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Friday, December 31, 2021

COVID UPDATE: 1.1.22 - Scared to death

Scared to death - Bill Wilson – The fear porn industry propagandized by the government, big pharma, big healthcare, and delivered by the mainstream news media has most everyone living in fear. It doesn’thelp when the president of the country says that unvaccinated citizens will have a long hard winter of death and illness. This is what our country has been reduced to—a government of fear, for fear and by fear. Listen up people. Get your mind right. If youare reading this, you are most likely a follower of Christ. Christ told us in Matthew 10:28, “Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul.” 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love,and of a sound mind.” Simple. Do not fear. These politicians, corporate bosses and the news media are knowingly, and in some cases, are unknowingly using fear to entangle you in bondage. Don’t succumb to it. COVIDis not a death sentence. If you contract it, you have a 99+% chance of survival. Even the vaccinated are getting COVID at alarming rates. The vaccinated are transmitting COVID at alarming rates. The “vaccine” only protects from severe illness and death—thisafter using the population of the world as an experiment to find out just how effective it is. But if you do not get the “vaccine,” it is still likely that you will live. The fear porn campaign by these nefarious captains of democracy and corporate enterpriseare playing a high stakes game for money and power. In recent weeks, we have had very close unvaccinated over 60-year-old friends who contracted COVID. They found an independent doctor that prescribed an alternative treatmentprotocol—one that the media, government and big medicine ridicule as horse medicines and placebos. Above all, they stayed out of the hospital. And in about 10 days, they were well. Likewise, a business associate’s unvaccinated over-70-year-old parents gotCOVID. They were treated with herbs and other alternative protocols. Our unvaccinated adult children survived COVID doing the same. Above all, they stayed out of the hospital. They are well. The over 60 crowd is most vulnerable to COVID. And yes, the shotmay have helped save lives. But I wonder how many people died in hospitals from government-mandated protocols using remdesivir, with a known 50% mortality rate (according to the New England MedicalJournal), and a 45-84% age-related mortality rate for ventilator treatment (National Library of Medicine report on 69 studies of 57,000 patients). Doing the math, half of the 800,000 COVID deaths in America alone might be attributed to government mandatedprotocols as influenced by big pharma, making big money. Best thing to do, from my experience, is eat healthy, use supplements like zinc, quercetin, vitamins C and D daily to boost your immune system. And if you contract COVID. Don’t sit there and wring yourhands in fear. Be aggressive. Take it on like the fearless Christian American you are. Live free and victoriously, not fearfully in bondage. -------------------------------------- Have The �Pandemics Of 2022� Already Started?- by Michael Snyder - Wouldn�t it be great if we could have a year without any major pestilences? 2019 seems like it was so long ago, and we may never see another year like it. All of the measuresthat global authorities have imposed to try to end the COVID pandemic have failed, and now we are being told that we are just going to have to live with COVID on a permanent basis. And Omicron has shown us that a new variant can sweep across the entire globein just a matter of weeks. Meanwhile, there are several new �outbreaks� that are unrelated to COVID that I am going to be keeping a very close eye on as we enter 2022. For example, we are being told that there is a �massive bird flu outbreak� in Israel rightnow. The following comes from a Daily Beast article entitled �Massive New Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 2022�s Deadly Pandemic�� Israel�s National Security Council has assumed control of a massive bird flu outbreak in the Galilee, which scientists warn could become a �mass disaster� for humans. Over half a billion migrating birds pass through the area every year, heading for warm African winters or balmy European summers, making this a catastrophic location fora major bird flu outbreak�right at the nexus of global avian travel. If you do a Google search for �H5N1�, you will find that bird flu outbreaks have literally been reported all over the planet this month. So this isn�t just happening in Israel. But the reason why what is taking place in Israel is so alarming is because birds are dropping dead in such large numbers� Of the 30,000 Eurasian cranes passing this winter at the Hula Nature Reserve, 17 percent are dead, and scientists fear the worst for their surviving brethren, at least 10,000of which appear to be ailing. The infection of the cranes is the same strain of avian flu which infected chicken coops throughout northern Israel, and led to the cull in recent days of nearly 1 million birds. The good news is that so far there are no confirmed human cases of H5N1 in Israel. Of course that could change at any time, and once H5N1 starts spreading among humans it has a very high death rate� The virus can be deadly if it infects people. The World Health Organization says more than half of the confirmed 863 human cases it has tracked since 2003 proved fatal. Here in the United States, officials are deeply concerned about a widespread outbreak of an �undiagnosed respiratory illness� in northern Ohio� Public health exclusively tells Dayton 24/7 Now undiagnosed respiratory illnesses are popping up in the Miami Valley, Cleveland area, and across the northern tier of Ohio. Health experts say symptoms are similar to the flu, but patients aren�t testing positive for influenza or COVID-19. Charles Patterson, Clark County Combined Health District�s Health commissioner, explains there�s no way to know how many confirmed cases of this illness are in the statesince there�s no case definition for it yet. Hopefully they will find out what this mystery disease is soon, because it doesn�t sound good. On the other side of the globe, a different mystery disease has killed close to 100 people in South Sudan� The illness has so far claimed the lives of 97 people in Fangak, Jonglei State, in the northern part of South Sudan. On Thursday, Fangak County Commissioner Biel BoutrosBiel said an elderly woman�s death came as a result of an unidentified illness. South Sudan�s Ministry of Health has said that the disease has mainly affected the elderly and children under 14. It is also said that the symptoms of the mysterious illness includecough, diarrhoea, fever, headaches, joint pain, loss of appetite, body weakness, and chest pain. WHO officials were deployed to the region to investigate the illness, but they reportedly left the area without revealing their findings to local officials. Initially, health officials thought that this might be a cholera outbreak, but testing has ruled out that possibility. Last but certainly not least, the Omicron variant is causing widespread panic all over the world. In New York, the number of confirmed cases set another brand new record high on December 24th� The number of positive COVID-19 cases in New York continues to set records, as the state confirmed that 49,708 positive cases were reported on December 24 alone. That number marks the highest single-day total in the state since the pandemic began. Fortunately, some experts are telling us that even though Omicron spreads very easily it may be less deadly than the Delta variant. Of course Omicron and Delta are not the only variants that are floating around out there. Over the past couple of months, there have been reports that certain COVID variants seem to be causing very ugly skin sores. The following comes from a report in a Britishnews source� The doctor explained: �I was treating patients in August 2020 last year and I had three patients who had COVID-19 and they had a rash. �It�s purpuric, almost like a hive-like rash, [it] can be prickly heat rash as well.� Dr Nighat�s patients weren�t the only ones who suffered from rash linked to Covid, as the COVID ZOE app received thousands of self-reports of this symptom. If you have developed skin sores or a �rash� after catching COVID, I would like to hear from you. Because this appears to be something that is happening on a large scale, but the mainstream media in the United States is not really talking about it. I don�t know which of the news items that I have shared in this article are the most important, but I will be monitoring them all as we enter 2022. The COVID pandemic has clearly demonstrated how vulnerable we are, and scientists assure us that it is just a matter of time before we are hit by even more pestilences. I know that most of you are very eager for life to �return to normal�, and I feel the same way. Unfortunately, our entire planet is now being ravaged by sickness and disease, and a �return to normal� is simply not in the cards. --------------------------------------------- Sleepwalking Toward the Mark of the Beast � Todd Strandberg - Over the years, I�ve probably written several dozen articles on modern technology that could be used to implement the mark of the beast. When I was a kid, I read all typesof publications that portrayed the 666 mark as an evil tattoo that people were forced to receive. It was commonly portrayed as something similar to the yellow star of David that the Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust. In the past couple of years, I�ve been frequently amazed by articles that promoted the use of microchips in managing the Covid-19 pandemic. I�m not stunned by how closelythis technology matches the Bible�s description of the mark of the beast. It�s the growing enthusiasm for the chips that has me dumbfounded. I read on a British news site that a Swedish company is creating a microchip that could be presented as a way to confirm one has the Covid-19 vaccine. The microchip technologystartup called Epicenter is creating a microchip that will be implanted under a person�s skin and will rely on existing �near-field communication� (NFC) to send data regarding one�s vaccination status. A microchip the size of a grain of rice can be implanted under your skin to help provide your vaccination status. The chip is implanted into your arm and can verify yourvaccination status when placed next to an NFC. The procedure is relatively quick and costs about $100. �Imagine showing your COVID-19 passport with just a flash of your arm,� the video starts while showing a person holding out their arm and scanning it with a mobile phone. �Right now, it is very convenient to have a COVID passport always accessible on your implant,� the video also stated. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a perfect tool for taking away our liberties. Life will return to normal if we all line up and get our vaccine. If you got a vaccine in January,you now have about zero protection from the Delta and Omicron variants, so now you have to get a booster shot. Drug companies are now working on a second series of booster shots. I am hard-pressed to find videos that explain what is in these booster shots. About 20% of the US population has a high level of mistrust in the government, which preventsthem from getting the Covid vaccine. The media and the government should educate people about what is in the vaccines and how they prevent infection. For nearly two years, the liberal media have blasted one key message: get the vaccine or you�re going to die. Their sickest angle is focusing on every anti-vaxxer that diedfrom Covid-19. Marcus Lamb, a co-founder and the CEO of the conservative Christian Daystar Television Network, was vocally opposed to Covid-19 vaccines, and he died of it last month. If Lamb had gotten the vaccine and died the next day, the press would nevermention his name. I don�t know why Lamb was against the vaccine, but I respect his right not to want to get it. If you say something negative about the vaccines on social media, you can get banned for spreading misinformation. We have to put 100% of our trust into the ministry oftruth. If you put blind faith into any operation, disaster will eventually be the result. People on the right also need to respect people�s decisions to get the vaccine. Former President Donald Trump got booed by his own supporters for revealing that he�d gottena Covid vaccine booster shot. If Trump dropped dead from unforeseen side effects, he might save millions of lives by being an early guinea pig. I was thinking about why we keep losing more and more of our freedom. I realized that mistrust works hand and hand with the liberal media and the government propaganda.A key reason why the Omicron Virant came from South Africa is because 75% of the population is not vaccinated. Millions of doses had to be dumped into landfills because the vaccine had expired. The Africans didn�t have enough faith in the white man�s curefor the virus, so we�re stuck on the variant merry-go-round until the global community requires everyone to get the vaccine. Maybe that Swedish firm will get the contract. The chip could have vaccine status, bank account access code, and proof of allegianceto a certain world leader. �He causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, savehe that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name� (Rev 13:16-18). ------------------------ As the COVID science turns - Bill Wilson � The soap opera �As the COVID Science Turns� is once again raising many questions about the contagion. The Supreme Court will decide if the government can force you to putan experimental serum into your body by threatening your livelihood, the ability to sustain yourself, or even travel outside your home. These are very weighty decisions that likely will impact your freedom and your health in the years and decades to come.This is the result of allowing the government to intrude into an individual�s healthcare. The focus of news in 2021 has been about convincing people they will die from a contagion with a 99% survival rate. Anything else, they say, is misinformation. But wait,there�s more. The Centers for Disease Control is now saying that the �science� it is using has changed, announcing a policy change on quarantining from 10 days to five days after testingpositive for COVID. CDC justified the decision saying, �the change is motivated by science demonstrating that the majority of SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs early in the course of illness, generally in the 1-2 days prior to onset of symptoms and the 2-3 daysafter.� The �science� demonstrated the very same transmission a year ago. This is really nothing new, except a justification of a policy change. This must be similar �science� on whether to wear a mask or not�it changes with the political science. When will the CDC change its �science� regarding mandated treatment protocols for hospitals getting paid extra by the government for testing, diagnosing, treatment, anddeath of COVID patients? Reports are that 817,000 Americans have died of COVID. Studies indicate the mandated treatment protocol of remdesivir and ventilators have over a 50% mortality rate. The New England Medical Journal reports that remdesivir was discontinuedfor treating Ebola because over 50% of the patients died. A National Library of Medicine report on 69 studies of 57,000 patients documented a 45-84% age-related mortality rate for ventilator treatment. Yet, this science is ignored by the CDC, and successfulalternative treatments are ridiculed as misinformation. It�s not misinformation when you experientially know they have worked on friends and family. Despite evidence that the �vaccine� is ineffective against Omicron and that the vaccinated are transmitting it, COVID Czar Anthony Fauci says only the vaccinated shouldbe allowed on planes. Joe Biden told governors �there is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level.� But Biden still is petitioning the Supreme Court to allow his vaccine mandates. It�s science de jour as the COVID science turns. All thingsreal and true are labeled misinformation. Your life, liberty and well-being are being challenged by these death-culture wizards with each passing day. Your life may hinge on your discernment. 1 Corinthians 2:14 says, �But the natural man does not receive thethings of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.� The Holy Spirit is your guide. Discern wisely. ----------------------------- The friendly skies - Bill Wilson - COVID Czar Anthony Fauci has gone from mask-no mask-mask to whatever and now he would welcome airlines requiring everyone who flies on a domestic flight to not only weara mask, but to have the government-mandated COVID serum, ah, sorry, vaccination. This, according to the Federal Aviation Administration, must also include pilots. A group of attorneys and doctors have written the FAA, �That Both the FAA & Commercial AirlineIndustry Appear to Have Violated Long-Standing CFR Regulations Which Disallow Medical Clearance of Pilots Who Have Received Non-FDA Approved Products � Lest �Aeromedically Significant Adverse Effects Manifest.� In other words, this mandate endangers everyonewho flies. The letter notes that FAA has violated its own regulation that �Disallows medical clearance of Pilots who have consumed non-FDA approved products like COVID vaccines� andthat the FAA appears �to be putting both pilots and the general public at risk of death and/or serious injury� by ignoring this regulation for COVID vaccinated pilots. The letter, signed by citizens� rights activists, lawyers, doctors, pilots and militaryofficers, cites specific examples of pilots who were adversely affected by the vaccine and had to be grounded as safety risks. The group also demands that the government medically flag all vaccinated pilots and have them tested for blood clotting and cardiachealth. If they fail the tests, they must be grounded, according to the letter. In a non-related incident on a Delta flight last week, 51-year old former Playboy model, Raiders cheerleader, and actress Patricia Cornwall, who was not wearing her maskover her mouth and nose attacked an 80-year-old man for not wearing a mask. Court documents indicate that Cornwall was blocked from her seat by a flight attendant serving beverages, and asked that Cornwall find an open seat until the aisle was cleared. Sheresponded, �What am I, Rosa Parks?� The document says the 80-year-old man �told Cornwall it was an inappropriate comment and that she �isn�t black�.this isn�t Alabama and this isn�t a bus.'� Caught on video, Cornwall began berating him for not being maskedup, got close to his face and spit on him, and hit him with her fist. She refused to mask up until the 80-year-old man put his mask up, as they dragged her away. The handling of this entire COVID pandemic is a mess. The government is so crazed that it has used fear mongering to whip people into a frenzy, even to the point of attackingthose they perceive are not compliant with the drummed-up safety requirements. And the government is so set on getting everybody to take its mandated serum that it is violating its own regulations and putting thousands of peoples� lives at risk. Not to mentionthe failed COVID treatment protocols of using remdesivir and ventilators that added to the death tolls. As Christ said of the end times in Matthew 24:10, �And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.� It may notbe the end of days, but the hate has already begun. So much for flying the friendly skies, or anything friendly for that matter. Say it with me�Stupidocrisy. Letter to FAA, DOJ, DOT calling for vaccinated pilot investigation --------------------------------- which is it�fear or peace? - Bill Wilson � The Centers for Disease Control and the juggernaut of COVID fear porn seem to be out of sync as one is saying that COVID hospitalizations and current sicknesses are lowerthan expected, while the other is painting an apocalyptic picture of death and illness. So which do you believe, and moreover, which is the truth? A huge part of the problem with the entire COVID contagion and the political weaponization of it has been aboutwhat people believe and what is the truth. There is a disconnect between the two because people are only believing what they want to believe and the truth is very difficult to discern between the false narratives, the erroneous reporting by government, andmisinformation by media and others. Reuters reported Tuesday, �The average number of daily COVID-19 cases in the United States has hit a record high of 258,312 over the past seven days, a Reuters tally onWednesday showed as U.S. officials weigh the impact of the more transmissible Omicron variant. The previous peak for the seven-day moving average was 250,141 recorded on Jan. 8 of this year. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director RochelleWalensky, in a round of television interviews, said she was watching the nation�s case load and its potential impact on health care providers� �We may have many, many more cases and so we may still very well see a lot of severe disease in the hospitals.� Walenskycontinued the narrative vaccines and booster shots were top tools to curb infections, even though they do not prevent infection or transmission. Meantime, the CDC drastically revised downward Omicron infections, saying that the proportion of cases for the week ending December 18 were 22.5%, not 73.2% as it erroneouslyreported. But that didn�t change the CDC narrative. A CDC spokesperson quoted by Reuters in a separate story on Tuesday said, �It�s important to note that we�re still seeing a steady increase in the proportion of Omicron.� Also, CDC reversed its COVID quarantinerequirements from 10 days to 5 days, saying the �science� has changed to indicate that people were most infectious two days before and three days after symptoms emerge. Walensky then told reporters that many Omicron cases were less severe and asymptomatic, �We want to make sure there is a mechanism by which we can safely continue to keep society functioning while following the science.� Science? In March 2019, the �science� said that people were most contagious two days before and three days after symptoms. That has not changed, but CDC is saying it has.By now, CDC reporting should be automatic, the errors are inexcusable. The reporting continues to be sensational while the facts appear that COVID is waning in strength and deadliness. Meantime, the Biden Administration continues to demand all Americans takethe government serum even though it doesn�t prevent infections or transmission. The confusing messages promote fear and uncertainty, sowing distrust in every person. 1 Corinthians 14:33 says, �For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace.� There isno peace in the government or media COVID narrative. Find peace and you will find truth. Let the Holy Spirit guide you. ------------------------------------- VISIT: PROPHECY WATCHER WEEKLY NEWS: HTTP://PROPHECY-WATCHER-WEEKLY-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

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