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Friday, September 3, 2021

BIDEN WATCH: 9.4.21 - I seriously just got brain damage over this article.........

I seriously just got brain damage over this article......... Liberal Media: Biden Is Still a Great President � Todd Strandberg - It�s been rather amusing to watch the liberal media do everything they can to defend the president against the fallout from the Afghanistan fiasco. When he made incoherentremarks in various speeches, they pretended that nothing was mistaken. You can�t easily hide the fact that a President allowed an Arab country to become controlled by a terrorist organization. It would all be hysterical to me if I were a citizen of another nation. Biden is our president, and the mistake he makes has a direct impact on all of us. I looked at CNN for the first time in years, and I noticed the contrast between Biden and our previous president. If Afghanistan had taken place under Trump, CNN would becalling for his third impeachment. Biden�s misstep is seen as a minor problem by CNN, �Biden�s seen a (slight) decline in his approval ratings.� And also, �None of these polls or the average show a massive decline in Biden�s approval rating. Together, though,they seem to be telling a story that Biden�s approval rating has leaked a little bit.� I�m sure you all know that this crisis is all Trump�s fault. CNN went to the �Trump is to blame� well four times in the same article: Here is #1, �After four years of Donald Trump�s incompetencein, well, everything, the Biden argument was that the country badly needed a steady hand on the tiller � someone who had been there and done that. Someone who didn�t need training to do the job. Someone who was exactly the opposite of the guy currently inoffice.� Here is #2, �And it worked. Rather than see Biden�s age � he�s78 � as a negative, plenty of voters believed his decades of experience were what the country needed in the post-Trump era. Knowing how the federal bureaucracy worked mattered. So did having good relationships with world leaders. And having seen everythingthere was to see on both the domestic and foreign policy fronts.� Here is #3, �While Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of the Departmentof Homeland Security, blamed at least part of the crisis on the Trump administration, which, he said �dismantled our asylum system,� there�s also no question that the Biden administration is nowhere near where it wants or needs to be when it comes to its handlingof the border crisis.� Here is #4, �Biden�s promise to the American people was thathis years in public life had best prepared him to avoid the chaos that defined the Trump era. But at the moment, chaos is winning over competence. And that is a major problem for Biden and his administration.� CNN even threw Bush and Obama under the bus to protect Biden. Bush is at fault for starting the war in Afghanistan and not knowing how long we would be there. Obama is at fault for not listening to the wisdom of his VP. After a grueling internal debate, during which then-Vice President Biden made his opposition to the surge known,Obama ultimately began deploying tens of thousands more troops to Afghanistan. Obama�s action issued that we would be in Afghanistan for several more years. If I was to poll the Visitors of Rapture Ready on their approval of Joe Biden�s Presidency, I think it would be around 20%. I looked at several polls on Biden, and I founda democratic poll that said he still has the backing of 87% of Democrats. This is the type of number you would only see with a radical cult. Biden is not only surrounded by Yes men; he is encompassed by people who have no regard for negative poll numbers. Here is what one reporter noted, �His political team seemsincredibly arrogant about public opinion, like they don�t need to worry about it � until it�s too late.� I don�t think there has ever been a time where there has been such a disregard for the truth. To any sane person, it appears our elites and their media sycophants are engagingin an unprecedented preposterous statement tournament. President Biden said there are no Americans trapped in Kabul. The Los Angeles Times trots out this crazy headline: �Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You�ve been warned.� Although I dislike how the liberal media are defending Biden, I don�t want to see them turn against him. My hope is that he struggles until 2024, when any Republican candidatecan defeat him. The way things are falling apart, 2024 might as well be 20 years from now. If the press starts chanting for Biden�s removal, President Harris will be the result. She has proven herself to be an ultra-leftist dingbat. I can�t imagine having a presidentthat would be all for defunding the police, a $10 trillion reparations bill for blacks, and the legalization of all drugs. It has been 10 months, and I still can�t believe the American people were foolish enough to vote Biden into the White House. I think the reason we have so many immoral politiciansis because the citizens of this nation vote for people who reflect their nature. �When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan� (Proverbs 29:2). ----------------------------------- TheTaliban Reminder By Hal Lindsey People in the west had almost forgotten. It has been a while since the last large, successful terror attack against the United States or Europe. Andsince the western media refuses to cover the atrocities going on elsewhere, especially in Africa, people here had begun to forget. But the Taliban is now reminding everyone that radical Islamic terror still lives. It thrives. And once again, it is headed ourway. On Monday, August 22nd, The Wall Street Journalreported, �The US warned that Islamic State poses a threat to Americans in Afghanistan.� Jake Sullivan, President Biden�s national security adviser, said of ISIS, �The threat is real. It is acute. It is persistent. And it is something we are focused on withevery tool in our arsenal.� Yes, the Islamic State � ISIS. Not long ago, they were bloodied, defeated, demoralized, and wilting away. But in today�s Afghanistan, they have beenrevived and they are a present threat. And then there is Al Qaeda. On August 23rd,the extremely liberal New Yorkermagazine featured an article by Robin Wright. In March she asked a key question of General Kenneth McKenzie, head of the United States Central Command. �Do you really think, given the intermarriage, the interweaving of the Taliban and Al Qaeda, that the Talibanis really ever going to be able or willing to restrain Al Qaeda from doing anything against us?� She called his answer, �chillingly candid.� �I think,� he said, �it will be very hard for the Taliban to act against Al Qaeda, to actually limit theirability to attack outside the country. It�s possible, but I think it would be difficult.� That was all the back in March. His answer carries the optimistic assumption that the Taliban might want to limit Al Qaeda�s ability to other strikenations. It�s true that they do not want a repeat of George W. Bush�s invasion of their country after 911. But they have convinced themselves that they defeated the United States, and they do not believe we have the courage or moral conviction necessary toever invade them again. So, they don�t care if Al Qaeda hits America again. In fact, they like the idea. Events in Afghanistan should remind everyone of the danger posed by radical Islam. And it is not a theoretical danger. Right now, the world is watching,and the Taliban are on their best behavior. Even so, they�re rounding up known Christians. They are looking on phones for Bible apps. Large numbers of Christians have run for the hills with hope now only in God. And that�s just the Christians. People of allkinds are being hung, shot, beheaded, raped, and beaten. And it will get worse. The US military says that it has evacuated tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan, but as of Tuesday the 24th,it refused say how many of those were Americans. On the 23rd, Yahoo News reportedthat they had obtained the actual government numbers. They found that less than 10% of those evacuated by the US military are in fact US citizens or legal residents. Americans are not more important than Afghans. But they make more valuable hostages and that makes them more strategic. It�s important to realize thatwe don�t just have a potential hostage crisis in Afghanistan. The hostage crisis already exists! Stranded Americans may not be under lock and key in Taliban prisons, but they are hostages all the same. Why don�t US forces go out, find Americans, and escort them to the airport? Because the Taliban holds Americans as hostages. They can completely cutoff access to the airport. Strong military action might even provoke a wholesale slaughter of Americans. Why does President Biden refuse to extend his August 31stdeadline for leaving the country? Because right now in Afghanistan, the Taliban controls the fate of Americans. That makes them hostages. After the 31st,anything might happen. The Taliban says it will not tolerate an extension of the deadline and, for now, the Biden Administration says it is sticking with the old deadline. If that remains true, then the United States will be abandoning its citizens still strandedin Afghanistan. On the other hand, if the US military goes into the country to rescue Americans still held there, it will probably mean heavy bloodshed on all sides. And it might put our military back in Afghanistan for several more years. One thing is more obvious than ever. Nothing draws violence like perceived weakness. Biden arming Taliban and Chinese - Bill Wilson – It is an understatement to say that Joe Biden’s Afghanistan policy is an unmitigated disaster. His handling of the Taliban sweeping through the country is so incompetentthat one has to wonder if it was done on purpose. American troops, few as they were, stood in the breach from allowing the Taliban terrorists to take over the country, which in turn allows the Phoenix of the Islamic State and al Qaeda to arise once again fromthe stockpile of weapons and military equipment left behind by the US departure. The very threat that the Taliban would be bombed back into the stone age if they tried anything kept them at bay, gave freedom and life a chance. Biden blew it all away duringthe vacation of a lifetime. Against the backdrop of the Taliban wearing left behind American gear raising their terrorist flag mocking US Marines at Iwo Jima, Biden blamed everybody but himself—Taliban,Afghan military, Afghan leaders, and his old standby scapegoat, Donald Trump. Biden said he and his security team was closely monitoring the situation, but “This did unfold more quickly that we had anticipated.” Duh. Then we find out that Biden was not ambushedby these terrorists. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken dropped a bumbler’s bombshell: He admitted to Congress on August 26 that he knew about the Taliban plan to sweep through Afghanistan as early as mid-July and ignored the warnings. And he kept assuringthe public that any notion of Afghanistan falling to the Taliban after the US troop withdrawal was far-fetched. Yeah, you read right. So here you have Obama and Biden infusing pallets of billions of US dollars into the Iran nuclear program and supporting the terrorist group Muslim Brotherhood’s destabilizationof the Middle East through Arab Spring. And we have Biden abandoning into the hands of terrorists pallets of $100 bills, 600,000 weapons, 75,000 vehicles, 200 aircraft, and according to The Gateway Pundit, 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexicancartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program (yeah, we almost forgot about that). What’s with these Democrats arming the bad guys? And, hey, next time Biden starts preaching gun control, you know what to say—He wants to disarm law abiding Americans and armterrorists that want to kill us. And all that weapons technology will go to the Communist Chinese (now the Taliban’s BFF) for their examination. We haven’t even begun to discuss the loss of life and the danger to humanity Biden’s brigade of bumblers have caused. Biden needs to be impeached. But then again, that wouldmean something worse as Kamala Harris would become president if they could find her. And if she was impeached for her obvious incompetence, it would be Nancy Pelosi taking the helm of the sinking ship. Here is a verse you may as well memorize. It’s Proverbs29:2, “when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn.” We haven’t touched the tip of this titanic iceberg and rearranging the deck chairs won’t help. Say it with me…Stupidocrisy. ------------------------- Foolish or intentional, the destruction is the same - Bill Wilson � Many of us tend to look at events, policies, politicians as foolish, stupid, mistaken, lacking common sense, etc. But maybe we Americans need to view them as willfully andintentionally destroying the country so that it can be remade into a Marxist utopia. Whether they are bumbling idiots or steely-eyed practitioners of destruction, the results are the same. It is time to treat them not as fools, but as people with both lackof common sense AND intentionally ruining our country and our lives. Let�s call it what it really is and start demanding of our family, friends, neighbors, elected officials to stand against the dung drama that has become a daily menu of destroying the freedomsthat we hold so dear. Think about it: Democratic presidents and representatives since Jimmy Carter have supported terrorists. It�s a long list�Arafat, the Ayatollahs, Muslim Brotherhood, Talibanand so on. They have paid them with taxpayer dollars (your money and mine) and they armed them and they stand in the way of anyone who would stop them from these policies. Afghanistan is just the latest example. Democratic politicians and presidents have openedour border to criminals, drug lords, human trafficking. Obama�s Fast and Furious gave guns and money to the Mexican drug cartels. Biden is inviting �immigrants� to cross the border without any effort whatsoever to prevent COVID, while he is demanding Americanbusinesses mandate a COVID vaccine. And what about that? Americans are being badgered to get a vaccine that doesn�t prevent the disease and loses its efficacy after eight months. People who get the vaccine not only can contractCOVID, but they can pass it on to others unknowingly. Wouldn�t it be better to embrace those who offer an alternative to the mainstream �science� that may work to prevent or treat this disease rather than ostracizing them? Let�s rally together and considerevery option to fight this pestilence. There�s more. Defund the police and watch crime soar. Allow sexual deviants into school systems to confuse and evangelize children. Create historic debt and raise taxes on everybody, while lying to people saying you areonly going to tax the rich. They label Christian practices as those that lead to domestic terrorism; celebrate Marxist rioters by calling them protesters; and they crackdown on gun ownership whilearming terrorists with assault weapons. These insane actions are committed not only by fools, but by leaders trying to intentionally destroy America. We need to be before the Lord. Psalm 28:2-4 says, �Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto you,when I lift up my hands toward your holy oracle. Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbors, but mischief is in their hearts. Give them according to their deeds.� Yes, I cry out to the Lord eachday. Foolish or intentional, the destruction is the same. Let�s call it what it is. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Channeling Dukakis - Bill Wilson � It was early morning mid-October 1988 when my partner and I were in an edit suite in New York finishing up a political commercial for one of our clients. We were calledinto the next edit suite for our opinion. A couple of Roger Ailes�s political consultants were working on a project for the George HW Bush presidential campaign and they wanted our opinion. It was not unusual for us to collaborate with Roger Ailes, who wasa premier political consultant prior to becoming president of FOX News, because my partner left Ailes Communications to start Princeton-Fairfax Communications with me. We were viewing on the studio�s big screen shots of the funniest little guy riding aroundin an army tank. Here we are at about 2:00 am speeding up, slowing down, getting a good chuckle from footage of Democratic Presidential Candidate Michael Dukakis riding around in circlesin an army tank looking like a chipmunk from some cartoon. Ailes had written some copy around the news footage of Dukakis� visit to a General Dynamics facility a month earlier where he took a joy ride in an M1A1 Abrams battle tank. Dukakis was hoping it wouldboost his image from being a military and foreign policy weakling. Well, we viewed that footage for quite a while before selecting the final cuts in what became a very famous commercial about Dukakis� terrible record of military opposition. One of the linesin the copy was �He even criticized our rescue mission to Grenada and our strike on Libya. And now he wants to be our commander in chief.� Dukakis suffered a landslide loss, only carrying 10 states and Washington, DC. The rest is history. At least until today. Dukakis likely would have been the biggest idiotsince Jimmy Carter to sit in the White House, but the American people decisively put their foot down, especially after the tank commercial brought into clear focus what could happen under a Dukakis White House. Fast forward to 2020, where another chipmunkhid in his basement for most of the campaign, held sparsely-attended rallies at drive-ins, and bumbled through speeches promoting an insane platform of wealth redistribution and submissive foreign policy. The difference this time is THAT guy made it to theWhite House. And we are seeing first-hand the channeling of Dukakis in every policy decision from not securing our border to mishandling a pandemic to rising inflation and spending toextraordinary foreign policy travesties with Iran and Afghanistan. The demonstrated incompetence of Joe Biden AND HIS ADMINISTRATION, mixed with delusional arrogance places all of us and our families in great danger. Psalm 34:15 says, �The eyes of the Lordare upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.� Let us cry out to the Lord that He may hear our pleas and deliver us from this trouble. Until then, like Dukakis, Biden is running around in circles thinking he is the emblem of courage and righteousnesswhen in reality he is�say it with me�Stupidocrisy. ------------------------------ VISIT: PROPHECY WATCHER WEEKLY NEWS: HTTP://PROPHECY-WATCHER-WEEKLY-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

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