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Friday, November 25, 2022

AMERICA IN CRISIS: 11.26.22 - What Is Satan's Five-Part Plan to Destroy America?

What Is Satan's Five-Part Plan to Destroy America? - By NathanJones - Our nation is under attack! Jarring social changes and frightening geopolitical events pummel our sensibilities like waves endlessly breaking upon the shore. Life’s been gettinga whole lot crazier with each passing year. And now, an election season fraught with epic consequences is bearing down upon us all. What exactly is going on behind the scenes that’s causing so much confusion? Satan has a five-part plan to disrupt and destroy the United States of America and other Western societies. Allen Parr of Allen Parr Ministries and host of the hit YouTubechannel The BEAT joined me on Prophetic Perspectives to reveal Satan’s insidious plan. #1 – Breaking Down Families The breaking down of families isn’t something necessarily new, but currently, there are a whole lot of woke organizations out there that have been fighting for evil underthe banners of feminist rights and many other anti-family positions. Clearly, a war on the traditional nuclear family is being waged. As a result, divorce rates climb ever higher, even among Christians. We have more and more people giving up on their marriages.The Enemy knows that people are stronger together than apart, so Satan has made a concerted effort to tear apart the foundational structure of our society — the nuclear family. Jesus in Matthew 19:1-10 reiterates what was written in Malachi 2:16, “For the Lord God of Israel says that He hates divorce, for it covers one’s garment with violence.” Satanabsolutely hates the nuclear family because the family establishes the very foundation for a just and godly society. As the family goes, so society goes. The Enemy knows this truth, and so he creates conflict and discord within the home for the purpose of causing families to break up. Divorcecreates a significantly negative effect on children of broken homes, often causing young adults to prefer to just live together in sin or wait to get married much later in life, sometimes well past their child-rearing years. If Satan can split children off from a nurturing family structure, then they become far more vulnerable to temptation. That’s the number one tactic in Satan’s strategy todestroy the foundations of a nation. #2 – Abortion If you cannot break a family, then eliminate it before it ever begins. Americans have aborted 63 million babies since 1973 when the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legalizedabortion. China has aborted 300 million babies in that time! Even with the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the death toll due to abortion in the US and across the globe is both shocking and genocidal. God abhors abortion! Let’s call abortion what it truly is — murder. God in Exodus 20:13 commands, “you shalt not murder,” which is the Sixth Commandment. The Enemy has been trying to normalize murder through abortion. Same as the homosexual agenda, Satan has been working to minimize this sin as not being a big deal. He’ll cloakmurder under the auspices of a women’s right to choose or that an unborn baby isn’t really life yet, so abortion isn’t really murder. Satan works to place doubts in people’s minds to desensitize them to what is really happening, which when it comes to abortion,is most definitely murder in God’s eyes. #3 – Confusion Over Sexual Identity The third tactic Satan has been using to attack our nation, especially targeting the newest generation, is by causing great confusion over one’s gender and sexual identity.It seems like now, more than ever, our youth have become terribly confused about something as simple as their own gender. In interviews on college campuses, when students are asked how many genders there are, some amazingly respond with “infinite,” and some just make up numbers because they simplyhave no idea. Job applications are offering the choices of “Male,” “Female,” and “Other.” Gender is also being removed from birth certificates. The Enemy is doing a job on our youth by getting them confused over the biological identity to which they were born. And yet, the Bible declares there are only two genders. Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He createdthem.” This verse clearly does not say “male, female, fluid, and so on” It states that God created two genders and only two genders. Not only has confusion over gender and sexual identity been running rampant, but gargantuan efforts have been made to create sexual preference confusion as well. The LGBTQ+agenda is being pushed on almost every television program that is available to watch. It’s blatantly obvious that the Media is strenuously attempting to normalize the homosexual agenda with regular characters that are same-sex couples or by extolling characterswho are inclined to be same-sex attracted. “Family friendly” entertainment companies such as Disney and, shockingly, even some of our public school teachers work hard to normalize sexuality, even as young as the tender elementary ages. We are watching in horror as the Enemy weaves into the fabric of our country the normalization of extra-marital sexuality, which is something God has clearly defined as sin(Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1:24-27; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; 1 Tim. 1:9-10). In his insidious effort, Satan has particularly been targeting the minds of our newest generation to lead them into bondage to lust and confusion and so separate them from their Creator’s goodand perfect will. #4 – Emotional Disorders We are living in a time when many kids suffer from low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. Children are being prescribed massive amounts of medication to deal with theseemotional conditions. And yet, our Lord Jesus says in John 10:10, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may haveit more abundantly.” Our Creator cherishes each and every one of His creations made in His image, but Satan steals their identity away from them with Evolution and other Humanist philosophies. This tragically has resulted in a generation that sees life aspointless and concludes that its existence is meaningless. #5 – Division The last component of Satan’s five-part plan to destroy America involves tribalism. The Enemy attacks our nation by fomenting division. Americans are so divided right now!You cannot go on social media and have a discussion without endless arguing and strife. Social media has become one of the main tools in Satan’s insidious work toward sowing discord and division throughout our society. Three different ways Satan causes division: race, politics, and denominationalism. Obviously, there has been a whole lot of racial tension in our country, especially sincethe Floyd police incident and the subsequent riots of 2020. The Enemy has been using Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality to sow discord and divide people along ethnic lines. Politics, especially in an election year, are always divisive. Christians are called to vote for biblical values, which often puts them at odds with family and friends. Eachside of the political aisle acts as if their vote determines the eternal existence of the nation, and whose hype creates even greater discord and division. Denominations are also well known for arguing and fussing over various doctrines and other ecclesiastical subjects instead of keeping the focus on Jesus Christ and the primarydoctrines. Sadly, Christians don’t often get along very well with each other. It’s rather a sad blight on the Church. Christians should all be on the same team, and yet we’ve long been letting denominationalism break us apart. Christians don’t even realizethat denominationalism is being used as a tool of the Devil to create discord within the Church. These five key tactics are employed by Satan to wreak havoc for the purpose of eventually destroying our society. Now that we know what Satan’s five-part plan is, we can counterit. Christians remain called to continue to be “salt and light” in this fallen world. We stand for righteousness in an increasingly dark era. And, as we wait for the return of Jesus Christ, we continue to share the Gospel, all the way up until the King ofKings’ glorious return to conquer Satan and his minions of evil. ----------------------------- Will An Economic Pearl Harbor Destroy America? � Britt Gillette - On December 7, 1941, Japan caught America by surprise when it attacked the U.S. naval base in Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. Japan sought to destroy the U.S. Pacific Fleet.Fortunately, that attack didn't destroy the United States. But the future may not be so kind. Why? Because the U.S. is setting itself up for a modern day Pearl Harbor - one from which it will never recover. And it won't be the result of a military strike.It will be the result of an economic one. To understand what's coming (this attack is already underway), we need to understand our history. The Bretton Woods System In 1944, the Bretton Woods Agreement established the financial rules and monetary system governing western nations. The system required participating nations to guaranteeconvertibility of their currencies into U.S. dollars at a fixed rate with the dollar convertible to gold by foreign governments. This essentially put the world on a type of gold standard via the U.S. dollar. This system served the world well until the late-1960's, when it became clear the United States was printing dollars without the gold needed to back up those dollars. Out-of-controlgovernment spending via a host of new government social programs and the war in Vietnam threatened to deplete U.S. gold stockpiles. So on August 15, 1971, President Nixon "temporarily" closed the gold window (it's never been reopened) - terminating the convertibilityof dollars into gold. This made the dollar a fiat currency, meaning it wasn't backed by anything of value. To prevent runaway inflation, the United States brokered a deal with Saudi Arabia which effectively set up a new world monetary system. The Petro-Dollar System Following the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the United States found itself the target of an OPEC oil embargo as a result of the military aid it provided to Israel. Oil prices quadrupled.With the dollar no longer tied to gold, inflation soared as the U.S. continued to run annual budget deficits. Facing these headwinds, in 1974 the U.S. brokered a deal with Saudi Arabia to stabilize the dollar. The U.S. agreed to buy oil from Saudi Arabia anddefend the kingdom militarily, while also providing military aid and equipment. In return, Saudi Arabia (and the rest of OPEC) agreed to sell oil only in U.S. dollars and use those dollars to buy U.S. debt, effectively supporting both the dollar and U.S. deficitspending. For nearly five decades, the U.S.-Saudi relationship held up well. The United States successfully defended Saudi Arabia in Operation Desert Shield in 1990-1991, and SaudiArabia continued to sell oil in dollars. But in recent years, the U.S.-Saudi relationship has started to fray, and over the past 18 months, it's all but fallen apart. That means the days are numbered for what remains of the petro-dollar system. A Critical Turning Point: August 2021 Exactly fifty years to the day from when Nixon closed the gold window, the Taliban entered Kabul and the Afghan president fled the country. In hindsight, this event strucka fatal blow to the petro-dollar system. The petro-dollar is still alive, but it won't last much longer. Why? The U.S. abandoned its allies. It left Americans behind enemy lines and allowed those who assisted America to fall into the tortuous hands of the Taliban. In the face of sucha betrayal, is it any surprise Saudi Arabia might begin to question U.S. commitment to its security? The U.S. showed itself to be an unreliable partner. Russia was quick to capitalize. Unnoticed by many in the western media, Russia brokered its own securitydeal with Saudi Arabia, undermining the petro-dollar and threatening its future. The Russian Invasion of Ukraine Fast forward to February 2022. Russia invaded Ukraine. In response, the U.S. and its allies imposed sanctions on Russia, froze Russian assets, and kicked Russian banks outof the international financial messaging system, SWIFT. This served as a major wake-up call to the nations of the world. Just as America's abandonment of Afghanistan made every nation question America's commitment to its allies, U.S. actions against Russiamade the nations of the world realize what would happen if they ended up on America's "bad list." They now understand the risk of holding too many U.S. treasuries or of being too reliant on an international financial system dominated by the U.S. dollar. Theresult? These nations are now willing to explore (if not actively seek) an alternative to the dollar. BRICS In 2006, Brazil, Russia, India, and China (the BRIC nations) held the first BRIC Summit. The goal was to increase cooperation and explore opportunities for economic growthbetween these growing nations. In 2010, South Africa joined, and the coalition took on the moniker BRICS. Since then, BRICS has worked to create an alternative to the SWIFT payment system as well as a commodity-backed currency to challenge the U.S. dollar.As 2022 draws to a close, a host of additional nations have expressed interest in joining the BRICS coalition. Among them are some of the most important producers of oil and natural gas - Nigeria, Iran, Argentina, Algeria, Kazakhstan, and Indonesia. The latestnation to express interest? Saudi Arabia. The Coming Destruction of the U.S. Dollar If BRICS creates its own commodity-backed currency as an alternative to the U.S. dollar, and all the nations expressing interest join BRICS, it will destroy the dollar. Thosenations represent over 50% of the world's population and an even larger share of the world's commodity production. If oil starts trading in other currencies... If the dollar loses its reserve currency status... If international trade is conducted in fewerand fewer dollars - meaning demand for dollars drops while supply remains the same - then a flood of dollars will return to the United States. This will cause massive inflation, a collapse in confidence in the U.S. dollar, and major destruction throughoutthe American economy. Interest rates will skyrocket, and the four pillars of American wealth - stocks, bonds, dollars, and real estate - will collapse in real terms. The U.S. will no longer be the world's financial center. Its power will erode significantly. CBCDs Then what? Once the petro-dollar ends, and the dollar experiences massive inflation or even hyperinflation, a new monetary system will have to take its place. Will it be thenew BRICS currency or something else? We don't know for sure. But in all likelihood, it will be built on blockchain. Many believe if BRICS creates a new commodity-backed currency, that currency won't be convertible into the underlying commodity. Instead, thecommodities will be pledged and anchored to the new currency via blockchain technology. Meanwhile, central banks openly discuss their plans to replace today's national currencies with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Either way, a "great reset" iscoming to the global financial system, and digital currencies will take over. When they do, government will wield unprecedented power. With such power, not only will government be able to track everything you buy or sell, it will be able to kick you out ofthe economic system - just as the Bible says. What's Coming to the World When government-sponsored cryptocurrencies replace paper currencies, individual freedom and liberty will disappear. Governments will be able to "turn off" your cryptocurrencyor reprogram it to determine how you can use it. For instance, if your social credit score isn't high enough, they can reprogram the currency in your account to only work within five miles of your home or limit it to the purchase of specific "pre-approved"items. Ultimately, if you do something the government doesn't approve of, they'll be able to shut down your ability to buy and sell all together. The Canadian government already showed its willingness to do this when it cut off financial access to anyone whosupported the Canadian trucker protest. The Bible says this is precisely what will happen in the end times. The Antichrist will establish a global system of commerce. His system will play a part in every economictransaction on earth. It will be so dominant, no one will be able to buy or sell anything without the Antichrist's approval (Revelation 13:17). Does this sound like something far off in the future? It's not. It's fast approaching. We see the foundations ofthe Antichrist's economic system coming into place today. The U.S. dollar will soon lose its status as the world's reserve currency, and the world will be one step closer to the mark of the beast system. It's yet another sign we live in the season of the Lord�s return. We just experienced a global pandemic (Luke 21:11). A global famine is on the horizon (Matthew 24:7). Israelis back in the land (Jeremiah 23:7-8). The Jewish people are back in Jerusalem (Luke 21:24-28). And the Gospel is being preached throughout the world (Matthew 24:14). Make no mistake. The tribulation, the Antichrist, and global government are part of the world'simmediate future. But don't despair, this also means the return of Jesus is part of our immediate future (Revelation 22:20). And His is an everlasting kingdom (Daniel 2:44) with no more death or crying or pain (Revelation 21:4). So keep your eyes fixed onHim! ------------------------------------

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