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Friday, September 17, 2021

AMERICA IN CRISIS: 9.18.21 - Polls Show That The American People Are Extremely Angry

Polls Show That The American People Are Extremely Angry, And They Are About To Get Even Angrier- by Michael Snyder - This wasn’t supposed to happen. We were promised that once Joe Biden was in the White House that the tremendous anger that was building up in our country would start tosubside, but that obviously is not happening. In fact, as you will see below, Americans have been getting even angrier. Needless to say, the stunt that Joe Biden pulled last week is certainly not helping matters. When he visited Boise on Monday, enormous crowdsof extremely angry protesters were waiting for him. And everywhere I go on social media this week, I am seeing huge explosions of anger. What in the world is our country going to look like if all of this anger continues to grow? Normally, it is either one side of the political spectrum or the other that is angry at any given time. But here in September 2021, both sides of the political spectrum are very angry. Just check out these stunning numbers from a brand new CNN poll… A new CNN poll finds that 74% of U.S. adults now say they are “very or somewhat angry” about the way things are going in the U.S. today — that includes 88% of Republicans,70% of independents and even 67% of Democrats. But wait, there’s more. Another 69% of U.S. adults now say that things are going “pretty or very badly” in the country these days — that includes 91% of Republicans, 72% of independents and 49%of Democrats. Those numbers are crazy. Just a few months ago, there was so much optimism, but now the mood of the nation has completely shifted. Surprisingly, that same CNN poll asked a question about illegal immigration, and it found that even most Democrats are concerned about “the movement of undocumented immigrants”… And by the way, illegal immigration is still a concern for many in this nation. The CNN survey also found that 77% of U.S. adults say that it is important that the federalgovernment “stops the movement of undocumented immigrants into the United States.” And the partisan breakdown: 95% of Republicans, 76% of independents and 52% of Democrats agreed. Ever since Joe Biden entered the White House, giant throngs of people have been surging to our southern border, and this has created an unprecedented immigration crisis. Incredibly, even though Biden has decided to impose vaccine mandates on millions upon millions of American citizens, even the White House Press Secretary is admitting thatthere will be no such requirement for the illegal immigrants that are being let into this country. Members of Congress and their staffs are exempt from Biden’s new requirements as well. But the rest of us are apparently fair game. Today, my wife walked into a store where the employees were openly talking about how they might soon lose their jobs becauseof these new mandates. Biden is dragging us into full-blown tyranny, and lots of American citizens are going to lose good jobs because of this. Another new poll asked Americans if they think that Biden’s tyrannical decrees are constitutional or not, and the results were absolutely overwhelming… Asked in a new poll by Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group, whether Biden has the constitutional authority to impose that demand, 58.6%said no. Only 29.7% said yes. The poll, taken over the weekend of likely general election voters, has a margin of error of 2.96%. If they get away with this round of mandates, they will undoubtedly try to impose even more. In fact, Dr. Fauci is openly telling us that he is in favor of mandating vaccines for air travel. Fauci does not care about you. The next time that you hear the corporate media heaping praise on him, just remember what he and his organization did to a bunch of beagles. He sees you the same way, and he is going to keep pushing Biden to tighten the screws. Already, we are seeing officials go door to door in some cities. In Washington D.C., there are times when workers will “go back to a house four or five, six times” untilsomeone finally answers the door… Patrick Ashley, with D.C. Health, said the city has a significant outreach program going door to door. “And as a reminder, we knock on doors until we actually get someone to talk to us. And so they’ll go back to a house four or five, six times, if necessary, multiple timesof the day,” he said. That should chill you to the core. And what came next in that same article is also extremely chilling… Ashley also said the District is working with Medicare providers to make sure that they’re providing vaccination education. “But you’re right, it is a choice of theirs to make,” Ashley said. “So we’ll continue to do that education through the —” Silverman interrupted Ashley to say: “The president is saying it’s not a choice any more.” The good news is that some red state governors are starting to fight back. For example, Ron DeSantis just announced huge fines for any government entity in his state that attempts to mandate vaccines… Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) on Monday fought back against Joe Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates. DeSantis announced cities and counties that force employees to get vaccinated will be fined $5,000 per infraction. “We are here today to make it very clear that we are going to stand for the men and women who are serving. We are going to protect Florida jobs,” DeSantis said during thenews conference. “We are not gonna let people be fired because of a vaccine mandate.” Hopefully more red state governors will step up to the plate, because our politicians in Washington are completely and utterly out of control. Not satisfied with angering millions of Americans with these new vaccine mandates, Democrats have also decided that now is the time to dramatically raise taxes… Top earners in New York City could face a combined city, state and federal income tax rate of 61.2%, according to plans being proposed by Democrats in the House of Representatives. The plans being proposed include a 3% surtax on taxpayers earning more than $5 million a year. The plans also call for raising the top marginal income tax rate to 39.6%from the current 37%. How would you feel if 61.2 percent of your income went to paying taxes? Would that make you angry? Of course it would. But our politicians in Washington have to find some way to pay for their insane spending sprees. The federal government ran a 3 trillion dollar budget deficit last fiscalyear, and with one month to go they are on track to do it again this fiscal year. Everywhere you turn, there is more bad news. And everywhere you turn, things are starting to spiral out of control. So many of the things that I have been warning aboutare happening right in front of our eyes, and the months ahead are looking very bleak. If Americans are this angry while things are still relatively stable, what is the mood of this country going to look like once things really start to fall apart? As a nation, we are not emotionally equipped to handle any sort of a major societal collapse, but that is where the road that we are on inevitably leads. These are such troubled times, and I have a feeling that really big surprises are just around the corner. --------------------------- The Great Inflation Scam � Todd Strandberg - The US government has told the American people that we don�t need to worry about inflation getting out of control. Despite recent high inflation numbers, Fed and Treasuryofficials have stated that they believe the uptick number is related to the Covid-19 virus, and they will decline once the supply change fully comes back on line. They said the current inflation is �transitory,� meaning prices will plunge once things return to normal. There are several reasons that conflict with this transitory argument.The nation�s money supply has been increasing by a massive amount. Of all the currency in circulation, 40% was printed in the last year. Employers are at a huge disadvantage when it comes to wage growth. Baby boomers are retiring in droves, and they are not being replaced by enough Generation Z workers enteringthe workforce. As the US population ages and an increasing proportion of the workforce retires, companies are likely going to be hard-pressed to find new workers. According to Oxford Economics, an estimated two million workers have retired since the beginningof the pandemic, representing a retirement rate that is roughly double that of 2019. There are several economists who believe we are not going to see higher inflation because the Fed has isolated all the new money that was recently printed, and they pointto the decrease in the velocity of money. Some of these economists warn that we actually face the danger of deflation where the price of things will decline. The monetary system is very complex, and it�s hard to understand what all these big numbers mean. Because they have a direct impact on all Americans, it is important tohave a basic understanding of macro-economics. I watched a video by John Titus, and I think he cut right to the heart of the financial matter by describing what the Fed is actually doing. The Fed�s current balance sheet is at $8.5 trillion; in 2008, it was only at $900 billion. At the current rate, it buys about $140 billion in bonds each month. The Fed hasseveral other programs that purchase trillions of dollars in other securities. We are told not to worry about the Fed�s massive purchases of the national debt because when things calm down, the Fed is going to sell all these assets. It is pure insanityto think that the Feb can just go to the market and put $8 trillion of bonds up for sale and expect a buyer to emerge. Anyone who holds US government debt, in my view, is a sucker for heavy losses. The current inflation rate is about 6 percent. The best rate you can get is the 30-year bond,which pays 1.96%. Anyone holding these bonds is losing 4 percent each year or their purchasing power. Fund managers turn to US debt because they see it as a financial safe haven. Because the government can never go into bankruptcy, people see the bonds as a secure locationfor funds. The problem with the dollar is that it is managed by an organization that has the ability to print an unlimited amount of money. If it wanted to create a quadrillion dollars in currency, it could be easily done with the pressing of a keyboard. For a long time, it was not possible for the Feb to inject money directly into the general economy. Only a select number of banks had accounts with the Fed. These memberbanks could not transfer reserve assets to non-member banks. The Fed has been very inventive in the last few years, and it found a way to give money to non-member financial organizations. If a trust fund has $10 billion in bonds thatit wants to sell, the Fed will create an account at one of its member banks for that same amount. The Fed will credit the bank $10 billion, which allows it to buy the $10 billion in bonds. One indication that money is leaking into the general economy is the fact that we have 5 companies with a market cap of over a trillion dollars. There is clearly somethingwrong with our financial system when you have Tesla reach a level where is it is more valuable than all other auto companies on planet Earth. This is a very dangerous and shocking change in the operation of our central bank. When a nation reaches the stage where it is printing money and pumping it directly intothe economy, financial disaster is always the outcome. I advise all readers to take out any money you may have in bonds or a money market fund. I�m obviously not a financial advisor, but I think a precious metals fund would be a far better investment. I�m not all that fearful of hyper-inflation because I think the rapture will occur before things get out of control. The economy has remained strangely stable for about20 years, which is a record that defies 3,000 years of financial history. Time and time again, Bible prophecy is the only explanation I can come up with for this think-not mentality. �Therefore be ye ready: for in such an hour that you think not the Son of man cometh� (Mat. 24:44). --------------------------------------- Institutionalized child abuse - Bill Wilson � As California voters rejected the recall of a governor that closed prisons, suspended the death penalty, enforced vaccine mandates, and enforced COVID-19 statewide restrictions,another crazy, hard to believe event occurred in the state. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Saturday installed a transgender Bishop. The Rev. Dr. Megan Rohrer (they/their/them) will serve a six-year term and preside over the Sierra Pacific Synod,which consists of roughly 200 Lutheran congregations. Rohrer�s bio says �Pastor Megan lives near Golden Gate Park with their wife Laurel, two children and three cats.� THEY is pictured mask-less in THEIR bishop vestment with two small children, wearing masks. This is just one example of how far the church has fallen, yet many will celebrate Rohrer�s installment as a victory for equality, LGBTQ rights, transgender rights, diversityand inclusion. Never mind that this is a mainline denomination posing as a �church� that calls itself �Christ�s Church.� The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America�s website describes its faith as: �When Lutherans talk about faith, we are talking about therelationship God�s Holy Spirit creates with us. It�s a relationship where God�s promise of steadfast love and mercy in Jesus opens us to a life of bold trust in God and joyful, generous service to everyone we know and meet in daily life.� Therein, it shouldalso adhere to the principles of the Bible. While the Old Testament says in several places that homosexuality is an abomination, the New Testament also criticizes deviant sexual behavior. Romans 1:18-32 is quite specificin describing the wrath of God against all ungodliness because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God has showed it to them and they are without excuse. Verses 26-27 say, �For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for eventheir women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another.� 1 Timothy 3:1-7 describes the qualities of a Bishop�husband of one wife, blameless,sober, good behavior, etc. Would God place in leadership someone to hold His truth in unrighteousness? No. But there is also another dark side. Just as in the picture announcing Rohrer, the message is that this is good for children. Children are a focus of the LGBTQ agenda. What better place to institutionalizeit than in the �church,� God�s house? Perhaps, public schools? The LGBTQ evangelical agenda advances under the guise of trusted �church� leaders, school helpers, advisors or teachers. It is an attack on children to confuse, thwart, usurp, and undermine theirnatural sexuality. If this is occurring in your �church� or school community, understand that silence is complicity. The community of believers is �the church,� not the building or misguided leaders. Same with school districts. That�s why you elect schoolboards. Stand against it or remove yourself and your kids from it. Going along with this destructive and abusive situation is nothing short of, say it with me�Stupidocrisy. ----------------------------------- VISIT: PROPHECY WATCHER WEEKLY NEWS: HTTP://PROPHECY-WATCHER-WEEKLY-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

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