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Friday, November 18, 2022

BIDEN WATCH: 11.19.22 - Reform or tyranny

Reform or tyranny - Bill Wilson – Politically, he must be the greatest president ever. Here is a guy who has run the country amuck with an energy crisis, inflation crisis, foreign policy crisis, crime crisis,border security crisis-you name it and it’s going wrong. Three-quarters of Americans exiting the polls said they were angry about the direction of the country. Yet, the Joe Biden-led Democratic Party defied history by losing the fewest mid-term elections inrecent memory. Former Democrat boss, Barack Obama faired far worse in his mid-terms. In fact, most every president in modern history lost more seats than Biden’s party, even when the country was headed in the right direction. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) told ABC’s “This Week,” “President Biden has been a great president for our country. He has accomplished so much.” Yes, he has. He has continuedthe trend of his party toward ruining everything the Constitution means, the way of life of our nation, the moral fabric of our country, the safety of our children from sexual predators, the labeling as terrorists of parents trying to protect their children,a commitment to kill babies in the womb, open borders, wealth redistribution. This country is becoming exactly what Pelosi, Biden and their party want—a remake of America, continuing the Obama mantra. Isn’t it interesting how all this happened among predictionsof a turnaround from the status quo? Yet, here we are a week after the election and it looks like there is little change. The tyrannical party in control is crowing about its victories. It is vindicated because the American people chose them. Well, if you look at the map on the House of Representativesthere are only small blotches of blue (democrat strongholds), the rest of the country voted republican. And those strongholds are like principalities. Dead people vote. People who probably don’t know they are registered to vote, vote. Mail in ballots are likethe cavalry in the old western movies, they come in at the very last second and tilt the battle. Unless there is true voter reform, the cities under Democratic Party control will ALWAYS control the nation’s balance of power. Reform must start with only qualifiedvoters on the rolls. That means the voter rolls must be purged of all the dead people and those who are ineligible to vote. Problem is, that’s what the Democrats organize to prevent. They claim it disenfranchises minorities. The voter rolls are the most protected and ferociously defended tool ofthe Democratic Party, particularly in the cities where the political machine is the strongest. Voter rolls are what make early voting, vote by mail, and last-minute bags of uncounted ballots showing up to save the day for Democrat candidates in trouble. Howmany times do we have to see this in action before something is done about it? Voting should be done on election day by paper ballot and no votes accepted after the polls closed–mail-in, absentee or otherwise. Simple? Yes. Harder to do. As is written in Isaiah59:14, “for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” Only those knowing the truth can insist, demand and institute this kind of reform otherwise tyranny prevails. ---------------------------- Schumer invites Republicans to join mainstream - Bill Wilson � Now that it looks like the Democrats are going to keep the Senate and the Republicans might bring the House of Representatives under their control, Democrat Senate MajorityLeader Charles Schumer (D-NY) is extending a bipartisan olive branch�to some. On Monday�s CNN �This Morning,� Schumer said that he was going to meet with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and try to build an alliance of like-minded senators, exclusiveof Make America Great Again (MAGA) Republicans. Schumer said, �I�m going to say to the Republicans in the Senate who are not the MAGA Republicans, stop letting them lead your party. Work with us to get things done.� Just what we need�more Marxism. Schumer went on to say, �The red wave proved to be a red mirage. And one, not the main reason but one of the main reasons for sure, was that average American folks, even thosein the middle, even those who tended to be Republican, said, �I�m afraid of this MAGA. They�re trying to ruin our democracy.� If you look at the numbers, if you look at the results of the House and Senate, the MAGA Republican way didn�t work. The MAGA Republicancandidate, across the board, lost. If you�re a good leader of a Republican Party, you say continuing to follow them is a path to disaster.� Not all MAGA Republicans lost across the board. And the extremists that are ruining the Constitutional Republic areDemocrats. We should ask ourselves: Is it so extreme to put America first? Is it so extreme to protect the life of the unborn? Is it so extreme to provide affordable energy while workingtoward renewable energy? Is it so extreme to secure the borders? Is it so extreme to say that parents have a say in their children�s education? Is it so extreme to expect your child to go to school to learn about math, science and history, and not be preyedupon and groomed by sexual predators? Is it so extreme for a coach to pray with his team after a football game? Is it so extreme to stand for equality under the law and be labeled a fascist, racist, misogynist, homophobe, Islamophobe or some other �phobe� or �ist�? Is it so extreme to oppose lockdowns of healthy people and shuttering of businesses? Is it so extreme to oppose censorship of dissenting opinions? The very things upon which Schumer wants to collude with non-MAGA Republicans are the morally-based threats to your freedom, your religious rights, your right to free speech,your pursuit of happiness, the nation�s very soul. Schumer wants Americans to conform to an immoral Marxist ideology. These beliefs will destroy the Constitutional Republic, but preserve the Democrats� version of �Democracy.� And some Republicans will go rightalong with them. I, for one, don�t appreciate being labeled an extremist or a threat to our national security because I disagree with Chuck Schumer�s brand of America. You don�t foster change through appeasement. 1 Corinthians 15:33 says, �Do not be deceived: �Evil company corrupts good morals.� The moral soul of our nation is at stake. Senate Republicans would do well to understand this. ------------------ The unholy election influence alliance � Bill Wilson � There is an unholy alliance of collusion between government, media and business. The underpinnings of the Constitutional Republic are threatened by this powerful alliance.Government has become so large that it must support socialistic and communistic efforts to self-perpetuate. Media has become infiltrated with socialists and Marxists who despise those who offer dissenting opinions. Big business, such as pharmaceuticals andtechnology companies, grow and prosper with big government contracts. Hence, when all three are working together to influence elections to install those who will ideologically or economically advance their agendas, the freedom of everyone is jeopardized. In an Epoch Times Opinion Editorial, Dr. Robert Epstein, Ph.D., outlines how just one sector is using psychological warfare on American voters to influence elections. Epstein,former editor-in-chief of Psychology Today, is a senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology. He has published 15 books and more than 300 articles on Artificial Intelligence and other topics. Epstein writes:What happened to the gigantic red wave that was supposed to crush the Democrats in the midterm elections? Every Republican in the country is blaming everyone else for this disaster, but almost no one is looking in the right place�and that�s exactly how theBig Tech companies like it.� Epstein says, �Based on my team�s research, Google, and to a lesser extent, Facebook and other tech monopolies, not only took steps to shift millions of votes to Democratsin the midterms, but they are using their influence to spread rumors and conspiracy theories to make sure people look everywhere for explanations�except at them� Over a period of months, Google nudged undecided voters toward voting blue by showing people politicallybiased content in their search engine, suppressing content they didn�t want people to see, recommending left-leaning videos on YouTube (which Google owns), allegedly sending tens of millions of emails to people�s spam boxes, and sending go-vote reminders ontheir home page to liberal and moderate voters.� Epstein says these manipulations have an enormous impact on undecided voters. In the newsfeed that appeared on cell phones, there were dozens of headlines each day that depicted conservatives and conservative candidates in negative ways. The news mediais unapologetic in rarely distinguishing its editorial commentary as part of its �impartial� news coverage. The government, as led by the current administration, makes outrageous claims that the news media repeats without challenge, or with ridicule of dissenters.This unholy alliance will only grow worse now that Donald Trump has announced his run for president. Conspiracy theories will be presented as truth from both the left and right. You must be able to discern for as is written in 2 Timothy 3:13, �But evil menand seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.� Your ability to discern deception by this unholy alliance is key to your liberty.

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