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Friday, December 10, 2021

Comfort One Another…

 Comfort One Another… - Terry James - This is for those who are believers in Christ and who believe what God’s Word says about things to come. Not that I intentionally want to leave out those believers who don’tstudy God’s prophetic Word, or those who are lost because they haven’t accepted God’s grace offer of salvation through Christ’s sacrifice. However, without a firm grasp of what the Bible has to say about things to come, and without acceptance of God’s grace gift by those who are spiritually lost, Heaven’s messagecontained herein cannot assuage the intensifying fear spreading across the globe. Because of the dire prospects facing the inhabitants of planet earth, many, perhaps most, turn inward and do their best to ignore the darkening foreshadowing that intrudesupon their lives. That intruding evil includes such things as supposedly the worst pandemic since that of 1918. And the variants of that disease just keep coming, according to the would-beworld controllers who want everyone forced to take vaccines that are at best experimental. Their effects in preventing or making the disease less life-threatening are yet unproven. And the vaccines are not held to the same degree or level of lab testing as othersof history. As a matter of fact, some claim they aren’t vaccines at all, but ingestible of unknown materials. There is credence to this charge, because full disclosure of ingredients is not forthcoming. The vaccine producers are protected against any liability from the proliferatingcases of adverse reactions being experienced across the globe. Because of the COVID paralysis, the nation and world face dire economic prospects. Supply chains for goods are severely disrupted. Deliveries are greatly delayed or notbeing made at all because of people who refuse to take the vaccines losing their jobs for not complying with governmental and company mandates. Millions are walking off of their jobs in protest of the threat of loss of personal liberty. Their children are facing diminished education because of the COVID-spawnedtyranny. Education, itself, is in a darkly evolving trajectory. Critical Race Theory and other evil inculcation has caused upheavals across the country, with parents standing upagainst the cancel culture in schools and the insane rules and restrictions coming from leftist, radical school boards. Inflation has raised its ugly head to levels near the time of the Carter administration’s “malaise” of the 1970s. This is predicted to get much, much worse as the economyshuts down, fewer products are on the shelves of stores, and inflation explodes. Energy costs, already increasing day by day, are projected to get much worse in the near future. Gasoline prices at the pumps are entering uncharted territory in risingcosts per gallon. Threats from the “open borders” policy of the Biden administration bodes ill for American life in more ways than can be adequately analyzed. The invasion is being used bythose of the leftist mindset to distribute the hordes of illegal aliens in order to, they intend, change the voting of future elections in their favor. People thus look for hope in direction other than the darkening horizon. But, sadly, most look inward, as stated previously, not in the direction they should look in seekinga brighter prospect for their lives. Sadly, too, even the pulpits of America are filled by pastors who point congregants to cope with their daily troubles in societal and cultural ways–to the exclusion of prophetichope. Teaching to cope is well and good, if done with Christ at the center of the messages on how to best get along in this life on a deteriorating, disintegrating planet. Butpeople in the pews and across the nation and world virtually never are shown the magnificent future that awaits those who truly understand the majesty and promises wrapped up in the name that is above every other. In that name resides a future of incomprehensible life and prosperity beyond imagination. His is the only name that can comfort the demonically savaged souls of these closingdays of the age. Preachers who are truly messengers of Jesus Christ should be shouting from the elevated platforms of their pulpits. We should be doing the same at every opportunity. All the things surrounding us that point to planet earth’s most wicked time of destruction are a holy siren of alert. Jesus is about to step onto the clouds of glory andshout, “Come up here!” When we see all these things we have seen–and continue to see—we are to look up and lift up our heads. For He is on the way for His own. This is the ultimate promise from the Creator-God—from Jesus Himself. What promise! What incomparable comfort! For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then wewhich are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. (1 Thessalonians 4:16–18) VISIT: PROPHECY WATCHER WEEKLY NEWS: HTTP://PROPHECY-WATCHER-WEEKLY-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

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