement if Democrat Joe Biden is anything but the clear winner on Election Day, an investigative report by Breitbart has found. Combined, the coalition of grassroots groups spread throughout all 50 states acting in conjunction with their political allies could create mayhem which would dwarf this summer�s violent,destructive urban �protests.� And it appears that coalition leaders will be determined to find some pretext � envisioning President Trump contesting the election results, refusing to concede after losing, or claimingvictory before all the votes are counted � to ignite sprawling country-wide protests, civil unrest, and economic gridlock if their preferred candidate is not elected. �There�s going to be litigation, mass mobilization, policy options by governors, state attorneys general, members of Congress,� promised Vanita Gupta, the president of the D.C.-based Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, a beneficiary of financial support from George Soros. �People will be inspired and motivated to protect their country,� said Rahna Epting, executive director of Soros-funded, to The Nation. �Will we be successful? We�re going to fight like hell tomake sure we are.� The more Trump turns up the temperature, [the more] he is angering the public. They�re tired of the chaos, tired of his mismanagement,� said Epting, attempting to foment distrust for thepresident. �We have to do everything we can to make sure it is a landslide victory, to make it less likely he can fight it.� Breitbart�s Joshua Klein has done yeoman�s work connecting the dots in an article titled �Soros-Backed Coalition Preparing for Post-Election Day Chaos � �We�re Goingto Fight Like Hell.�� �Under the guise of seeking to �prevent a constitutional crisis,� a massive network of well funded left-wing activists and progressive groups are training, organizing, and planning to mobilizemillions of Americans should President Trump �contest the election results,� refuse to concede, or claim an early victory,� wrote Klein. �Calling itself �Protect the Results� and proclaiming that �we cannotignore the threat that Trump poses to our democracy and a peaceful transition of power,�� the coalition is �a joint project of Indivisible and Stand Up America, two left-wing groups founded in response to President Trump�s 2016 election and whose goals are �to organize and resist Trump�s dangerous agenda� and �to defeat Trump and his enablers,�� explained Klein. Both groups are part of a larger umbrella network, the Soros-funded Democracy Alliance (DA), which boasts of having funneled as much as $80 million per year to promote progressive ideas and whichclaims its constituency to be �people of color, LGBTQ individuals, women, and millennials,� who will drive �progressive social change.� �We play a leading role in fostering the infrastructure necessary to advance a progressive agenda for America,� declares the D.A. website. �We invest in every aspect of progressive power-building � from policy making toorganizing grassroots communities to winning state and national issues and electoral campaigns.� Stand Up America alone claims over 2 million members committed to �resisting Trump�s agenda� who haveengaged in protecting the Mueller Investigation and fought hard to block the confirmations of Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Indivisible�s current homepage headline blares, �Join us to save the Supreme Court; We cannot letDonald Trump destroy Ruth Bader Ginsberg�s [sic] legacy by replacing her with a justice from his shortlist of conservative extremists.� The combined coalition, now totaling more than 90 organizations, is a who�s who of the most pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, pro-far-leftist causes, including abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood, Vote Pro Choice, Women�s March, Move On, National LGBTQ Task Force, Common Cause, and Faithful America. Key players supported by D.A. are #Resist, the ACLU, Media Matters, and Organizing for Action. The last group was created in early 2013 to keep President Obama�s supporters engaged after the election. Much of the rhetoric generated by the leaders of these disparate groups is unfounded if not unhinged, painting an ominous scenario of the incumbent losing the White House, creating a constitutionalcrisis by refusing to leave, and �pushing the American republic to the breaking point.� �Indivisible points to its demonstrated ability to mobilize huge numbers of people to protest family separation early in the Trump presidency and to activate the networks that marched in the streetscalling for impeachment in 2019,� pointed out Sasha Abramsky in The Nationearlier this month. �Those actions � along with the Women�s Marches, mobilizations around the climate crisis, and of course, recent outpourings of support for racial justice � have shown that people power can shape events even in the Trump era.� �Our resistance is key in protecting the outcome of this election,� said Arisha Michelle Hatch, executive director of Color of Change PAC. �We will mobilize tosafeguard Black people from the chaos and pain that will inevitably ensue should Trump choose to disregard reality in November.� �The only guardrail keeping Trump from driving our democracy over the cliff into an ocean of fascism is we the people on Election Day,� said Nelini Stamp, director of strategy and partnerships at the Working Families Party. �If Trump continues to apply tactics aimed at intimidating voters and disrupting our election, we will need massive grassroots resistance to protect our democracy,� asserted K. Sabeel Rahman, president of Demos Action. �In the face of a consequential andcrucial general election it will take all of us to ensure that our democracy isn�t hijacked.� �When Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are elected it will be because people looked at the last four years of divisiveness, including unconscionable attempts to divide us based on race, and soundly rejectedthat rhetoric,� said SEIU International president Mary Kay Henry. Soros-backed attorneys general �making it easier for criminals to terrorize your family� �Left-wing megadonors like George Soros have been busy installing radical district attorneys across America. Watch.� �Prosecutors � the people whose job it is to keep you safe � are instead making it easier for criminals to terrorize your family,� proclaimed Tucker Carlson. �That�s not an accident,� said Carlson. �Left-wing megadonors like George Soros realized it�s easier to install radical DA�s than it is to convince the public to let their own cities burn.Soros has worked hard to elect district attorneys who will nullify laws against rioting and violence by failing to enforce them.� �Entities backed by Soros have spent more than $13 million in district attorney races in a total of 17 states,� said the Fox News host. �Over the past few years, this unfolded in Florida,California, Pennsylvania, Texas, [and] Virginia.� �In 2017, Soros spent roughly $1.7 million getting a single man elected, Larry Krasner, in Philadelphia. He�s the district attorney, and as expected, Krasner presided over a dramatic risein crime,� he added. Soros-backed left-wing district attorneys will be unlikely to enforce the law against Soros-backed protests in November, which could turn more violent and destructive than those the nationhas already witnessed in places like Portland; Seattle; Minneapolis; Kenosha; and Washington, D.C. VISIT: PROPHECY WATCHER WEEKLY NEWS: HTTP://PROPHECY-WATCHER-WEEKLY-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

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